The Spanish retail investment market remains slow. While some prime shopping centers continue to perform well, secondary centers are struggling with high vacancy rates. Few major deals have been completed so far in 2012. Debt transactions are increasingly the focus of investors as banks seek to reduce exposure. Experienced investors continue to monitor opportunities in Spain's major cities, believing the fundamentals will support retail investment when the economy recovers.
Spain is emerging from doubts about its economy and is poised to return to growth. It has implemented substantial fiscal adjustments and reforms without excessive negative economic impact. Spain remains competitive and is attractive to foreign investors due to its dynamic industries and leading companies. Continued reforms will help Spain succeed by promoting innovation and high value-added sectors.
Spain has overcome doubts about its economy through structural reforms and fiscal adjustments that have improved competitiveness without currency devaluation. Doubts about the eurozone breaking up have also dissipated due to the ECB's bond-buying program and progress on banking union. Spain has proven it can reduce its current account deficit, cut private and public debt, and diversify exports. With continued reforms, Spain is well-positioned for economic growth and remains an attractive destination for foreign investment.
The world¡¯s dominant commercial real estate markets have moved into 2014 in better shape than at any time since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009.
Capital markets are exhibiting remarkable strength and the disconnect, that has emerged over the past two years between a more cautious occupational market, is showing signs of narrowing.
Regulatory factors within each Spanish autonomy influence opportunities in the shopping centre space. Demand is high for prime retail streets in Madrid due to expected appreciation and yield increases. Prime shopping centres in Madrid have low vacancy of 8.7% and rents of €190/sqm annually. Continued economic recovery in Spain is boosting the retail sector and driving further investment.
Jones Lang Lasalle Report on Global Real Estate Prospective for Third quarter of 2014.
World GDP output is now forecast to rise by 3% in 2014. The prediction has been revised lower this quarter largely as a consequence of the steep U.S. downgrade, and GDP growth now stands at a similar rate to last year.
Even before this change, emerging markets had the most dynamic outlook, continuing the post-crisis trend. But the balance is still slowly tipping back towards the developed world, where a steady upturn is in prospect.
Fund managers in Spain and Italy need to prove themselves if a windfall is t...Feelcapital
La consultora estadounidense Cerrulli Associates dedica en su edici¨®n de abril 2015 (The Cerrulli Edge-Global Edition), dentro del apartado Europa, un art¨ªculo sobre los gestores de fondos de inversi¨®n en Espa?a e Italia. En la p¨¢gina 18 dedica un apartado al asesoramiento autom¨¢tico en fondos de inversi¨®n en referencia a Feelcapital y su CEO, Antonio Banda.
Avant Garde wealth Mgmt - Quarterly letter - 1303Gaurav Jalan
- The document provides an analysis of investment trends, corporate profits, consumption patterns, and their impact on stock market valuations. It finds that declining new project announcements suggest a decline in capital expenditures and corporate profit growth over the next few years.
- It also discusses trends in the gold market, finding that recent price declines do not necessarily indicate the end of the secular bull market. Investor behavior and ongoing monetary easing by global central banks support ongoing gold demand and price appreciation over the long term.
- The portfolio has not changed much but individual stock positions are reexamined given recent sharp price moves. Returns have been subdued in the difficult market environment.
The document provides an overview and assessment of various asset classes and markets for November 2011. It notes that European politicians seemed to start addressing the arithmetic of their debt crisis in October but the situation has since degenerated into a "tragic farce". Fixed income is viewed negatively due to downgrades in Europe and high funding costs in China negatively impacting businesses. Property prices are seen as stabilized after falls in 2009 but fundamentals remain weak in some areas. Equities are given a neutral outlook with weaknesses for the US noted around its fiscal position and housing market.
China has experienced strong economic growth over the past 30 years but growth is expected to slow going forward. Two factors that help shelter China from external economic weakness are its ability to direct lending by banks and manipulate social policy to support growth, as well as the potential for domestic consumption to increase. Key areas for future Chinese growth include social housing, infrastructure spending, consumer spending, and consolidation in the retail sector. While China's stock market indices performed poorly in 2011, differences between Chinese and Western markets include Chinese companies focusing more on state policy goals rather than profits and more limited foreign ownership of Chinese shares.
This document provides an economic outlook and investment outlook for 2012. Some key points:
- The US economy is expected to grow around 2% in 2012, supported by solid business spending and modest consumer spending. Inflation may recede early in the year.
- Stocks are expected to post gains of 8-12% in 2012, supported by mid-to-high single digit earnings growth as sentiment improves to converge with economic data.
- Government and corporate bond yields are expected to rise over the course of the year, with the 10-year Treasury yield ending around 3%. The gap between government and corporate bond yields is expected to narrow.
- Major policy events in Europe, China, and
This document provides an outlook on global markets for January 2012 from The Henley Group. It discusses challenges and risks across various asset classes including fixed income, currencies, property, and equities in major regions. Some of the main points covered include ongoing issues in the Eurozone debt crisis, concerns about hard landings in China, the fragile state of the US economy, and political risks remaining high in Europe. Overall the outlook maintains a cautious stance due to numerous risks and uncertainties in the global economic and market environment.
