Here is the presentation delivered to the faculty and staff of the South Orangetown Central School District. Dr. Robert Pritchard (Superintendent) discusses the achievements and challenges that were experienced in the past year and sets the stage for triumph in the year ahead. The superintendent also introduced keynote speaker, Mr. Michael Hingson (and his guide dog) who inspired the staff through his presentation on teamwork, resiliency, and future plans.
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South Orangetown Central School District - Welcome Back Staff!
2. Agenda
Staff Recognition
Vision: The Look Ahead 2016 2017
Mission Focus
Strategic Planning
Keynote Speaker: Mr. Michael Hingson,
Author of Thunder Dog
We had many accomplishments in 2015
2016 and we have much to celebrate:
Staff and District Acheivements
≒to name a few.
A special thanks to those who went above and
Summer WorkCurriculum, IDE, and PD
Extended Leadership
Instructional Support Staff
Interview Committees
New Staff Filling Big Shoes
5. THE LOOK AHEAD 2016 2017
Our Mission is Shaped by the INSTRUCTIONAL CORE:
6. THE LOOK AHEAD 2016 2017
Strategic Planning: Vision for SOCSD 2021
Promote Academic Success
Develop Human Resources and Professional
Improve Communication and Foster Community
Develop Management Systems that Emphasize
Quality Control and Continuous Improvement
Ensure the Health and Safety of our School
7. Accelerate Academic Achievement: Provide for all students
by ensuring equitable access to rigorous K-12 curriculum, aligned
instructional materials and assessments.
8. Developing Human Capital and Professional Capacity:
Recruit, support and retain high quality teachers and leaders.
9. Improve Communication and Deepen Community
Engagement: Build effective communications through
meaningful family and community engagement.
SCoPE Survey thank you!!!
Website Upgrades at (going live on Sept 1st)
Teacher Websites, Curriculum Maps Online, e-blasts
Other media (video, print, SchoolMessenger)
10. Create Quality Performance Management Systems:
Develop and align instructional support infrastructure, leveraging
technology, operations and business services to build a culture of
alignment and continuous improvement.
Budgeting Refine the multi-year budgeting model and enhance
processes and practices in all business environments to increase
efficiency, transparency and performance.
Accountability Develop an accountability model for improved
Facilities Ensure that facilities upgrades are managed in a
manner consistent with the Instructional Core.
11. Ensure Safety and Wellness: Strengthen the foundation of a
District culture based on high expectations for respect and good
citizenship where all feel safe. TOGETHER WE CAN
12. Keynote Speaker: Mr. Michael Hingson,
Author of Thunder Dog
Trust & Teamwork
Adapting in Challenging Times
Strategies for the Future