The document provides brief biographies of several famous historical figures including Thomas Jefferson, Isaac Newton, George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Albert Einstein. It notes key facts about each person such as their dates of birth, major accomplishments, and contributions to history or science.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang teori dasar kemungkinan, termasuk rumus-rumus dan contoh soal untuk menghitung kemungkinan terjadinya suatu peristiwa. Secara khusus membahas tentang kemungkinan terjadinya satu peristiwa, dua peristiwa yang berdiri sendiri, dua peristiwa yang saling mempengaruhi, dan penggunaan rumus binomium dan segitiga Pascal dalam menghitung kemungkinan.
The document provides brief biographies of several famous historical figures including Thomas Jefferson, Isaac Newton, George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Albert Einstein. It notes key facts about each person such as their dates of birth, major accomplishments, and contributions to history or science.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang teori dasar kemungkinan, termasuk rumus-rumus dan contoh soal untuk menghitung kemungkinan terjadinya suatu peristiwa. Secara khusus membahas tentang kemungkinan terjadinya satu peristiwa, dua peristiwa yang berdiri sendiri, dua peristiwa yang saling mempengaruhi, dan penggunaan rumus binomium dan segitiga Pascal dalam menghitung kemungkinan.
Java Tech & Tools | Beyond the Data Grid: Coherence, Normalisation, Joins and...JAX London
2011-11-02 | 02:25 PM - 03:15 PM
In 2009 RBS set out to build a single store of trade and risk data that all applications in the bank could access simultaniously. This talk discusses a number of novel techniques that were developed as part of this work. Based on Oracle Coherence the ODC departs from the trend set by most caching solutions by holding its data in a normalised form making it both memory efficient and easy to change. However it does this in a novel way that supports most arbitrary queries without the usual problems associated with distributed joins. We'll be discussing these patterns as well as others that allow linear scalability, fault tolerance and millisecond latencies.
Proposal for creation of mhadei tiger reserve by rajendra kerkartallulahdsilva
The document proposes the creation of the Mhadei Tiger Reserve in Goa, India. It notes that tiger sightings have been reported in Goa as recently as 2009 and past wildlife censuses have reported 3-5 tigers present. It also discusses how the Western Ghats region of Goa is considered a priority tiger conservation area globally, based on having suitable tiger habitat. Place names in Goa that reference tigers provide further evidence of their historic presence in the area.
The document discusses eight priority environmental services provided by the South China Sea (SCS): fisheries, waste disposal, land reclamation, tourism and recreation, natural disaster protection, transportation, oil and mineral exploration, and transboundary issues. It outlines tasks to analyze trends, drivers, interactions and risks for each service across SCS countries. For each service, it provides examples of relevant data sources and questions for further analysis, such as fish catch trends, sewage infrastructure, coastal development projects, tourism arrivals, disaster records, shipping routes, oil production, and territorial disputes over resources.
Spring Day | WaveMaker - Spring Roo - SpringSource Tool Suite: Choosing the R...JAX London
2011-10-31 | 02:15 PM - 03:00 PM
There are many tools out there to help developers working with the Spring framework and its manifold extensions. But it's not always easy to choose the right tool for the job. This talk guides you through the tooling landscape for Spring and illustrates when to use Spring Roo, WaveMaker or the SpringSource Tool Suite. Demos and examples give the audience first-hand insights and useful hints how to use and combine those tools effectively.
This document provides an overview of an introduction to art history course, including a discussion of prehistoric art from the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age periods, examples of parietal cave art and mobiliary sculptures, and descriptions of important prehistoric artworks like the Venus of Willendorf and paintings from the Chauvet, Lascaux, and Cosquer caves.
Este documento proporciona una descripción general de las partes principales de una computadora personal, incluyendo el monitor, placa base, procesador, memoria RAM, unidad de almacenamiento, teclado, mouse y otros periféricos. También menciona algunas de las marcas de computadoras más vendidas.
A piano tuner tunes pianos and must apprentice to recognize 6,000 to 8,000 pieces and understand how each part functions. Piano tuners working in factories earn $26,000 to $45,000 annually, while self-employed tuners charge varying fees per piano. Independent tuners can obtain contracts with music institutions and groups to tune pianos.
Why i want to work in a call center (and why i ultimately don't)Steve Talks
Recently I was called by a call center agent. I was surprised that companies still apply the same old marketing mistakes. Call center and customer service agents should be the heart of the company. They should be the core of what the brand stands for. Zappos is one of those companies which gets it right. It is no surprise that they understood the power of the customer satisfaction tool which took the business world by storm: the net promoter score (NPS).
ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program: Innovating within a Regulator...ccole-bennett
The document discusses the ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program (CFDP), which aims to build complete, cataloged federal document collections across the Southeast through regional cooperation. The goals are to develop collections of excellence focused on particular agencies, topics, or formats and to share resources. The program allows members to innovate within legal guidelines by developing shared collections and expertise. Representatives from Auburn University, East Carolina University, and the University of South Carolina discuss the benefits and challenges of participating from the perspectives of a regional library, a selective library, and a depository library dean.