This file gives insights on how Astronaut has developed the leading social media advertising and event integration tool Spayz. It shows all the features and how the product is positioned in the market.
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Spayz - A social advertising and event tool
1. ? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014
Bringing the social media world
to advertising and events
2. ? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014
Corporate clients today are demanding more from
advertising and marketing than traditional advertising
agencies can solve. Technology companies on the other hand
can solve many of these new demands, but do often not
have enough in-house marketing knowledge.This is why
Astronaut has positioned itself right in the middle between
marketing and technology.
Furthermore, unlike other marketing companies, Astronaut
has used it¡¯s insights to developed it¡¯s own product, called
Spayz (pronounced ¡®space¡¯), which handles data from the
marketing activities in real time and gives insights into user
activities which no other platform can offer.
Combining the best of both worlds
Astronaut is precisely
positioned in the middle
between an advertising
agency and a tech company.
Advertising company¡¯s
Tech company¡¯s
Brand communication
Creating linked
Real time
Audience data Creating
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The power of ¡®branding intelligence¡¯
Astronaut¡¯s concept of branding intelligence is a step forward
for marketing areas like event marketing, ATL, BTL, CRM,
POS marketing and so on, as marketing knowledge is
boosted by tech advantages and data creation through a)
actively linking users through a social bridge form the brand
to the brand¡¯s community, and b) producing data driven
insights based on advanced data visualisation.
The addressed issues
Astronaut¡¯s mission
Link traditional marketing industries, like advertising,
events, CRM, POS etc. deep to the digital world.
¡°How can
advertising link
deeply to social
¡°How to know who
the important
members in the
audience are?¡±
¡°How can
campaigns stretch
to POS?¡±
¡°How to link and
compare data from
Chinese and
¡°How to link offline
seamlessly to
¡°How to create
marketing data
which is valuable
and can be learned
¡°How to link CRM to
the social media
4. ? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014
How Spayz works, ...
As the Astronaut team saw that no digital solution was
sufficient enough to solve the demands for it¡¯s branding
intelligence strategy, the company created it¡¯s own
platform Spayz. Spayz links users actively to any
brand¡¯s communication activities via their social media
Spayz consists of three parts: the front end, the
console and the data centre.
The front end
Link to the real world
? Links user to brands via social
? By using their own social media
log in, users integrate deeply to
marketing efforts.
The console
All in one place
? Registers users.
? Monitors social content.
? Connects to the users devices.
? Spreads brand information.
The data centre
Measure-learn data
? Measures in real time customer
? Adaptable set of data display
structures to make data easy to
Supported networks:
? The biggest Chinese networks,
like Weibo and Weixin.
? The LinkedIn business network.
? Facebook is integrated and
Twitter is on it¡¯s way.
Comparing international data:
? Spayz is one of the few platforms
which deeply integrates western and
Chinese social media worlds and by
that can measure and compare market
trends and behaviours to gain
advantages in international brand
5. ? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014
... what skills it has, ...
The Spayz control panel (top picture, right)
handles the users social interactions, shows
who is connected to the brand and
monitors the social conversations.
The Spayz¡¯ influencer panel (top picture,
left) allocates people who have the highest
opinion leading power. This amazing feature
gives companies a real time knowledge
about the community members which
matter most while an advertising
campaign, an event or a CRM activity is on.
Front end
management Message board
Top benefits
Seamless O2O
? Brining the online world
into everyday life.
? Spayz is leading the
development in the offline
to online sector.
? It is important to allocate
the people who can
influence masses.
? Spayz¡¯ influencer panel
shows in real time who
the most important
people are.
? Connect the brand to the
it¡¯s community.
? Measure the sentiment of
conversations, to learn
about the impact of
branding activities.
Deep customer
? ¡®Following¡¯ or ¡®liking¡¯ a brand
is not enough anymore.
? Spayz forms real
communities by people
actively linking to the
6. ? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014
... and which outstanding tasks it performs
Spayz links users deeply to marketing activities, solving
urgent brand communication needs like, how to bring
offline brand communication online, how to create data
which is valuable and easy to understand, or how can
marketing efforts lead to closer customer relations and
POS integration.
Spayz is adaptable to all needs, creating tailor made
solutions for brands and it¡¯s marketing activities.
New ways to connect the
offline and the online
? Advertising campaigns and packages
are linked purely by people pointing the
phone at it.
