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Statistical Process Control (SPC), Measurement System Analysis
            (MSA) and Continuous Process Control techniques but they learn
                                    Improvement Course
                                                       how and why they work

1. Background                                          3. Outcome
Everything You Need to Know About Statistical          Competency in SPC, MSA and Continuous
Process Control (SPC), Measurement System              Improvement Tools. Participants will be able to
Analysis (MSA) and Continuous Improvement in 5         draw up a Control Plan for their processes and will
Intensive Days.                                        be able to implement SPC in the workplace.
                                                       Participants will be able to evaluate and improve
Statistical Process Control is a technical tool that   their processes.
provides users with the ability to study, control
and improve processes of all types. It is central to
the concept of profound knowledge taught by the
late Drs. W. Edwards Deming and Walter

MSA is a prerequisite for the implementation of
SPC. If you do not improve your manufacturing
processes continuously you stand the risk of losing
your market share.

                                                       4. Target Group
                                                       ï‚·   Engineers
                                                       ï‚·   Production Supervisors /Foremen
                                                       ï‚·   Technicians
                                                       ï‚·   Metallurgists/Chemists
2. Objectives                                          ï‚·   Production Managers
                                                       ï‚·   Quality Specialists
In this seminar you will gain new insight that will
change forever how you interpret data and
improve manufacturing processes. People often          5. Course Outline
make costly mistakes because they misread
information. Yet many shy away from statistical              Day 1:
analysis because they do not understand the                  •   What is SPC
language or the mathematics used by statisticians.           •   The concept of Variability
This seminar cuts through the jargon and shows               •   Histogram and the Normal Distribution
you how you can use powerful statistical methods             •   Process Performance Indices
simply and effortlessly. You will learn exactly how          •   Variable Control Charts
variability can be systematically reduced and                Day 2:
experience how process dynamics are reflected in             •   Attribute Control Charts
Control Charts and Process Capability Analysis.              •   Pareto Analysis
                                                             •   Correlation and Regression
Participants not only learn basic Statistical
•   Control Chart Pattern Analysis
      •   Process Capability Analysis                   6. About the Facilitator
      Day 3:                                            Willie Lottering is a Certified Quality and Reliability
      •   How to Implement SPC                          Engineer with post graduate degrees in Industrial
      •   Control Plan                                  Engineering, Quality Engineering and Reliability
      •   Responsibility Assignments for SPC            Engineering from the University of Pretoria . He is
      •   How to Improve any Type of Process
                                                        also a graduate in Mathematical Science with
      •   Real Time SPC
                                                        Mathematical Statistics, Applied Mathematics and
      Day4:                                             Mathematics as majors. He has more than 35
      •   Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
                                                        years' experience in the fields of Quality, Reliability
      Day 5:                                            Engineering and Continuous Improvement.
      •   NWA SPC Software
                                                        Some of the responsibilities and highlights in his
The above course will be presented over a period        career include:
of 1 week (5 working days).
                                                            ï‚·    Re-industrialisation and implementation
Due to the modular presentation an individual can
                                                                 of Statistical Process Control (SPC) on the
attend 4 working during a month and attend the
                                                                 manufacturing processes of the R4
last day with the next course group during the next
                                                                 Assault Rifle,
month. A competency certificate will only be
                                                            ï‚·    Implementation of a Failure Reporting
issued after completion of all five (5) days training
                                                                 and Corrective Action System (FRACAS)
as well as a Project, selected by the company
                                                                 for the SA Army,
management of the course attendee with inputs
                                                            ï‚·    Chief Systems Engineer (Reliability) for
from the course presenter, to demonstrate
                                                                 the development of a new Main Battle
learning during the course. Projects must
                                                                 Tank for the SA Army,
contribute to process improvement and must have
                                                            ï‚·    Management of the Reliability Growth
a financial benefit for the company. Three weeks
                                                                 Program of the Rooikat Armoured
(3) will be allowed for the completion of a Project.
During the 3 weeks period the presenter of the
                                                            ï‚·    Management of the Reliability Program of
course will be available for Project consultation
                                                                 the Pebble Bed Nuclear Reactor (PBMR),
and guidance. Final Projects will be presented to
                                                            ï‚·    Reliability studies for SASOL in Secunda,
management of companies by course attendees.
                                                            ï‚·    Reliability studies during the development
Normal consultation fees will apply during the
                                                                 stages of new Water Pipelines and
Project phase of the course.
                                                                 Pumping Stations in South Africa and
                                                            ï‚·    Reliability studies for the Uranium
                                                                 Enrichment Corporation of South Africa,
                                                            ï‚·    Spare Part Strategy optimisation for the
                                                                 Pilatus Aircraft,
                                                            ï‚·    Implementation of ISO TS 16949 for a
                                                                 Stainless Steel Plant,
                                                            ï‚·    Implementation of a Real Time Statistical
                                                                 Process Control System at a Stainless
                                                                 Steel Plant using the Wonderware
                                                                 Intouch SCADA System,
                                                            ï‚·    Training of more than 2000 people in
                                                                 industry in aspects such as Statistical
                                                                 Process Control (SPC), Measurement
                                                                 System Analyisis (MSA), The Taguchi DOE
(Design of Experiments) Principles,
        Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
        (PFMEA), Control Plan and the general
        requirements of ISO TS 16949.
    ï‚·   External Examiner for Post Graduate
        Degrees (Honours and Masters) in
        Reliability Engineering at the University of

Willie Lottering has a passion for training,
consulting and mentoring of people from Operator
to Senior Management Level in his specialist areas
with the aim of assisting them to achieve
operational excellence.

