The document provides information about a training conference on transforming global capabilities for special operations forces. The conference includes a Human Geography Focus Day on December 12th featuring briefings on topics such as latest SOF needs and lessons learned from counterinsurgency operations. The main summit days are on December 13-14th and include keynotes from military leaders and sessions on irregular warfare capabilities, operating in Africa, and technology for SOF forces.
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Special Operations Summit (Tampa, FL - December 2011)
1. Look inside for details on
the highly anticipated
Presents a training conference: Geography
Transforming Global Shoot, Move and Communicate Capabilities
Human Geography Focus Day: Main Summit Days: Wyndham Tampa Westshore
December 12, 2011 December 13 -14, 2011 Tampa, FL
Featuring distinguished
Benefit from
keynote speakers such as:
technical briefings on: Rear Admiral Sean Pybus, USN
Latest SOF needs and Navy Special Warfare Command
requirements for complex Brigadier General Stephen Clark, USAF
threat environments Director
Plans, Programs, Requirements, and Assessments
Irregular Warfare
capabilities and strategic Colonel Richard Samuels, USAF
planning for SOF operations Deputy Commander
Global special operations Rear Admiral Sinclair Harris, USN
and low intensity conflict Director
Navy Irregular Warfare Office
Latest lessons learned
from COIN and stabilizing David Ochmanek, SES
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Development
operations in fragile states
Plus, hear program updates and reviews from representatives from
2. Transforming Global Shoot, Move and Communicate Capabilities
Human Geography Focus Day: Main Summit Days: Wyndham Tampa Westshore
December 12, 2011 December 13 -14, 2011 Tampa, FL
Welcome to IDGAs Special Operations Summit - Transforming Table of Contents
Global Shoot, Move and Communicate Capabilities!
Human Geography Focus Day ................................3
Special Operations Forces are seeing more direct action than ever before. Main Summit Day 1................................................4
Engaging in missions pre and post conflict as well as during have Main Summit Day 2................................................5
contributed to evolving requirements for special operations equipment. Sponsor Exhibitor Info ........................................6
This evolution continues to change direction as future operations becomes
Venue Pricing ......................................................7
difficult to predict. Increasing tensions in global combatant commands due
to the Arab Spring and violent state and non-state actors has increased the Registration Form ..................................................8
need for greater interagency cooperation between the DoD, DoS and other
government stakeholders. These needs have never been greater and the
direction of Defend, Diplomacy, and Development must be set for the Who You Will Meet
coming years. At IDGAs Special Operations Summit, you will have
the opportunity to collaborate and network with
The categories of warfare are blurring and no longer fit into neat, representatives from the special operations community,
tidy boxes. One can expect to see more tools and tactics of as well as personnel from military units, government
agencies, research, manufacturers/contractors and
destruction -- from the sophisticated to the simple technology service providers. Attendees will include
-- being employed simultaneously in hybrid and more Program Managers and Project Managers, Branch
complex forms of warfare. Heads, Project Leads, Commanders, Scientists and
- Robert M. Gates, Previous U.S. Secretary of Defense Engineers with the following responsibilities:
Program Management
IDGAs Special Operations Summit will provide the most up-to-date Research
news on the latest advancements in technologies and the lessons learned Future Joint Strategy
from recent efforts. This event will take a closer look at military strategies Requirements
for unconventional warfare including Special Forces and counter Acquisition
insurgency operations. Due to increasing challenges, acquisition decisions Technological Advancement
are currently being made, as well as new requirements for industry.
Benefit from insight into capability areas including:
Unconventional warfare technology and the continued roadmap ahead
To-date efforts and lessons learned from Special Operations Forces About IDGA
Direct action needs for global operations and missions in Combatant The Institute for Defense
Commands Government Advancement
(IDGA) is a non-partisan
National efforts to leverage resources from all sectors, industries, and
information based organization
academia for improved operation efficiency dedicated to the promotion of innovative ideas in public
Engaging in joint-efforts for interagency cooperation and capabilities service and defense. We bring together speaker panels
comprised of military and government professionals
while attracting delegates with decision-making power
Register yourself and your team today at from military, government and defense industries. or by calling 1-800-882-8684. In addition to our live events, IDGA also offers an online
community dedicated to providing defense industry
professionals with breaking news, business
opportunities, introductions, podcasts, videos, webinars,
articles, and presentations from key industry leaders.
Special Operations Online Resource Library Members of our online community are able to extend
their live event experience and interact with the defense
Prepare for the summit by visiting to access industry by leveraging the opportunity to network, share
ideas, best practices, and business solutions. Join our
the complete program agenda, white papers, speaker podcasts interviews, past
community today at
presentations, videos, articles and more. Plus, all items are free to download!
