APGC is a soft ionization technique which produces lower levels of fragmentation compared to traditional EI. Working in dry conditions, APGC typically produces spectra with strong radical cation molecular ions that facilitates the direct comparison of historic, archival EI data from many different sources. The abundant nature of these ions makes it possible to generate specific and sensitive MRM transitions for petroleum biomarkers which provide information on the biological source of the oil, the environment in which the parent organic matter was deposited, and the thermal history of the buried organic matter. Knowledge of these properties is especially useful in upstream applications and is ultimately linked to the economic productivity from a particular geological location.
The universal ionization source offered on all Waters instrumentation facilitates the quick and simple coupling of APGC, UPLC or UPC2 on a single MS platform. Coupled with Xevo TQ-S, APGC enables low-level quantification of petroleum biomarkers that have proved challenging to analyze using GC-MS systems, allowing unambiguous confirmation of the deposition environment from which the oil originates.
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Source, age, maturity and alteration characteristics of oil reservoirs using APGC MS/MS
1. 1
Source, age, maturity and alteration
characteristics of oil reservoirs using
APGC/MS/MS analysis of oil biomarkers
Douglas M. Stevens1, Chang S. Hsu2, Keith Hall3, Gareth Harriman4,
Peter Hancock1
Waters Corporation,
Florida State University, Dept of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering,
Hall Analytical Laboratories Ltd,
GHGeochem Ltd
2. 2
Petroleum biomarkers background
Analytical approach
APGC MS and MS/MS data examples
Biomarkers of source
C30 steranes
Biomarkers of age
C26 nordiacholestanes
Biomarkers of maturity
3. 3
Petroleum biomarker analysis provides valuable
geological information and enables oil quality to be
assessed during exploration
Steranes and hopanes are among the common
biomarkers analyzed by GC/MS/MS
Vacuum source techniques like EI,
CI, and FI have been widely applied
in MS analysis of petroleum
More recently ESI, APCI and APPI
have been applied to the analysis of
heavy petroleum fractions
Petroleum Biomarkers
4. 4
Retain basic carbon skeleton of biological origins
Useful molecules for exploration/production in upstream
Provide geochemical information on source, age, maturity
and alteration
Used for oil-oil and oil-source rock correlation
Used for environmental forensics for source identification
Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research, Ch9, Biomarker
Analysis for Petroleum Exploration, C. S. Hsu (Ed.).
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: New York, 2003
Characteristics of Petroleum
5. 5
Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research, Ch9, Biomarker
Analysis for Petroleum Exploration, C. S. Hsu (Ed)
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: NY, 2003
Typical Biomarkers and
Their Origin
Ni, V
7. 7
APGC Charge Exchange Spectrum
Compared with EI Spectrum
Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation, Vol 7, Number 2: 75-86, June, 2012
APGC spectrum
EI spectrum
8. 8
APGC MS and MS/MS Spectra
APGC MS/MS product ion spectrum
APGC MS spectrum
9. 9
SR-1: Concurrent MRM and
Full Scan Data Acquisition
Concurrently acquired
full scan data
Biomarker MRM trace
SFE extract
10. 10
Oil-Oil and oil-source correlation studies are an important
part of unravelling the sourcing of oils and their geohistory
(maturation, migration) within a petroliferous basin
Quadrupole EI SIR GC-MS is traditional method of detection,
however, co-elution of hydrocarbon species means MS/MS is
often required to answer specific geochemical questions
C30 steranes ubiquitous in marine sourced oils are absent
from non-marine oils. Their low abundance and the fact that
they co-elute with 4-methyl steranes mean that they can only
be detected and accurately quantified with MS/MS
11. 11
EI GC/MS/MS of a
Marine Oil
C30 Steranes
C29 Steranes
C28 Steranes
C27 Steranes
Marine *
12. 12
EI GC/MS/MS of a
Terrigenous Oil
C30 Steranes
C29 Steranes
C28 Steranes
C27 Steranes
No biomarkers
15. 15
C28 steranes evolve and diversify through geological time.
Consequently, C28/C29 sterane ratio can be used to define the
age of an oil or source rock extract
Similarly, C26 nordiacholestanes present in oils along with co-
eluting C27 diasteranes are related to the appearance and
proliferation of diatoms and can be used to age date oils
EI SIR GC-MS C28/C29 sterane ratios can result in inaccuracies
whereas MS/MS provides accurate quantitation
C26 steranes are almost impossible to identify in EI SIR GCMS
but are readily detected and quantified by MS/MS
16. 16
Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research, Ch9,
Biomarker Analysis for Petroleum Exploration, C. S. Hsu (Ed)
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: NY, 2003
C28/C29 Sterane Ratio as Age
Indicator for Marine Source Rock
18. 18
Relatively abundant C27-C29 steranes provides information on
source and maturity
Ratios of methylphenanthrenes measured in GC/MS data can
be used to gauge maturity as well
Biomarkers Maturity
Methylphenanthrene Ratios
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 61 (2008) 99107
19. 19
Nigerian Crude
m/z 178 Phenanthrene
m/z 192 Methylphenanthrenes
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 61 (2008) 99107
21. 21
Nigerian Crude
Full scan data
MRM data
22. 22
Source Rock Extract
Full scan data
MRM data
23. 23
APGC charge exchange ionization generates the same m/z for
MS/MS analysis as used with EI GC/MS/MS but with higher
response for the molecular ion
Facilitates comparison of historic, archival EI GC/MS/MS data from
many sources to the data generated by this new technique
Concurrent acquisition of MS and MS/MS data allows the
investigation of abundant and trace level biomarkers
SFE shows promise as an extraction technique for preparation
of rock oil biomarkers