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SPP Careers 201:
Careers and Social Media

  Clark R. Bonilla, Director
  Alumni and Career Services
     School of Public Policy
Table of Contents
 Overview of Career Search

 Networking with Social Media





 Georgia Tech Networks
                       SPP Careers 201   2
I: Overview of Career Search

           Socrates: Know Thyself

               SPP Careers 201        3
Objective 1: Identify your career

                 SPP Careers 201    4
Career Choices and Trade-Offs

              SPP Careers 201   5
Objective 2: Model your career plan.

                 SPP Careers 201       6
Career Planning Cycle

  Source: http://www.gov.pe.ca/photos/sites/psc/test/career_planning.jpg?8921
                                   SPP Careers 201                              7
Market-Driven Career Model
                   Job Market

Optimal Career


                      SPP Careers 201                 8
Objective 3: Formalize your career
goals in a career statement.

                 SPP Careers 201     9
Write Career Statement
 Industry/    Position    Position          Career
Institution    Level       Type            Outcome

                         SPP Careers 201             10
Objective 4: Research your career plan
(industries, institutions, positions,

                  SPP Careers 201        11
Labor Markets
                                        Labor Market

                          External                             Internal
                        Labor Markets                       Labor Markets

  Publicly Advertised                                                        Internally Advertised

         Long                                                                      Faster
    Hiring Process                                                             Hiring Process

NetworksLess Relevant                                                 NetworksHighly Relevant

   Highly Competitive                                                       Much Less Competitive

                                          SPP Careers 201                                            12
Know Market Trends
 Higher Education Employment Trends: (tour)
 Higher Education Salary Trends:
 Private Research/Consulting Trends:
                                SPP Careers 201                  13
Social Sciences Markets
 Social Scientists
 Social Science Research Assistants
 Urban and Regional Planners
                           SPP Careers 201                14
Estimating Your Worth
 Compare Job Descriptions/Salaries

 Review Labor Market Analyses:
 Use Online Salary Calculators:
                           SPP Careers 201              15
Objective 5: Formulate your career
search strategy.

                 SPP Careers 201     16
Sample Career Planning Matrix
     Career          Preferred                    Acceptable   Maximum
     Tracks          Position                      Position      Time
1st Choice       Federal Energy          State Energy Policy    Months 1-6
                 Policy Analyst          Analyst

2nd Choice       State Policy            State Research        Months 5-12
                 Analyst                 Associate

Independent      Energy Analyst          Energy Research       Months 10-12
Contractor                               Associate

Return to School Law School              PhD, Public Policy    Months 6-12

                                SPP Careers 201                          17
Write Your CP Matrix
  Career      Preferred Position        Acceptable Position   Max.
  Tracks                                                      Time
1st Choice

2nd Choice


Return to

                              SPP Careers 201                        18
Objective 6: Build and utilize networks
to advance your career.

                 SPP Careers 201      19
Network Sets
               Community                     Family

      Industry                                          Prior
      Contacts                                        Employers

                            YOU                        Conference

           Assoc.                                Friends
                      Fellow          HR
                     Students      Personnel

                           SPP Careers 201                          20
Objective 7: Target your career

                 SPP Careers 201   21
Prioritize Your Efforts: Target 
 Positions in your specialty.

 Positions in your preferred sector.

 Positions for which you meet minimum qualifications.

 Positions in organizations with missions you support.

 Positions that pay an acceptable salary.

 Positions in which your skills are readily transferable.

 Positions for which you are ready adapt and learn.

                            SPP Careers 201                  22
Get Organized
1.   Search specialized job search engines first.
2.   Allocate set hours per week to search.
3.   Establish phases, priorities, and milestones.
4.   Have a three-phase plan: 3-month, 6-month and 12-
     month (to time prioritized searches).
5.   Place key dates on calendar.
6.   Plan for online searches, attending job fairs, and
     networking online and at events.
7.   Customize resumes/CV to position and career track.
8.   Implement a networking plan.
                            SPP Careers 201               23
Part II:
Networking and Social Media

     Its not who you know. Its who knows you!
     And exactly who are you?

