Краудфандинг для веб-проектаNikita LarionovПрезентация для #wupconf. Май, 2016 год.
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Больше информации о спикере: belokoz.ru
Как повысить КПД продавцов с помощью интернета на сложных рынкахDirectivПрезентация с бизнес-завтрака 26 ноября.
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Сайт как инструмент повышения лояльностиNick ZaporozskyПрезентация к докладу Анны Кармишиной на конференции «Город IT», Томск. Доклад посвящен инструментам брендинга в вебе. Несколько советов о том, как повысить ценность сайта, как работать с аудиторией и как завоевать доверие пользователей.
Как создать лендинг за одну ночь и успеть поспать?Михаил БелокозМихаил Белокоз - основатель nextteam.ru
Специально для limur.su
Как создать лендинг быстро? Как создать лендинг круто? А что делать если уже есть крутой лендинг? Как сделать полноценный сайт как у Apple? Есть ли жизнь после лендинга?
Больше информации о спикере: belokoz.ru
Как повысить КПД продавцов с помощью интернета на сложных рынкахDirectivПрезентация с бизнес-завтрака 26 ноября.
Directiv - интернет-маркетинг для сложных рынков.
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Сайт как инструмент повышения лояльностиNick ZaporozskyПрезентация к докладу Анны Кармишиной на конференции «Город IT», Томск. Доклад посвящен инструментам брендинга в вебе. Несколько советов о том, как повысить ценность сайта, как работать с аудиторией и как завоевать доверие пользователей.
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Динамика и перспективы развития Интернет-коммуникаций в бизнесе.
7 основных ошибок в интернет продвижении
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Методики оценки эффективности маркетинга в Интернете
Управление репутацией
Предложение по поддержке сайта Екатерина ИволжатоваЕсли у вас есть конкретные задачи по поддержке и доработке сайта, но нет профессиональных, трудовых или временных ресурсов на изучение системы управления сайтом и технологий разработки, мы изучим ваши задачи, составим план и произведем все работы самостоятельно, а вам остается только принять выполненное обращение.
Возможности интернет маркетинга"EXILEM" marketing agencyВ ноябре 2012 года состоялось мое выступление на бизнес-завтраке для клиентов газеты "Близко - ремонт" .
Тема выступления касалась возможностей интернет-маркетинга, в частности - как привлечь клиентов и увеличить продажи с помощью интернета.
Это реально сделать как владельцам своих сайтов, так и предпринимателям, не имеющим ещё своих ресурсов в интернете.
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The art of small steps, or how to make sound for games in conditions of war /...DevGAMM ConferenceDuring a year of the war, our studio continues working and creating audio for video games. What helps us to stay productive and meet the deadlines under rocket attacks and blackouts? My short story is about choices and real steps which help us to adapt the mind and business to the new reality.
Breaking up with FMOD - Why we ended things and embraced Metasounds / Daniel ...DevGAMM ConferenceAre you tired of being in a stagnant relationship with your game's audio system? Our team felt the same way, so we broke up with FMOD and started seeing Metasounds instead. We had to navigate some challenges during the transition, but we built custom editor scripts to automate certain processes, and we found that while FMOD made it easier to design sounds and music, Unreal provides fewer bugs. And while both Unreal Audio and Metasounds have their quirks, we decided to take matters into our own hands and build our own custom tools and features to make the workflow as efficient as we can.. Our bumpy journey from transitioning to Unreal Audio is not without any problems, but we feel like we are on the right track. We have the flexibility to create the sounds we want and take our game's audio to new heights. So if you're ready to break free from your boring audio engine, join us as we share our story of breaking up with FMOD and embracing the wacky world of Metasounds.
