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           october 2012
           spanish Retail
           investment market

            The polarisation of the market continues: despite the economic situation, prime
            and well-establised centres continue to perform well, whilst secondary schemes
            and cities are su?ering.

            International retailers continue to demand space in prime shopping centres.

            The retail investment market remains static. There have been no high pro?le deals
            completed so far this year.

            Debt transactions are increasingly the focus of investors. Future investment sales
            over the short term are likely to be in the hands of the banks.

            Experienced investors continue to seek opportunities in Spain¡¯s prime cities,
            testimony to the belief that despite the economic climate, Spain o?ers the correct
            fundamentals for retail investment. Those with a site-speci?c strategy, rather than
            a country approach, will identify assets that meet their criteria through micro
october 2012
spanish retail
investment market report

Economic                                              Economic Indicators                      2010                         2011                       2012 (*)

Outlook                                              GDP Growth                                   -0.1                       0.4                         -1.7

The challenging macroeconomic situation in           Unemployment rate                            20.1                      21.6                        24.5
Spain needs little introduction having been
the focus of many economic and political             Consumer Price Index                          1.8                       3.2                          2.5
debates in recent times.
                                                     Government Bond 10 yr                        4.25                      5.43                        5.64
The Spanish economy, characterised by a loss
of competitiveness, high levels of                   Source: Savings Bank Foundation                                               (*) Annual average forecasts
unemployment and falling consumption
rates, continues to contract. There are a
variety of GDP forecasts available but the
general consensus is that economy will            when the real opportunities begin to                   expansion of international brands. However,
contract by around -1.7% in 2012, as a result     reappear. It is di?cult to imagine how a               a number of international retailers continue
of further upcoming ?scal reforms and             country with a population of almost 50                 to seek to increase their coverage in prime
continued low economic activity.                  million people, having experienced nearly 15           shopping centres in Spain and believe that
                                                  years of above average GDP growth before               Spain offers the correct fundamentals for
Unemployment in Spain now stands at
                                                  the slowdown in 2007, will be not be able to           retail business.
approximately 24.7%. However, this is spread
unevenly across the country, with the rate in     turn itself around and ?nd the road to
                                                                                                         Primark remains particularly active as does
Madrid being around 6 percentage points           recovery. Investors recognise that the key to
                                                                                                         the Sonae Group with Sport Zone and Zippy.
lower than the national average.                  the Spanish market is being prepared and
                                                                                                         A relatively new operator to the market is JD
                                                  ready to act. The economy is unlikely to make
It goes without saying that factors such as the                                                          Sports, having opened several new stores
                                                  a recovery before 2015, however there will be
intensi?cation of ?nancial stress associated                                                             this year. Other international operators, such
                                                  some interesting opportunities to be had
with sovereign debt markets, restrictions on                                                             as Superdry, remain active in their expansion
                                                  along the way.
access to credit and increased uncertainty,                                                              but opt to reduce risk via franchising in non-
not only surrounding Spain but also the                                                                  prime locations.

future of Europe, do not create the healthiest
                                                                                                         Generally, vacancy rates vary from 2.5% -
scenario for investment.
                                                                                                         4.5% for prime centres and are 10+% in

Against this backdrop, the Spanish                                                                       secondary schemes, depending on the
government continues to strive to steer Spain                                                            quality of the asset. Lease negotiations
out of the dark. Over the year, the Central                                                              continue to be difficult as operators are
Government has presented numerous ?scal           The retail market remains characterised by the         increasingly demanding. Landlords should
measures designed to achieve Spain¡¯s de?cit       polarisation between prime and secondary               seriously consider fit out and financing stores
targets. These measures include:                  schemes. Some prime shopping centres are               to maintain competiveness.
                                                  achieving 100% occupation and have in fact
? Increase in tax revenues, including VAT,
corporate income tax, personal income tax
                                                  seen an increase in the number of visitors, as         Sales
                                                  well as sales. This is a quite a di?erent
and excise duties.                                scenario from the challenges some secondary            Despite the economic situation, people do
? Changes to unemployment bene?t and              centres are facing today.                              continue to shop, but consumers have
social security contributions.                                                                           adjusted their budgets to match current
                                                                                                         disposable income. On average, centres
? Improvement of public sector e?ciency           Supply and Demand                                      managed by Knight Frank registered a fall in
and reduction of the public sector wage bill.     Operators remain selective when opening new            sales of between 2% and 8% over the first
? Review of pension system.                       stores and many expansion plans are on hold.           half of the year.