                    SPP Careers 201                 24
Objective 8: Rapidly, effectively and
inexpensively market yourself online
with social media.

                 SPP Careers 201        25
The Savvy Networker

 The smart networker respects the opinions
  (and time) of others, helps other people as
  much as she is helped, and establishes rapport
  long before asking a favor or even offering a
  business card.

     Emily Posts The Etiquette Advantage in Business (2005): 313.

                                SPP Careers 201                       26
Ways to Build Rapport
 Always use polite, respectful and engaging language.

 Meet for lunch (not just happy hour).

 Invite to a party.

 Invite to a sports or cultural event.

 Email a useful business article or discuss it.

 Send holiday, birthday, congratulatory or get-well cards
  as appropriate.
 Share information about job openings.

                             SPP Careers 201                 27
Network of Resources
                                 GT Career Services
                                Online Search Engines
                                       Job Fairs
                                     Social Media

              SPP Careers 201                           28
Networking Tips
 List of all existing contacts              Be concise, pleasant and confident
 Join LinkedIn.com and relevant                 at all times
   online groups                             Dont make unscheduled visits
 Get back in touch with prior
                                             Speak slowly, clearly and repeat
                                                 name and phone on voice mail
 Attend career fairs
 Participate in alumni and
                                             Identify person who referred you
   professional associations
                                             Record all contacts
 Go directly to hiring manager
                                             Send thank you notes
 Network for advice first
 Have a 2-minute intro speech               Develop strategy and plan to

 Call employers at start/end of day             increase your network

        Source: http://www.career.gatech.edu/plugins/content/index.php?id=39
                                     SPP Careers 201                             29
Tapping into Formal Networks

 Professional Associations

 Industry Associations

 Chambers of Commerce

 Alumni Associations

 LinkedIn.com Groups

 Local Nonprofit Community Groups

                          SPP Careers 201   30
Tapping Other Networks
 Internal Job Postings

 Listserv Job Postings (associations, institutions, etc.)

 Expansion Discussions

 Downsizing Discussions

 Relocation Discussions

 Linking via LinkedIn.com, COS.com, Mendeley.com

 Internship Opportunities (See Job Search Engine Directory)

 Independent Contractor Opportunities

 Consulting Opportunities

                               SPP Careers 201                 31
Technological Evolution of HR
 From exploiting the explosive growth of social
  networks to recruiting from their desks through
  virtual career fairs and on the go via mobile
  phones, talent seekers are honing their texting
  and tweeting skills and finding candidates in the
  most unexpected places.
     Ronald J. Alsop, Recruiting for talent will never be the same,
      Workforce Management, 90:2 (Feb 2011): 3.
                                    SPP Careers 201                       32
Effectiveness: Social Media v. Other
   Job Sources
 Major Job Boards: 219 applicants per 1 hire
   (response to job board posting)
 Social Media: 116 applicants per 1 hire
 Company Web Page: 33 applicants per 1 hire
 Online Job Search Engines: 32 applicants per 1 hire
   (self-initiated job search)
 Conclusion: Still, for job seekers, getting a referral from an employee
   is far and away the best way to get noticed by a recruiter.
       Study: Jobs2web, n = 1.3 million applications/26,000 hires (2010)
       For Job Seekers, Company Sites Beat Online Search Boards, Social Media, Wall Street
        Journal (online), April 3, 2011.
                                          SPP Careers 201                                33
Scale of Internal Social Media Usage

 Social media tools are redefining internal corporate
 Prescient Digital Media Study: almost 90 percent
  of corporate intranets use social media tools.
      Ryan Williams, Inside Job, Communication World, 28:1 (Jan/Feb
       2011): 28.

