This document discusses the differences between traditional and digital strategies. Some key points made include:
- Digital strategies are based on data that can be measured and used to drive customers. This allows for testing and learning.
- The digital landscape involves many touchpoints and ecosystems beyond just the brand's direct messaging.
- Strategists will need to think differently in this environment, embracing concepts like real-time feedback, conversation, and perpetual testing and learning.
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Same, same but different - What is strategy in Digital?
1. Same same. But different.Thedayplanningbecame digital1Powerpoint Vorlage 201007.12.2009
7. SpaceInvaders was nota perfectvisualexperience.Butitlived and reacted.That was new andmadetheinvasionsucceed.7Powerpoint Vorlage 201007.12.2009
8. Powerpoint Vorlage 2010TheSpace Invasion in Advertisingcomesfrom Digital. Itlives and reacts real time. And that‘s a completelynewchallengeforstrategists. Butlet‘sstep back and askourselvesIsthere a genuine digital strategy?Ifyes, why and howisit different?Can I learnit?OurkeyquestionsfortodayDigital Strategy07.12.20098
9. Assumption:Thereis a genuine digital strategy.Itisbased on whatweknow.Butitexpandsouroptionsrigorously.Same, same. But different.9Powerpoint Vorlage 201007.12.2009
12. ?The best possiblesolutions come onlyfrom a combination of rational analysisbased on the nature of things, and ima-ginativereintegration of all the differentitemsinto a newpattern, usingnon-linearbrain power.“Powerpoint Vorlage 201007.12.200912KenichiOhmae, Themind of theStrategist
17. ?Wenn du die Pipe per API über OAuth triggerst, hast du ruckzuck den Streamaggregiert, den du dann enstpannt für die Wall parsen kannst.“17Powerpoint Vorlage 201007.12.2009
18. ?Simpel. Einfach nur die Action triggern und danach natürlich das Event dispatchen.“18Powerpoint Vorlage 201007.12.2009
27. Digital isitsownworld,built on many different touchpoints.Itconsists of data.Data thatcanbemeasured and usedto drivethecustomerwherewewanthim.But, oh...thereisonemorething.27Powerpoint Vorlage 201007.12.2009
37. Powerpoint Vorlage 2010Communication in the 2.0EcosystemBrand relevant communicationwhichisnotdirectlyinfluencedbythe brand – with different types of P2P communication.Passive brand assets07.12.200937
48. Powerpoint Vorlage 2010Strategy will stay an essential discipline in a digital world. Research, analysis and sophisticatedplanningforwhateverhappens, morethanever will seperatethe good fromtheuglyagencies.A traditional understanding of planningSeriousness, skills, loveWhatplannersshould carry on withSame07.12.200948
50. Powerpoint Vorlage 2010Strategyisnot an areawithrestrictedaccessforplanners. Many different disciplinesdemand a strategicrole. Plus, theusercomesintothebrand‘sreality. Brands cannotsimply stick to communicatingwhattheyrepresent. Theyhave to prove a use – in real time withcustomerfeedback.Live digitalBe fastThinkconversationAcceptperpetualbetaWhatplannersshouldrethinkDifferent07.12.200950
55. Powerpoint Vorlage 2010Wir alle sind heute irgendwie hierher gekommen.Denkt bitte mal an eure Reise hierher zurück. Egal, ob ihr aus Düsseldorf oder aus Berlin angereist seid:Was waren die tollen Interaktionen/Elemente dieser Reise?