How Audio Objects Improve Spatial Accuracy / Mads Maretty Sønderup (Audiokine...DevGAMM ConferenceObject-based audio improves spatial accuracy by assigning sounds as independent audio objects that can be precisely positioned in 3D space, rather than assigning them to fixed speaker channels. This allows for maximum spatial precision and flexibility to author once and have sounds adapt to different output configurations. Key benefits of object-based audio include improved spatial accuracy, leveraging of hardware capabilities through object rendering, and authoring once for all output configurations.
Why indie developers should consider hyper-casual right now / Igor Gurenyov (...DevGAMM ConferenceThis document discusses why indie game developers should consider developing hyper-casual games. It provides a brief history of hyper-casual games, noting their rise in popularity from 2013 onward. It argues that hyper-casual games are no longer just about mobile, as their mechanics can be adapted to other platforms. The document advises indies to start small, simplify control schemes, invest minimally in initial prototypes, and work with publishers to test concepts before fully developing games. It suggests reimagining existing hit games in hyper-casual form as a smart strategy for indies.
AI / ML for Indies / Tyler Coleman (Retora Games)DevGAMM ConferenceIn this talk we'll cover the complexities of the AI/ML landscape and what that means for independent studios. We'll look at tools for image, text, video, and multimedia and how these tools could be used to help smaller studios stand out in a competitive landscape. We'll also explore the potential legal and ethical ramifications of utilizing these tools and provide a roadmap for how to navigate this tumultuous ocean of technology
Agility is the Key: Power Up Your GameDev Project Management with Agile Pract...DevGAMM ConferenceAgile processes have been widely adopted in software development for over a decade, but their adoption in game development studios is relatively new. In this talk, Epam Management experts Ganna Ivanicheva and Boris Lesun will discuss the benefits of adopting Agile processes in game development studios, drawing from their expertise and industry research. They will also explore the similarities and differences between software and game development processes, and common pain points studios face. Additionally, the speakers will delve into the acceleration of game development processes due to the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI).
New PR Tech and AI Tools for 2023: A Game Changer for Outreach / Kirill Perev...DevGAMM ConferenceThis document discusses tools for public relations outreach in 2023, focusing on free and inexpensive AI and web-based options. It outlines the PR process of finding contacts, creating pitches, tracking responses, and scheduling demos. ChatGPT and Notion AI are recommended for writing, Hunter.io and Voila for contacts, Streak and Mailtrack for tracking, and Calendly and Otter.ai for scheduling and transcription. The document emphasizes using AI tools strategically and building relationships over marketing in PR.
Playable Ads - Revolutionizing mobile games advertising / Jakub Kukuryk (Popc...DevGAMM ConferenceExplore the world of playable ads and their impact on mobile gaming advertising. In this presentation, I'll walk you through the pros and cons of playable ads, providing insight into how they perform and how they can be used to gain and retain users. I'll also walk you through the technical details of creating and testing playable ads, and provide tools and tips on how to maximize their impact.
Creative Collaboration: Managing an Art Team / Nastassia Radzivonava (Glera G...DevGAMM ConferenceDoes managing an art team differ from managing any other team?
This speech is based on personal experience in managing an art team. It is a story about forging and sustaining a healthy and trusting atmosphere that allows artistic growth. It is about a collaborative team culture, clear communication, professional development, and alignment with project goals.
Discover how focusing on these areas has allowed us to create a space where personal goals can help achieve the project goals.
From Local to Global: Unleashing the Power of Payments / Jan Kuhlmannn (Xsolla)DevGAMM ConferenceJoin Jan Kuhlmann, Marketing Manager for Europe at Xsolla, as he shares his expertise on taking your game to new heights. Discover the power of incorporating payments and direct-to-consumer strategies, and learn how to effectively connect with players globally. With Xsolla's fully customizable solutions, you'll have the tools to tailor your game to your players' specific needs, resulting in increased revenue and profitability.
