This document provides a guide to Spanish pronunciation for English speakers. It includes:
1) Vowel sounds in Spanish and examples of words containing each vowel.
2) Common diphthongs in Spanish and English examples.
3) Consonant sounds in Spanish with examples, including differences from English pronunciation.
4) Notes on pronunciation of specific consonants like B, V, C, CH, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, LL, M, N, Ñ, P, Q, R, RR, S, T, W, X, and Z.
The document provides guidance on pronouncing Spanish vowels and consonants. It lists the vowels a, e, i, o, u and their pronunciations in words. It also lists common Spanish diphthongs like ai, ay, ei, ey, oi, and oy and their pronunciations. For consonants, it provides the pronunciations of letters like b, c, ch, d, f, g, h, j, ll, m, n, ñ, p, qu, r, rr, s, t, w, x, z. It notes special pronunciations of some consonants depending on surrounding letters. It concludes with common Spanish semi-consonants like i
The document is a menu for a delivery service called Kakhwi:io that offers home-cooked meals delivered to workplaces from Monday to Wednesday. The menu lists the meals and prices available for each day from October 3rd to the 30th. Meals include options like shepherd's pie, chicken fajitas, shrimp alfredo, and meatball soup. Each meal costs $10 and aims to provide hearty, homemade options to satisfy workers' appetites. The business hopes to serve customers meals that have been in the family for many years.
The document discusses the simple past tense in English. It provides examples of using regular and irregular verbs in the past tense through questions about actions that were done or not done yesterday. It lists common regular verbs formed by adding "-ed" and irregular verbs that change completely in the past tense, like "eat/ate" and "go/went".
The document provides vocabulary words and phrases in Chinese related to communication, hospitality, and food. Some key areas covered include:
- Common phrases for communication such as asking someone to repeat themselves or asking how to spell a name.
- Hospitality industry related terms like reservation, confirmation, and job titles at a hotel.
- Names of countries and nationalities.
- Food vocabulary including types of cuisine and dishes.
- Sample dialogues for checking into a hotel and taking food orders at a restaurant.
The document discusses potential filming locations for shots needed in a trailer, including a shed for dark wood paneled shots, an aunt's steel spiral staircase in Brixton for other shots, and the aunt's house which has an open plan kitchen/living area layout suitable for additional shots. Filming at the aunt's house and on the document author's own street is preferred for ease of filming without multiple locations.
This document advertises an English summer camp for kids in Thailand from July 22nd to August 2nd, 2553 (2010). The camp will be held daily from 9am to 12pm for kids ages 7 to 12. Each day will include activities focused on learning English through songs, stories, films, games, rhymes, and drawing from picture books. Parents can register their children by email.
The document provides information about the Spanish alphabet by listing each letter from A to Z. For each letter, it provides the name of the letter in Spanish, an example word that begins with the letter, and how to pronounce the letter. The summary focuses on giving a sense of the type of information covered for each letter.
The document provides a guide to pronouncing vowels and consonants in Spanish. It lists each vowel and consonant found in Spanish, and provides examples of English and Spanish words containing each sound. It also covers common diphthongs, semi-consonants, and differences in pronunciation compared to English like the trilled 'r' sound in Spanish. The guide is intended to help students learn proper Spanish pronunciation.
This document provides examples of how to pronounce the Spanish letters "p" and "t". It notes that the "p" sound is softer than the English "p" without an explosion of breath. Similarly, the "t" sound is softer than the English "t" with the tongue touching the teeth but no explosion of breath. It then provides syllable and word examples to listen to and practice the "p" and "t" sounds, followed by short practice sentences combining words with those letters.
This document provides information on pronouncing certain Spanish sounds:
- The j sound is similar to the h in English words like "hat"
- The c sound before a, o, or u is pronounced like the k in words like "cat"
- The c sound before e or i is pronounced like the s in words like "celery"
It then provides examples of words and syllables containing the j and c sounds to practice pronunciation.
This document provides guidance on Spanish pronunciation of letters and letter combinations. It includes English examples of words containing the letters or combinations, and their Spanish pronunciation equivalents. The document is organized alphabetically and covers individual letters from A to Z, as well as common letter combinations in Spanish.
This document provides a guide to Spanish pronunciation of vowels, diphthongs, and consonants. It lists English examples and their Spanish equivalents for each vowel sound, as well as common diphthongs and rules for pronouncing different consonants like b, c, ch, d, and others in Spanish. The guide is intended to help English speakers learn how to properly pronounce words in Spanish.
This document provides a guide to Spanish pronunciation by listing examples of English and Spanish words to demonstrate pronunciation of different letters and letter combinations in Spanish. It covers pronunciation of individual letters from A to Z as well as common letter combinations. The purpose is to illustrate similarities and differences between English and Spanish pronunciation through examples.
