The Sabarmati Riverfront Development project aimed to develop the urban character of a 1.5 km stretch of the Sabarmati River passing through Ahmedabad in a unified way while respecting the existing socio-economic differences of the two banks. Extensive studies were carried out to understand the commercial western bank and the eastern bank containing heritage structures and encroached housing. The analysis found issues like poor road access, water logging, and insufficient space for future development on the eastern side. The project proposed redesigning the road network, adding green areas, and improving views of both banks.
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1. Area planning lab CEPT University
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
August 2009 October 2009
The Sabarmati riverfront development was the project which intended to synchronize and develop two culturally diversified
banks of the river Sabarmati in Gujarat. This project is an undergoing project since 1964 under HPCDM in Ahmedabad. As a
part of our academic curriculum we studied 1.5 km long stretch of this river from Gandhi Bridge to Nehru Bridge. The aim of
this study was to unify and develop the urban character of the river which is passing through the centre of the Ahmedabad
city. Various studies were carried out to understand the socio-economic character of the river. It was found that both of the
banks the eastern and the western differed substantially in their characters, One being of economic importance and other
being of heritage importance due to the presence of fortress wall.
Aim of the study: To develop the urban character of the riverfront in unison with the existing citys character.
The project required extensive study in various Analysis:
socio- economic parameters of the site for which The western bank of the river was mainly commercial while
various studies were carried out such as:- the eastern bank consisted of encroached housing societies
Comparative analysis of the past proposals and structures of heritage importance.
Environmental studies The road network leading to the riverfront was poorly
Transit oriented studies. developed.
Real estate studies Strom water drains on the eastern side are poorly developed
Socio-economic studies and water logging problem occurs during the rainy season
Demographic studies Eastern side of the river is insufficient to cater the future
Site activity mapping developments.
Land use studies etc
Redesigned road network Proposed green areas Views of both banks