The document discusses skills for effective public speaking. It outlines 8 skills: 1) knowing your audience, 2) preparing a speech with an introduction, main points, and conclusion, 3) using effective presentation skills, 4) being yourself, 5) using visual aids effectively, 6) using your voice powerfully, 7) using proper body language and gestures, and 8) speaking in front of a video camera. For skill 1, it emphasizes finding the audience's background and that not knowing them can cause the audience to tune out or fall asleep. For skill 2, it provides tips for introductions, main points, and conclusions. For skill 3, it details the "7Ps" which are passion, pause, being professional,
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Speak@public tips by Author Johann Paul Gregory MBA
3. 8 Skills:-
1.Know Thy Audience
2.Preparing a speech (Intro, Main points and conclusion)
3.E鍖ective Presentation skills (7Ps by JPG)
4.Be yourself
5.Using visual aids e鍖ectively
6.Using your voice powerfully
7.Body language with proper gestures
8.How to speak in front of a video camera? (no one is looking)
6. if you dont
know your
1. they are turned o鍖
2. they are sitting there
but not listening to
what you are saying
3. they could be
Preparing a speech (Intro, Main points and conclusion)
*Preparation is very crucial in public speaking
What Introduction are you
going to use?
How are you going to use
Ways to introduce:-
1) Show a statistic
2) Start with a ____
3) Talk about the ______
of todays newspaper
4) Ask _______ questions
9. Preparing your Main points
Two factors that determines the main points:-
1. Depending on the _______ allocated for your talk
2. Depending on the _______ that you will talking on
22. Process
1. Presentation that follows a process
2. _______________
3. Eye-to-eye contact ____________
4. Illustration with facts, 鍖gures and pictures
5. Various intonation ________________
24. Points
1. Prepare all your points you want to cover
2. Put the importance 鍖rst (prioritize)
3. At times, ___________________
4. __________________________
5. At the end of each point, check with audience
whether can proceed further
37. 1. Standing at the same place
2. Putting your hands in the pocket all the
3. No facial expression at all
How to speak in front of a video camera? (no one is
40. 3 Tips by JPG
1. Prepare your script
2. Practise
3. Pretend talking to a friend
41. Describe about the state
For example, in this video, I was
explaining about Penang food haven
42. Talk about the best part of the property
For example, in this video, I was pointing
out the Spanish kitchen tiles and ladies
would love the kitchen.
43. Describe about the property market
For example, in this video, I was
explaining about the buyers market
44. Always show your REN tag
For example, in this video, I was
explaining about the property and Penang
market too