The fact remains that Spain's economy is the      Spain is facing competition from other                 In general, leisure and restaurants have
12th largest in the world. Despite the current    countries, particularly in Eastern Europe,             particularly suffered over the last year, as
situation, investors remain keen to monitor       where there is considered to be greater                have household goods retailers in certain
the market and to have a foot in the door for     potential for economic growth, attracting the          centres. However, low cost concepts such as


McDonald¡¯s or Burger King and those brands                                                            Debt transactions are increasingly the focus of
that have repositioned to adjust to the                                                               investors; even some of the more traditional
current situation have been able to maintain                                                          asset buyers are looking at ways to form new
their positions. Similarly, supermarkets and
low cost formats such as Lidl and Aldi, are
                                                  Investment                                          vehicles for the purchase of securitised loans.
                                                                                                      It should be remembered that the sale of the

now outperforming the traditional                                                                     debt does not necessarily mean that the asset
hypermarket formats in many cases.                                                                    is performing badly, but could be due to
                                                                                                      problems the sponsor has elsewhere or simply
Some operators are finding efficiency by          Despite speculation about distressed sales,
                                                                                                      an attempt from the bank to reduce exposure.
increasing format size and are now moving         the market has remained very static so far
                                                  this year.                                          It would seem that future investment sales
from smaller units of 100-200 sq m to larger
                                                                                                      over the short term are likely to be in the
formats of 600-700 sq m whilst maintaining        Property owners that do not need cash have no
                                                                                                      hands of the banks. However, despite their
very tight price margins. Smaller operators       motive to sell in the current market. From both
                                                                                                      eagerness to clean up balance sheets and
are most affected due to the lack of credit,      an operational and transactional perspective,
                                                                                                      reduce exposure, there is a general reluctance
whilst franchise and chain stores are             many property investors continue to focus on
                                                                                                      to accept o?ers entailing direct loss.
performing better.                                maximising the value of their current
                                                                                                      Opportunistic funds interested in the purchase
                                                  portfolios, rather than considering rotation.
                                                                                                      of debt or distressed assets are, of course,
New Openings                                      This general lack of product, together with         expecting signi?cant discounts in order to
                                                  restrictions on ?nance, lengthy decision            achieve their returns, which the banks are
Only two schemes, Gran Plaza 2 in Madrid          processes and overall uncertainty surrounding       rejecting. The increasing distress in certain
and Serrallo Plaza in Granada, opened in the      the Spanish economy, continues to make              situations means that discounts not accepted
?rst half of 2012. However, three large new       investment transactions extremely di?cult.          today could lead to greater losses in the
shopping centres opened in September and                                                              future, as over time, these assets will have
                                                  Nevertheless, experienced investors remain
Puerto Venecia, belonging to British Land                                                             little or no capex invested in them. They will
                                                  positive and are opting to monitor the market
and Orion Capital, will open at the beginning                                                         eventually reach the market under managed
                                                  rather than remove Spain from their target list.
of October in Zaragoza. By the end of 2012,                                                           and out dated, and by that time, will be far
                                                  Emphasis is generally on prime cities,
we will have seen half a million square                                                               from meeting investment grade, even for
                                                  favouring Madrid, Barcelona and the Basque
metres of GLA come to the market, an                                                                  opportunistic funds.
                                                  Country, as these areas have the most positive
indication of the con?dence key developers        consumption and growth forecasts, and have          Banks not willing to accept reasonable losses
have in Spanish retail.                           been less a?ected by the economic downturn,         in the current situation should seriously
                                                  particularly if we refer to Madrid and              consider how they will manage foreclosed and
                                                  Barcelona.                                          problematic shopping centre assets. These

      Main Shopping Centre Openings 2012

      Scheme                        Location                            Developer                            GLA (sq m)         Opening Date

      Serrallo Plaza                Granada                             Corporaci¨®n Garc¨ªa Arrabal                24,000          March 2012

      Gran Plaza 2                  Majadahonda, Madrid                 LSGIE                                     57,000            April 2012

      R¨ªo Shopping                  Arroyo de la Encomienda, Valladolid Inter Ikea Centre Group                  100,000      September 2012

      Zenia Boulevard               Orihuela, Alicante                  Immochan                                  80,000      September 2012

      El Faro                       Badajoz                             Unibail-Rodamco                           66,000      September 2012

      Puerto Venecia                Zaragoza                            British Land, Orion Capital              118,000         October 2012

      Luz Shopping Lifestyle Center Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz         Inter Ikea Centre Group                   15,000     Novemeber 2012

      As Cancelas                   Santiago de Compostela              Carrefour Property Espa?a, Realia         50,500     Novemeber 2012

      Source: Spanish Shopping Centre Association

october 2012
spanish retail
investment market report

properties require intense management in
order to avoid falling into situations which
allow the scheme to deteriorate and
generate costs to the extent that it simply
will not sell at any price.

