15. 仂仆仂 舒弍仂舒亠?
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/indexer --rotate --all
using config file '/usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf'...
indexing index 'Post'...
collected 8 docs, 0.0 MB
sorted 0.0 Mhits, 82.8% done
total 8 docs, 149 bytes
total 0.010 sec, 14900.00 bytes/sec, 800.00 docs/sec
$ /usr/local/bin/search wind
index 'Post': query 'wind ': returned 2 matches of 2 total in 0.000 sec
16. SphinxQL
1) SELECT * FROM Thread LIMIT 1,2
2) SELECT * FROM Post WHERE threadId = 1
3) SELECT * FROM Post WHERE match('art') ORDER BY
@weight DESC
4) SELECT _title FROM Post WHERE match('@title art')
5) SELECT * FROM Post WHERE tags in (1,2) AND match