Etude PwC sur les fusions-acquisitions dans le secteur europ¨¦en des services ...PwC France
Sharing Deal Insight fournit des perspectives sur les derni¨¨res tendances et les futurs d¨¦veloppements dans les services financiers. PwC a analys¨¦ les donn¨¦es fournies par mergermarket, Reuters et Dealogic de transactions annonc¨¦es et celles en attente de cl?ture au cours de l¡¯ann¨¦e 2012. Les transactions analys¨¦es portent sur une part d¡¯acquisition sup¨¦rieure ¨¤ 30% - ou sur une part importante donnant le contr?le effectif ¨¤ l¡¯acqu¨¦reur.
1. Deutsche EuroShop reported encouraging results for Q1 2010, with revenue up 9% and net operating income and EBIT both climbing 11%.
2. In February 2010, Deutsche EuroShop acquired the A10 Center in Wildau for €205 million and raised €123 million through a rights issue to refinance the equity portion.
3. Revenue increased 9% to €34.6 million in Q1 2010 primarily due to the consolidation of the newly acquired A10 Center.
Deloitte: Spotlight on the Spanish Real Estate MarketRoger Blikkberget
Investment analysts are projecting continued healthy growth in Spain over the next 18 months, driven by supportive financial conditions, a weaker euro, lower oil prices, and strengthening trade partners. Spain's economic recovery is gaining momentum, evidenced by GDP growth supported by a current account surplus and rising consumer confidence, as well as falling unemployment. Real estate transactions have increased since 2013, with opportunistic investors active in purchases below replacement cost, indicating improving investor sentiment in the Spanish market.
Technology capability enhancement is critical for developing countries to increase value addition and economic growth. Consistently increasing technology content across different industries leads to industrial integration, self-reliance, and sustainable prosperity. As barriers to trade are removed under organizations like the WTO, developing countries must strive to build their technology capabilities in key industries. This can be achieved through policies that prioritize and encourage the development of technology-based industries, which will increase value addition and economic growth in the long run and reduce debt dependency.
The document discusses the Catalan independence referendum in Spain and its implications. It makes the following key points:
1) While the referendum has increased short-term political volatility in Europe, the author maintains a bullish outlook on European equities as the situation does not pose an existential risk to the region.
2) The referendum results showed 90% support for independence but on a low 42% turnout, as those opposed largely boycotted it. However, the Spanish government deems the vote illegal.
3) The Spanish government's crackdown in response to the referendum has angered international observers and could increase momentum for the independence movement.
The summary captures the high level context around the Catalan
This document is the transcript of a speech given by Emilio Botin, Chairman of Banco Santander, at the bank's 2011 Investor Day. The summary is:
1) Botin outlines how Santander has remained profitable and strengthened its capital position during the financial crisis, growing through acquisitions.
2) He describes Santander's unique strategic positioning, including geographic diversification, prudent risk management, an autonomous subsidiary model, integration creating synergies, and a global brand.
3) Botin expects Santander to achieve a 12-14% return on equity and 16-18% return on tangible equity by 2014, creating shareholder value through organic growth and higher profitability across its markets
Otro a?o m¨¢s se celebra el Simposio de Inteligencia de Mercado que anualmente lidera el ICSC. En esta ocasi¨®n y despu¨¦s de cuatro a?os sale de la zona de M¨¦xico y el Caribe para trasladarse a Colombia y m¨¢s concretamente a Bogot¨¢.
Para esta ocasi¨®n el ICSC consider¨® contar con Neuromobile como empresa ponente, por su trayectoria e influencia en el mundo del Marketing Intelligence
Otro a?o m¨¢s se celebra el Simposio de Inteligencia de Mercado que anualmente lidera el ICSC. En esta ocasi¨®n y despu¨¦s de cuatro a?os sale de la zona de M¨¦xico y el Caribe para trasladarse a Colombia y m¨¢s concretamente a Bogot¨¢.
Para esta ocasi¨®n el ICSC consider¨® contar con Neuromobile como empresa ponente, por su trayectoria e influencia en el mundo del Marketing Intelligence
Este documento describe c¨®mo las marcas pueden enfocar su estrategia de marketing m¨®vil teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de los consumidores de experiencia, independencia, conveniencia, relevancia y transparencia a trav¨¦s de sus tel¨¦fonos m¨®viles. Tambi¨¦n analiza c¨®mo ha evolucionado el papel del m¨®vil y las preferencias de los consumidores, desde lo puramente funcional a lo interactivo, y la importancia de entender el comportamiento m¨®vil de los consumidores para que las marcas puedan tener un espacio en su mundo personal.
CES 2013: The Year of the Connected Brand - Consumer Electronics Show RecapDavid Berkowitz
The document summarizes key trends from CES 2013, including the rise of connected devices and screens of various sizes. It notes Samsung's success in trying many new technologies and how their devices are increasingly connected. It also discusses trends around the connected home and appliances, new inputs like gesture recognition and brain scanning, and technologies for transportation like self-driving cars.
This document discusses the relationship between chaos and creativity from a philosophical and scientific perspective. It explores the different classes of chaos, from the universal "nothing" that contained infinite potential before the creation of the universe, to the personal chaos within an individual. True randomness is argued to only occur before the beginning, while chaos theory suggests that even small influences can have complex and unpredictable effects. The principle of uncertainty in quantum physics is also summarized, indicating events cannot be fully determined until they are observed. Overall, the document analyzes how chaos relates to creativity through its inherent randomness, unpredictability and infinite possibilities.
Key Points:
- Four shopping centre transactions took place in 2010, reaching a total volume of approximately 314 million Euros.
- The first quarter of 2011 has already seen Doughty Hanson purchase two shopping centres from Sonae Sierra for 120 million Euros.