Strategies and case studies to grow LTV in 2023 / Julia Iljuk (Balancy)DevGAMM ConferenceWhile CPI is rising and monetization is getting harder, mobile developers explore ways to leverage the full potential of in-app purchases. This session uncovers how to stand the competition by maximizing your in-app revenue with LiveOps at any stage of the product. You will get practical steps and real-life case studies from Balancy’s work with mobile game studios.
Why is ASO not working in 2023 and how to change it? / Olena Vedmedenko (Keya...DevGAMM ConferenceWhat will we talk about today? - What App Store Optimizationion - Main mistakes done in App Store Optimization - How to make ASO work for app succes - How to use keyword promotion in combination with ASO
How to increase wishlists & game sales from China? Growth marketing tactics &...DevGAMM ConferenceAuthor draws from the experience of providing marketing services for 10 game development studios, the majority of which are PC developers. Presentation is divided into 3 parts: - Chinese social media & distribution platforms introduction - logic behind selected tactics - case study: games we worked on, actions taken & most effective practices
Turkish Gaming Industry and HR Insights / Mustafa Mert EFE (Zindhu)DevGAMM ConferenceThis time Zindhu's CEO will share more about Turkish gaming industry and its numbers. The salary ranges in Turkey, turn-over ratios, most popular reasons of turn-over and Game Studio insights diversified by genre, size and their performance
Building an Awesome Creative Team from Scratch, Capable of Scaling Up / Sasha...DevGAMM ConferenceWhen scaling up creative production, one of the biggest headaches is ensuring consistent quality, managing a higher volume of iterations, onboarding and training new team members, and handling unexpected challenges. In this discussion, we will explore real-life case studies that provide strategies for streamlining the scaling process while prioritizing mental well-being and maintaining quality standards.
Seven Reasons Why Your LiveOps Is Not Performing / Alexander Devyaterikov (Be...DevGAMM ConferenceAre you struggling with LiveOps and can't seem to figure out what's going wrong? You're not the only one. In this talk, Alexander Devyaterikov, a game producer at Belka Games, will dive into the seven most common reasons why LiveOps isn't working and provide practical solutions to overcome these challenges.
The Power of Game and Music Collaborations: Reaching and Engaging the Masses ...DevGAMM ConferenceIn this talk, we'll explore the power of music collaborations and how they can help reach and engage gameindustries’ audience. With music and games being among the most popular entertainments among the youthful demographic, so they make a perfect match. We'll share real-life examples of how games are using music collabs to captivate players and drive success. From game soundtracks to in-game events, we'll show how to use music to connect with audience in meaningful ways and turn it into essential tool for every developer and publisher.
Branded Content: How to overcome players' immunity to advertising / Alex Brod...DevGAMM ConferenceBranded content is the ultimate tool for building strong emotional connections with players. Alex Brodsky will share success stories and explain how to extend and deepen game titles with compelling storytelling. Learn how to communicate with existing and potential audiences at a new level.
Resurrecting Chasm: The Rift - A Source-less Remastering Journey / Gennadii P...DevGAMM ConferenceDiscover the story behind the impressive remastering of Chasm: The Rift, originally developed by Ukrainian developer Action Forms. In this talk, we unravel the challenges of reverse engineering, asset restoration, and game mechanic reconstruction. Learn how our team breathed new life into this cult classic, overcoming the absence of the original source code to create a captivating modern gaming experience. Witness video game preservation in action, as we celebrate and cherish digital heritage.
How NOT to do showcase events: Behind the scenes of Midnight Show / Andrew Ko...DevGAMM ConferenceThe document outlines plans for a Midnight Show event to showcase upcoming games in a cinematic format, similar to Apple events. Several projects are listed for announcement, including Codename Project T and Codename PDW U2 Feature Film Project. Production timelines are provided from Summer 2021 through June 2022. Reflections on a previous Midnight Show note some mistakes like small post-production issues, lack of marketing and empty trailers. However, it is deemed worthwhile and they plan to do it again in a better format. The document promotes the event as a cinematic showcase for games.
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