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Creating synergy by integrating architecture and engineering
Comprehensive understanding of structural design
Applying engineering concepts as architectural design parameters
Presenting complex technical concepts as clear graphics
Strong in presentation drawing, graphic design and hand sketching
3D geometry and parametric design
Solid experience in CAD and working drawings
Architectural photographer with an international portfolio
Vennemindevej 74 / 2100 København Ø
+45 2990 1704
Practicing engineering as a co-driver for architectural innovation
Architectural integration of structural, daylight and energy design
Key player in enabling multidisciplinary teamwork
Graphic communication of technical ideas
3D modeling, parametric design and collision control
Project photography for project references and marketing
Engineering Consultant
Formerly Grontmij/Carl Bro,
January 2009 – Present
16 years of international experience in architectural engineering,
parametric design, cross-divisional coordination, communication
graphics and architectural photography.
Engaged, curious and open minded. Innovative and creative
thinker. Adept at finding solutions and developing concepts.
Thorough, methodical and precise in implementation.
Architect MAA
Architectural Engineering Consultant
Architectural Photographer
Stavanger Forum
Competition together with
Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin
Kirk / Olafur Eliasson
Research project
Multi purpose hall design. Research and definition of large span struc-
tural concepts in cooperation with the structural engineers. Solving the
integrated architecture of the steel girder structure with daylight control,
acoustic regulation, ventilation, services gangway, tracks for lighting and
mobile partitions, photovoltaics, coordinating with the architects and
across the departments using 3D modeling.
Dynamic model interpretation of the complex geometry by using
Grasshopper, enabling very precise Be10 energy calculations.
Introduction of parametric design to the organisation, commencing a
number of pilot projects, to develop direct links between dynamic models
and performance simulations. Illustration of the parametric design
process and exploring structural design principles.
Conceptual design for steel bridges and cantilevers. Co-developing
Grasshopper file interchange for the energy system design. Translation of
complex technical concepts into comprehensive graphics and diagrams.
Collision control between the double curved architectural geometry and
the structural steel model for the new train station terminals.
Structural concept for an integrated roof design using glulam timber
beams spanning an underground space. Illustrated the energy system.
Developing a family of icons to illustrate key points of the strategy. Design
and editing of course material and templates, all within corporate design
guidelines together with the Strategic Innovation Consultant.
Project references and marketing of the construction process,
built projects and installations.
Lecturer and Examiner, for bachelor and master levels
Contributing to the professional network between DTU and Sweco
Enabling Sweco to select the highest quality interns
Fundamental role in the creation of ideas and architectural concepts
Sharpening the design profile of the practice
Dynamic illustrations and graphics
Building CAD templates, blocks and IBB standard work flow
External Lecturer
and Examiner
Associated Partner
October 2006 – January 2009
Danish Technical University
Sustainable Building Design
May 2012 – Present
Strategic Innovation
Ny Nørreport Station
Together with
COBE & Gottlieb Paludan
Gl.Hellerup Sports Hall
Together with BIG
Competition together with
3XN & Aarhus Arkitects
Together with BIG
Hannemannsparken Ørestad
Together with 3XN
Roskilde Townhall
Competition together with
Mangor & Nagel
Ørestad Syd Byrum
Urban Space Competition
Concept development of a mixed use master plan and preliminary design
of an office building. Extensive model studies to maximize green space,
free flow, internal flexibility and views. Facade design for optimal solar
energy and shading.
Light and open office extension connecting existing administration wings
and a new public space under one floating roof, conveying changes in
levels and providing a permeable transition in the landscape.
Design for a series of urban spaces around a common theme of local
surface rainwater management, using economic materials, tried and tested
construction methods to achieve organic and playful public zones.
Project Leader
Project Architect
January 2001 – September 2006
Detailed technical design in close collaboration with
manufacturers and engineers
Researching materials and construction methods
Value engineering and build-ability optimisation
Managing large CAD packages and specifications
Photographer both on site and built projects, prototypes and models
11 storey residential block on a spectacular site, concept development and
planning stage design, cost efficiency rationalization of curved facade
geometry into a limited number of repeated GRC elements, solving
internal layout and structure, integrating public promenade and car park.
