Informal learning occurs through everyday activities outside of formal education and training and does not lead to qualifications. It is continuous, unstructured, spontaneous, intrinsic, voluntary, learner-led, and not evaluated. Informal learning benefits disengaged learners, older workers who can utilize life experience, workers and businesses who can focus on organizational needs, and migrants who can build language and community skills. It occurs through reading, technology use, media consumption, volunteering, learning from others, on-the-job training, and trial and error. Communities of practice are groups that share purpose and knowledge through mutual engagement and negotiated agreements.
The document discusses reasons why people break rules, including road rules, file sharing, and plagiarism. It explores motivations such as reaching a destination quickly, pleasure, power, and habitually rushing. Risk factors that may contribute to rule breaking include stress, heat, and being young. The document also examines perceptions of punishments, moral norms, and efforts to reduce plagiarism through education and enforcement.
The document discusses several lawn mower models and their specifications. It compares the Husqvarna Emerald 116 and Gritzner 788 mowers. Both have 163cc 4-cycle engines, cutting widths of 21 inches, and bagging and mulching capabilities. The Emerald 116 has a list price of $499, while the Gritzner 788 is priced at $429.
Carbon footprints refer to the amount of greenhouse gases an individual produces through their daily activities. Producing greenhouse gases can lead to global warming and changes in the climate over the next 200 years, such as rising sea levels from melting icebergs that could flood coastal areas. While carbon footprints cannot be stopped, individuals can reduce their footprint through simple lifestyle changes to limit global warming and its impacts on the planet.
myLoyalti is developing Vidgeo, a free, membership driven, geo-social mobile networking and video-chat application that allows group video and Twitter like chats based on members finding others with similar events, tastes, preferences, likes and interests in a specific geo-location.
Vidgeo is scheduled for a December 2011 release
Seseorang marah kerana rumput-rumput di halaman rumahnya telah ditajak. Dia juga bingung mengenai apa yang akan ditanam di atas tanah yang telah ditogol itu. Selain itu, wang bulanan yang diberikan kepada ibunya hanya sepuluh ringgit, tetapi ibunya dapat menguruskan belanja keluarga dengan baik memandangkan mereka mempunyai beras, sayuran dari kebun, dan telur yang mencukupi.
The document discusses reasons why people break rules related to road rules, file sharing, and plagiarism. It explores motivations such as reaching a destination faster, pleasure, power and control, habitually rushing, and enjoying risky behavior. Risk factors for breaking road rules include stress, heat, alcohol/drugs, and being young and male. Motivations for plagiarism include running out of time, balancing effort against grades, workload pressure, and lack of understanding about plagiarism. The document also examines perceptions of punishments and sanctions, and moral norms influences on rule breaking.
The document provides instructions for using the Vidgeo app. It describes how to launch the app, view your location on a map, see nearby interests and businesses, start geo-chats with other users, send messages, photos and videos, and connect with contacts. It also explains how to view media, interests, share content, and customize account settings. The app allows users to chat, video chat and share content within local geo-circles.
Transforming education for 21st century learningWeb24Education
This document discusses transforming education for 21st century learning. It describes how digital natives learn through social media, collaboration, and independent exploration. Youth learn skills like problem solving, creativity, and learning from mistakes. Teachers can gain skills informally by exploring technology individually and collaboratively. Schools need support for educational change, funding, and professional learning environments to help teachers keep up. Situated cognition theory suggests knowledge is constructed socially through shared informal learning.
Your choices can reduce your carbon footprint and the amount of greenhouse gases you emit, which can lead to global warming and changing weather patterns that make the Earth hotter. In 200 years, if global warming continues unchecked, most land areas could be underwater due to melting icebergs raising sea levels significantly. While you can't eliminate your carbon footprint entirely, you can lessen it through simple everyday choices.
myLoyalti is developing Vidgeo, a free, membership driven, geo-social mobile networking and video-chat application that allows group video and Twitter like chats based on members finding others with similar events, tastes, preferences, likes and interests in a specific geo-location.
Vidgeo is scheduled for a December 2011 release
Seseorang marah kerana rumput-rumput di halaman rumahnya telah ditajak. Dia juga bingung mengenai apa yang akan ditanam di atas tanah yang telah ditogol itu. Selain itu, wang bulanan yang diberikan kepada ibunya hanya sepuluh ringgit, tetapi ibunya dapat menguruskan belanja keluarga dengan baik memandangkan mereka mempunyai beras, sayuran dari kebun, dan telur yang mencukupi.
The document discusses reasons why people break rules related to road rules, file sharing, and plagiarism. It explores motivations such as reaching a destination faster, pleasure, power and control, habitually rushing, and enjoying risky behavior. Risk factors for breaking road rules include stress, heat, alcohol/drugs, and being young and male. Motivations for plagiarism include running out of time, balancing effort against grades, workload pressure, and lack of understanding about plagiarism. The document also examines perceptions of punishments and sanctions, and moral norms influences on rule breaking.
The document provides instructions for using the Vidgeo app. It describes how to launch the app, view your location on a map, see nearby interests and businesses, start geo-chats with other users, send messages, photos and videos, and connect with contacts. It also explains how to view media, interests, share content, and customize account settings. The app allows users to chat, video chat and share content within local geo-circles.
Transforming education for 21st century learningWeb24Education
This document discusses transforming education for 21st century learning. It describes how digital natives learn through social media, collaboration, and independent exploration. Youth learn skills like problem solving, creativity, and learning from mistakes. Teachers can gain skills informally by exploring technology individually and collaboratively. Schools need support for educational change, funding, and professional learning environments to help teachers keep up. Situated cognition theory suggests knowledge is constructed socially through shared informal learning.
Your choices can reduce your carbon footprint and the amount of greenhouse gases you emit, which can lead to global warming and changing weather patterns that make the Earth hotter. In 200 years, if global warming continues unchecked, most land areas could be underwater due to melting icebergs raising sea levels significantly. While you can't eliminate your carbon footprint entirely, you can lessen it through simple everyday choices.
RF and Microwave Radiation Safety Handbook 2nd Edition Ronald Kitchenpuffobensib
RF and Microwave Radiation Safety Handbook 2nd Edition Ronald Kitchen
RF and Microwave Radiation Safety Handbook 2nd Edition Ronald Kitchen
RF and Microwave Radiation Safety Handbook 2nd Edition Ronald Kitchen