- Additionally, there has been much interest surrounding schemes such as San Cugat and Puerto Venecia as well as the Royal Bank of Scotland loan portfolio.
- Continual demand from international and pan-European investors as well as opportunistic funds is leading to fierce competition for prime assets.
- The sustained gap between purchaser and vendor price expectations, together with a general lack of product in line with investor criteria, is resulting in a continued absence of investment activity.
- Unstructured and badly managed sales processes have damaged the marketability of many good products, leaving them loosely hanging on the investment market whilst investors have moved on to new opportunities.
Santander Bank Annual Report 2011 Letter from Chief Executive Officer, Alfred...BANCO SANTANDER
Banco Santander's CEO Alfredo S¨¢enz discusses the bank's 2011 financial results and outlook in a letter to shareholders. The bank's profits declined in 2011 due to the European sovereign debt crisis but its core businesses performed well. The CEO emphasizes that Santander has taken steps to strengthen its balance sheet and is well-positioned to recover profitability as the economic environment stabilizes in the coming years.
Colliers International Highlights_Retail_na_2011_q4Coy Davidson
Brick-and-mortar retail stores are poised to adapt to changing consumer behaviors in 2012. While store closings may not be immediate, retailers are likely to consider smaller store footprints. Landlords must proactively market and manage their properties to attract cash-strapped but deal-seeking consumers. While low inventory drove investment in 2011, more risk-taking is expected this year due to high cap rates and limited core retail properties. Colliers Retail identifies nine trends to watch in 2012, including strategic acquisitions and a focus on exclusive products. The U.S. economy is expected to see "stingy growth" in 2012, impacted by issues in Europe, with retail sales and real estate facing
IMAP Financial Services sector Leaders: Jonathan Dalton and Khelan Dattani share insights into the global Financial Services sector. They look at how and why the COVID pandemic affected certain geographies and subsectors more than others and the subsequent impact on deal volumes and valuations. They identify the key areas of growth and common trends driving activity across the globe and examine why the sector is becoming increasingly attractive to PE investors, pinpointing opportunities for buyers and sellers.
The document provides an overview of the Indian government's budget for 2012-2013. Key points include:
- GDP growth is projected at 7.6% for 2012-13 with the 12th five-year plan aiming for faster, sustainable and inclusive growth.
- The government plans to reduce the fiscal deficit through several revenue measures and end the year with a deficit of 5.1%.
- Sectors like power, infrastructure and aviation are open to more foreign investment which could boost growth.
- Several bills related to financial sectors are expected to pass which would strengthen sectors like banking and microfinance.
- Measures to boost key sectors like power, subsidies and tax changes aim to balance expenditures and
The document summarizes the office real estate market in Spain. It finds that the recovery of the Spanish office market since 2013 has been driven by economic growth and structural reforms. Investment volumes reached €2.8 billion in 2014, more than double 2013 levels. Prime assets in central Madrid are most sought after, with falling vacancy rates and increasing rents. Demand and take-up are rising as the economic recovery continues, while new supply remains low. This scarcity of prime space is putting pressure on yields to decline further.
2014 was a turning point for real estate investment in Spain. Economic recovery and attractive pricing drove foreign investment to over €7 billion, triple the 2013 level. Most investment went to offices and retail, with prime street retail units in high demand. Office yields in prime Madrid locations stand at 4.75% but have hardened to 5.25% for prime shopping centers. Continued economic growth is expected to support further rental increases and yield compression, making real estate an attractive investment opportunity.
China has experienced strong economic growth over the past 30 years but growth is expected to slow going forward. Two factors that help shelter China from external economic weakness are its ability to direct lending by banks and manipulate social policy to support growth, as well as the potential for domestic consumption to increase. Key areas for future Chinese growth include social housing, infrastructure spending, consumer spending, and consolidation in the retail sector. While China's stock market indices performed poorly in 2011, differences between Chinese and Western markets include Chinese companies focusing more on state policy goals rather than profits and more limited foreign ownership of Chinese shares.
This document provides an economic outlook and investment outlook for 2012. Some key points:
- The US economy is expected to grow around 2% in 2012, supported by solid business spending and modest consumer spending. Inflation may recede early in the year.
- Stocks are expected to post gains of 8-12% in 2012, supported by mid-to-high single digit earnings growth as sentiment improves to converge with economic data.
- Government and corporate bond yields are expected to rise over the course of the year, with the 10-year Treasury yield ending around 3%. The gap between government and corporate bond yields is expected to narrow.
- Major policy events in Europe, China, and
This document provides an outlook on global markets for January 2012 from The Henley Group. It discusses challenges and risks across various asset classes including fixed income, currencies, property, and equities in major regions. Some of the main points covered include ongoing issues in the Eurozone debt crisis, concerns about hard landings in China, the fragile state of the US economy, and political risks remaining high in Europe. Overall the outlook maintains a cautious stance due to numerous risks and uncertainties in the global economic and market environment.
Etude PwC sur les fusions-acquisitions dans le secteur europ¨¦en des services ...PwC France
Sharing Deal Insight fournit des perspectives sur les derni¨¨res tendances et les futurs d¨¦veloppements dans les services financiers. PwC a analys¨¦ les donn¨¦es fournies par mergermarket, Reuters et Dealogic de transactions annonc¨¦es et celles en attente de cl?ture au cours de l¡¯ann¨¦e 2012. Les transactions analys¨¦es portent sur une part d¡¯acquisition sup¨¦rieure ¨¤ 30% - ou sur une part importante donnant le contr?le effectif ¨¤ l¡¯acqu¨¦reur.
