This document provides an overview of critical theory, beginning with biographical details of Karl Marx's life and work developing Marxism from 1842 to 1883. It then briefly mentions the development of Marxism after Marx and the founding of the Institute for Social Research, which helped establish critical theory as an academic discipline and school of thought.
2. Karl Marx
“person of action”
1842 - “abortive attempt” as university lecturer
1843 – dismissed as editor of Rheinisch Zeitung, paper itself is
1845 – expelled from France; writes “The Poverty of Philosophy: A
Reply to Proudhon's Philosophy of Poverty”
1847 – attends Second Congress of the League of Communists in
1848 – writes The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels
1849 – declared stateless, deported from native Germany, moves to
1864 – elected member of General Council of the First International
1883 – passed away in London
3. Karl Marx
conflict and conversation
Young Hegelian
class struggle - “proletariat” working class vs.
the oppressive “bourgeoisie”