Sports photography involves capturing people in action and requires equipment like a DSLR camera with high shutter speeds and long lenses from 50mm to 300mm or more for optimal zoom. A tripod or monopod is recommended to keep the camera stable while photographing fast-moving sports. Popular camera models are the Canon EOS-1D X and Nikon D4, which can shoot at 8 frames per second or faster. A fast telephoto lens with quick autofocus is best for focusing on the action.
2. Sports Photography
Sports Photography is all about capturing people in
action. Equipment typically used for sports photography
includes a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera with
high shutter speeds, with lenses ranging from 50mm to
300mm or longer in focal length (400mm+).
Accessories such as a Tripod or monopod should be used
to make the camera stable. The most popular cameras
used for sports are the cannon EOS-1D X and the Nikon
D4. The best frame rate should be about 8 frames per
second or faster. The best type of lens to use is a fast
(wide aperture) telephoto lens with a fast auto focus so
that you can focus fast on the action.