Book Speed Dating is an event where participants get three minutes to browse books and find ones they like. They are encouraged to focus solely on the book in front of them during their brief "date" and move to a new book after three minutes. The goal is to make quick connections with books and find new favorites in a fun, fast-paced environment similar to romantic speed dating. Participants are instructed to be respectful of others and not interrupt their reading during the timed sessions.
2. Welcome to Book Speed Dating!
First impressions! Sometimes we make a
match, get to know one another, and fall in
love.with a book.
3. And sometimes you have to
move on. There are other fish
in the sea!
4. Speed Dating Dos and Donts
Once the 3 minute timer starts, focus only on the
date you chose.
Found a book you like? Keep it with you while
you scope out other choices. You never know
when you might find one you like better.
Be respectful of your date and the dates of others.
Dont change books once the timer starts
Dont try to read someone elses book once the
3 minutes start
Focus on your date! Its only 3 minutes.
Do not talk during the 3 minutes! Your date
deserves your undivided attention!
5. Timeline
First 30 sec: pick a table/start looking through books
Rest of 1st minute: choose a book. Look at the cover, blurb, size of print, white
space, illustrations, etc. Start reading.
Minutes 1-3: Start reading. In most cases, you will start with the first chapter.
End of minute 3: change tables.