2 Get your ALL ACCESS pass at or call 1-800-882-8684 today!
3. Human Geography Focus Day
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sign-up for this in-depth and interactive series of workshops to examine current training and immersion techniques for special operations
forces with a focus on creating seamless cultural and religious understanding. Hear from leading researchers and innovative leaders on the
technologies and processes that are revolutionizing force integration capabilities. These practical application sessions will deliver high impact
knowledge led by recognized experts.
7:30am Registration and Coffee
Focus Day Opening Keynote:
8:00am 10:00am
the Human Terrain System
Changing Mission Requirements and Strategies:
Afghanistan Transition and Future Phase 0 Support to COCOMs
The HTS concept is to attach Human Terrain Teams What will be covered:
(HTTs) to deployed BCTs / RCTs, Divisions, Efforts to recruit, train, deploy, and support an embedded, operationally focused sociocultural
Corps/theater, and support them with a CONUS- capability
based Reach-back Research Center (RRC). The Human Conducting operationally relevant, sociocultural research and analysis; develop and maintain a
Terrain System uses empirical sociocultural research sociocultural knowledge base
and analysis to fill a large operational decision-making Supporting operational decision-making, enhance operational effectiveness and preserve and share
support gap. This research provides current, accurate, sociocultural institutional knowledge
and reliable data generated by on-the-ground
How you will benefit:
research on the specific social groups in the supported
Latest ability to assess the population through engagement meetings with local officials, provincial
units operating environment. This human terrain
knowledge provides a sociocultural foundation for the government officials and tribal leaders
Increased understanding for which decisions for combat action to take or whether any action is
staffs support to the Commanders Military Decision
Making Process (MDMP), both in planning and even appropriate
Detailed knowledge of host populations in critical areas where U.S. forces are being increased to
execution. It also enables a more effective rotation of
forces through the creation and maintenance of an conduct counterinsurgency and stability operations
enduring, sociocultural knowledge base. Session Leader:
Colonel Sharon Hamilton, USA
Director, Human Terrain System
Cultural Immersion Lessons
10:00am 12:00pm Learned and the Way Forward
Thinking like the Natives: Cultural Immersion for US Special Operations
Cultural immersion is a skill set that allows missions to What will be covered:
develop and execute with smooth transitions. It does Getting plugged in to the local social network
not guarantee mission success but certainly assures Developing a stronger language program with high standards
greater mission success than can be achieved Sized, trained and equipped to engage in any threat environment against any adversary;
operating without it. Cultural immersion equalizes culturally, linguistically, politically and regionally focused
the playing field when US/Coalition special forces are How you will benefit:
operating in foreign lands against otherwise invisible Ensure a seamless relationship between human source collection and signals collection at the
or immersed enemies. This session examines various operational level
aspects of cultural immersion, how they relate to Adopting new operational concepts while actively taking the fight to the terrorists
warfare and proposes recommendations for cultural Utilize recurring deployments to increase language skills, cultural awareness and to build the
immersion supporting present day special operations military and political contacts
Session Leader:
Professor Bob Sharp
Assistant Professor, International Security Studies, Strategic Studies Division
National Defense University
12:00pm 1:00pm Networking Lunch
Inside the Mind of
1:00pm 3:00pm Arab Dissidents
Understanding the Cultural Drive and Religious Motivation for Global Tension
The rise of Islamic terrorism worldwide is a phenomenon What will be covered:
of our age. But it is not the first time that violence in the Understanding the basic ideology of radical Islam
name of Islam has surged across the world. In this Global jihad and countering terrorism
session, Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo takes an in-depth look at Cultural indoctrination from childhood
the teachings of Islam, past and present, which form the
How you will benefit:
driving force for Islamic terrorism. Drawing on a wide Discover threats and opportunities driving terrorist initiatives
range of sources, including many Muslim writers, he Gain a better understanding of traditional viewpoints and how they relate to global Islamic communities
examines the facets of the Islamic faith which motivate
so many men and women of violence. He suggests a Session Leader:
number of practical responses which can be adopted by Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo
military forces to counter the violence and strategies for Chairman, Westminster Institute
winning the long war against Islamic violence. Visiting Fellow, Cranfield University
