Дайджест проекта «Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше»rooiperspektivaДайджест проекта «Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше». Выпуск 1. Сентябрь - декабрь 2014 г.
Дайджест. Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше. Сентябрь-декабрь 2015 г.rooiperspektivaДайджест. Рождены для движения. Вместе лучше. Сентябрь-декабрь 2015 г.
Физкультурно-оздоровительные, спортивно-массовые мероприятия за 2016-2017 уч...kendziКонстантиновский педагогический колледж.
Физкультурно-оздоровительные, спортивно-массовые мероприятия за 2016-2017 учебный год
Физкультурно-оздоровительные, спортивно-массовые мероприятия за 2016-2017 уч...kendziКонстантиновский педагогический колледж.
Физкультурно-оздоровительные, спортивно-массовые мероприятия за 2016-2017 учебный год
Evaluation Question 1, Documentaryatkinsh1The document examines how the media product uses and develops conventions of real documentaries. It follows conventions like interviews and graphics but also adds new elements. Interviews are conducted on camera with subjects looking at dead space. Graphics include unflattering images of obese individuals. Captions introduce interviewees. A variety of shots are used, such as establishing shots, mid shots, and panning/zooming. The documentary draws from examples like "Supersize Me" and "Fault Lines" to replicate conventions but includes new relevant content for its target audience.
Carrier ID Using MetaCarrier TechnologySematron UK LtdComtech EF Data developed MetaCarrier technology to embed carrier ID information into satellite signals using spread spectrum techniques. This allows identification of carriers experiencing interference without adding noise. The carrier ID contains information like location and operator contact details. MetaCarrier meets industry requirements and was demonstrated to work with interfering carriers. Its implementation could help reduce the time and costs satellite operators spend addressing interference issues.
Enensys -Content Repurposing for Mobile TV NetworksSematron UK LtdThe document discusses content repurposing for mobile TV networks. It describes the need to adapt existing TV content from different formats to fit on small mobile screens. The challenges of transcoding content from standard definition to mobile TV formats are discussed. Different techniques and algorithms must be used to optimize the transcoding process and integrate content smoothly into mobile TV systems. The source TV content comes from satellite, cable or terrestrial networks in digital formats like MPEG-2. The target is mobile TV, which has size constraints of 2-5 inch screens and lower resolutions than standard TV. Content must be adapted to meet these constraints while preserving quality.
Comtech - Methods to IncreaseTthroughput for Point-to-Point LinksSematron UK LtdThis white paper compares methods to increase throughput for point-to-point satellite links, including Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) and DoubleTalk Carrier-in-Carrier (CnC) technology. It provides four case studies analyzing scenarios using a 10 Mbps synchronous data rate with 99.95% availability over Ku-band. Scenario 1 analyzes a conventional two-carrier link and CnC link without ACM, finding no increase in total data rate.
Comtech EF Data - Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) in the CDM-625 Advance...Sematron UK LtdThe document discusses Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) technology in Comtech EF Data's CDM-625 Advanced Satellite Modem. ACM allows the modem to automatically adapt its modulation scheme and error correction coding to maximize throughput based on changing link conditions. This can increase capacity by 100% or more compared to traditional fixed modulation systems. The document provides background on ACM and describes the requirements for an ACM system to function, including a transmitter that can change modulation/coding in real-time, a receiver that can detect and decode changes without data corruption, and a method to estimate link quality and provide feedback to the transmitter to control the adaptation process.
Components BrochureSematron UK LtdSematron is celebrating 21 years in business providing RF and microwave components. They offer a wide range of products including adapters, amplifiers, attenuators, beamformers, bias tees, cable assemblies, connectors, couplers, filters, and frequency converters. Sematron's components are used in wireless, defense, test and measurement, and broadband industries. Customers can rely on Sematron's high-performance components and full outsourcing services.
Comtech - Migration DVB-S to DVB-S2Sematron UK LtdThis white paper discusses the migration from DVB-S to DVB-S2 satellite communication standards and the related efficiencies. DVB-S2 provides improved forward error correction using LDPC coding, which allows for a 30% increase in bandwidth efficiency over DVB-S. This efficiency gain can be used to support more users within an existing bandwidth allocation or reduce the bandwidth needed to support the same number of users. The paper provides an example where migrating from DVB-S to DVB-S2 reduces the monthly operating expense for a satellite transmission by 30% by needing less bandwidth to support all users within the satellite footprint.
Giga-tronics - Signal Purity in Microwave Signal GeneratorsSematron UK LtdThis white paper discusses factors that affect the spectral purity of microwave signal generators, including phase noise, harmonics, and spurious signals. It explains that phase noise is random fluctuations in signal phase and is commonly specified as dBc/Hz at various offsets from the carrier frequency. Close-in and far-out phase noise are important for different applications. When comparing generators, the entire phase noise profile should be considered rather than just a single data point. Harmonic and spurious performance can also impact applications differently depending on frequency and amplitude. The paper aims to provide information to help evaluate generators based on specific test needs rather than generalizations.
The Role of the Broadcaster in Reducing Satellite InterferenceSematron UK LtdThe document discusses satellite interference and efforts to reduce it. It describes how interference has increased as satellites become more crowded. An industry group called RFI-EUI was formed to address interference from end users. RFI-EUI established working groups focused on carrier identification, best practices, and training. Carrier identification technology will help identify interference sources faster. The industry must work together across organizations using standards and best practices to effectively address satellite interference.
Inlet Technologies - Powering Smooth StreamingSematron UK LtdThe white paper discusses Microsoft's Smooth Streaming technology which allows for adaptive bitrate streaming of video over HTTP. It works by encoding video into small chunks at multiple bitrates, allowing clients to switch between chunks to maintain high quality playback based on bandwidth. Inlet provides products that help content creators generate and deliver Smooth Streaming video assets for live and on-demand streaming.
