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1982-2009 27 years on the professional stage lux aeterna theatre
The Theatre of  New  Sensations
The Art of Artistic Light and  Artistic Sound
Artistic Sound and Artistic Light  make up an ideal material for the creation  of an  integral work of art Unique Artistic Product
Creating Art of the Future WEIGHTLESSNESS: life on Earth in a space  void  of gravitation. There is no perceiving lux aeterna   Light Theatre mentally.  Things taking place here  should be  experienced.
The Art of a Space Epoch I know it when  I claim  that the first spacecraft was invented in 1909.  Up to now  it is still the most perfect means  ever known  to the humanity designed for a space travel.  It is known under the name The Black Square of Kazimir Malevich. Daniel A. Freedman Artistic director of the lux aeterna Light Theatre  August 20, 2002, starting up a  permanent  stage of the Theatre at Kyiv Planetarium
Delight of Dizziness giving a spectator that  very new  feeling - a state of weightlessness
" OUT- OF -GRAVITATION " Night Performances  under the  24  m Dome of Planetarium Last  7  Years at St. Petersburg, Kyiv & Budapest Planetariums
St. Petersburg Planetarium 2006-09 Gravitation : Zero Laser & Sound  Cosmic  Journey
Kyiv Planetarium 2002-07 Exhilaration of Milky Ways Light & Music  Spect acular
Kyiv Planetarium 2003 - 07 February 14  Valentines  Day Night of the Longest Kiss:  Star  Magic  Finally, He and She have united To tear off afterwards. To tear off from the whole world. To scatter into a new Universe!
Flights to Ecstasy Light Sound  Aroma  Performance Budape st   Planetariu m 200 4
1976-2009  Laser Painting Exhibitions 30 years of experiments  unique canvases Our Brush is the Laser! We Have Learned to  Draw  With It!
Taras Vorotnyak  Alexander Kasian  Eugen Halaf Magicians of the Sound and Colour The  Light  Orchestra Daniel Freedman director and ideologist of rocketless launch of audience  to outer space
Lightening  all  the World
Sincerely, lux aeterna theatre

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Out-of-Gravitation Art

  • 1. 1982-2009 27 years on the professional stage lux aeterna theatre
  • 2. The Theatre of New Sensations
  • 3. The Art of Artistic Light and Artistic Sound
  • 4. Artistic Sound and Artistic Light make up an ideal material for the creation of an integral work of art Unique Artistic Product
  • 5. Creating Art of the Future WEIGHTLESSNESS: life on Earth in a space void of gravitation. There is no perceiving lux aeterna Light Theatre mentally. Things taking place here should be experienced.
  • 6. The Art of a Space Epoch I know it when I claim that the first spacecraft was invented in 1909. Up to now it is still the most perfect means ever known to the humanity designed for a space travel. It is known under the name The Black Square of Kazimir Malevich. Daniel A. Freedman Artistic director of the lux aeterna Light Theatre August 20, 2002, starting up a permanent stage of the Theatre at Kyiv Planetarium
  • 7. Delight of Dizziness giving a spectator that very new feeling - a state of weightlessness
  • 8. " OUT- OF -GRAVITATION " Night Performances under the 24 m Dome of Planetarium Last 7 Years at St. Petersburg, Kyiv & Budapest Planetariums
  • 9. St. Petersburg Planetarium 2006-09 Gravitation : Zero Laser & Sound Cosmic Journey
  • 10. Kyiv Planetarium 2002-07 Exhilaration of Milky Ways Light & Music Spect acular
  • 11. Kyiv Planetarium 2003 - 07 February 14 Valentines Day Night of the Longest Kiss: Star Magic Finally, He and She have united To tear off afterwards. To tear off from the whole world. To scatter into a new Universe!
  • 12. Flights to Ecstasy Light Sound Aroma Performance Budape st Planetariu m 200 4
  • 13. 1976-2009 Laser Painting Exhibitions 30 years of experiments unique canvases Our Brush is the Laser! We Have Learned to Draw With It!
  • 14. Taras Vorotnyak Alexander Kasian Eugen Halaf Magicians of the Sound and Colour The Light Orchestra Daniel Freedman director and ideologist of rocketless launch of audience to outer space
  • 15. Lightening all the World