 Conclusion: Employers want employees who
  effectively utilize social media at work.
                                  SPP Careers 201                        34
Scale of External Social Media Usage
 80% of companies use social media to find, attract
  and hire new candidates (2009)
 Company use of social media for recruiting:
      95%: LinkedIn.com
      59%: Facebook.com
      42%: Twitter.com
 66% hired candidates identified via social media
      Jobvite Study, 2009; Rachel Eccles, Link In, Get Hired, Corporate
       Meetings & Incentives, 28:11 (Nov 2009): 12-13.
      Rita Pyrillis, The Sourcer Knows, Workforce Management, 90:2 (Feb
       2011): 24.
                                   SPP Careers 201                           35
Values of Social Media for You
 Discussions on social media can provide quick,
  inexpensive solutions to daily problems.
 Professionals share cutting-edge insights.
 Offer feedback/suggestions to your company.
 Network for career advancement and development.
 Broadcast your professional achievements.
      Beyond Fans and FollowersWhy Engineers Should Care about Social
       Media, Instrumentation Newsletter, 22:2 (10/2/2010): 27.
      Carrie Pinksy, You Are More Than a Pretty Facebook Profile, Northern
       Colorado Business Report, 15:25 (9/10/10): 9-28.
                                   SPP Careers 201                        36
Values of Social Media for Employers

 Cost-Effective Recruitment Media

 Effective Recruitment Branding For Applicants
      Joseph De Avila, Beyond Job Boards: Targeting the Source, Wall Street
       Journal (7/2/09): D1, D5.
      Ben Gotkin, RSM McGladreys Social Media, Journal of Corporate Recruiting
       Leadership, 5:4 (May 2010): 29-32.

 Improved Effectiveness of Professional Associations
      Maureen Walsh, Are You Linked Up? Strategic Finance, 91:3 (Sept
                                      SPP Careers 201                            37
Values of Social Media for Employers
 Some employers use social media to conduct
  background checks on job candidates.
      Carolyn Boyd, Controlling Brand Me, In the Black, 80:4 (May 2010): 44-47.

 Employees who use social media can participate in
  low-cost professional training and development.
 Employees using social media can contribute to cost-
  effective marketing efforts.
      Karen Blakeman and Scott Brown, Social Media: Essential for Research,
       Marketing and Branding, Bulletin of the American Society for Information
       Science & Technology, 37:1 (Oct/Nov 2010): 47-50.
                                       SPP Careers 201                               38
Values of Social Media for Employers

 Employees using social media can collaborate
  more effectively, particularly on team projects.
      Daniel Burrus, Social Networks in the Workplace: The Risk and Opportunity
       of Business 2.0, Strategy & Leadership, 38:4 (2010): 50-53.

 Identify new clients.

 Increase company revenue.

 Improve knowledge of target markets.
      Soundbites, Recruiter (2/23/11): 18.
                                       SPP Careers 201                          39
SM as Catalyst to Innovation
 Business 2.0 involves using the new web-based
  social networking applications (many of which were
  originally created for personal use) in a way that
  fosters innovative teamwork, customer co-creation
  of value, collaboration with external partners, and
  interactive communication between leaders and
  employees in an efficient way.

     Daniel Burrus, Social Networks in the Workplace: The Risk and Opportunity
      of Business 2.0, Strategy & Leadership, 38:4 (2010): 52.
                                     SPP Careers 201                           40
Employer Insights into You
 Your social media projects a public image:
      Are you deliberate in crafting that image?
      Are you effective in projecting your desired image?
      Do you receive new and positive feedback?
      Can you measure and document your effectiveness?
      Are your social media interconnected/linked?
 Employers review social media to assess applicants
  compatibility with their organizational culture (i.e.,
  image, branding, business etiquette).
                              SPP Careers 201                41
Metrics for Social Media
 Influence Identification: who in a network has
  influence and how potent is it
 Influence Behavior Measurement: what can be
  tracked as a direct link from the people who
  influenced behavior
 Influence Predictive Modeling: using data to predict
  what is likely to influence the people you want to
      David Armano, Six Social Media Trends for 2011, Harvard Business Review,
       89:3 (Mar. 2011): 22.
                                     SPP Careers 201                           42
Career Search Metrics
 Number of contacts