As project leader
Sluseholmen / Copenhagen
Together with Kasper Danielsen
As team member
Birmingham / UK
Together with Arup
Stazione Monte Sant Angelo
Napoli / Italy
Together with Anish Kapoor
Marks & Spencer
Museo Enzo Ferrari
Modena / Italy
Assistant Architect 			
CAD Technician 			
Assistant Architect
F. Gibberd Architects, London		 November 2000 – January 2001
HOK International, London		 October 2000 – November 2000
Royceton Ltd, Dublin			 January 2000 – September 2000
25.000m² iconic department store from tender stage to completion.
Administration of ca. 400 CAD-drawings and specification, construction
design of back of house staff facilities. Assisting the site architect with
inspection and reports. Coordination between main project and shop
interior designers. Industrial and graphic design of the wayfinding
and signage scheme. Solving facade details.
Technical development and detailed design of the complex glass facade
and carbon fiber suspension system, together with glass specialists Billings
Design, Dublin.
Concept development and model building. Investigating structural design
principles together with leading ship builders and heavy steel industries.
Detailed design of underground concourse and platforms according to
strict Italian fire and safety regulations. Specification of lighting.
Designing a series of shopping trollies with the prototype
builder Forum Makers.
s ø r e n a a g a a r d
p h o t o g r a p h e r
January 2001 – Present
Professional architectural photographer, initiating commissions
for Future Systems, developing a bold and clean visual style
characteristic of the studio.
Producing images of outstanding quality, high level of detail,
technical precision and perspective control, while capturing that
decisive moment when life, context and light combine.
Future Systems / Mikkelsen Architects / Sweco / Force4 Architects /
Cubo Architects / Domus Architects / NCC / Superfusionlab /
Grape Design / Building Design Magazine.
Future Systems Monograph (Phaidon 2006) / Domus / A+U /
RIBA Journal / Architects Journal / Building Design / Octogon /
Metropolis / Baumeister / Arkitekten.
Sustainable energy & technology / Alternative & analogue photography / landscape & street photography /
photographic history / graphic design / jazz & ethnic music / hifi & electronics / street art / spiritual develop-
ment / natural science & astronomy / exploring diverse cultures & countries / good food, wine & beer.
Danish 	Native
English 	 Advanced academic and technical level
German 	 Proficient in reading and comprehension
French 	 Currently attending a course - Intermediate level
IT CAD 		 Rhino / Grasshopper / AutoCad
		 Revit / Sketchup / Dynamo
Graphics 	 Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign / Capture One Pro
Office 	 	 Excel / PowerPoint
Royal Academy of Arts School of Architecture / Copenhagen / 1999Master of Arts (MA)	
Post Graduate Diploma	
Industrial Design
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Grasshopper Primer / Oooja Flowlab, Århus 2013
Grasshopper Level 2 / SimplyRhino, London 2015
Dynamo / Sweco, Copenhagen 2015
Revit Architecture / NTI CAD Center, Værløse 2016
University of Westminster / London / 1997
Royal Academy of Arts School of Architecture / Copenhagen / 1996
Royal Academy of Arts School of Architecture / Copenhagen / 1995
Client commissions
International publications
Engineering Consultant
Formerly Grontmij/Carl Bro,
January 2009 – Present
Stavanger Forum
Competition together with
Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin
Multi purpose hall design. Research and definition of large span struc-
tural concepts in cooperation with the structural engineers. Solving the
integrated architecture of the steel girder structure with daylight control,
acoustic regulation, ventilation, services gangway, tracks for lighting and
mobile partitions, photovoltaics, coordinating with the architects and
across the departments using 3D modeling.
Ovenlys Detailsnit
Isoleret overtag
Indtag af diffust himmellys
Bærende rumgitter
Akustisk adskillelse
Akustik skillevæg i loftskinne
Reflekterende overflade
på sydside af ovenlys
Integrerede skinner til belysning etc.