7. Contact Information
 Cell: 083 225 3733
 e-mail: pitechn@mweb.co.za
 fax: 0866 719 623

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  • 1. Statistical Process Control (SPC), Measurement System Analysis (MSA) and Continuous Process Control techniques but they learn Improvement Course how and why they work 1. Background 3. Outcome Everything You Need to Know About Statistical Competency in SPC, MSA and Continuous Process Control (SPC), Measurement System Improvement Tools. Participants will be able to Analysis (MSA) and Continuous Improvement in 5 draw up a Control Plan for their processes and will Intensive Days. be able to implement SPC in the workplace. Participants will be able to evaluate and improve Statistical Process Control is a technical tool that their processes. provides users with the ability to study, control and improve processes of all types. It is central to the concept of profound knowledge taught by the late Drs. W. Edwards Deming and Walter Shewhart. MSA is a prerequisite for the implementation of SPC. If you do not improve your manufacturing processes continuously you stand the risk of losing your market share. 4. Target Group ï‚· Engineers ï‚· Production Supervisors /Foremen ï‚· Technicians ï‚· Metallurgists/Chemists 2. Objectives ï‚· Production Managers ï‚· Quality Specialists In this seminar you will gain new insight that will change forever how you interpret data and improve manufacturing processes. People often 5. Course Outline make costly mistakes because they misread information. Yet many shy away from statistical Day 1: analysis because they do not understand the • What is SPC language or the mathematics used by statisticians. • The concept of Variability This seminar cuts through the jargon and shows • Histogram and the Normal Distribution you how you can use powerful statistical methods • Process Performance Indices simply and effortlessly. You will learn exactly how • Variable Control Charts variability can be systematically reduced and Day 2: experience how process dynamics are reflected in • Attribute Control Charts Control Charts and Process Capability Analysis. • Pareto Analysis • Correlation and Regression Participants not only learn basic Statistical
  • 2. • Control Chart Pattern Analysis • Process Capability Analysis 6. About the Facilitator Day 3: Willie Lottering is a Certified Quality and Reliability • How to Implement SPC Engineer with post graduate degrees in Industrial • Control Plan Engineering, Quality Engineering and Reliability • Responsibility Assignments for SPC Engineering from the University of Pretoria . He is • How to Improve any Type of Process also a graduate in Mathematical Science with • Real Time SPC Mathematical Statistics, Applied Mathematics and Day4: Mathematics as majors. He has more than 35 • Measurement System Analysis (MSA) years' experience in the fields of Quality, Reliability Day 5: Engineering and Continuous Improvement. • NWA SPC Software Some of the responsibilities and highlights in his The above course will be presented over a period career include: of 1 week (5 working days). ï‚· Re-industrialisation and implementation Due to the modular presentation an individual can of Statistical Process Control (SPC) on the attend 4 working during a month and attend the manufacturing processes of the R4 last day with the next course group during the next Assault Rifle, month. A competency certificate will only be ï‚· Implementation of a Failure Reporting issued after completion of all five (5) days training and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) as well as a Project, selected by the company for the SA Army, management of the course attendee with inputs ï‚· Chief Systems Engineer (Reliability) for from the course presenter, to demonstrate the development of a new Main Battle learning during the course. Projects must Tank for the SA Army, contribute to process improvement and must have ï‚· Management of the Reliability Growth a financial benefit for the company. Three weeks Program of the Rooikat Armoured (3) will be allowed for the completion of a Project. Vehicle, During the 3 weeks period the presenter of the ï‚· Management of the Reliability Program of course will be available for Project consultation the Pebble Bed Nuclear Reactor (PBMR), and guidance. Final Projects will be presented to ï‚· Reliability studies for SASOL in Secunda, management of companies by course attendees. ï‚· Reliability studies during the development Normal consultation fees will apply during the stages of new Water Pipelines and Project phase of the course. Pumping Stations in South Africa and Botswana, ï‚· Reliability studies for the Uranium Enrichment Corporation of South Africa, ï‚· Spare Part Strategy optimisation for the Pilatus Aircraft, ï‚· Implementation of ISO TS 16949 for a Stainless Steel Plant, ï‚· Implementation of a Real Time Statistical Process Control System at a Stainless Steel Plant using the Wonderware Intouch SCADA System, ï‚· Training of more than 2000 people in industry in aspects such as Statistical Process Control (SPC), Measurement System Analyisis (MSA), The Taguchi DOE
  • 3. (Design of Experiments) Principles, Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA), Control Plan and the general requirements of ISO TS 16949. ï‚· External Examiner for Post Graduate Degrees (Honours and Masters) in Reliability Engineering at the University of Pretoria. Willie Lottering has a passion for training, consulting and mentoring of people from Operator to Senior Management Level in his specialist areas with the aim of assisting them to achieve operational excellence. 7. Contact Information Cell: 083 225 3733 e-mail: pitechn@mweb.co.za fax: 0866 719 623