4. Languages Greetings Cf. ¤³¤ó¤Ð¤ó¤Ï
English Hello./Hi. Good evening.
French Bonjour. Bon soir.
Italian Buon giorno./Ciao. Buona sera./Ciao.
Spanish Buonos dias. Buenas noches.
German Guten Tag. Guten Nacht.
5. Languages Greetings Notes
English See you.
French Au revoir.
Italian Ciao.
Spanish Adios.
German Bye.
6. Languages Greetings Notes
English Thank you (very much).
French Merci (beaucoup).
Italian Grazie (mille).
Spanish (Muchas) gracias.
German (Vielen) Dank.
7. Languages Greetings Notes
English Good.
French Bon.
Italian Buono.
Spanish Es buono.
German Gut.
8. Languages Greetings Notes
English Where is the restroom?
French O¨´ est la toilette?
Italian Dov'¨¨ il bagno?
Spanish ?D¨®nde est¨¢ el ba?o?
German Wo ist die Toilette?
13. Languages Expressions Notes
English I would like to ¡
French Je voudaris ¡
Italian Vorrei ¡
Spanish Quiero ¡
German Ich m?chte ¡
I would like to go to the hotel.
Je voudrais aller au mus¨¦e de Louvre.
Vorrei mangiare la pasta con sugo di carne.
Quiero comer la paella.
Ich m?chte gehen auf die nationale Oper.