Perforeret lys træbeklædning,
akustisk absorberende
Night coolingAir intake/exhaust
Thermo active slabs
for cooling and heating
3-layer windows
to prevent cool draught
Night cooling
Ventilation unit
Air exhaust
Air supply
Ventilation unit
Air intake/exhaust
Air exhaust DuctDuct
Air supply Night cooling
Ventilation and cooling principle
Daylight and solar cells in skylights
Northern skylights
prevents summer sun from entering
PV solar cells on south side of skylights
catches winther sun on 50o
Roof cantilever
prevents summer sun from entering
Facade filters winther sun
into rekreative områder
Northern diffuse daylight
Daylight in the exhibition hall
through northern skylights
Structure - Cases: 0 ()
28.1400.19 Stavanger 090525 SK Skylight + Structure 02
Openings in spaceframe for skylights
Flat roof panels
Space frame structural princip
Internal space frame infill panels
with accoustic damping
Steel space frame
Roof Spaceframe Design Principle
as a subframe for skylights
to be read in conjunction with sketch 090525 SK Skylight + Structure 01
Dynamic model interpretation of the complex geometry by using
Grasshopper, to test the limits of the plug-in Termite, enabling very pre-
cise Be10 energy calculations. The traditional manual modeling turned
out to deviate by 10-25% compared to the Termite method.
Kirk / Olafur Eliasson
Research project
30m² solvarmeanlæg
125m² solceller
80%dækning af elforbrug til belysning og ventilation
20%dækning af energiforbrug til varmt vand
40%reduktion i samlet energiforbrug
jordkøling og varmelager
varmepumpe og ventilation
50%dækning af energiforbrug til varme
100%dækning af energiforbrug til køling
Structural concept for an integrated roof design using glulam timber
beams spanning an underground space. Illustrated the energy system.
Gl.Hellerup Sports Hall
Together with BIG
Associated Partner
October 2006 – January 2009
Roskilde Townhall
Competition together with
Mangor & Nagel
Light and open office extension connecting existing administration wings
and a new public space under one floating roof, conveying changes in
levels and providing a permeable transition in the landscape.
lys in-situ beton
modul 5,2 x 6,2m
kote +3,30m
kote -0,25m
lys in-situ beton
rampe 1:40 hældning
kanter i hvid marmor
løv og frugttræer
belyst nedefra
stander belysning
kote +1,00m
snit A
snit A
snit B
stander belysning
indgang fra hovedgade
lys in-situ beton
modul 2,7 x 2,9m
kote +1,80m
lys in-situ beton
rampe 1:37 hældning
stander belysning
siddekanter i cedertræ
belyst nedefra
grønt bed
kote +1,00m
lys in-situ beton
modul 2,5 x 3,1m
kote +2,00m
kote +1,00m
græsarmeret rampe
1:30 hældning
sten bed
siddekanter i cedertræ
stander belysning
belyst nedefra
punkt markeringslys i niveau med belægning
på hele pladsens grid
10cm dia, rustfri stål finish
fortorv i lyse betonfliser
6m bredt langs bebyggelse
i modul mål 1,2 x 1,2m
belysning på 3m høje pæle
langs nord og sydkant af plads
asymetrisk reflekteret lys på fortorv
belægning i lys beton støbt insitu som blødt kuperet terræn
i kvadratisk planmodul 8,4 x 8,4m kantet med kobberbånd
tærren bevæger sig op til +1,1m og ned til -0,6m målt fra
fortorvs niveau
bænke i beton beklædt med massiv
bejset og lakeret tujatræ el.lign.
kant af plads i lys beton i bordur format manna-ask som i tilsødende parkrum lave vandbasiner i fordybningerne
på det blødt kuperede terræn
basin tilslutning til
regnvandsrende under fortorv
snit B
snit B
snit A
over fortorv
pladsbelægning ned
således at trafikke
under fortorv
Ørestad Syd Byrum
Urban Space Competition
Design for a series of urban spaces around a common theme of local
surface rainwater management, using economic materials, tried and tested
construction methods to achieve organic and playful public zones.
Project Leader
Project Architect
January 2001 – September 2006
11 storey residential block on a spectacular site, concept development and
planning stage design, cost efficiency rationalization of curved facade
geometry into a limited number of repeated GRC elements, solving
internal layout and structure, integrating public promenade and car park.
Sluseholmen / Copenhagen
Together with Kasper Danielsen
Birmingham / UK
Together with Arup
25.000m² iconic department store from tender stage to completion.
Administration of ca. 400 CAD-drawings and specification, construction
design of back of house staff facilities. Assisting the site architect with
inspection and reports. Coordination between main project and shop
interior designers. Industrial and graphic design of the wayfinding
and signage scheme. Solving facade details.