Adjunct Professor, George C. Marshall Center for European Security
3 Register by October 14 to Save $300! Visit for complete information.
4. Main Summit Day One
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
7:15 Registration and Coffee 1:15 Special Operations/Low-Intensity and
Interdependent Capabilities
Development of policy regarding the capabilities and operational
8:15 Chairpersons Welcome and Opening Remarks employment of special operations forces, strategic forces and
conventional forces
The future of SO/LIC and IC within the near future
8:30 Irregular Warfare Capabilities and Strategic The SOF role after OEF and its effects on policy and capabilities
Planning for SOF Operations
Coordinating the development of aspects of special operations Michael D. Lumpkin, SES
forces (SOF) doctrine relevant to IW Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Leading the development of SOF IW-relevant training and SO/LIC IC
education standards for individuals and units
Navy requirements and future needs for IW
Rear Admiral Sinclair Harris 2:00 Department of Defense Policy and Strategic
Director, Navy Irregular Warfare Office Planning for Unconventional Warfare
US Navy Abilities to enhance Small Unit Excellence to ensure SOF
Conducting and supporting outside reviews (e.g. Red Team) of
9:15 AFSOC Needs and Requirements for SOF Defense Planning Scenarios for appropriate inclusion of hybrid,
Operations complex threats
Unique challenges and threats Input for global IW/Hybrid threats
Needs and requirements for industry Dr. Andrea J. Dew
Latest plans and programs Co-Director, Center on Irregular Warfare Armed Groups
Brigadier General Stephen Clark US Naval War College
Plans, Programs, Requirements, and Assessments
2:45 Networking Break
10:00 Networking Break
3:30 Lessons from Countering Insurgency and
Stabilizing Fragile States
10:45 Operating in AFRICOM: Challenges and Counterterrorism programs and national policy
Lessons learned Insurgencies and the roots of violent extremism
Strategies for SOF in Africa Conflict Analysis and Resolution
The importance of local government and community Special Operations Theory and Application
cooperation Lieutenant Colonel Michael Lewis
Evolution of the force Special Operations Chair
Colonel Richard Samuels Marine Corps University
Deputy Commander, SOCAFRICA
US Africa Command
4:15 USAID Session: Preparing for Civil-Military
Operations Support to Special Operations
CMO: the focal point for agency interaction with US and foreign
11:30 SOUTHCOM: Lessons Learned and the Evolving militaries
Use of SOF in Global Operations Development of diplomacy and defense in achieving national
What we are doing outside OEF around the world and how we security
are growing Enabling quick response to conflict, reconstruction, transition,
Agility and unconventional approaches - how SOF can uniquely famine, and disaster situations
organize to meet irregular challenges and innovative solutions Ms. Elena Brineman
Global engagement - influencing the human domain Director, Military Affairs Office
Colonel Gregory Wilson USAID
SOF Chair and CORE Lab Co-Director
Naval Post Graduate School
5:00 End of Main Summit Day One
12:15 Lunch
Surprisingly insightful...speakers seemed very genuineinput was honest and presented point of view clearly.
JFK Special Warfare Center
4 Get your ALL ACCESS pass at or call 1-800-882-8684 today!
5. Main Summit Day Two
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
7:45 Registration and Coffee 11:30 Irregular Warfare and Joint Distributed Operations
Collaborative development of joint IW-relevant doctrine
New concepts and capabilities as part of the joint concept
8:25 Chairpersons Opening Remarks development and experimentation program
Identification of joint-IW relevant capabilities and recommend
priorities for capability development
8:30 Acquisition Response to Special Operations and
Ambassador John Herbst
Unconventional Warfare
Director, Center for Complex Operations
Acquisition Reform for Expeditionary Warfare
National Defense University
Unmanned Systems for IW
Greening the Department
Mr. Brian Detter, SES 12:15 Lunch
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Expeditionary Warfare
1:15 The 11 Intelligence Squadron Mission and SOF
Team Support
9:15 US Navy Operational Capabilities and Strategic Intelligence support for AFSOC efforts
Planning for SOF Latest intelligence challenges and needs
Capabilities and capacity for persistent intelligence, surveillance, Capabilities and capacity for persistent ISR
and reconnaissance
Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Holmgren
Assessment of operational areas and environments that may
serve as safe havens for unconventional threats
11th Intelligence Squadron
Latest trends seen in theater
Rear Admiral Sean Pybus
Commander, Navy Special Warfare Command 2:45 Networking Break
US Navy
3:30 Technology for SOF Forces: The Challenges of
10:00 Networking Break Unconventional Warfare
Working with SOCOM to fulfill SOF needs and requirements
Latest capabilities and interests for SOCOM contracting
10:45 Psyops: Developing and Applying New The process and working with SOCOM
American Counterinsurgency Doctrine
Offering joint force commanders unmatched abilities to Mr. David Johnson
Technical Industrial Liaison Officer
influence target audiences as well as support to US diplomacy
Convincing enemy, neutral, and friendly nations and forces to US Special Operations Command
take action favorable to the United States and its allies
Supporting operations support national security objectives at the
tactical, operational and strategic levels of operations 4:15 Leveraging the Surge in Capabilities to
Support Special Operations
Colonel Reginald Bostick Priorities covered and summit recap
Commander, 4th Military Information Support Group (MISG) Current challenges faced and the way ahead
US Army Special Operations Command Global participation and interagency cooperation and
coordination for increased SOF efficiency
Mr. Nick Petti
Program Director, Special Operations
5:00 End of Main Summit
An incredible amount of information to absorb over the last three days. Very much enjoyed listening