1. Deutsche EuroShop reported encouraging results for Q1 2010, with revenue up 9% and net operating income and EBIT both climbing 11%.
2. In February 2010, Deutsche EuroShop acquired the A10 Center in Wildau for €205 million and raised €123 million through a rights issue to refinance the equity portion.
3. Revenue increased 9% to €34.6 million in Q1 2010 primarily due to the consolidation of the newly acquired A10 Center.
Deloitte: Spotlight on the Spanish Real Estate MarketRoger Blikkberget
Investment analysts are projecting continued healthy growth in Spain over the next 18 months, driven by supportive financial conditions, a weaker euro, lower oil prices, and strengthening trade partners. Spain's economic recovery is gaining momentum, evidenced by GDP growth supported by a current account surplus and rising consumer confidence, as well as falling unemployment. Real estate transactions have increased since 2013, with opportunistic investors active in purchases below replacement cost, indicating improving investor sentiment in the Spanish market.
Technology capability enhancement is critical for developing countries to increase value addition and economic growth. Consistently increasing technology content across different industries leads to industrial integration, self-reliance, and sustainable prosperity. As barriers to trade are removed under organizations like the WTO, developing countries must strive to build their technology capabilities in key industries. This can be achieved through policies that prioritize and encourage the development of technology-based industries, which will increase value addition and economic growth in the long run and reduce debt dependency.
The document discusses the Catalan independence referendum in Spain and its implications. It makes the following key points:
1) While the referendum has increased short-term political volatility in Europe, the author maintains a bullish outlook on European equities as the situation does not pose an existential risk to the region.
2) The referendum results showed 90% support for independence but on a low 42% turnout, as those opposed largely boycotted it. However, the Spanish government deems the vote illegal.
3) The Spanish government's crackdown in response to the referendum has angered international observers and could increase momentum for the independence movement.
The summary captures the high level context around the Catalan
This document is the transcript of a speech given by Emilio Botin, Chairman of Banco Santander, at the bank's 2011 Investor Day. The summary is:
1) Botin outlines how Santander has remained profitable and strengthened its capital position during the financial crisis, growing through acquisitions.
2) He describes Santander's unique strategic positioning, including geographic diversification, prudent risk management, an autonomous subsidiary model, integration creating synergies, and a global brand.
3) Botin expects Santander to achieve a 12-14% return on equity and 16-18% return on tangible equity by 2014, creating shareholder value through organic growth and higher profitability across its markets
Otro a?o m¨¢s se celebra el Simposio de Inteligencia de Mercado que anualmente lidera el ICSC. En esta ocasi¨®n y despu¨¦s de cuatro a?os sale de la zona de M¨¦xico y el Caribe para trasladarse a Colombia y m¨¢s concretamente a Bogot¨¢.
Para esta ocasi¨®n el ICSC consider¨® contar con Neuromobile como empresa ponente, por su trayectoria e influencia en el mundo del Marketing Intelligence
Otro a?o m¨¢s se celebra el Simposio de Inteligencia de Mercado que anualmente lidera el ICSC. En esta ocasi¨®n y despu¨¦s de cuatro a?os sale de la zona de M¨¦xico y el Caribe para trasladarse a Colombia y m¨¢s concretamente a Bogot¨¢.
Para esta ocasi¨®n el ICSC consider¨® contar con Neuromobile como empresa ponente, por su trayectoria e influencia en el mundo del Marketing Intelligence
Este documento describe c¨®mo las marcas pueden enfocar su estrategia de marketing m¨®vil teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de los consumidores de experiencia, independencia, conveniencia, relevancia y transparencia a trav¨¦s de sus tel¨¦fonos m¨®viles. Tambi¨¦n analiza c¨®mo ha evolucionado el papel del m¨®vil y las preferencias de los consumidores, desde lo puramente funcional a lo interactivo, y la importancia de entender el comportamiento m¨®vil de los consumidores para que las marcas puedan tener un espacio en su mundo personal.
CES 2013: The Year of the Connected Brand - Consumer Electronics Show RecapDavid Berkowitz
The document summarizes key trends from CES 2013, including the rise of connected devices and screens of various sizes. It notes Samsung's success in trying many new technologies and how their devices are increasingly connected. It also discusses trends around the connected home and appliances, new inputs like gesture recognition and brain scanning, and technologies for transportation like self-driving cars.
This document discusses the relationship between chaos and creativity from a philosophical and scientific perspective. It explores the different classes of chaos, from the universal "nothing" that contained infinite potential before the creation of the universe, to the personal chaos within an individual. True randomness is argued to only occur before the beginning, while chaos theory suggests that even small influences can have complex and unpredictable effects. The principle of uncertainty in quantum physics is also summarized, indicating events cannot be fully determined until they are observed. Overall, the document analyzes how chaos relates to creativity through its inherent randomness, unpredictability and infinite possibilities.
Key Points:
- Four shopping centre transactions took place in 2010, reaching a total volume of approximately 314 million Euros.
- The first quarter of 2011 has already seen Doughty Hanson purchase two shopping centres from Sonae Sierra for 120 million Euros.
- Additionally, there has been much interest surrounding schemes such as San Cugat and Puerto Venecia as well as the Royal Bank of Scotland loan portfolio.