There have been no high profile deals on
the market so far this year.

The first half of the year saw the sale of the
Arambol Retail Park in Palencia to a family
office investment club from Barcelona. This
retail park opened last year and although it
has a good tenant mix of retail warehouse            Arambol Retail Park, Palencia
operators, is considered secondary due to
its location. However, this is an example of
how family offices looking to diversify in the
                                                  processes currently underway, both on and                    with the necessary measures for successful
retail sector can obtain higher returns than
                                                  off market, which have generated noticeable                  management.
those offered by other asset classes. Private
                                                  interest from investors. These potential
investors can take advantage of the current                                                                    Enterprising investors who are able to see
                                                  transactions could increase the overall
situation to invest in retail warehouses, which                                                                beyond Spain¡¯s high risk country profile,
                                                  investment volume by the end of the year,
although they do require a certain degree of                                                                   away from a general macro analysis to
                                                  however, their completion is uncertain and as
specialist knowledge, do not necessarily                                                                       concentrate on the micro surroundings, will
                                                  ever, will greatly depend on finance options.
need the same intense management as                                                                            find good products that still perform well in
shopping centres.                                 We expect to see further debt portfolios and                 spite of the economic situation. Recent sales
                                                  individual cases come to the market over the                 processes have shown that experienced
It is also worth mentioning the sale of the
                                                  next 12 months. These will present good                      investors continue to seek opportunities in
Bahia Mar Retail Park in Cadiz to a local
                                                  opportunities, however in the case of                        Spain. This is testimony to the belief that
investor. With a tenant mix of local operators,
                                                  underperforming assets, investors would be                   despite the economic climate, Spain offers
high vacancy and short term leases, the
                                                  well advised to carry out intensive due                      the correct fundamentals for retail investment
transaction of Bahia Mar was driven by the
                                                  diligence in order to establish whether or not               and those with a site-speci?c strategy, rather
financing bank.
                                                  the asset is likely to deteriorate further in the            than a country approach, will identify assets
Despite the low level of investment               current climate. In these situations, it is key              that meet their criteria.
transactions, there are a number of sales         to establish a sound post-acquisition strategy

                Investment                                     ? Knight Frank 2012. This report is published for general information only. Although high standards
                                                               have been used in the preparation of the information, analysis, views and projections presented in this
                                                               report, no legal responsibility can be accepted by Knight Frank Retail or Knight Frank Spain for any loss
                                                               or damage resultant from the contents of this document. As a general report, this material does not ne-
                Humprey White. MRICS                           cessarily represent the view of Knight Frank Spain in relation to particular properties or projects. Repro-
                Associate                                      duction of this report in whole or in part is allowed with proper reference to Knight Frank Spain.
                Head of Investment

                                                               Suero de Qui?ones, 34-36
                Elaine Beachill. MRICS
                Investment Retail                              28002 - Madrid
                elaine.beachill@es.knightfrank.com             T: +34 91 59 59 000 F: +34 91 575 73 23

