This document discusses sourdough bread baking and social baking from a hacker's perspective. It explains that hacking is about lateral thinking, improving and sharing pre-existing objects and techniques. The author considers baking bread a perfect activity for hackers, as it involves learning, making, improving and sharing. The document provides instructions for making sourdough bread from scratch by catching wild yeast, maintaining a starter, and baking various breads. It encourages sharing sourdough starters and bread with others.
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Sourdough: Hacking Bread and Social Baking (for non hackers)
1. Sourdough
Bread Hacking and Social Baking
(for non hackers)
Guilherme Z端hlke OConnor
this presentation:
9. Ultimately, Hacking is about lateral thinking.
it is about adding insight to pre existing objects and
techniques and make them better and more useful, or
make them more speci鍖c and relevant for a certain
10. Ultimately, Hacking is about lateral thinking.
it is about adding insight to pre existing objects and
techniques and make them better and more useful, or
make them more speci鍖c and relevant for a certain
It is also about having fun along the way.
11. Hack on the web
Twitter + API = Twitterbots
BOSS + Language = Customised Search
Microformats = Semantic Value to Data
18. Baking bread is simple
Dont let any smart baker tell you otherwise!
19. Ingredients
1Kg of 鍖our
600ml of water
20g of salt
20g of fresh yeast (or 10g of dry yeast)
20. The Process
Make leaven with the part of the water, the
yeast and part of the 鍖our
Add the salt and the remaining 鍖our and
water to make bread
21. The Leaven
Use 100ml of water
All the yeast
100g of 鍖our
Mix well and let it rest for 10~15 min
22. The principle
The yeast needs water and food
It multiplies and breathes
The outcome is CO2...
... and more yeast.
23. The Bread
To make the bread, youll add the remaining
water, 鍖our and the salt to the leaven
Knead the dough for several minutes
Leave to rise until it doubles in size
24. And do it again...
The more you knead,
the more elastic it will
The more elastic, the
greater the ability to
retain CO2 bubbles.
Experiment and 鍖nd
your way
Learn the ways of The
27. Tweak your bread!
Add sesame seeds, sun鍖ower seeds, any seed...
Add cheese to the dough, 鍖ll it with cheese, cover it
with cheese
28. Tweak your bread!
Add sesame seeds, sun鍖ower seeds, any seed...
Add cheese to the dough, 鍖ll it with cheese, cover it
with cheese
Make it 鍖at, call it a pizza
29. Tweak your bread!
Add sesame seeds, sun鍖ower seeds, any seed...
Add cheese to the dough, 鍖ll it with cheese, cover it
with cheese
Make it 鍖at, call it a pizza
Use different types of 鍖our
32. Hack Your Bread!
Add ingredients (oils, sugar, spices, eggs, milk)
Change proportions (make it thicker, or lighter)
33. Hack Your Bread!
Add ingredients (oils, sugar, spices, eggs, milk)
Change proportions (make it thicker, or lighter)
Flour, water, salt and yeast: Merely a white canvas!
34. Bake
Time and temperature
depend on the size and
shape of your breads
As a reference, use a
pre-heated 180尊C
(356尊F) oven for some
40 minutes for a 500g
41. Now really, where does
yeast comes from?
Lets Catch a Wild yeast!
(much more fun than writing an answer)
42. Starter
Mix 100g of 鍖our (1/3
wholemeal and 2/3
white) and 100ml of
Cover it to avoid dust,
but allow it to be in
contact with the air
Leave it for two or three
50. Now you have 600g of
How much leaven will you have at the end of 10 days?
51. Now you have 600g of
How much leaven will you have at the end of 10 days?
A lot!
52. Proper Leaven
For 300g of leaven
300g of 鍖our (same proportions)
150ml~200ml of water
Youll end up with some 800g
53. Share your leaven
Give part of it to friends.
Encourage them to make
their own sourdough
Just make sure you have
about 300g for the last
56. Bake
Save 300g of leaven and
use 500g
Add 500g of 鍖our
Add 300ml~350ml of
15g of salt
Make bread with that!
57. Refresh the leaven
Refresh the 300g of leaven
Add 300g of 鍖our
And 150ml~200ml of water
58. Repeat
Every 3 days or so you must refresh your
leaven and this is a good opportunity to
make bread
If thats too often, why not alternate the
task with some friends
Dont forget you can make a lot of bread at
once and share, so can your friends
59. Summary
Youve built your own leaven from scratch
Youve are distributing it
You are creating all sorts of different breads
upon the base you have
People are modifying and improving your
60. Maintenance
Baking bread every few days seems
exhaustive? Stop it!
If you want to restart, ask a friend to give
you some of the leaven they still have.
61. Coeliacs
Basic sourdough is not good for coeliacs
due to the presence of gluten.
Alternative recipes with gluten-free 鍖ours
exists, but Ive never tried them.