- Continual demand from international and pan-European investors as well as opportunistic funds is leading to fierce competition for prime assets.
- The sustained gap between purchaser and vendor price expectations, together with a general lack of product in line with investor criteria, is resulting in a continued absence of investment activity.
- Unstructured and badly managed sales processes have damaged the marketability of many good products, leaving them loosely hanging on the investment market whilst investors have moved on to new opportunities.
Santander Bank Annual Report 2011 Letter from Chief Executive Officer, Alfred...BANCO SANTANDER
Banco Santander's CEO Alfredo S¨¢enz discusses the bank's 2011 financial results and outlook in a letter to shareholders. The bank's profits declined in 2011 due to the European sovereign debt crisis but its core businesses performed well. The CEO emphasizes that Santander has taken steps to strengthen its balance sheet and is well-positioned to recover profitability as the economic environment stabilizes in the coming years.
Colliers International Highlights_Retail_na_2011_q4Coy Davidson
Brick-and-mortar retail stores are poised to adapt to changing consumer behaviors in 2012. While store closings may not be immediate, retailers are likely to consider smaller store footprints. Landlords must proactively market and manage their properties to attract cash-strapped but deal-seeking consumers. While low inventory drove investment in 2011, more risk-taking is expected this year due to high cap rates and limited core retail properties. Colliers Retail identifies nine trends to watch in 2012, including strategic acquisitions and a focus on exclusive products. The U.S. economy is expected to see "stingy growth" in 2012, impacted by issues in Europe, with retail sales and real estate facing
IMAP Financial Services sector Leaders: Jonathan Dalton and Khelan Dattani share insights into the global Financial Services sector. They look at how and why the COVID pandemic affected certain geographies and subsectors more than others and the subsequent impact on deal volumes and valuations. They identify the key areas of growth and common trends driving activity across the globe and examine why the sector is becoming increasingly attractive to PE investors, pinpointing opportunities for buyers and sellers.
The document provides an overview of the Indian government's budget for 2012-2013. Key points include:
- GDP growth is projected at 7.6% for 2012-13 with the 12th five-year plan aiming for faster, sustainable and inclusive growth.
- The government plans to reduce the fiscal deficit through several revenue measures and end the year with a deficit of 5.1%.
- Sectors like power, infrastructure and aviation are open to more foreign investment which could boost growth.
- Several bills related to financial sectors are expected to pass which would strengthen sectors like banking and microfinance.
- Measures to boost key sectors like power, subsidies and tax changes aim to balance expenditures and
The document summarizes the office real estate market in Spain. It finds that the recovery of the Spanish office market since 2013 has been driven by economic growth and structural reforms. Investment volumes reached €2.8 billion in 2014, more than double 2013 levels. Prime assets in central Madrid are most sought after, with falling vacancy rates and increasing rents. Demand and take-up are rising as the economic recovery continues, while new supply remains low. This scarcity of prime space is putting pressure on yields to decline further.
2014 was a turning point for real estate investment in Spain. Economic recovery and attractive pricing drove foreign investment to over €7 billion, triple the 2013 level. Most investment went to offices and retail, with prime street retail units in high demand. Office yields in prime Madrid locations stand at 4.75% but have hardened to 5.25% for prime shopping centers. Continued economic growth is expected to support further rental increases and yield compression, making real estate an attractive investment opportunity.
Shippers Warehouse, Inc. is a provider of supply chain services (3rd party logistics or 3PL). The Company operates over 4.5 million square feet in 8 facilities in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and 500,000 square feet in Atlanta, Georgia.
The Georgia facility packaging operations ships out over 3 billion bags per year. Shippers Warehouse is one of the largest co-packers in the Southeast. Shippers operate 9 packaging lines with a ready room that is a showcase for reducing any type of foreign matter. The facility handles a variety of food products, is a leader in recycling, & distribution of products.
Shippers Warehouse, Inc. also has the distinction of having all of its locations ISO 9001:2008 certified. (ISO 9001:2008 certified by Management Certification of North America, an ANAB-accredited certification body.)
Bill Stankiewicz
Vice President & General Manager
Shippers Warehouse
Office: 678.364.3475
Santander registered attributable net profit of EUR 1.704 billion (-51%), aft...BANCO SANTANDER
Santander registered attributable net profit of EUR 1.704 billion (-51%), after covering 70% of real estate provisions required by the latest Spanish regulations
? Pre-provision profit was EUR 12.503 billion, up 6%.
The document discusses Deutsche EuroShop's anticipation of the future of retail and shopping centers in light of the coronavirus pandemic, noting that while the pandemic negatively impacted the company's 2020 financial results, Deutsche EuroShop was able to weather the crisis well due to its solid credit rating and stable liquidity situation. It also expresses optimism that vaccines will help improve the pandemic situation and allow shops to reopen, laying the foundation for the company's long-term profitability.
Spain is undergoing deep adjustment from large external and internal imbalances built up prior to the crisis. Rebalancing is holding back growth and leading to very high unemployment. Private sector debt reduction and tight credit conditions are weighing on private consumption and investment. Unemployment remains very high and is expected to increase further. Fiscal consolidation is ongoing but weighing on short-term growth. Exports remain resilient but domestic demand weakness will affect growth over the forecast horizon, though gradual improvement is expected in 2014. Real GDP is projected to contract by around 1.5% in both 2012 and 2013.
