This document provides an overview of the technology resources and support available through SPHSC. It introduces the technical staff, including Laura Jaurequi as the manager overseeing all aspects of technical support. It outlines guidelines for secure handling of protected health information according to HIPAA regulations. Resources described include the SPHSC website, SharePoint, software available through UW licenses, and various technology tools and labs on campus. Contact information is provided for technical support staff.
3. Who we are and what we do:
Were here to help you find, use and troubleshoot all departmental
technology resources
Tech Staff Manager
Oversee all aspects of Tech
Response management
HIPAA Compliance
Server maintenance,
troubleshooting and backup
Research Lab startups and
Shared printers (EGL and Clinic
Electronics Technician
Webmaster/Graphic Design
Website design and
Web application development
Graphics and PowerPoint
SPHINTRA issue go-to person
Computer Support Analyst 2
Help Desk Responder
Computer Labs (SCL and SRL)
Desktop/Laptop support
Desktop client backups
General tech support
Maintaining patient and subject information privacy
SPHSC follows UW Medicine guidelines
In transit and at rest
Chief Information Security Officer website:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Safe computing guidelines:
8. HIPAA Policy Statement:
Electronic data in transit (e.g., email, "cloud" services, copying to removable
media, text messaging, etc.) must be managed in a manner that prevents
inappropriate access, data loss, or alteration
Ways that protected data is transmitted:
1. Email
2. Mobile Phone
4. USB Memory Sticks/Flash Cards
5. Laptops
6. Portable Hard Drives
7. Texting
9. Deskmail: our compliant email option for now.
Email forwarding:
SPHSC Student Clinicians are not permitted to set their University of
Washington email accounts to forward automatically to non-
University of Washington email accounts, i.e. personal email
accounts such as AOL, Comcast, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.
Texting: goes without sayingtheres no need to do this.
Read and follow these procedures!
We recommend that you do not use your UW Email account
on your phone. If you must, under no circumstances can you
email PHI from any locationif your phone is lost or stolen,
patient information could be compromised.
11. None of these containing PHI should
leave secure areas of our buildings!
12. 1. Do not save PHI on your personal laptops.
2. If you must, the laptop needs to be
3. Follow UW Safe computing rules.
4. Keep your anti-virus program and OS up to
13. Security Notes
The HIPAA Privacy, Confidentiality, and Information Security Agreement
is available at the clinic reception desk. Your signed
agreement must be on file before you can use our
computer labs or
On a shared computer, please close your web
browser completely when finished with or
any UW website (prevents next user from accessing
secure web sites using your account).
Do not share passwords
Do not leave computer unattended when you are
20. Software for the UW (UWare)
Download software at reduced or no cost, thanks to various license
agreements with software vendors.
Most Popular Software
Microsoft Software
Apple Software
Sophos Anti-virus Software
SAS Software
SPSS Software Annual License
Adobe Suites
21. Microsoft Software for Current UW
Students on All Campuses
To download Student Technology Fee funded software,
follow these links:
Windows 8 Professional Upgrade
Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade
Office Professional Plus 2010 or 2013
Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac
22. There are many UW Technology Resources available to
you! Check them out!
Emergency Response website:
SPHSC Emergency Response
Sign up for UW Alert:
24. What I do
Maintain our departments website
Develop and maintain web apps
Do graphic design, photography, and
Support classroom presentations
25. The web a brief look at:
Room reservations
Equipment reservations
26. Presentation Resources
SPHSC Clinic Office (Equipment Reservations)
Classroom Support Services
Microsoft IT Academy at the UW
PowerPoints built-in Help: Getting started
27. SPHSC Clinic Office
(Equipment Reservations)
Video Cameras & tripods
Still camera
Audio Equipment
iPad w/ AAC software
iPad w/ Words for Life
And more!
Reserve early there is a fair amount of demand for these items.
28. Classroom Support Services
STF Equipment Loan Program
Still Cameras
Video Camera
Audio Equipment
Items can be checked out for up to 14
official University work days.
Reserve items by noon a day in
advance of the day you want to pick
them up.
Free except for later-return fees.
29. Microsoft IT Academy
at the UW
Free to UW students
Online learning materials
covering virtually all
Microsoft software
Work at your own pace
Basic computer literacy to
advanced topics
Covers PowerPoint 2007
and PowerPoint 2010
UW search on: IT academy
30. PowerPoints built-in help:
Getting started
If all else fails read the instructions.
PowerPoints built-in learning
materials are easily accessed, well
organized, and searchable.
35. UW weblogin?
SPHSC Windows login?
a) Weblogin for most web sites at UW
b) SPHSC Windows login
SPHSC department computers
Audiology Patient Calendar
Some department web sites:
SPHSC SharePoint
Computer lab printing
36. SPHSC Windows Login
Your Username is: NETIDyouruwnetid
The backslash character () is located just above the
ENTER key on the keyboard
38. Computer Lab Printing
12 cents per page, color or
black and white.
If you check your account
balance and printing history
using the computer lab
printing web site, your
username is: