The document describes the 5th Annual Spots & Flakes Classic archery tournament organized by DATUS Archery. The tournament aims to directly benefit archers by paying out almost all funds received to participants. It has experienced steady growth over the past 4 years, with a 43% increase in attendance last year. Sponsors are sought to help increase payouts to professional, amateur, women and senior classes to attract more archers and further grow the sport. Sponsorship levels ranging from $100 to $750 are outlined.
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DATUS Spots & Flakes Sponsorship flyer 2014
1. Here is your opportunity
to support Utahs growing
tournament archery community by
sponsoring the 5th Annual
We started the Spots & Flakes Classic in 2010 as a tour-
nament for the archers. It is intended to kick off the in-
door tournament season prior to the Utah and Idaho
Opens and the World Archery Festival in Vegas. It is also
organized to maximize payback to the archers. We
(archers) go to several tournaments a year where the pay-
out is a bare minimum. The Spots & Flakes tournament is
different in that we pay out almost all of the funds re-
ceived, with the remainder going toward trophy buckles,
food, and building usage costs for the tournament. ThisThisThisThis
shoot is to directly benefit the archers of our communityshoot is to directly benefit the archers of our communityshoot is to directly benefit the archers of our communityshoot is to directly benefit the archers of our community
and encourage growth in our sport,and encourage growth in our sport,and encourage growth in our sport,and encourage growth in our sport, not for the profit of
any particular business or organization. Our sponsor con-
tributions have been growing every year and this has ena-
bled us to increase our guaranteed payout in the Pro Clas-
Last years sponsors included: Full Draw Archery, Doinker,Last years sponsors included: Full Draw Archery, Doinker,Last years sponsors included: Full Draw Archery, Doinker,Last years sponsors included: Full Draw Archery, Doinker,
Gold Tip, Carter, Sportsmans Warehouse, Shed Inc. Out-Gold Tip, Carter, Sportsmans Warehouse, Shed Inc. Out-Gold Tip, Carter, Sportsmans Warehouse, Shed Inc. Out-Gold Tip, Carter, Sportsmans Warehouse, Shed Inc. Out-
door Gear, Hardwareline, Oviatt Design, and several DA-door Gear, Hardwareline, Oviatt Design, and several DA-door Gear, Hardwareline, Oviatt Design, and several DA-door Gear, Hardwareline, Oviatt Design, and several DA-
TUS club members.TUS club members.TUS club members.TUS club members.DATUS is a private (not for profit) Archery Club located in
West Jordan, UT. We have several members that compete
nationally and around the world. As such, we have come to
realize that we have one of the premier indoor shooting
facilities in the country and this has enabled us to put on a
tournament that cannot be missed.
We currently have a $1500 guaranteed payout$1500 guaranteed payout$1500 guaranteed payout$1500 guaranteed payout in the
Mens Pro Class with an overall payout of over $3500with an overall payout of over $3500with an overall payout of over $3500with an overall payout of over $3500. The
payouts continue to attract more archers to the tournament
every year.
This past year archers came from California, Idaho, Wyo-
ming, Montana, and Colorado. Our overall attendance hasOur overall attendance hasOur overall attendance hasOur overall attendance has
grown by 43% over the previous yeargrown by 43% over the previous yeargrown by 43% over the previous yeargrown by 43% over the previous year. We have had steady
growth each of the four years of the tournament.
In order to accommodate our growth we will be adding a
new line for an additional 48 archers this year.
In addition, we gave out over 60 buckleswe gave out over 60 buckleswe gave out over 60 buckleswe gave out over 60 buckles between the pro,
amateur and youth classes!
Our goal this year is the same as it was last year, to grow
our sponsorships so that we can guarantee money to our
top women, amateur men, and senior class.
2. For more information about DATUS and the Spots & Flakes Classic tournament, visit the following links:
DATUS Website:
DATUS Facebook page:!/DATUSarchery
YouTube videos from Spots & Flakes and DATUS: (2013)
(2012), (2011),
To get your name/logo on our Save the Date flyer, which goes out to shops and archers in August, we need to be
aware of your sponsorship commitment by July 1st, 2014. Our next (and official tournament) flyer will go out at the
beginning of October.
If none of the sponsorship packages fit what you have in mind, give us a call and we will work with you to come up
with something that suits your interest.
CoCoCoCo----Title Sponsorship includes:Title Sponsorship includes:Title Sponsorship includes:Title Sponsorship includes: Your Name/Logo on the event (i.e. DATUS and X Inc. present Spots & Flakes), flyer, and
Your name/logo on the sponsor poster for the event, the club sponsor wall for a full year, and on shirts for the event.
Cost $750.00 (can be in monetary or product value if donating product, or a combination of both)
Gold Sponsor includes:Gold Sponsor includes:Gold Sponsor includes:Gold Sponsor includes: Your Name/Logo on a shooting lane, on the club sponsor wall for a full year, recognition on the
sponsor poster and flyer for the event.
Your name/logo on the shirt.
Cost $500 (can be in monetary or product value if donating product, or a combination of both)
Silver Sponsor includes:Silver Sponsor includes:Silver Sponsor includes:Silver Sponsor includes: Your name/logo on the sponsor wall for a full year and the flyer for the event.
Cost $250
Bronze Sponsor includes:Bronze Sponsor includes:Bronze Sponsor includes:Bronze Sponsor includes: Your name/logo on the sponsor wall for the duration of the event and the flyer for the event.
Cost $100
Ben Johnson Emily Johnson Jared Winterbottom
801-842-9442 801-842-9290 208-340-9477
Make checks payable to DATUS ArcheryMake checks payable to DATUS ArcheryMake checks payable to DATUS ArcheryMake checks payable to DATUS Archery
8268 S. 5220 W.
West Jordan, UT 84081