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Spanish Retailoct2012

  • 1. Research october 2012 spanish Retail investment market report highlights The polarisation of the market continues: despite the economic situation, prime and well-establised centres continue to perform well, whilst secondary schemes and cities are su?ering. International retailers continue to demand space in prime shopping centres. The retail investment market remains static. There have been no high pro?le deals completed so far this year. Debt transactions are increasingly the focus of investors. Future investment sales over the short term are likely to be in the hands of the banks. Experienced investors continue to seek opportunities in Spain¡¯s prime cities, testimony to the belief that despite the economic climate, Spain o?ers the correct fundamentals for retail investment. Those with a site-speci?c strategy, rather than a country approach, will identify assets that meet their criteria through micro analysis.
  • 2. october 2012 spanish retail investment market report Economic Economic Indicators 2010 2011 2012 (*) Outlook GDP Growth -0.1 0.4 -1.7 The challenging macroeconomic situation in Unemployment rate 20.1 21.6 24.5 Spain needs little introduction having been the focus of many economic and political Consumer Price Index 1.8 3.2 2.5 debates in recent times. Government Bond 10 yr 4.25 5.43 5.64 The Spanish economy, characterised by a loss of competitiveness, high levels of Source: Savings Bank Foundation (*) Annual average forecasts unemployment and falling consumption rates, continues to contract. There are a variety of GDP forecasts available but the general consensus is that economy will when the real opportunities begin to expansion of international brands. However, contract by around -1.7% in 2012, as a result reappear. It is di?cult to imagine how a a number of international retailers continue of further upcoming ?scal reforms and country with a population of almost 50 to seek to increase their coverage in prime continued low economic activity. million people, having experienced nearly 15 shopping centres in Spain and believe that years of above average GDP growth before Spain offers the correct fundamentals for Unemployment in Spain now stands at the slowdown in 2007, will be not be able to retail business. approximately 24.7%. However, this is spread unevenly across the country, with the rate in turn itself around and ?nd the road to Primark remains particularly active as does Madrid being around 6 percentage points recovery. Investors recognise that the key to the Sonae Group with Sport Zone and Zippy. lower than the national average. the Spanish market is being prepared and A relatively new operator to the market is JD ready to act. The economy is unlikely to make It goes without saying that factors such as the Sports, having opened several new stores a recovery before 2015, however there will be intensi?cation of ?nancial stress associated this year. Other international operators, such some interesting opportunities to be had with sovereign debt markets, restrictions on as Superdry, remain active in their expansion along the way. access to credit and increased uncertainty, but opt to reduce risk via franchising in non- not only surrounding Spain but also the prime locations. retail future of Europe, do not create the healthiest Generally, vacancy rates vary from 2.5% - scenario for investment. 4.5% for prime centres and are 10+% in market Against this backdrop, the Spanish secondary schemes, depending on the government continues to strive to steer Spain quality of the asset. Lease negotiations out of the dark. Over the year, the Central continue to be difficult as operators are Government has presented numerous ?scal The retail market remains characterised by the increasingly demanding. Landlords should measures designed to achieve Spain¡¯s de?cit polarisation between prime and secondary seriously consider fit out and financing stores targets. These measures include: schemes. Some prime shopping centres are to maintain competiveness. achieving 100% occupation and have in fact ? Increase in tax revenues, including VAT, corporate income tax, personal income tax seen an increase in the number of visitors, as Sales well as sales. This is a quite a di?erent and excise duties. scenario from the challenges some secondary Despite the economic situation, people do ? Changes to unemployment bene?t and centres are facing today. continue to shop, but consumers have social security contributions. adjusted their budgets to match current disposable income. On average, centres ? Improvement of public sector e?ciency Supply and Demand managed by Knight Frank registered a fall in and reduction of the public sector wage bill. Operators remain selective when opening new sales of between 2% and 8% over the first ? Review of pension system. stores and many expansion plans are on hold. half of the year. The fact remains that Spain's economy is the Spain is facing competition from other In general, leisure and restaurants have 12th largest in the world. Despite the current countries, particularly in Eastern Europe, particularly suffered over the last year, as situation, investors remain keen to monitor where there is considered to be greater have household goods retailers in certain the market and to have a foot in the door for potential for economic growth, attracting the centres. However, low cost concepts such as 2
  • 3. www.knightfrank.es Retail McDonald¡¯s or Burger King and those brands Debt transactions are increasingly the focus of that have repositioned to adjust to the investors; even some of the more traditional current situation have been able to maintain asset buyers are looking at ways to form new their positions. Similarly, supermarkets and low cost formats such as Lidl and Aldi, are Investment vehicles for the purchase of securitised loans. It should be remembered that the sale of the market now outperforming the traditional debt does not necessarily mean that the asset hypermarket formats in many cases. is performing badly, but could be due to problems the sponsor has elsewhere or simply Some operators are finding efficiency by Despite speculation about distressed sales, an attempt from the bank to reduce exposure. increasing format size and are now moving the market has remained very static so far this year. It would seem that future investment sales from smaller units of 100-200 sq m to larger over the short term are likely to be in the formats of 600-700 sq m whilst maintaining Property owners that do not need cash have no hands of the banks. However, despite their very tight