 Relevance of contacts

 Positive feedback on professional image

 Number of face-to-face contacts

 Leveraging contacts to enter new networks

 Number of business leads (referrals, job leads)

 Number of recommendations
                          SPP Careers 201           43
Online Networking Systems

 All Fields: www.linkedin.com

 All Fields: www.facebook.com

 Sciences/Engineering: www.cos.com

 All Fields: www.mendeley.com

 All Fields: www.twitter.com

                       SPP Careers 201   44
Social Media for HR and Job Seekers

 LinkedIn is considered the professionals

  social networking site and a key resource for
  both recruiters and job seekers.

     Patricia Sheehan, Social recruiting targets job candidates,
      Long-Term Living, 59:10 (Oct. 2010): 31.
     Kimberly Maul and Rachel Wallins, Advanced Job Search,
      PRWeek, Career Guide 2010 (Sept. 2010): 28-29.

                                SPP Careers 201                       45
How Corporations Use LinkedIn

 To learn about the talent working within their
  competitors organization
 To recruit talent from competitors

 To reduce recruiting costs

     Quentin Hardy, Networking for profit, not fun, Forbes
      182:12 (12/8/2008): 85-86.
                              SPP Careers 201                   46
 Add a detailed profile, CV/resume, writing samples,
  Power Point presentations.
 Link with current and prior employers and professors,
  colleagues, fellow students, alumni groups.
 Link with professionals in selected fields:
      Professional Public Service: MPA-MPP Degrees
      Economic Development Professionals
 Link with professional associations.
 Sample Profile:
                             SPP Careers 201                  47
Community of Science: cos.com
 COS Expertise - a richly featured knowledge
  management system for individuals and institutions,
  containing more than 480,000 first-person profiles of
  researchers from over 1,600 institutions worldwide.
 COS Scholar Universe - a searchable, editorially
  controlled database of nearly 2 million published
  scholars in a variety of disciplines.

                           SPP Careers 201               48
 COS Public View of Expertise (PVE) - a user-
  friendly interface to make selected information from
  an institution's research expertise available to key
  external constituencies and the general public.
 COS Workbench - an easy-to-use Web workspace
  with many features to help you promote your work,
  manage your saved funding searches and tracked
  funding records, and maintain your resume/CV.
      Sample: http://myprofile.cos.com/cbonilla3
                              SPP Careers 201        49
 Professional or Personal?
 Disclosure or Confidentiality?
 What Friends May Say
 When You Post
 It Was Just a Joke, Right?
 Effective or Distraction?
 What Employers Think
 To Friend or Not To Friend
                       SPP Careers 201   50
 Organize, share, and discover research papers!
  Mendeley is a research management tool for
  desktop & web. You can also explore research
  trends and connect to other academics in your
 Mendeley is used at, and endorsed by, some of the
  world's leading research institutions.
 Sample Profile: http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/clark-bonilla/

                                SPP Careers 201                     51
Georgia Tech Networks
 Georgia Tech Alumni Association:
 Women Alumni Network:
 Student Alumni Association:
 Student Alumni Mentoring:
 Planned: SPP Alumni Affinity Group
                              SPP Careers 201             52
Next Steps
 Develop your networking strategy.
 Set your metrics of effectiveness.
 Brand your public personal image.
 Brand your public professional image.
 Identify your potential network contacts.
 Select social media to reach your contacts.
 Expand your contacts by entering new networks.
 Link various social media.
 Complement face-to-face with online contacts.
                        SPP Careers 201            53
Final Word: Business Etiquette
 Etiquette Applies to All Social Media:
      Consideration means looking at the current situation
       and assessing how it affects everyone who is
      Respect means looking at how your possible
       actions will affect others in the future.
      Honesty means acting sincerely and being truthful,
       not deceitful.
           Emily Posts The Etiquette Advantage in Business (2005): 7.
                                     SPP Careers 201                      54
For more information,

