An enabling project aimed at strengthening the English speaking skills of the high school and higher secondary students of the Government schools where the medium of instruction is Malayalam. The five-year ongoing project would help these children grow up with language skills as to keep their head high among the English-medium educated students when they make it to their UG level or professional degree post their higher secondary.
This is a project where buses are converted into class rooms and drive to the schools where the students are taught basics first and then on to the art of English speaking later only to make them a self-confident person to meet up the language challenges many a intelligent but unable to express themselves in a crowd comprising English trained in the first instance and later in group discussions or interviews. This has been a traditional story told by most of the people who somehow managed to come out successful in their life. But the fact is that many a talent from the Government and Malayalam-medium schools still face the challenge of expressing properly.
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A Not-For-Profit initiative to equip the NxtGen Speak & Understand the International Language
A five-day week, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. scheduled, VII to XII standard oriented student capacity building project
Project in nutshell:
Take trainers to the low-profileSchools,to begin with in Calicut,to train the High School and Higher Secondary
students to equip them speak English hassle-freeand understand the languageof the Universe, properly.
Tools required: - Buses: Five ordinary type buses (of school bus type) which will be turned into 60-seater
classroomwith writingfacilities (on the back of the front seat) and havinga speaker system. These buses
would be painted B & W (as a chess board) as to brand the activity (only to spread awareness of the project
and possibly inviteattention of one or the other to replicatethe system in other parts of the State)
Co-Ordinators & Trainers: Two of the four-member team will befully engaged in formatting, training and
supervision besides coordination of the entire project. Trainers could beUG/PG students from colleges,who
will voluntarily teach,on a rotation basis (thiscan befacilitated by me with dialoguewith college authorities,
which would rather form part of these-day curriculum) I could empanel about 500 to 1000 volunteers, who
need not be paid but gift something.
Drivers: Five drivers and a coupleof their friend-drivers (to replace in caseof their leave/absence) and maybe
one guy as cleaner to dust and wash these fivebuses post classes,daily
Modus Operandi: Will reach outto the heads of schools,vis--vis theAEO/DEO/DD/Dept. of Education, to
facilitatethe project one hour a day for a class division,makingit an 8-hour classin a day,totallinga 40 hour
class a day with fiveBus-Classes (8 hrs x 5 buses) The buses will move from one school to another and will
impartSPINGLISH for 200 hours (assuming5 days classa week). Assumingthat there will be30 education-
weeks per year (takinginto consideration festival,mid-term and annual vacations),there will be a total of 6000
SPINGLISH Classes a year (Lets again limititto 5000 consideringunprecedented holidays,etc) makingthe class
capacity of a SPINGLISH bus as 1000 hours a year.
Target strength: With 50 students per class per hour in each bus-classroom,a SPINGLISH bus can impart
trainingfor 250 students/hour (5 Classes x 50/bus) and with 8 hours training/day,the total number of
students enlightened by SPINGLISH would be 2000 students/day makingit 10000 students a 5day-week.
One hour per week: This rotation of classes would continueround-the-year and each student would get
trainingfor 30 hours per year. And, this would continue till his/her 12 th, which makes the traininghours 150
hours., which means a student of VIII when passing out his/her 12 th will get trained for 150 hours
Rolling out and the super magic figure of 50000: SPINLIGH to begin with VIII th students (10000) in the first
year and that would automatically continueto their IX the next year. But then the next batch of 10000
students of VIII would emerge and will haveto have to have 5 more BUS-CLASSES to train them, which means
20000 students that year would undergo training,with each attending the classfor 150 hours a year. This
would repeat the next year, which would requireyet another set of five more buses the next year, and at the
end of the fifth year (when the firstbatch of students reach his/her 12 th) there would be SPINGLISH team will
have 25 SPINGLISH BUS-CLASSED AND would be imparting training for 50000 students a year, which would
continue and I am proudly confident to say with 150 hours of training and development, a
student would turn out to be a good communicator in English when he would step in his UG or professional
course or even join any other stream of his career path, post his/her plus-two.
2. Economics (In Rupees):
This being a Not-For-Profit organisation and hence there is no earningbut only expenditure. However, I am
confident that there would be donations/sponsorshipsflowingin,thanks to the uniqueness of the project.
Capital expenditure - First year: Buying and remodelling the Buses 5 nos.: Rs.20 lakhs x 5 = 1, 00,00,000
(This would repeat for the next five years.But, sponsorshipscould well meet such expenses once the project
run through for a year. Its here that the brandingof the activity,through the exclusivity of the Bus -Classes and
the obvious popularity of the projectthat would find its due spacein the media, would out in our favour )
Recurring & establishment costs:
Salary of Chief Co-ordinator & one Master Trainer = 90,000 + 60,000 x 12 months = 18,00,000
Salary of Bus-Classcrew(includingcasual drivers) =10,000 x 6/ month x 12 months = 7,20,000
Officerent and administrativeexpenses = 5,00,000
Officeexpenses, stationeries,trainers gifts/honorarium,etc: 75,000/month x 12 = 12,00,000
Diesel,oil,insurance,tax,etc..., repairs,etc. of the buses (approx.) = 7,80,000
Total Expenses (recurring) for FirstYear. = 50,00,000
The total expenditure to run a year would thus be 1,00,00,000 + 50,00,000 = 1, 50, 00,000
The capital expenditure for the first five years would be 1 crore x 5 = 5 crores.
Though the capital expenditureof One crorewould remain the same the next four years,the recurringcost
would increaseby about 30 lakhs,on accountof additional salaries for crew, fuel & other operating expenses.
Thus, a rough estimate of the recurring costs could be: first year 50,000, second year 80,00,000, third
110,00,000,fourth 1,40,00,000 and fifth 1,70,00,000 and the total expenditure for first, second, third,
fourth and fifth years would be: 1,50,000; 1,70,000; 1,90,000, 2,10,000 and 2,30,000 respectively.
The total expenditure of the project, as to reach its first batch of 10000 students, in SPINGLISHs fifth year,
emerging equipped with English communication skills would thus be 5 crore + 5.5 crore = 10.50 crores.
The amended Company Law stipulates a mandatory contribution/spendingof 2 per cent of the net profit
(subjectto the company makinga NP of 5 crore/havinga turnover of 1000 crore/net worth of 500 crore) for
Corporate Social Responsibility makes self-assuredly believethatthere would be sponsors for this project,
sincethe mission is communicativeskill development and vision isNextGen capacity building by 2020.
Lets change the fortunes of the underprivileged children,to begin with Calicut,changefor the better by
improvingtheir speakingand listeningskillsin English and transformthem as International citizens,well
equipped to interactwith anyone and anywhere in the world.
Mission 2020: Beginning the projectin June 2015, you can witness 10,000 Plus 2 students of Calicutcityscape
would assemblingin .. in 2020 to thank SPINGLISH and its Sponsor(s)/Well-wishers,for enabling
them speak and understand the international languagecomfortably and keep their heads high in the crowd of
the English-medium-educated contemporaries and stepping into their professional futureverbally confident.