The document provides a software requirements specification for an airline ticket booking system. It outlines the product overview including finding optimal routes for customers based on time or cost. It describes the external interfaces, specific requirements, product features, attributes and database requirements. The key features allow users to login/enroll, book/reserve flights, check flight status and view their account. The databases store user and flight information.
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1. Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
Airline Ticket System
2. Contents
Software requirement specifications (SRS) document is a description of the expected software
features, constraints, interfaces and other attributes.
1.1 Product Overview
Our project is the airline ticket system. In this project, our aim is to find optimal ways to go to
the place where customers want to go. One of the ways is that customers reach destination in
shortest time period. If customers concern about time, money is unimportant for them. Another
one is that customers reach destination by spending lowest fee. In this situation, if customers
concern about money, time is unimportant for them. Optimality guarantees lowest fee or shortest
In the final part of the project, steps of product are finished by us. Product is made up of
associated documentation and computer programs. SPMP, SRS, SDD and STD are the steps of
the associated documentation. In these steps, we introduce characteristics of project like defining
requirements, making prototype for customers and scheduling a project. Secondly, our software
is a web application. Internet programming is mostly used in our project. Customers must use
internet for reaching our system. When we look at computer programs, they include databases,
collection of programs which are related to finding optimal paths with algorithms, graphical user
3. interface for visual projection. There are two databases. First one of them keeps flight
information about airline companies. Flight information is planes arrival and departure times.
Second database keeps user information. Why it can keep? Because, users are took information
about promotions and opportunities by registering themselves to this accounting system. Also,
we and airline companies know who our customers are by keeping their information. Another
one of the collection of computer programs finds optimal way to go to the place where customers
want to go with using optimizations algorithms. In the web browser, user chooses one way to go
to the place. When user chooses, algorithms start to work at the back side of the product. Then, it
returns answer for what user wants. Final part of the computer programs is graphical user
interface (GUI). Interface provides environment for users and developers to communicate each
other. Users buy and reserve tickets by this interface. In addition, it is also web-based interface.
Finally, we explain our product characteristics. Our software product is a web-based
application. Internet programming, database and algorithm are used in the product. At the bottom
parts of this documentation, we mention about external interface requirements, software product
features, software product attributes and database requirements.
the airline booking website is an application stored in the user server. The purpose of thewebsite
is to resolve the client to allow website users to perform tasks related to booking anairline flight.
Non-member users are only allowed to search for available flights; nonmemberusers are required
to create an account in order to reserve a seat or to book a flight.Member users have the right to
search for available flights, to reserve a seat, to book a flight,cancel a flight and to edit their
member information. Member users are required to login intotheir account prior to flight
2.1.1 User Interface Requirements
User interface is used to provide communication between users and system. Our product should
have communication between them. Because, Airline Ticket System is a web-based system and
it should get input from users for processing. Firstly the system should ask to its users about
where they will go, when they will go, which option they will use (least money or least
time).Users will enter their desired place, date period and they will select an option (least time or
least money) for finding the optimized path. The system gets these inputs by using user interface.
Then, the system will study to find an optimized path for users according to least money or least
time constraint which is selected by users. After that, the system will give appropriate output for
4. users via user interface. Finally users will see the optimized path at their screen according to
their selected option.
2.1.2 Hardware Interface Requirements
Airline Ticket System is a web-based project. So any personal computer, which has an internet
browser, is enough to use this system.
2.1.3 Software Interface Requirements
In Airline Ticket System, users will use application program via the user interface program.
When database management system access is required, the system establishes a connection to the
database management system, once the connection is created; the client program can
communicate with the database management system. A standard called Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) provides an application programming interface (API), which allows
client-side programs to call database management system, as long as PC has the necessary
software installed. Most database management system vendors provide ODBC drivers for their
systems. A user can actually connect to several database management system and send query and
transaction requests using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API, which are then
processed at the server site. Any query results are sent back to user, which can process or display
the result as needed.
Software Product Features
Functional Requirements
2.2 Product Features
We can subdivide the project into 7 main features. Details of each of the following functions can
be found in Section 3.
2.2.1 Login
Description: This function allows a registered user to login his account using his frequent flyer
number with the airline and password. If a user is not registered, the website shall allow the user
to enroll first. The system will check both the frequent flight number and password, when a user
attempts to login.