February 2012 "State of the Debt Capital Markets"Brian Schofield
The document summarizes recent economic trends in the United States. It notes that while uncertainties remain regarding fiscal policy and the European debt crisis, the Federal Reserve has provided stability by communicating its plans to keep interest rates low until 2014. The U.S. economy showed signs of strength in 2011, with improving consumer spending and sentiment as well as job growth. Barring major setbacks, the outlook for continued growth in the U.S. economy remains positive in 2012.
In search of yield market perspectives september 2012Rankia
The document discusses how investors are searching for yield in a low interest rate environment. It notes that while yields are low globally, equity dividend yields remain relatively high compared to historical standards and fixed income alternatives. Specifically, developed international markets and select emerging markets offer reasonably valued markets with attractive dividend yields above 3%. While dividend paying equities present opportunities, some defensive sectors like US utilities appear overvalued given their popularity for yield seeking investors. The document recommends considering reasonably valued international markets and sectors like energy that offer both yield and potential upside.
Alfredo S¨¢enz, CEO of Banco Santander, stated that the bank's profits will return to normal levels within three years. Emerging markets like Latin America and Poland are expected to provide double-digit profit growth in the short to medium term. Mature markets where loan loss provisions have stabilized or declined, such as the UK, US, and Santander Consumer Finance, will see single-digit profit increases over three years. Spain and Portugal, where provisions remain high, are projected to generate €2 billion in excess capital annually in 2013 and 2014.
- The subsidy arbitrage that many companies had relied upon to generate their generous margins is gone for good and the environment will continue to be challenging, and indefinitely so.
- The case for consolidation across several sectors is overwhelming but activity remains low. Managers are in denial and holding out for miracles.
- The closing window for regional economies to reduce their dependence on oil (highlighted in the Countdown to Midnight, November 14th, 2016) has been validated by the rapidly rising forecasts for the electrification of the global passenger vehicle fleet, which accounts for over a quarter of global oil demand.
- Reform is not a magic wand and hope is not a strategy. To transform the economy from its dependency on oil and subsidies requires pain, sacrifice and perhaps a decade of disruption to the status quo.
This annual report from Cassidy Turley provides an economic overview and market reports for Indianapolis, Indiana in 2012. Despite challenges in 2011, Indiana's commercial real estate markets proved resilient as fundamentals strengthened across all segments. Cassidy Turley also had a successful year, being ranked the top commercial real estate brokerage and manager in Indianapolis. The report includes sections on the industrial, office, retail, investment, and land markets, providing data and analysis on each sector.
most of the past 50 years, business leaders viewed fi-
nancial capital as their most precious resource. They
worked hard to ensure that every penny went to fund-
ing only the most promising projects. A generation
of executives was taught to apply hurdle rates that
reflected the high capital costs prevalent for most
of the 1980s and 1990s. And companies like General
Electric and Berkshire Hathaway were lauded for the
discipline with which they invested.
Today financial capital is no longer a scarce
resource¡ªit is abundant and cheap. Bain¡¯s Macro
Trends Group estimates that global financial capital
has more than tripled over the past three decades and
now stands at roughly 10 times global GDP. As capital
has grown more plentiful, its price has plummeted.
For many large companies, the after-tax cost of bor-
rowing is close to the rate of inflation, meaning that
real borrowing costs hover near zero. Any reasonably
profitable large enterprise can readily obtain the capi-
tal it needs to buy new equipment, fund new product
development, enter new markets, and even acquire
new businesses. To be sure, leadership teams still need
to manage their money carefully¡ªafter all, waste is
waste. But the skillful allocation of financial capital is
no longer a source of sustained competitive advantage.
The assets that are in short supply at most compa-
nies are the skills and capabilities required to translate
good growth ideas into successful new products, ser-
vices, and businesses¡ªand the traditional financially
driven approach to strategic investment has only com-
pounded this paucity. Indeed, the standard method
for prioritizing strategic investments strives to limit
the field of potential projects and encourages compa-
nies to invest in a few ¡°sure bets¡± that clear high hur-
dle rates. At a time when most companies are desper-
ate for growth, this approach unnecessarily forecloses
too many options. And it encourages executives to
remain committed to investments long after it¡¯s clear
that they¡¯re not paying off. Finally, it leaves companies
with piles of cash for which executives often find no
better use than to buy back stock.
Strategy in the new age of capital superabundance
demands a fundamentally different approach from the
traditional models anchored in long-term planning
and continual improvement. Companies must lower
hurdle rates and relax the other constraints that reflect
a bygone era of scarce capital. They should move away
from making a few big bets over the course of many
years and start making numerous small and varied
investments, knowing that not all will pan out. They
must learn to quickly spot¡ªand get out of¡ªlosing
ventures, while ag ...
The GCC is in a fateful economic battle that has troubling cyclical, structural, and systemic components ¡ª driven by risks around oil and a disruptive post-pandemic digital world for which it is ill-prepared. Businesses are unravelling as entitlements are withdrawn and regulations rolled back. This paper proposes to reframe relationship between the public and private sectors, rewarding companies that transition from dependency and hopeless business models, while helping govts achieve fiscal sustainability.
- Spain built up imbalances before the financial crisis through overinvestment in residential construction and the private business sector, which contributed to large current account deficits.
- Spain faces high unemployment, especially among youth, and a dual labor market with difficulties transitioning temporary workers to permanent positions.
- Structural reforms are needed to improve the functioning of Spain's labor market, financial sector, and product markets to restore competitiveness and manage its growing public debt from private to public transfers. Reforms will take time but must begin immediately to improve growth prospects.