       Clark Bonilla, Director

More Related Content

SPP Careers And Social Media

  • 1. SPP Careers 201: Careers and Social Media Clark R. Bonilla, Director Alumni and Career Services School of Public Policy
  • 2. Table of Contents Overview of Career Search Networking with Social Media LinkedIn.com COS.com Mendeley.com Facebook.com Georgia Tech Networks SPP Careers 201 2
  • 3. I: Overview of Career Search Socrates: Know Thyself SPP Careers 201 3
  • 4. Objective 1: Identify your career expectations. SPP Careers 201 4
  • 5. Career Choices and Trade-Offs SPP Careers 201 5
  • 6. Objective 2: Model your career plan. SPP Careers 201 6
  • 7. Career Planning Cycle Source: http://www.gov.pe.ca/photos/sites/psc/test/career_planning.jpg?8921 SPP Careers 201 7
  • 8. Market-Driven Career Model Job Market Optimal Career Options Personal Education Preferences SPP Careers 201 8
  • 9. Objective 3: Formalize your career goals in a career statement. SPP Careers 201 9
  • 10. Write Career Statement Industry/ Position Position Career Institution Level Type Outcome SPP Careers 201 10
  • 11. Objective 4: Research your career plan (industries, institutions, positions, salaries) SPP Careers 201 11
  • 12. Labor Markets Labor Market External Internal Labor Markets Labor Markets Publicly Advertised Internally Advertised Long Faster Hiring Process Hiring Process NetworksLess Relevant NetworksHighly Relevant Highly Competitive Much Less Competitive SPP Careers 201 12
  • 13. Know Market Trends Higher Education Employment Trends: (tour) http://www.higheredjobs.com/career/quarterly-report.cfm http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm#25-0000 Higher Education Salary Trends: http://www.higheredjobs.com/salary/ Private Research/Consulting Trends: http://www.careers-in-business.com/consulting/mcfacts.htm http://www.careeroverview.com/consulting-careers.html http://www.qrca.org/ http://www.socialscienceandresearch.com/about.html http://www.socialresearchandconsultinginc.com/ SPP Careers 201 13
  • 14. Social Sciences Markets Social Scientists http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos315.htm Social Science Research Assistants http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/19-4061.00 Sociologists http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos314.htm Urban and Regional Planners http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos057.htm SPP Careers 201 14
  • 15. Estimating Your Worth Compare Job Descriptions/Salaries http://www.jobbankinfo.org/ Review Labor Market Analyses: http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm#11-0000 http://www.bls.gov/bls/wages.htm Use Online Salary Calculators: http://monster.salary.com/salarywizard/layoutscripts/swzl_ ? http://www.cbsalary.com/?siteid=cbsubnav http://higheredjobs.salary.com/ SPP Careers 201 15
  • 16. Objective 5: Formulate your career search strategy. SPP Careers 201 16
  • 17. Sample Career Planning Matrix Career Preferred Acceptable Maximum Tracks Position Position Time 1st Choice Federal Energy State Energy Policy Months 1-6 Policy Analyst Analyst 2nd Choice State Policy State Research Months 5-12 Analyst Associate Independent Energy Analyst Energy Research Months 10-12 Contractor Associate Return to School Law School PhD, Public Policy Months 6-12 SPP Careers 201 17
  • 18. Write Your CP Matrix Career Preferred Position Acceptable Position Max. Tracks Time 1st Choice 2nd Choice Independent Contractor Return to School SPP Careers 201 18
  • 19. Objective 6: Build and utilize networks to advance your career. SPP Careers 201 19
  • 20. Network Sets Prior Professors Community Family Industry Prior Contacts Employers YOU Conference Alumni Contacts Prof. Assoc. Friends Members Fellow HR Students Personnel SPP Careers 201 20
  • 21. Objective 7: Target your career searches. SPP Careers 201 21
  • 22. Prioritize Your Efforts: Target Positions in your specialty. Positions in your preferred sector. Positions for which you meet minimum qualifications. Positions in organizations with missions you support. Positions that pay an acceptable salary. Positions in which your skills are readily transferable. Positions for which you are ready adapt and learn. SPP Careers 201 22
