DNA sequencing is becoming faster, cheaper, and better. It can tell you about your parentage, ancestry, and risks for genetic diseases, but cannot tell you about your psychology, life history, or learned behaviors. While your genome can be sequenced for $1000, it is important to recognize both its benefits and limitations, as DNA determines your physical traits but does not define who you are as a person. Understanding what genetic information means is more challenging than simply sequencing DNA.
20. DNA is what makes you
who you are, but you are a
lot more than just your DNA
21. DNA is extremely useful so
take advantage of it. Dont
be afraid of it, but recognize
its limitations.
22. DNA is cheap, fast, and easy
to sequence.
Understanding what it
means is the hard part.
23. The Thousand Genomes Project
Free for download
on Amazon Cloud.
All 200 Terabytes of it.
25. I think the biggest innovations of
the 21st century will be at the
intersection of biology and
technology. A new era is beginning.
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
26. Videos
Richard Resnick - TEDxBoston 2011: Welcome to the
genomic revolution
George Church TEDMED 2010: Personal genomes
Greg Lucier TEDMED 2010: When will the genomic
medicine revolution finally happen?
Barry Schuler TED Taste 2008: Genomics 101
Juan Enriquez TED 2003: On genomics and our
27. Books
Lone Frank: My beautiful genome (2011)
Kevin Davies: The 1000$ genome (2010)
Misha Angrist: Here is a human being (2010)
Francis S. Collins: The language of life (2010)
Editor's Notes
#4: Brief background on evolution of sequencing technologies + price drop: Single molecule approachesSemi conductor chip for sequencing DNA directly on chipNano pore based sequencing approachPull DNA through nano poreNo accuracy or throughput stats yetDNAe (DNA electronics) -real time disposable gene testsBacks Ion torrent and Roche 454 technologySemiconductor technology
#9: 23AndMe (Personal genomics)Mobile devices, social media,Facebook twitter LinkedIn-->personal genomic dataE.g. warfarinTest carrier diseases (test parents before pregnancy)23andWe discoveries. E.g found protein that appears to be protective125000 individuals in databaseeducational content to promote genetic literacy
#19: Personalized Medicine moves into the clinic, Ralph snydermanDisease is a stage in a dynamic process, not a point in time"Personalized, predictive, prevention"Diseases develop over time as sub clinical disease over timeBaseline risk -> Earliest molecular detection -> earliest clinical detection -> typical current interventionQuantify risk, monitor progression, classify disease
#22: Personalized Medicine moves into the clinic, Ralph snydermanDisease is a stage in a dynamic process, not a point in time"Personalized, predictive, prevention"Diseases develop over time as sub clinical disease over timeBaseline risk -> Earliest molecular detection -> earliest clinical detection -> typical current interventionQuantify risk, monitor progression, classify disease