10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee MotivationOfficevibeThis document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
TEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of WorkVolker HirschTEDx Manchester talk on artificial intelligence (AI) and how the ascent of AI and robotics impacts our future work environments.
The video of the talk is now also available here: https://youtu.be/dRw4d2Si8LA
Build Features, Not AppsNatasha MurashevPresented at Tokyo iOS Meetup https://www.meetup.com/TokyoiOSMeetup/events/234405194/
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJlyR8chDwo
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie SamuelAre bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.