The document provides information about an event in Sacramento after a day of learning. It invites people to join at The Blue Prynt restaurant and bar located at 815 11th St, Sacramento, CA 95814 to socialize and unwind. The Blue Prynt restaurant and bar will host people after their day of learning in Sacramento.
35. Join us right after at The Blue Prynt
Socialize and unwind after our day of learning.
Blue Prynt Restaurant & Bar
815 11th St, Sacramento, CA 95814
Editor's Notes
Introduction slide
Conclusion slide
SharePoint Hosted
-Great if your SDK only requires client-side code, but be careful not to violate SharePoint Permissions
-Asynchronous Processing not really possible
-Good Option if On-Premises is completely out of the question.
-Asynchronous processing is difficult.
-Gives full range of possibilities
-Asynchronous processing is possible, again being careful not to violate SharePoint permissions
Host web is a given
Features include missing list settings
Discuss Search Concepts.
Display templates -> Result Types
Javascript is MSFT internal only.
Therefore, expect it to change without notice.