2.2.2 Enrollment
5. Description: This function allows unregistered user to enroll and to create a new account with
the website. In order to create a new account, the user has to provide required information such
as first name, last name, email address and password. Other optional information, such asm
phone number, credit card information and mailing address, can be provided during the
registration process.
2.2.3 Book Flights
Description: The user can use the Book Flights function to purchase seats for an airplane flight.
The system shall present the user with information on all current flights. The user may then
select a pair (departure and return) of flights on which to purchase seats. The user can indicate
the number of seats and placement of such. Finally, the system shall guide the user completely
through the checkout process.
2.2.4 Reserve Seats
Description: The user can use the Reserve Seat function to reserve seats for an airplane flight.
The seats to be reserved are initially found through the users previous bookings. These bookings
were previously completed through the Book Flight function (SEE 2.2.3). The system shall
display available seats for the departing and returning flights booked by the user. The user selects
seats from each flight, where the number of selected seats from each flight is the number that the
user booked on that particular flight. Once the flight seats are selected, the user confirms the seat
2.2.5 Flight Status
Description: This section shall allow the user whether enrolled or not to view flight
information that matches input criteria. The user will provide:
1. A flight number and Date
2.Departing/Arriving Cities and Date
The system will display matching flight information including the
following fields:
Flight Number
Departure City
Arrival City
Status (one of the following)
6. o In Flight
o At the Gate
o Delayed
o On Time
2.2.7 My Account
Description: This section gives the user the power to view, save, edit or delete the information
stored in his/her account. The user can check his/her accumulated points, look at the status of a
flight that was booked, cancel a flight that was already booked (optional) and change his/her
address, phone number, email or password. This feature is notavailable for non-registered user.
Logout: The Logout section provides a way for the user to securely log out of the system. This
process will save all user operations when he/she exits the system. If a user wishes to continue
accessing the website, he/she must log-in again to access user features.
2.2.2 Non-Functional Requirements
The system should be web-based system. Users should use the system via internet. Thus, when
they want to go anywhere and book a flight ticket efficiently, they need to have only
Each user should have a user account. The system should ask the username and password to
users. It doesnt permit to unregistered access for reservation.
2.3 Software System Attributes
When user wants to call the system over a given period of time, the system should correct deliver
services as expected by the user. The reliability of the system shall be good if it delivers services
as specified. Otherwise, reliability is bad and it shall produce unexpected output. So, program
should be changed according to right situation.
Availability: When the system has any request at any given time, system should be available, it should
be up and running and able to deliver useful service at this time. The availability of the system shall be
good if it delivers services when it is requested. Otherwise, if requests are not responded at any given
time then it implies bad availability.
7. Security: The system should resist accidental or deliberate intrusions, when users operate on the
system. If the system should not resist accidental or deliberate intrusions, then important data such as
credit card number, id number, username, etc. which belongs to user, shall be stolen by hacker. Thus,
security of the system shall be low and trust of users shall be ruined. So, security of the system is very
important for users.
Maintainability: When the system is used, new requirements may emerge. When these requirements
are emerged, the system should be changeable to accommodate these requirements for maintaining the
usefulness of the system. If the system is not maintainable, then the system can not be modified for new
requirements. In this situation, a new system should be developed for provide new requirements. The
maintainability is important for avoiding from cost.
Performance: The system should use the minimum part of memory. The processes of the system
should use the processor most efficiently. User should finish operation in the least time interval.
Repairability: When the system is used, system failures are inevitable. The disruption caused by
failure can be minimized if the system can be repaired quickly. So, the system should be possible to find
the problem, access the component that has failed and make changes to fix that component. When the
system has a repair, the source code should be modified.
2.4 Database Requirements
In our project, there are two types of databases. One of them keeps user information. Information
is user name, surname, country, city, password, e-mail address and address. It is necessary to
keeping users information in the database. For example, if one user buys more than two or three
tickets by using our system, the system shall provide some discounts on ticket fee for this user.
By this way, company increases its profit.
Another type keeps companies flight information. Information is company name, departure time,
arrival time, locations (source and destination), price of flight and time which is between
departure to arrival time. For example, if we think our system, there are five companies. So,
there are five databases. Each of the companies has a one database. The system shall set up
relationship between the databases to find an optimal ways to go to the place where customers
want to go.
Finally, we have to create databases. If they are invalid, system cant work properly. We can
only store information in the databases.