The document provides instructions for a music soundtrack project on Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra. Students must choose 20 songs that demonstrate their understanding of the play's characters, plot, and symbols. They must explain their song selections and how they relate to specific scenes on a CD cover and in a PowerPoint presentation. Students will be graded on their knowledge of the play, the quality of their song selections and explanations, and their oral presentation explaining three of the songs to the class.
2. What is expected from you!You will be graded on three different areas of the project.1. Demonstration of knowledge of Antony and Cleopatra.2. Your song selections and explanation of why you picked the songs for specific scenes.3. Your oral presentation to the class.
3. Demonstration of KnowledgeFirst thing is first. Before you even begin choosing the songs for your project you will need to have your base knowledge of Antony and Cleopatra.Think about character personalities.Think about symbolism within the play and symbols with the songs.Think about what is going on in the plot when you place a song.
5. Total the genres that are in your C.D.There is a large variety of music in the soundtrack, but Pop, Country, and Rock are the top three. Could you change the Techno, Metal, or Oldies to flow with the majority better? Or will you have a justification for only one of a style of song?
7. The PresentationFor your presentation you will turn in your song list of 20 songs, and your CD. You will choose 3 of your songs to discuss, and you should an include a Power Point with why you chose those 3 songs.You will be playing all three of the songs to the class, so make sure they are classroom appropriate.
8. How the Grade is Broken DownGrade40% The understanding of Antony and Cleopatra demonstrated.25% On the creation of the CD and a list of the songs and how they relate with Antony and Cleopatra.35% On the quality of your presentation and how well you explain your CD to the class orally.Late Grades: You will have 1 percentage point deducted overall for each day late. You have 10 class days to turn in your assignment late. After 10 class days the grade is a big 0%.