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  • 1. 11 CV Creating synergy by integrating architecture and engineering Comprehensive understanding of structural design Applying engineering concepts as architectural design parameters Presenting complex technical concepts as clear graphics Strong in presentation drawing, graphic design and hand sketching 3D geometry and parametric design Solid experience in CAD and working drawings Architectural photographer with an international portfolio SØREN AAGAARD Vennemindevej 74 / 2100 København Ø +45 2990 1704 saagaard@hotmail.com Practicing engineering as a co-driver for architectural innovation Architectural integration of structural, daylight and energy design Key player in enabling multidisciplinary teamwork Graphic communication of technical ideas 3D modeling, parametric design and collision control Project photography for project references and marketing Architectural Engineering Consultant Formerly Grontmij/Carl Bro, Copenhagen January 2009 – Present EXPERIENCE 16 years of international experience in architectural engineering, parametric design, cross-divisional coordination, communication graphics and architectural photography. Engaged, curious and open minded. Innovative and creative thinker. Adept at finding solutions and developing concepts. Thorough, methodical and precise in implementation. Architect MAA Architectural Engineering Consultant Architectural Photographer FORCE4ARCHITECTS F U T U R E S Y S T E M S Stavanger Forum Competition together with Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin Kirk / Olafur Eliasson Research project Multi purpose hall design. Research and definition of large span struc- tural concepts in cooperation with the structural engineers. Solving the integrated architecture of the steel girder structure with daylight control, acoustic regulation, ventilation, services gangway, tracks for lighting and mobile partitions, photovoltaics, coordinating with the architects and across the departments using 3D modeling. Dynamic model interpretation of the complex geometry by using Grasshopper, enabling very precise Be10 energy calculations. TALENTS AND SKILLS
  • 2. 22 Introduction of parametric design to the organisation, commencing a number of pilot projects, to develop direct links between dynamic models and performance simulations. Illustration of the parametric design process and exploring structural design principles. Conceptual design for steel bridges and cantilevers. Co-developing Grasshopper file interchange for the energy system design. Translation of complex technical concepts into comprehensive graphics and diagrams. Collision control between the double curved architectural geometry and the structural steel model for the new train station terminals. Structural concept for an integrated roof design using glulam timber beams spanning an underground space. Illustrated the energy system. Developing a family of icons to illustrate key points of the strategy. Design and editing of course material and templates, all within corporate design guidelines together with the Strategic Innovation Consultant. Project references and marketing of the construction process, built projects and installations. Lecturer and Examiner, for bachelor and master levels Contributing to the professional network between DTU and Sweco Enabling Sweco to select the highest quality interns Fundamental role in the creation of ideas and architectural concepts Sharpening the design profile of the practice Dynamic illustrations and graphics Building CAD templates, blocks and IBB standard work flow External Lecturer and Examiner Associated Partner FORCE4ARCHITECTS Copenhagen October 2006 – January 2009 Danish Technical University Sustainable Building Design May 2012 – Present Strategic Innovation Photography Ny Nørreport Station Together with COBE & Gottlieb Paludan Gl.Hellerup Sports Hall Together with BIG Rigshospitalet Competition together with 3XN & Aarhus Arkitects Batteriet Together with BIG Hannemannsparken Ørestad Together with 3XN Roskilde Townhall Competition together with Mangor & Nagel Ørestad Syd Byrum Urban Space Competition Concept development of a mixed use master plan and preliminary design of an office building. Extensive model studies to maximize green space, free flow, internal flexibility and views. Facade design for optimal solar energy and shading. Light and open office extension connecting existing administration wings and a new public space under one floating roof, conveying changes in levels and providing a permeable transition in the landscape. Design for a series of urban spaces around a common theme of local surface rainwater management, using economic materials, tried and tested construction methods to achieve organic and playful public zones.