? New and fresh concepts are created
through product recognition and
integrating wearables into ad
Learning from data like
never before
? Big data needs to be understood.
? Spayz uses advanced data visualisation
features which help clients to
understand the data fast and learn
from it for further business
Social CRM
? Brand communication efforts should not
stop with offline or online marketing
activities, but link customers to the
? Through Spayz customers link deeply
to the brand and stay in touch via a
social CRM system, linking social media
and POS communication in one place.
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Astronaut¡¯s product strategy
To know more about Astronaut¡¯s product strategy please
8. ? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014
The story of Astronaut ...
Spayz was developed in 2012 and was used for the first time
at the opening event for the Galaxy Soho in Beijing, handling
the marketing activity on site for over 20.000 people.
Since then Astronaut has used it¡¯s branding intelligence
techniques for many world leading brands in China. The 25
people strong company is based in the Jian Wai Soho office
complex in central Beijing, consisting of project
management, design, digital marketing and IT teams.
Currently new projects for leading e-commerce websites, car
brands and airlines are on the table, making Astronaut one
of the leading companies in the ad-tech field.
? Top left: Spayz was used
for the Galaxy Soho
? Bottom left: Spayz at an
event in action.
? Four phones bottom right:
Front end solution for the
Porsche Panamera launch
in China linked to Spayz.
? Brands which
use Spayz:
9. ? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014
... and it¡¯s founder
Michael Kaltenhauser arrived in Beijing 5 years ago to set up
Astronaut. He had an 20 years long advertising career in central
Europe and London, UK where he worked for global advertising
agencies such as McCann Erickson, BBDO, Wunderman and Young
& Rubicam.
In Michael's portfolio are such brands like Coca Cola, Swatch,
Mercedes, Cannon, Orange, just to name a few, for which he
created TV, print and outdoor advertising campaigns, as well as
event marketing strategies. His work has been published in several
adverting books and magazines, and he¡¯s work has been given
awards like the Effie and the Art Directors Club Award.
After setting up the London brand and design consultancy Captive,
which was ranked by Creative Review amongst the top British
companies in it¡¯s field, he saw the changes in the branding and
advertising industry and so in 2009 he set up Astronaut, first in
London, before moving it to Beijing.
The influential American media and tech
website Business Insider placed Michael
amongst the world's most 30 creative people
in social media marketing.
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What is happening next
Astronaut has laid the fundament for a strong market
position through building a marketing service around an IT
product, which has proven it¡¯s capabilities, not just to get
interest, but also to deliver satisfactory results for
international clients. The next tasks are to widen the
development gap to copy products and a building a client
base of international clients. This is why a two step
company development is planned:
1. Build a strong base in China to dominate the national
market (planned mid 2014) and
2. open offices in Europe and America to roll out the
services internationally (planned for 2015).
Step 2
Development in
the west
? Opening offices first in
Europe, then in the US to
launch branding intelligence
products in the west.
management team
? Creating sales contacts and
brand exposure for Spayz.
? Three different teams for
every client group.
Creative team
? Increasing the creative
team to further establish
strong concepts with Spayz
and drive market leadership
in the advertising tech field.
IT team
? Extending the production
team to run parallel
developments in all three
client groups and in
servicing ongoing jobs.
Step 1
Development in
? Creating a bigger sized
company to run more jobs
parallel and develop Spayz
further to fundament
To know more about Astronaut¡¯s development plans
please contact
11. ? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014? Astronaut 2014
Income forecast
The income is initially generated by servicing international
clients, running their social integration of ATL and BTL
campaigns, as well as building influencer networks. The
client group B takes longer to generate a bigger income
share as single budgets are smaller, but after roughly 2 - 3
years it will account for approximately a third of the
turnover. Client group C creates initially mostly value for
group A and B, but as time goes on big volume selling of
cheap services is creating a significant part
of the overall income.
Income ratio shift
? As more diverse products
are developed - also for
client group C - the income
ratio will shift.
Three years period
Group A Group B Group CChina Europe America
? In China the team has
been established and
works on new clients.
? Europe has been set up.
? China continues to grow.
? Europe is established.
? America is set up to
? In China Astronaut is one of
the countries leading tech
advertising agencies.
? Europe continues to grow.
? America is established.
To know more about Astronaut¡¯s income forecast please