This document provides the results of surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center in various European countries between 2002-2015. It includes data on people's perceptions of their country's economic situation and whether they believe future generations will be better or worse off financially. It also includes favorability ratings of the European Union from the surveyed countries. The document outlines the methodology used and provides the percentages for each response across multiple years of surveys.
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Spring 2015 survey
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Topline Results
Pew Research Center
Spring 2015 survey
June 2, 2015 Release
Methodological notes:
Survey results are based on national samples. For further details on sample designs, see
Methodology section and our international survey methods database.
Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline total columns show 100%,
because they are based on unrounded numbers.
Since 2007, the Pew Research Center has used an automated process to generate toplines
for its Global Attitudes surveys. As a result, numbers may differ slightly from those
published prior to 2007.
Not all questions included in the Spring 2015 survey are presented in this topline. Omitted
questions will be released in future reports.
6. Q22. In the long run, do you think that (survey country's) overall economy has
been strengthened or weakened by the economic integration of Europe?
Strengthened Weakened Neither (VOL) DK/Refused Total
United Kingdom Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Spring, 2013
Spring, 2012
Spring, 2010
Fall, 2009
Spring, 1991
49 40 3 8 100
41 49 2 8 100
26 66 2 6 100
30 61 3 6 100
32 57 4 6 100
29 54 5 12 100
44 38 3 14 100
In 1991, the question asked 'In the long run, do you think that (survey countrys) overall economy will be strengthened or weakened
by the economic integration of Western Europe?'
Q45a. I'd like you to rate some different groups of people in (survey country) according to how you
feel about them. Please tell me whether your opinion is very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly
unfavorable or very unfavorable. a. Jews
unfavorable DK/Refused Total
France Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
Spring, 1991
Germany Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
Spring, 1991
Italy Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
Poland Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
Spring, 1991
Spain Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
United Kingdom Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
39 53 5 2 1 100
25 64 6 4 1 100
21 66 7 3 3 100
14 58 11 3 14 100
28 52 6 3 11 100
25 57 4 1 13 100
20 58 7 2 14 100
6 47 18 6 24 100
22 49 15 6 8 100
16 49 14 10 11 100
6 46 21 8 19 100
10 49 23 5 13 100
9 50 21 5 15 100
6 41 23 6 23 100
2 38 26 8 26 100
18 57 13 4 8 100
14 58 13 5 10 100
36 50 5 2 7 100
29 54 5 2 10 100
24 57 4 2 13 100
7. Q45b. I'd like you to rate some different groups of people in (survey country) according to how
you feel about them. Please tell me whether your opinion is very favorable, mostly favorable,
mostly unfavorable or very unfavorable. b. Roma
unfavorable DK/Refused Total
France Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Germany Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
Spring, 1991
Italy Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
Poland Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Spain Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
Spring, 1991
United Kingdom Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
8 31 42 18 1 100
4 29 42 24 2 100
9 43 29 5 14 100
7 37 36 6 14 100
6 40 27 4 23 100
2 17 36 24 21 100
1 8 30 56 4 100
1 9 32 53 5 100
0 9 28 56 7 100
5 36 34 14 11 100
4 33 38 11 14 100
12 46 22 13 6 100
10 46 30 11 4 100
2 42 36 9 11 100
8 29 29 21 14 100
14 40 25 12 10 100
9 29 32 18 12 100
In United Kingdom, asked as 'Gypsies or Roma.'
Q45c. I'd like you to rate some different groups of people in (survey country) according to how you
feel about them. Please tell me whether your opinion is very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly
unfavorable or very unfavorable. c. Muslims
unfavorable DK/Refused Total
France Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Germany Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Italy Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
Poland Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Spain Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
United Kingdom Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Fall, 2009
25 51 17 7 1 100
14 58 18 9 1 100
15 54 20 4 7 100
11 47 28 5 10 100
3 28 32 29 7 100
2 26 34 29 8 100
2 19 37 32 10 100
3 27 37 19 14 100
5 27 35 15 18 100
12 40 26 16 7 100
9 40 29 17 6 100
2 38 37 9 13 100
22 50 11 8 9 100
17 47 16 10 9 100
15 46 17 10 12 100
8. Q75. Do you think we should keep the euro as our currency or
return to the (franc/mark/lira/peseta)?
Keep the euro
Return to the
lira/peseta DK/Refused Total
France Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Spring, 2013
Spring, 2012
Spring, 2010
Germany Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Spring, 2013
Spring, 2012
Spring, 2010
Italy Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Spring, 2013
Spring, 2012
Spain Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Spring, 2013
Spring, 2012
Spring, 2010
72 28 0 100
64 36 0 100
63 37 1 100
69 31 0 100
66 34 0 100
72 26 2 100
72 27 1 100
66 32 2 100
66 32 2 100
66 32 1 100
56 37 7 100
45 44 11 100
64 27 9 100
52 40 7 100
71 25 4 100
68 29 3 100
67 29 3 100
60 36 4 100
69 30 2 100
Q76. If a vote were held today on Britain's membership in the
European Union, would you vote for Britain to remain in the
European Union or for Britain to leave the European Union?
Remain in the
Leave the
Union DK/Refused Total
United Kingdom Spring, 2015
Spring, 2014
Spring, 2013
55 36 9 100
50 41 9 100
46 46 8 100
Q77. Do you think that the rise of nontraditional political parties
in (survey country), such as [COUNTRY-SPECIFIC EXAMPLE], is a
good thing because these parties raise important issues that are
ignored by the traditional parties or a bad thing because these
parties are too extreme?
Good thing Bad thing DK/Refused Total
France Spring, 2015
Germany Spring, 2015
Italy Spring, 2015
Poland Spring, 2015
Spain Spring, 2015
United Kingdom Spring, 2015
36 63 1 100
50 41 9 100
58 28 14 100
36 39 25 100
70 25 5 100
66 24 10 100
Asked about UK Independence Party in UK, National Front in France, Alternative for Germany in Germany, Five
Star Movement in Italy, Podemos in Spain and Congress of the New Right in Poland.