  • 3. 33 Project Leader Project Architect F U T U R E S Y S T E M S London January 2001 – September 2006 Detailed technical design in close collaboration with manufacturers and engineers Researching materials and construction methods Value engineering and build-ability optimisation Managing large CAD packages and specifications Photographer both on site and built projects, prototypes and models 11 storey residential block on a spectacular site, concept development and planning stage design, cost efficiency rationalization of curved facade geometry into a limited number of repeated GRC elements, solving internal layout and structure, integrating public promenade and car park. As project leader Metropolis Sluseholmen / Copenhagen Together with Kasper Danielsen Architects As team member Selfridges Birmingham / UK Together with Arup Stazione Monte Sant Angelo Napoli / Italy Together with Anish Kapoor Marks & Spencer Museo Enzo Ferrari Modena / Italy Assistant Architect CAD Technician Assistant Architect F. Gibberd Architects, London November 2000 – January 2001 HOK International, London October 2000 – November 2000 Royceton Ltd, Dublin January 2000 – September 2000 25.000m² iconic department store from tender stage to completion. Administration of ca. 400 CAD-drawings and specification, construction design of back of house staff facilities. Assisting the site architect with inspection and reports. Coordination between main project and shop interior designers. Industrial and graphic design of the wayfinding and signage scheme. Solving facade details. Technical development and detailed design of the complex glass facade and carbon fiber suspension system, together with glass specialists Billings Design, Dublin. Concept development and model building. Investigating structural design principles together with leading ship builders and heavy steel industries. Detailed design of underground concourse and platforms according to strict Italian fire and safety regulations. Specification of lighting. Designing a series of shopping trollies with the prototype builder Forum Makers. INDEPENDENT WORK Architectural Photographer s ø r e n a a g a a r d p h o t o g r a p h e r January 2001 – Present Professional architectural photographer, initiating commissions for Future Systems, developing a bold and clean visual style characteristic of the studio. Producing images of outstanding quality, high level of detail, technical precision and perspective control, while capturing that decisive moment when life, context and light combine.
  • 4. 44 Future Systems / Mikkelsen Architects / Sweco / Force4 Architects / Cubo Architects / Domus Architects / NCC / Superfusionlab / Grape Design / Building Design Magazine. Future Systems Monograph (Phaidon 2006) / Domus / A+U / RIBA Journal / Architects Journal / Building Design / Octogon / Metropolis / Baumeister / Arkitekten. COURSES EDUCATION LANGUAGES PERSONAL INTERESTS Sustainable energy & technology / Alternative & analogue photography / landscape & street photography / photographic history / graphic design / jazz & ethnic music / hifi & electronics / street art / spiritual develop- ment / natural science & astronomy / exploring diverse cultures & countries / good food, wine & beer. Danish Native English Advanced academic and technical level German Proficient in reading and comprehension French Currently attending a course - Intermediate level IT CAD Rhino / Grasshopper / AutoCad Revit / Sketchup / Dynamo Graphics Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign / Capture One Pro Office Excel / PowerPoint Royal Academy of Arts School of Architecture / Copenhagen / 1999Master of Arts (MA) Post Graduate Diploma Industrial Design Bachelor of Arts (BA) Grasshopper Primer / Oooja Flowlab, Århus 2013 Grasshopper Level 2 / SimplyRhino, London 2015 Dynamo / Sweco, Copenhagen 2015 Revit Architecture / NTI CAD Center, Værløse 2016 University of Westminster / London / 1997 Royal Academy of Arts School of Architecture / Copenhagen / 1996 Royal Academy of Arts School of Architecture / Copenhagen / 1995 Client commissions International publications
  • 5. 5 PORTFOLIO Architectural Engineering Consultant Formerly Grontmij/Carl Bro, Copenhagen January 2009 – Present Stavanger Forum Competition together with Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin Multi purpose hall design. Research and definition of large span struc- tural concepts in cooperation with the structural engineers. Solving the integrated architecture of the steel girder structure with daylight control, acoustic regulation, ventilation, services gangway, tracks for lighting and mobile partitions, photovoltaics, coordinating with the architects and across the departments using 3D modeling.