  • 23. Get Organized 1. Search specialized job search engines first. 2. Allocate set hours per week to search. 3. Establish phases, priorities, and milestones. 4. Have a three-phase plan: 3-month, 6-month and 12- month (to time prioritized searches). 5. Place key dates on calendar. 6. Plan for online searches, attending job fairs, and networking online and at events. 7. Customize resumes/CV to position and career track. 8. Implement a networking plan. SPP Careers 201 23
  • 24. Part II: Networking and Social Media Its not who you know. Its who knows you! And exactly who are you? SPP Careers 201 24
  • 25. Objective 8: Rapidly, effectively and inexpensively market yourself online with social media. SPP Careers 201 25
  • 26. The Savvy Networker The smart networker respects the opinions (and time) of others, helps other people as much as she is helped, and establishes rapport long before asking a favor or even offering a business card. Emily Posts The Etiquette Advantage in Business (2005): 313. SPP Careers 201 26
  • 27. Ways to Build Rapport Always use polite, respectful and engaging language. Meet for lunch (not just happy hour). Invite to a party. Invite to a sports or cultural event. Email a useful business article or discuss it. Send holiday, birthday, congratulatory or get-well cards as appropriate. Share information about job openings. SPP Careers 201 27
  • 28. Network of Resources Professors Alumni GT Career Services Online Search Engines Conferences Job Fairs Social Media SPP Careers 201 28
  • 29. Networking Tips List of all existing contacts Be concise, pleasant and confident Join LinkedIn.com and relevant at all times online groups Dont make unscheduled visits Get back in touch with prior Speak slowly, clearly and repeat employers name and phone on voice mail Attend career fairs messages Participate in alumni and Identify person who referred you professional associations Record all contacts Go directly to hiring manager Send thank you notes Network for advice first Have a 2-minute intro speech Develop strategy and plan to Call employers at start/end of day increase your network Source: http://www.career.gatech.edu/plugins/content/index.php?id=39 SPP Careers 201 29
  • 30. Tapping into Formal Networks Professional Associations Industry Associations Chambers of Commerce Alumni Associations LinkedIn.com Groups Local Nonprofit Community Groups SPP Careers 201 30
  • 31. Tapping Other Networks Internal Job Postings Listserv Job Postings (associations, institutions, etc.) Expansion Discussions Downsizing Discussions Relocation Discussions Linking via LinkedIn.com, COS.com, Mendeley.com Internship Opportunities (See Job Search Engine Directory) Independent Contractor Opportunities Consulting Opportunities SPP Careers 201 31
  • 32. Technological Evolution of HR Recruitment From exploiting the explosive growth of social networks to recruiting from their desks through virtual career fairs and on the go via mobile phones, talent seekers are honing their texting and tweeting skills and finding candidates in the most unexpected places. Ronald J. Alsop, Recruiting for talent will never be the same, Workforce Management, 90:2 (Feb 2011): 3. SPP Careers 201 32
  • 33. Effectiveness: Social Media v. Other Job Sources Major Job Boards: 219 applicants per 1 hire (response to job board posting) Social Media: 116 applicants per 1 hire Company Web Page: 33 applicants per 1 hire Online Job Search Engines: 32 applicants per 1 hire (self-initiated job search) Conclusion: Still, for job seekers, getting a referral from an employee is far and away the best way to get noticed by a recruiter. Study: Jobs2web, n = 1.3 million applications/26,000 hires (2010) For Job Seekers, Company Sites Beat Online Search Boards, Social Media, Wall Street Journal (online), April 3, 2011. SPP Careers 201 33
  • 34. Scale of Internal Social Media Usage Social media tools are redefining internal corporate communications. Prescient Digital Media Study: almost 90 percent of corporate intranets use social media tools. Ryan Williams, Inside Job, Communication World, 28:1 (Jan/Feb 2011): 28. Conclusion: Employers want employees who effectively utilize social media at work. SPP Careers 201 34