1. Research
october 2012
spanish Retail
investment market
The polarisation of the market continues: despite the economic situation, prime
and well-establised centres continue to perform well, whilst secondary schemes
and cities are su?ering.
International retailers continue to demand space in prime shopping centres.
The retail investment market remains static. There have been no high pro?le deals
completed so far this year.
Debt transactions are increasingly the focus of investors. Future investment sales
over the short term are likely to be in the hands of the banks.
Experienced investors continue to seek opportunities in Spain¡¯s prime cities,
testimony to the belief that despite the economic climate, Spain o?ers the correct
fundamentals for retail investment. Those with a site-speci?c strategy, rather than
a country approach, will identify assets that meet their criteria through micro
2. october 2012
spanish retail
investment market report
Economic Economic Indicators 2010 2011 2012 (*)
Outlook GDP Growth -0.1 0.4 -1.7
The challenging macroeconomic situation in Unemployment rate 20.1 21.6 24.5
Spain needs little introduction having been
the focus of many economic and political Consumer Price Index 1.8 3.2 2.5
debates in recent times.
Government Bond 10 yr 4.25 5.43 5.64
The Spanish economy, characterised by a loss
of competitiveness, high levels of Source: Savings Bank Foundation (*) Annual average forecasts
unemployment and falling consumption
rates, continues to contract. There are a
variety of GDP forecasts available but the
general consensus is that economy will when the real opportunities begin to expansion of international brands. However,
contract by around -1.7% in 2012, as a result reappear. It is di?cult to imagine how a a number of international retailers continue
of further upcoming ?scal reforms and country with a population of almost 50 to seek to increase their coverage in prime
continued low economic activity. million people, having experienced nearly 15 shopping centres in Spain and believe that
years of above average GDP growth before Spain offers the correct fundamentals for
Unemployment in Spain now stands at
the slowdown in 2007, will be not be able to retail business.
approximately 24.7%. However, this is spread
unevenly across the country, with the rate in turn itself around and ?nd the road to
Primark remains particularly active as does
Madrid being around 6 percentage points recovery. Investors recognise that the key to
the Sonae Group with Sport Zone and Zippy.
lower than the national average. the Spanish market is being prepared and
A relatively new operator to the market is JD
ready to act. The economy is unlikely to make
It goes without saying that factors such as the Sports, having opened several new stores
a recovery before 2015, however there will be
intensi?cation of ?nancial stress associated this year. Other international operators, such
some interesting opportunities to be had
with sovereign debt markets, restrictions on as Superdry, remain active in their expansion
along the way.
access to credit and increased uncertainty, but opt to reduce risk via franchising in non-
not only surrounding Spain but also the prime locations.
future of Europe, do not create the healthiest
Generally, vacancy rates vary from 2.5% -
scenario for investment.
4.5% for prime centres and are 10+% in
Against this backdrop, the Spanish secondary schemes, depending on the
government continues to strive to steer Spain quality of the asset. Lease negotiations
out of the dark. Over the year, the Central continue to be difficult as operators are
Government has presented numerous ?scal The retail market remains characterised by the increasingly demanding. Landlords should
measures designed to achieve Spain¡¯s de?cit polarisation between prime and secondary seriously consider fit out and financing stores
targets. These measures include: schemes. Some prime shopping centres are to maintain competiveness.
achieving 100% occupation and have in fact
? Increase in tax revenues, including VAT,
corporate income tax, personal income tax
seen an increase in the number of visitors, as Sales
well as sales. This is a quite a di?erent
and excise duties. scenario from the challenges some secondary Despite the economic situation, people do
? Changes to unemployment bene?t and centres are facing today. continue to shop, but consumers have
social security contributions. adjusted their budgets to match current
disposable income. On average, centres
? Improvement of public sector e?ciency Supply and Demand managed by Knight Frank registered a fall in
and reduction of the public sector wage bill. Operators remain selective when opening new sales of between 2% and 8% over the first
? Review of pension system. stores and many expansion plans are on hold. half of the year.
The fact remains that Spain's economy is the Spain is facing competition from other In general, leisure and restaurants have
12th largest in the world. Despite the current countries, particularly in Eastern Europe, particularly suffered over the last year, as
situation, investors remain keen to monitor where there is considered to be greater have household goods retailers in certain
the market and to have a foot in the door for potential for economic growth, attracting the centres. However, low cost concepts such as
McDonald¡¯s or Burger King and those brands Debt transactions are increasingly the focus of
that have repositioned to adjust to the investors; even some of the more traditional
current situation have been able to maintain asset buyers are looking at ways to form new
their positions. Similarly, supermarkets and
low cost formats such as Lidl and Aldi, are
Investment vehicles for the purchase of securitised loans.
