A university presentation made for an ecology and conservation module on cheetah's. Goes into detail about its population, biology, threats and solutions, gene pool and conservation methods. Last slide includes a video which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmZzFwu5dLY
3. Biology of the Cheetah
Evolved for speed
over aggression
Rely on speed and
skill to survive
Can reach their top
speed of 70mph in 3
4. Threats & Solutions
Media influence
Anti-poaching laws
Wildlife reserves
Land preserved for
cheetah’s- protection
from humans
Breeding programmes
Conflict with humans
Loss of habitat as a
result of human
Decline in amount
of prey
Cub mortality as a result
of carnivore predators
5. Gene Pools
• Genes are a major issue for the cheet
• After the ice age 10,000 years ago
cheetahs managed to survive
• Despite a rebound reaching 100,000,
genetic diversity was and is lacking
• Research shows the cheetah gene
pool sharing similarities to highly-inbred
• They repopulated from such a small
• All cheetahs have 80% similarity,
99% if related
• This puts cheetah’s at great risk, a
single illness could wipe out the
• Captive breeding and protection is essential
• Diversity is attempting to be implemented through captive breeding
6. Conservation
An interesting method of conservation for cheetahs is to pair the species with dogs
One way to fulfil the cheetah’s
instincts is by staging a hunt
Additionally, ‘boomer balls’ are
also used so animals can stalk and
pounce on to satisfy urges