to all of the keynote speakers. NSWC Crane
5 Register by October 14 to Save $300! Visit for complete information.
6. Sponsorship and
Exhibition Opportunities
Participation is like taking a rifle shot at your target audienceand hitting the bullseye!
IDGAs Special Operations Summit will give attendees the latest in mission and operational priorities for
special operations equipment and solutions from the commanding officers themselves. It is designed to provide
a unique window to reach senior program leaders, military experts and other military defense decision makers
in order to build your market share in the special operations field.
Meet high level representatives from:
Features of customized packages can include:
Thought Leadership Networking with Key Decision Makers
Present a strong business case or case study Utilize exhibit space traffic to initiate new business
directly to a captive audience of attendees in relationships
workshops, panel discussions or technical Gain valuable leads through face to face meetings with
presentations your top prospects
Strategize with senior decision makers
Brand Awareness
Include your logo on all out-going marketing Marketing Partnerships
Participate in custom-built marketing strategies to suit
Have your company listed on the official Special your organizations size, capabilities and individual
Operations Summit website along with your requirement
companys logo, a brief summary of your brand
and a link to your website Utilize custom invitations targeting your prospects and
clients plus so much more
Onsite branding opportunities
Sponsorship of pre-event activities like webinars,
newsletters and more
Secure your space today by contacting Tom Boccard at (646) 253-5517
Absolutely excellent! Well done. Insightful and stimulating. Director, Leonie Industries
6 Get your ALL ACCESS pass at or call 1-800-882-8684 today!
7. Venue Accommodation
Wyndham Tampa Westshore Group Rate: $92 + 12% tax
700 N. Westshore Blvd. Please identify you are part of the
IDGA- Spec Opps event to ensure
Tampa FL, 33609
the special rate. Please make your
Phone: 813-289-8200 reservation before November 28,
Website: 2011 in order to ensure you are eligible for the group rate.
Registration Information
5 Easy Ways to Register Now!
1 Web: 4 Fax: 646-378-6025, 24 hours a day
2 Email: 5 Mail: IDGA - 535 5th Avenue, 8th Floor
3 Phone: 1-800-882-8684 New York, NY 10017
Pricing Discounts
Register Pay Register Pay Standard
Package 10/14/2011 11/4/2011 Price
All Access - Best Value! $1,635 (Save $300) $1,735 (Save $200) $1,835 (Save $100)
Two Day Main Summit $1,090 (Save $200) $1,190 (Save $100) $1,290
Human Geography Focus Day $645
Team Discounts+ SOCO ADVISORY 09-03: 7.(a) Admission fees of $645 per day or less for all
attendees are considered reasonable costs worldwide for the purposes of JER
Number of Attendees: Savings of: 3-211 (a)(7).
6 to 9 20%
10 or more 30% IDGA is not affiliated with the U.S. Government or any branch of the Armed
+ Discounts apply to registrations submitted together, at the same time.
Cannot be combined with any other discount.
Dress Code: Military personnel are kindly requested to be in uniform. Please refer to for cancellation,
Appropriate attire for Industry is business casual. postponement and substitution policy
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: IDGA Special Dietary Needs: If you have a dietary restriction, please contact
A $99 processing charge will be assessed to all registrations not accompanied Customer Service at 1-800-882-8684 to discuss your
by credit card payment at the time of registration. specific needs.
* CT residents or people employed in the state of CT must add 6% sales tax. 息2011 IDGA. All Rights Reserved. The format, design, content and
arrangement of this brochure constitute a trademark of IDGA.
Payment Policy: Payment is due in full at the time of registration and includes
lunches and refreshments. Your registration will not be confirmed until Unauthorized reproduction will be actionable under the Lanham Act and
payment is received and may be subject to cancellation. common law principles.
Media Partners
7 Register by October 14 to Save $300! Visit for complete information.
8. Presents a training conference:
Transforming Global Shoot, Move and Communicate Capabilities
Human Geography Focus Day: Main Summit Days: Wyndham Tampa Westshore
December 12, 2011 December 13 -14, 2011 Tampa, FL
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