It should be remembered that the sale of the
now outperforming the traditional debt does not necessarily mean that the asset
hypermarket formats in many cases. is performing badly, but could be due to
problems the sponsor has elsewhere or simply
Some operators are finding efficiency by Despite speculation about distressed sales,
an attempt from the bank to reduce exposure.
increasing format size and are now moving the market has remained very static so far
this year. It would seem that future investment sales
from smaller units of 100-200 sq m to larger
over the short term are likely to be in the
formats of 600-700 sq m whilst maintaining Property owners that do not need cash have no
hands of the banks. However, despite their
very tight price margins. Smaller operators motive to sell in the current market. From both
eagerness to clean up balance sheets and
are most affected due to the lack of credit, an operational and transactional perspective,
reduce exposure, there is a general reluctance
whilst franchise and chain stores are many property investors continue to focus on
to accept o?ers entailing direct loss.
performing better. maximising the value of their current
Opportunistic funds interested in the purchase
portfolios, rather than considering rotation.
of debt or distressed assets are, of course,
New Openings This general lack of product, together with expecting signi?cant discounts in order to
restrictions on ?nance, lengthy decision achieve their returns, which the banks are
Only two schemes, Gran Plaza 2 in Madrid processes and overall uncertainty surrounding rejecting. The increasing distress in certain
and Serrallo Plaza in Granada, opened in the the Spanish economy, continues to make situations means that discounts not accepted
?rst half of 2012. However, three large new investment transactions extremely di?cult. today could lead to greater losses in the
shopping centres opened in September and future, as over time, these assets will have
Nevertheless, experienced investors remain
Puerto Venecia, belonging to British Land little or no capex invested in them. They will
positive and are opting to monitor the market
and Orion Capital, will open at the beginning eventually reach the market under managed
rather than remove Spain from their target list.
of October in Zaragoza. By the end of 2012, and out dated, and by that time, will be far
Emphasis is generally on prime cities,
we will have seen half a million square from meeting investment grade, even for
favouring Madrid, Barcelona and the Basque
metres of GLA come to the market, an opportunistic funds.
Country, as these areas have the most positive
indication of the con?dence key developers consumption and growth forecasts, and have Banks not willing to accept reasonable losses
have in Spanish retail. been less a?ected by the economic downturn, in the current situation should seriously
particularly if we refer to Madrid and consider how they will manage foreclosed and
Barcelona. problematic shopping centre assets. These
Main Shopping Centre Openings 2012
Scheme Location Developer GLA (sq m) Opening Date
Serrallo Plaza Granada Corporaci¨®n Garc¨ªa Arrabal 24,000 March 2012
Gran Plaza 2 Majadahonda, Madrid LSGIE 57,000 April 2012
R¨ªo Shopping Arroyo de la Encomienda, Valladolid Inter Ikea Centre Group 100,000 September 2012
Zenia Boulevard Orihuela, Alicante Immochan 80,000 September 2012
El Faro Badajoz Unibail-Rodamco 66,000 September 2012
Puerto Venecia Zaragoza British Land, Orion Capital 118,000 October 2012
Luz Shopping Lifestyle Center Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz Inter Ikea Centre Group 15,000 Novemeber 2012
As Cancelas Santiago de Compostela Carrefour Property Espa?a, Realia 50,500 Novemeber 2012
Source: Spanish Shopping Centre Association
4. october 2012
spanish retail
investment market report
properties require intense management in
order to avoid falling into situations which
allow the scheme to deteriorate and
generate costs to the extent that it simply
will not sell at any price.
There have been no high profile deals on
the market so far this year.
The first half of the year saw the sale of the
Arambol Retail Park in Palencia to a family
office investment club from Barcelona. This
retail park opened last year and although it
has a good tenant mix of retail warehouse Arambol Retail Park, Palencia
operators, is considered secondary due to
its location. However, this is an example of
how family offices looking to diversify in the
processes currently underway, both on and with the necessary measures for successful
retail sector can obtain higher returns than
off market, which have generated noticeable management.
those offered by other asset classes. Private
interest from investors. These potential
investors can take advantage of the current Enterprising investors who are able to see
transactions could increase the overall
situation to invest in retail warehouses, which beyond Spain¡¯s high risk country profile,
investment volume by the end of the year,
although they do require a certain degree of away from a general macro analysis to
however, their completion is uncertain and as
specialist knowledge, do not necessarily concentrate on the micro surroundings, will
ever, will greatly depend on finance options.
need the same intense management as find good products that still perform well in
shopping centres. We expect to see further debt portfolios and spite of the economic situation. Recent sales
individual cases come to the market over the processes have shown that experienced
It is also worth mentioning the sale of the
next 12 months. These will present good investors continue to seek opportunities in
Bahia Mar Retail Park in Cadiz to a local
opportunities, however in the case of Spain. This is testimony to the belief that
investor. With a tenant mix of local operators,
underperforming assets, investors would be despite the economic climate, Spain offers
high vacancy and short term leases, the
well advised to carry out intensive due the correct fundamentals for retail investment
transaction of Bahia Mar was driven by the
diligence in order to establish whether or not and those with a site-speci?c strategy, rather
financing bank.
the asset is likely to deteriorate further in the than a country approach, will identify assets
Despite the low level of investment current climate. In these situations, it is key that meet their criteria.
transactions, there are a number of sales to establish a sound post-acquisition strategy
Investment ? Knight Frank 2012. This report is published for general information only. Although high standards
have been used in the preparation of the information, analysis, views and projections presented in this
report, no legal responsibility can be accepted by Knight Frank Retail or Knight Frank Spain for any loss
or damage resultant from the contents of this document. As a general report, this material does not ne-
Humprey White. MRICS cessarily represent the view of Knight Frank Spain in relation to particular properties or projects. Repro-
Associate duction of this report in whole or in part is allowed with proper reference to Knight Frank Spain.
Head of Investment
Suero de Qui?ones, 34-36
Elaine Beachill. MRICS
Investment Retail 28002 - Madrid T: +34 91 59 59 000 F: +34 91 575 73 23