TT&M BrochureSematron UK LtdThis document provides an overview of RF & Microwave Components and related solutions from various partners. It lists products for timing, test and measurement including communication test sets, microwave amplifiers, frequency counters, synthesisers, motion simulation and measurement equipment, optical test equipment, oscilloscopes, power measurement, RF & microwave analyzers, signal generation, satellite link emulation and noise generation, timing solutions, and other divisions like satcoms & broadcast and IP networks. Sematron is introduced as the largest independent supplier of these solutions in the UK.
Newtec FlexACMSematron UK LtdThis white paper compares two technologies for optimizing satellite capacity efficiency for IP trunking networks: adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) and signal cancellation. It analyzes a reference network delivering symmetrical and asymmetrical services from a hub in Sudan to 10 remote sites in Africa. Using conventional fixed modulation, a minimum of 3 transponders is needed for symmetrical services but asymmetrical services require too much bandwidth to fit in two transponders. The paper will evaluate if ACM or signal cancellation can provide bandwidth savings.
Newtec - Optimisation of Satellite Capacity Efficiency for IP Trunking Applic...Sematron UK LtdThis white paper compares two technologies for optimizing satellite capacity efficiency for IP trunking networks: adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) and signal cancellation. It analyzes a reference network delivering symmetrical and asymmetrical services from a hub in Sudan to 10 remote sites in Africa. Using conventional fixed modulation, a minimum of 3 transponders is needed for symmetrical services but asymmetrical services require too much bandwidth to fit in two transponders. The paper will evaluate if ACM or signal cancellation can provide a more efficient implementation.
Enensys - An Architecture for the Delivery of DVB Services Over IP NetworksSematron UK LtdThis white paper discusses technologies for delivering digital video broadcasts over IP networks. It begins by describing MPEG2 transport streams and limitations of traditional interfaces like DVB-ASI for long-distance transmission. It then outlines use cases like contribution and distribution that require transport of streams. The paper evaluates technologies like ATM and IP, settling on IP as the most cost-effective solution. It describes the DVB-IPI standard for encapsulating MPEG streams in RTP over IP, along with forward error correction. The paper concludes by discussing head end evolution towards all-IP broadcast architectures.
Satellite Antenna Systems BrochureSematron UK LtdOver 21 years, Sematron has built a reputation as a supplier of RF, microwave, and digital technology solutions. They design and implement global solutions for telecoms/enterprise, defense/avionics, new media/broadcast, and mobile/wireless. In satellite communications, they are the largest UK supplier of ground station equipment and timing/test measurement distributor. Holkirk is a leader in compact, lightweight satellite uplink systems used by broadcasters, governments, media, and industries. Their products include flyaway, drive-away, and roof-mount satellite antenna systems as well as accessories like controllers, splitters, and analysis tools.
school422 - Публичный доклад 2012 - 14. Наши достиженияEducation Center No. 422 "Perovo"Публичный доклад
и. о. директора ГБОУ ЦО № 422 «Перово»
Щеголевой Наталии Борисовны
14. Наши достижения
2. В 1973 г году районный отдел образования открывает Детско-юношескую спортивную школу в г. Луховицы с отделением лыжных гонок , директором которой назначается Шибаев Ю.Г. В создании такой школы была насущная потребность, учащиеся школ приходили к своим учителям физической культуры с просьбами заниматься серьёзно спортом.
4. На данный момент работают тренеры-преподаватели: Суяров В.М. - тренер первой категории Трушин Н.М. - тренер высшей категории
5. Молоткова Е. Н. тренер 1 категории Мясоедова Н.М. тренер 2 категории Жуков С.А. тренер 2 категории Селуков А.А. тренер 2 категории Буханова Е.В.
6. Учащимися нашей школы были достигнуты высокие результаты. Тимофеева Вероника – мастер спорта международного класса, призер всемирной универсиады 2003г. ,2007г., Чемпионка России, обладательница кубка России. Тренер – Трушин Н.М.
7. Налдеева Екатерина – мастер спорта России, участница молодежного чемпионата мира 2008г. , победительница первенства России среди молодежи. Тренер – Суяров В.М.
8. Мастер спорта Кузнецов Сергей – мастер спорта, неоднократный чемпион Московской области, призер всероссийских соревнований Кучумов Михаил - Мастер спорта, неоднократный чемпион Московской области, призер всероссийских соревнований
9. Жуков Андрей –мастер спорта, победитель первенства Московской области среди юниоров, член юниорской сборной России Третьяков Илья – кандидат в мастера спорта, призер международных юношеских игр в составе сборной России, призер всероссийских соревнований, победитель первенства Московской области.
10. Кандидаты в мастера спорта – Крючков Павел, Голубева Екатерина, Никонов Дмитрий, Степанов Валерий, Зимин Александр, Ахметвалиев Марат, Киселева Дарья, Лакомова Диана, Сироткин Сергей, Жуков Сергей, Селуков Алексей
11. За выдающиеся успехи в области науки, искусства и спорта присуждены именные стипендии Губернатора Московской области воспитанникам ДЮСШ: Лакомовой Диане Налдеевой Екатерине Жукову Андрею
12. В настоящее время занимается 270 ребят из разных школ района. В районе проводится ежегодная Спартакиада школьников, откуда отбираются способные дети для дальнейших выездов на соревнования различных уровней
13. Также в районе проводятся Школьные Олимпийские игры по зимним видам спорта
14. Ежегодно большое количество наших воспитанников совместно с мастерами спорта нашего района выезжают на всероссийские соревнования «Лыжня Росси»