We want your help in making Publish or Perish 2018 bigger and better (and we’re prepared to offer a lot in return for your support)
Your sponsorship will extend far beyond the day itself – in return for your support of our event, and our approach, we’ll give you a killer content campaign with pre- and post-event articles.
Publish or Perish, was the first event of its kind in Ireland dedicated to content – and sold out immediately. It’s success, in part was mirroring the same values as great content: entertaining, engaging, fun, informative and digestible talks and value for audiences.
With an audience of forward-thinking brand owners and marketers, Publish or Perish is a fantastic place to network – and it’s all the better with exhibitor space, available for key sponsors.
2. Why Get Involved?
As content marketers we task
ourselves with raising the level of
sophistication and the value of all the
events we put on.
We offer so much more than an
obligatory logo plastered across our
marketing; we ask you to help shape a
fantastic day and get up close and
personal with a highly engaged
audience of brand owners and
marketing decision makers.
Here’s what it looks like…
9. Platinum package from €9,750 +
Prime exhibition space, a two month campaign of marketing, pre-
event interviews and powerful editorial, main stage speaking slot,
plus 10 complimentary guest passes
Main stage speaking slots
HD recorded video and audio-cast
for post event content edited and
distributed by our in-house by our
Prime exhibitor space
Prime pod in outer gallery space to
get up close and personal with a
dynamic and engaged audience.
Pre-event editorial
Up to 3 speaker and business-
related articles in the run up to the
event, plus professional editing and
reshare planning.
Exclusive pre-event
podcasting and editorial
Invitation to our production studio
to talk about your brand; recorded
and distributed by our in-house
Exclusive break-
time coverage
Content will be used pre-event
promotion and also played on the
day during coffee breaks.
Post Event content
HD recorded video and audio-cast
for post event content edited and
distributed by our in-house by our
Only one available. Total package value over €30,000.
10. Gold package from €7,250 + VAT
Exhibition space, a two month campaign of marketing, pre-event
interviews and powerful editorial, branding across the conference and
five guest passes
Pre-event editorial
Business editorial in the run up
to the event, plus distribution,
professional editing and
reshare planning
Pre-event podcasting
Invitation to our production studio
to produce branded audio clips
used for pre-event promotion
Event Speaking slots
Speaking opportunity on main
stage or workshop
Event Exhibitor space
One pod in the Deloitte Gallery to
get close and personal with a
dynamic and engaged audience.
Post Event content
HD recorded video and audio-cast
for post event content, edited and
distributed by our in-house by our
Only three available. Total package value over €20,000.
11. Sliver package from €5,750 + VAT
As a sliver sponsor, you will have a two month campaign of marketing, pre-
event interviews and powerful editorial including co-branding across panel
discussion or workshops, along with with four guest passes
Speaking slots
Opportunities in panel discussions
or workshops with on-stage
Pre-event editorial
Speaker Q&A in the run up to the
event, plus professional editing and
reshare planning.
Pre-event podcasting
Invitation to our production studio
to produce branded audio clips
used for pre-event promotion
Two month campaign of marketing, pre-event interviews and
powerful editorial . Total package value over €15,000.
12. Bronze package from €750 + VAT
Be part of this very special, thought-leading event and two
complimentary passes
Pre-event editorial
1 editorial and 1 article in the run
up to the event, plus professional
editing and reshare planning.
Website and social
Recognition of sponsorship on
website, email postings.
Event Collateral
Inclusion of collateral in goody
Total package value over €1,500.
14. You in?
Get in touch today +353 (0)87 3998893
47 Harrington Street, Dublin 8
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