Pronunciation Tips for Beginning Spanish - adapted by Sra. Johnsonrjohnsonscihigh
This document provides an overview of the pronunciation rules for various letters in the Spanish alphabet. It discusses the sounds for H, C, Q, B/V, R, LL/Y, Z, and Ñ. For each letter, it gives examples of words that demonstrate the pronunciation rule and provides a short practice list of words to help the reader practice the rule. The overall purpose is to teach Spanish pronunciation through explaining the phonetic rules for individual letters.
The document provides an overview of key French pronunciation rules and spelling patterns. It discusses vowels, tricky consonants like c and g, nasal sounds, and regular spelling patterns like ou and au/eau. It also covers graphemes that can represent multiple sounds, like ail/eil, silent letters, and rules of elision and liaison when words are joined. The goal is to give learners a general reference for French phonics and orthography.
The document provides a guide to pronouncing vowels and consonants in Spanish. It lists each vowel and consonant found in Spanish, and provides examples of English and Spanish words containing each sound. It also covers common diphthongs, semi-consonants, and differences in pronunciation compared to English like the trilled 'r' sound in Spanish. The guide is intended to help students learn proper Spanish pronunciation.
This document provides examples of how to pronounce the Spanish letters "p" and "t". It notes that the "p" sound is softer than the English "p" without an explosion of breath. Similarly, the "t" sound is softer than the English "t" with the tongue touching the teeth but no explosion of breath. It then provides syllable and word examples to listen to and practice the "p" and "t" sounds, followed by short practice sentences combining words with those letters.
This document provides information on pronouncing certain Spanish sounds:
- The j sound is similar to the h in English words like "hat"
- The c sound before a, o, or u is pronounced like the k in words like "cat"
- The c sound before e or i is pronounced like the s in words like "celery"
It then provides examples of words and syllables containing the j and c sounds to practice pronunciation.
This document provides guidance on Spanish pronunciation of letters and letter combinations. It includes English examples of words containing the letters or combinations, and their Spanish pronunciation equivalents. The document is organized alphabetically and covers individual letters from A to Z, as well as common letter combinations in Spanish.
This document provides a guide to Spanish pronunciation of vowels, diphthongs, and consonants. It lists English examples and their Spanish equivalents for each vowel sound, as well as common diphthongs and rules for pronouncing different consonants like b, c, ch, d, and others in Spanish. The guide is intended to help English speakers learn how to properly pronounce words in Spanish.
This document provides a guide to Spanish pronunciation by listing examples of English and Spanish words to demonstrate pronunciation of different letters and letter combinations in Spanish. It covers pronunciation of individual letters from A to Z as well as common letter combinations. The purpose is to illustrate similarities and differences between English and Spanish pronunciation through examples.
Pronunciation Tips for Beginning Spanish - adapted by Sra. Johnsonrjohnsonscihigh
This document provides an overview of the pronunciation rules for various letters in the Spanish alphabet. It discusses the sounds for H, C, Q, B/V, R, LL/Y, Z, and Ñ. For each letter, it gives examples of words that demonstrate the pronunciation rule and provides a short practice list of words to help the reader practice the rule. The overall purpose is to teach Spanish pronunciation through explaining the phonetic rules for individual letters.
The document provides an overview of key French pronunciation rules and spelling patterns. It discusses vowels, tricky consonants like c and g, nasal sounds, and regular spelling patterns like ou and au/eau. It also covers graphemes that can represent multiple sounds, like ail/eil, silent letters, and rules of elision and liaison when words are joined. The goal is to give learners a general reference for French phonics and orthography.
2. ejemplos en ejemplos en
ingles español
A mama, yacht cama, masa, Ana
E ten, desk tele, mete, nene
I trio, chic, elite si, mitÃn, di
O obey solo, moto, oso
U lunar uso, una, puro
Y many, penny y
3. Diptongos Comunes
English Spanish
ai, ay ice bailáis, iay
ei, ey vein veinte, ley, rey
oi, oy oil, joy oigo, soy, doy
au cow, how auto, aula, ausente
4. Consonantes
B and V bat bamba, vamos
C before a,o,u cat casa, cona, cuna
C before e, i cent, city celos, cinco, cesto 5
Ch check chico, ocho, lucha 8
d do, though donde, aldea, anda
f fame fama, fe, foto
g before a,o,u gas, go, gun gala, goma, gustar
g before e,i gas, go, gun gesto, Gil, gime n/a
h hot, hour, honest hasta, hora, hola ¡Hi!
j before all vowels hot jota, jefe, ojo
k kit kiosko
l million lento, ala, ola
ll million, yes llama, ella, olla she
m similar in english mi, mas n/a
n similar in english no, nota n/a
ñ union, onion uña, año, niño
5. Consonantes (continued)
p similar to english pan, peso, sopa
qu clique que, quien who?
r thrree aroma, era, ira
rr & R doubled trilled r arroz, Rosa
s similar to english sin, son, esa that?
t similar to english tu, te, ti, tos n/a
not used in words of
w spanish origin
s sound in most of
x spanish america excepto, extra mas por favor?
z thin zona, zeta, zapato