  • 6. 6 Ovenlys Detailsnit Mørklægningsgardin Servicegang Isoleret overtag Solpanel Indtag af diffust himmellys S N Bærende rumgitter Akustisk adskillelse Akustik skillevæg i loftskinne Reflekterende overflade på sydside af ovenlys Integrerede skinner til belysning etc. Perforeret lys træbeklædning, akustisk absorberende Night coolingAir intake/exhaust Thermo active slabs for cooling and heating 3-layer windows to prevent cool draught Night cooling Ventilation unit Air exhaust Air supply Ventilation unit Air intake/exhaust Air exhaust DuctDuct Air supply Night cooling Ventilation and cooling principle Daylight and solar cells in skylights Northern skylights prevents summer sun from entering PV solar cells on south side of skylights catches winther sun on 50o angle Roof cantilever prevents summer sun from entering Facade filters winther sun into rekreative områder Northern diffuse daylight Daylight in the exhibition hall through northern skylights Structure - Cases: 0 () 28.1400.19 Stavanger 090525 SK Skylight + Structure 02 Openings in spaceframe for skylights Flat roof panels Space frame structural princip Internal space frame infill panels with accoustic damping Steel space frame Roof Spaceframe Design Principle as a subframe for skylights to be read in conjunction with sketch 090525 SK Skylight + Structure 01
  • 7. 7 Dynamic model interpretation of the complex geometry by using Grasshopper, to test the limits of the plug-in Termite, enabling very pre- cise Be10 energy calculations. The traditional manual modeling turned out to deviate by 10-25% compared to the Termite method. Kirk / Olafur Eliasson Research project
  • 8. 8 30m² solvarmeanlæg 125m² solceller 80%dækning af elforbrug til belysning og ventilation 20%dækning af energiforbrug til varmt vand 40%reduktion i samlet energiforbrug jordkøling og varmelager varmepumpe og ventilation 50%dækning af energiforbrug til varme 100%dækning af energiforbrug til køling Structural concept for an integrated roof design using glulam timber beams spanning an underground space. Illustrated the energy system. Gl.Hellerup Sports Hall Together with BIG
  • 9. 9 PORTFOLIO Associated Partner FORCE4ARCHITECTS Copenhagen October 2006 – January 2009 Roskilde Townhall Competition together with Mangor & Nagel Light and open office extension connecting existing administration wings and a new public space under one floating roof, conveying changes in levels and providing a permeable transition in the landscape.
  • 10. 10 lys in-situ beton modul 5,2 x 6,2m kote +3,30m vandbasin kote -0,25m lys in-situ beton rampe 1:40 hældning kanter i hvid marmor løv og frugttræer belyst nedefra stander belysning fælled kote +1,00m snit A snit A snit B stander belysning indgang fra hovedgade lys in-situ beton modul 2,7 x 2,9m kote +1,80m lys in-situ beton rampe 1:37 hældning stander belysning siddekanter i cedertræ frugttræ belyst nedefra grønt bed fælled kote +1,00m lys in-situ beton modul 2,5 x 3,1m kote +2,00m fælled kote +1,00m græsarmeret rampe 1:30 hældning sten bed siddekanter i cedertræ stander belysning frugttræ belyst nedefra A F G punkt markeringslys i niveau med belægning på hele pladsens grid 10cm dia, rustfri stål finish fortorv i lyse betonfliser 6m bredt langs bebyggelse i modul mål 1,2 x 1,2m belysning på 3m høje pæle langs nord og sydkant af plads asymetrisk reflekteret lys på fortorv belægning i lys beton støbt insitu som blødt kuperet terræn i kvadratisk planmodul 8,4 x 8,4m kantet med kobberbånd tærren bevæger sig op til +1,1m og ned til -0,6m målt fra fortorvs niveau bænke i beton beklædt med massiv bejset og lakeret tujatræ el.lign. kant af plads i lys beton i bordur format manna-ask som i tilsødende parkrum lave vandbasiner i fordybningerne på det blødt kuperede terræn basin tilslutning til regnvandsrende under fortorv snit B snit B snit A +1,1m over fortorv pladsbelægning ned således at trafikke -0,6m under fortorv D Ørestad Syd Byrum Urban Space Competition Design for a series of urban spaces around a common theme of local surface rainwater management, using economic materials, tried and tested construction methods to achieve organic and playful public zones.
  • 11. 11 PORTFOLIO Project Leader Project Architect F U T U R E S Y S T E M S London January 2001 – September 2006 11 storey residential block on a spectacular site, concept development and planning stage design, cost efficiency rationalization of curved facade geometry into a limited number of repeated GRC elements, solving internal layout and structure, integrating public promenade and car park. Metropolis Sluseholmen / Copenhagen Together with Kasper Danielsen Architects
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  • 13. 13 Selfridges Birmingham / UK Together with Arup 25.000m² iconic department store from tender stage to completion. Administration of ca. 400 CAD-drawings and specification, construction design of back of house staff facilities. Assisting the site architect with inspection and reports. Coordination between main project and shop interior designers. Industrial and graphic design of the wayfinding and signage scheme. Solving facade details.
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