price margins. Smaller operators motive to sell in the current market. From both eagerness to clean up balance sheets and are most affected due to the lack of credit, an operational and transactional perspective, reduce exposure, there is a general reluctance whilst franchise and chain stores are many property investors continue to focus on to accept o?ers entailing direct loss. performing better. maximising the value of their current Opportunistic funds interested in the purchase portfolios, rather than considering rotation. of debt or distressed assets are, of course, New Openings This general lack of product, together with expecting signi?cant discounts in order to restrictions on ?nance, lengthy decision achieve their returns, which the banks are Only two schemes, Gran Plaza 2 in Madrid processes and overall uncertainty surrounding rejecting. The increasing distress in certain and Serrallo Plaza in Granada, opened in the the Spanish economy, continues to make situations means that discounts not accepted ?rst half of 2012. However, three large new investment transactions extremely di?cult. today could lead to greater losses in the shopping centres opened in September and future, as over time, these assets will have Nevertheless, experienced investors remain Puerto Venecia, belonging to British Land little or no capex invested in them. They will positive and are opting to monitor the market and Orion Capital, will open at the beginning eventually reach the market under managed rather than remove Spain from their target list. of October in Zaragoza. By the end of 2012, and out dated, and by that time, will be far Emphasis is generally on prime cities, we will have seen half a million square from meeting investment grade, even for favouring Madrid, Barcelona and the Basque metres of GLA come to the market, an opportunistic funds. Country, as these areas have the most positive indication of the con?dence key developers consumption and growth forecasts, and have Banks not willing to accept reasonable losses have in Spanish retail. been less a?ected by the economic downturn, in the current situation should seriously particularly if we refer to Madrid and consider how they will manage foreclosed and Barcelona. problematic shopping centre assets. These Main Shopping Centre Openings 2012 Scheme Location Developer GLA (sq m) Opening Date Serrallo Plaza Granada Corporaci¨®n Garc¨ªa Arrabal 24,000 March 2012 Gran Plaza 2 Majadahonda, Madrid LSGIE 57,000 April 2012 R¨ªo Shopping Arroyo de la Encomienda, Valladolid Inter Ikea Centre Group 100,000 September 2012 Zenia Boulevard Orihuela, Alicante Immochan 80,000 September 2012 El Faro Badajoz Unibail-Rodamco 66,000 September 2012 Puerto Venecia Zaragoza British Land, Orion Capital 118,000 October 2012 Luz Shopping Lifestyle Center Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz Inter Ikea Centre Group 15,000 Novemeber 2012 As Cancelas Santiago de Compostela Carrefour Property Espa?a, Realia 50,500 Novemeber 2012 Source: Spanish Shopping Centre Association 3
  • 4. october 2012 spanish retail investment market report properties require intense management in order to avoid falling into situations which allow the scheme to deteriorate and generate costs to the extent that it simply will not sell at any price. Transactions There have been no high profile deals on the market so far this year. The first half of the year saw the sale of the Arambol Retail Park in Palencia to a family office investment club from Barcelona. This retail park opened last year and although it has a good tenant mix of retail warehouse Arambol Retail Park, Palencia operators, is considered secondary due to its location. However, this is an example of how family offices looking to diversify in the processes currently underway, both on and with the necessary measures for successful retail sector can obtain higher returns than off market, which have generated noticeable management. those offered by other asset classes. Private interest from investors. These potential investors can take advantage of the current Enterprising investors who are able to see transactions could increase the overall situation to invest in retail warehouses, which beyond Spain¡¯s high risk country profile, investment volume by the end of the year, although they do require a certain degree of away from a general macro analysis to however, their completion is uncertain and as specialist knowledge, do not necessarily concentrate on the micro surroundings, will ever, will greatly depend on finance options. need the same intense management as find good products that still perform well in shopping centres. We expect to see further debt portfolios and spite of the economic situation. Recent sales individual cases come to the market over the processes have shown that experienced It is also worth mentioning the sale of the next 12 months. These will present good investors continue to seek opportunities in Bahia Mar Retail Park in Cadiz to a local opportunities, however in the case of Spain. This is testimony to the belief that investor. With a tenant mix of local operators, underperforming assets, investors would be despite the economic climate, Spain offers high vacancy and short term leases, the well advised to carry out intensive due the correct fundamentals for retail investment transaction of Bahia Mar was driven by the diligence in order to establish whether or not and those with a site-speci?c strategy, rather financing bank. the asset is likely to deteriorate further in the than a country approach, will identify assets Despite the low level of investment current climate. In these situations, it is key that meet their criteria. transactions, there are a number of sales to establish a sound post-acquisition strategy Investment ? Knight Frank 2012. This report is published for general information only. Although high standards have been used in the preparation of the information, analysis, views and projections presented in this report, no legal responsibility can be accepted by Knight Frank Retail or Knight Frank Spain for any loss or damage resultant from the contents of this document. As a general report, this material does not ne- Humprey White. MRICS cessarily represent the view of Knight Frank Spain in relation to particular properties or projects. Repro- Associate duction of this report in whole or in part is allowed with proper reference to Knight Frank Spain. Head of Investment humprey.white@es.knightfrank.com www.knightfrank.es Suero de Qui?ones, 34-36 Elaine Beachill. MRICS Investment Retail 28002 - Madrid elaine.beachill@es.knightfrank.com T: +34 91 59 59 000 F: +34 91 575 73 23