  • 35. Scale of External Social Media Usage 80% of companies use social media to find, attract and hire new candidates (2009) Company use of social media for recruiting: 95%: LinkedIn.com 59%: Facebook.com 42%: Twitter.com 66% hired candidates identified via social media Jobvite Study, 2009; Rachel Eccles, Link In, Get Hired, Corporate Meetings & Incentives, 28:11 (Nov 2009): 12-13. Rita Pyrillis, The Sourcer Knows, Workforce Management, 90:2 (Feb 2011): 24. SPP Careers 201 35
  • 36. Values of Social Media for You Discussions on social media can provide quick, inexpensive solutions to daily problems. Professionals share cutting-edge insights. Offer feedback/suggestions to your company. Network for career advancement and development. Broadcast your professional achievements. Beyond Fans and FollowersWhy Engineers Should Care about Social Media, Instrumentation Newsletter, 22:2 (10/2/2010): 27. Carrie Pinksy, You Are More Than a Pretty Facebook Profile, Northern Colorado Business Report, 15:25 (9/10/10): 9-28. SPP Careers 201 36
  • 37. Values of Social Media for Employers Cost-Effective Recruitment Media Effective Recruitment Branding For Applicants Joseph De Avila, Beyond Job Boards: Targeting the Source, Wall Street Journal (7/2/09): D1, D5. Ben Gotkin, RSM McGladreys Social Media, Journal of Corporate Recruiting Leadership, 5:4 (May 2010): 29-32. Improved Effectiveness of Professional Associations Maureen Walsh, Are You Linked Up? Strategic Finance, 91:3 (Sept 2009):22-24. SPP Careers 201 37
  • 38. Values of Social Media for Employers Some employers use social media to conduct background checks on job candidates. Carolyn Boyd, Controlling Brand Me, In the Black, 80:4 (May 2010): 44-47. Employees who use social media can participate in low-cost professional training and development. Employees using social media can contribute to cost- effective marketing efforts. Karen Blakeman and Scott Brown, Social Media: Essential for Research, Marketing and Branding, Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 37:1 (Oct/Nov 2010): 47-50. SPP Careers 201 38
  • 39. Values of Social Media for Employers Employees using social media can collaborate more effectively, particularly on team projects. Daniel Burrus, Social Networks in the Workplace: The Risk and Opportunity of Business 2.0, Strategy & Leadership, 38:4 (2010): 50-53. Identify new clients. Increase company revenue. Improve knowledge of target markets. Soundbites, Recruiter (2/23/11): 18. SPP Careers 201 39
  • 40. SM as Catalyst to Innovation Business 2.0 involves using the new web-based social networking applications (many of which were originally created for personal use) in a way that fosters innovative teamwork, customer co-creation of value, collaboration with external partners, and interactive communication between leaders and employees in an efficient way. Daniel Burrus, Social Networks in the Workplace: The Risk and Opportunity of Business 2.0, Strategy & Leadership, 38:4 (2010): 52. SPP Careers 201 40
  • 41. Employer Insights into You Your social media projects a public image: Are you deliberate in crafting that image? Are you effective in projecting your desired image? Do you receive new and positive feedback? Can you measure and document your effectiveness? Are your social media interconnected/linked? Employers review social media to assess applicants compatibility with their organizational culture (i.e., image, branding, business etiquette). SPP Careers 201 41
  • 42. Metrics for Social Media Influence Identification: who in a network has influence and how potent is it Influence Behavior Measurement: what can be tracked as a direct link from the people who influenced behavior Influence Predictive Modeling: using data to predict what is likely to influence the people you want to reach David Armano, Six Social Media Trends for 2011, Harvard Business Review, 89:3 (Mar. 2011): 22. SPP Careers 201 42
  • 43. Career Search Metrics Number of contacts Relevance of contacts Positive feedback on professional image Number of face-to-face contacts Leveraging contacts to enter new networks Number of business leads (referrals, job leads) Number of recommendations SPP Careers 201 43
