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        Por: Ariana Atilano
ejemplos en ejemplos en
           ingles     español
 A         mama, yacht         cama, masa, Ana

 E         ten, desk           tele, mete, nene

 I         trio, chic, elite   si, mitín, di

 O         obey                solo, moto, oso

 U         lunar               uso, una, puro

 Y         many, penny         y
Diptongos Comunes
           English    Spanish

ai, ay     ice        bailáis, iay

ei, ey     vein       veinte, ley, rey

oi, oy     oil, joy   oigo, soy, doy

au         cow, how   auto, aula, ausente
    B and V                 bat            bamba, vamos
C before a,o,u              cat           casa, cona, cuna
 C before e, i          cent, city       celos, cinco, cesto    5
       Ch                 check          chico, ocho, lucha     8
         d             do, though        donde, aldea, anda
         f                 fame             fama, fe, foto
g before a,o,u         gas, go, gun      gala, goma, gustar
  g before e,i         gas, go, gun       gesto, Gil, gime      n/a
         h          hot, hour, honest     hasta, hora, hola    ¡Hi!
j before all vowels         hot             jota, jefe, ojo
         k                  kit                 kiosko
          l               million           lento, ala, ola
         ll            million, yes        llama, ella, olla   she
        m           similar in english         mi, mas         n/a
         n          similar in english         no, nota        n/a
         ñ            union, onion         uña, año, niño
Consonantes (continued)

  p      similar to english pan, peso, sopa

 qu            clique             que, quien             who?

  r            thrree           aroma, era, ira

rr & R   doubled trilled r       arroz, Rosa

  s      similar to english      sin, son, esa           that?

  t      similar to english      tu, te, ti, tos          n/a
         not used in words of
  w         spanish origin
          s sound in most of
  x         spanish america     excepto, extra       mas por favor?

  z             thin            zona, zeta, zapato

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Spanish 2 pronunciations

  • 1. GUIA DE PRONUNCIACIÓN Por: Ariana Atilano
  • 2. ejemplos en ejemplos en Vocales ingles español A mama, yacht cama, masa, Ana E ten, desk tele, mete, nene I trio, chic, elite si, mitín, di O obey solo, moto, oso U lunar uso, una, puro Y many, penny y (alone)
  • 3. Diptongos Comunes English Spanish ai, ay ice bailáis, iay ei, ey vein veinte, ley, rey oi, oy oil, joy oigo, soy, doy au cow, how auto, aula, ausente
  • 4. Consonantes B and V bat bamba, vamos C before a,o,u cat casa, cona, cuna C before e, i cent, city celos, cinco, cesto 5 Ch check chico, ocho, lucha 8 d do, though donde, aldea, anda f fame fama, fe, foto g before a,o,u gas, go, gun gala, goma, gustar g before e,i gas, go, gun gesto, Gil, gime n/a h hot, hour, honest hasta, hora, hola ¡Hi! j before all vowels hot jota, jefe, ojo k kit kiosko l million lento, ala, ola ll million, yes llama, ella, olla she m similar in english mi, mas n/a n similar in english no, nota n/a ñ union, onion uña, año, niño
  • 5. Consonantes (continued) p similar to english pan, peso, sopa qu clique que, quien who? r thrree aroma, era, ira rr & R doubled trilled r arroz, Rosa s similar to english sin, son, esa that? t similar to english tu, te, ti, tos n/a not used in words of w spanish origin s sound in most of x spanish america excepto, extra mas por favor? z thin zona, zeta, zapato

Editor's Notes