  • 44. Online Networking Systems All Fields: www.linkedin.com All Fields: www.facebook.com Sciences/Engineering: www.cos.com All Fields: www.mendeley.com All Fields: www.twitter.com SPP Careers 201 44
  • 45. Social Media for HR and Job Seekers LinkedIn is considered the professionals social networking site and a key resource for both recruiters and job seekers. Patricia Sheehan, Social recruiting targets job candidates, Long-Term Living, 59:10 (Oct. 2010): 31. Kimberly Maul and Rachel Wallins, Advanced Job Search, PRWeek, Career Guide 2010 (Sept. 2010): 28-29. SPP Careers 201 45
  • 46. How Corporations Use LinkedIn To learn about the talent working within their competitors organization To recruit talent from competitors To reduce recruiting costs Quentin Hardy, Networking for profit, not fun, Forbes 182:12 (12/8/2008): 85-86. SPP Careers 201 46
  • 47. LinkedIn.com www.linkedin.com Add a detailed profile, CV/resume, writing samples, Power Point presentations. Link with current and prior employers and professors, colleagues, fellow students, alumni groups. Link with professionals in selected fields: Professional Public Service: MPA-MPP Degrees Economic Development Professionals Link with professional associations. Sample Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=14189626&authType=name&aut SPP Careers 201 47
  • 48. Community of Science: cos.com COS Expertise - a richly featured knowledge management system for individuals and institutions, containing more than 480,000 first-person profiles of researchers from over 1,600 institutions worldwide. COS Scholar Universe - a searchable, editorially controlled database of nearly 2 million published scholars in a variety of disciplines. http://www.refworks-cos.com/cosscholaruniverse/ SPP Careers 201 48
  • 49. COScontinued COS Public View of Expertise (PVE) - a user- friendly interface to make selected information from an institution's research expertise available to key external constituencies and the general public. COS Workbench - an easy-to-use Web workspace with many features to help you promote your work, manage your saved funding searches and tracked funding records, and maintain your resume/CV. Sample: http://myprofile.cos.com/cbonilla3 SPP Careers 201 49
  • 50. Facebook.com Professional or Personal? Disclosure or Confidentiality? What Friends May Say When You Post It Was Just a Joke, Right? Effective or Distraction? What Employers Think To Friend or Not To Friend SPP Careers 201 50
  • 51. Mendeley.com Organize, share, and discover research papers! Mendeley is a research management tool for desktop & web. You can also explore research trends and connect to other academics in your discipline. Mendeley is used at, and endorsed by, some of the world's leading research institutions. Sample Profile: http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/clark-bonilla/ SPP Careers 201 51
  • 52. Georgia Tech Networks Georgia Tech Alumni Association: http://gtalumni.org/ Women Alumni Network: http://gtalumni.org/pages/womenalumninetwork Student Alumni Association: http://gtsaa.com/ Student Alumni Mentoring: http://gtalumni.org/pages/studentalumnimentoring Planned: SPP Alumni Affinity Group SPP Careers 201 52
  • 53. Next Steps Develop your networking strategy. Set your metrics of effectiveness. Brand your public personal image. Brand your public professional image. Identify your potential network contacts. Select social media to reach your contacts. Expand your contacts by entering new networks. Link various social media. Complement face-to-face with online contacts. SPP Careers 201 53
  • 54. Final Word: Business Etiquette Etiquette Applies to All Social Media: Consideration means looking at the current situation and assessing how it affects everyone who is involved. Respect means looking at how your possible actions will affect others in the future. Honesty means acting sincerely and being truthful, not deceitful. Emily Posts The Etiquette Advantage in Business (2005): 7. SPP Careers 201 54
  • 55. For more information, contact: Clark Bonilla, Director clark.bonilla@pubpolicy.gatech.edu 404-385-7220