PresentationMohd ArifThis document summarizes a presentation on spyware and Trojan horses given on February 12, 2004. The presentation covered definitions of spyware and Trojan horses, examples of common spyware programs, how spyware and Trojans are installed secretly on computers, their effects, and demonstrations of how specific Trojans like Back Orifice operate. It also discussed defenses against spyware and Trojans, including spyware removal tools, firewalls, and making users more aware of the risks. The presentation concluded by discussing the security implications and proposing legislative and technical solutions.
Intro to comp. hardwareMohd ArifThis document provides an overview of computers, including hardware, software, and organization. It discusses how computers process data under instruction from programs and are made up of various hardware components like the keyboard, screen, and processing units. The document also summarizes Moore's Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years, and how this affects computer performance and memory capacity over time. Finally, it describes the typical organization of a computer into logical units including input, output, memory, arithmetic logic, control processing, and secondary storage.
Iris ngx next generation ip based switching platformMohd ArifIRIS NGX is a next generation IP-based switching platform that supports both soft and hardware-based switching. It provides a flexible, distributed architecture for integrating IP networks and supports various interfaces and protocols. The system includes IRIS NGX software, communication servers, peripheral shelves, media gateways, and IP phones. It offers advantages like seamless IP network integration, efficient network capacity expansion, and high reliability.
Networing basicsMohd ArifThe document discusses underlying technologies for computer networks including transmission media, local area networks (LANs) like Ethernet and Token Ring, switching methods like circuit switching and packet switching, wide area networks (WANs) like PPP, X.25 and Frame Relay, interconnecting devices, and differences between shared media and switched LAN architectures. It provides details on CSMA/CD and IEEE 802 standards for Ethernet, features and problems of Ethernet, Token Ring features, circuit switching vs. packet switching, PPP, X.25, Frame Relay, ATM, internetworking terms, transparent bridges, and differences between shared media and switched LAN architectures.
ListsMohd Arif1. Linked lists provide a dynamic data structure where elements are linked using pointers. Elements can be easily inserted or removed without reorganizing the entire data structure.
2. Linked lists are commonly used to implement stacks and queues, where elements are added or removed from the top/front of the structure. Dynamic memory allocation allows pushing and popping elements efficiently.
3. Polynomials can also be represented using linked lists, where each term is a node containing the coefficient and exponent, linked in descending exponent order. This provides an efficient way to perform operations on polynomial expressions.
Peer to-peerMohd ArifThe document provides an overview of peer-to-peer networking, describing how peers directly communicate and share resources in contrast to the client-server model. It discusses various P2P applications and research areas, including content sharing challenges, approaches to group management and data placement, and measurement studies analyzing user behavior on networks like Gnutella. The document also summarizes several structured P2P networks and routing techniques like Chord, CAN, and Tapestry/Pastry.
Overview of current communications systemsMohd ArifThe document provides an overview of current communications systems, including the growth and evolution of cellular technologies from 1G to 3G. It summarizes the key 2G technologies like GSM, CDMA, and TDMA, as well as 2.5G and 3G standards that support higher data rates. It also discusses emerging broadband wireless services for local and personal area networks using technologies like Wi-Fi, HIPERLAN, and Bluetooth.
Ip security in i psecMohd Arif1) IPsec provides data confidentiality, integrity, and authentication for IPv4 and IPv6 networks through protocols like AH and ESP.
2) It uses security associations to define encryption and authentication parameters for secure communication between hosts or subnets.
3) The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol negotiates security associations and authenticates peers to securely establish IPsec tunnels.
Ip sec and sslMohd ArifThis document discusses IPSec and SSL/TLS as approaches to securing network communications at different layers of the protocol stack. It provides an overview of how IPSec operates at the network/IP layer using techniques like AH and ESP to provide authentication and encryption of IP packets. It also summarizes how SSL/TLS works at the transport layer to establish a secure connection and protect communications between applications using ciphersuites, handshaking, and record layer encryption. The document outlines some strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
Overall 23 11_2007_hdpMohd ArifThis document provides an overview of system software topics including operating systems, compilers, assemblers, linkers, loaders, debuggers, editors and more. It discusses the design and implementation of these programs and how they support the operation of a computer. Key points covered include the roles of assemblers in translating assembly code to object code, linkers and loaders in combining object files and libraries and preparing programs for execution, and compilers in translating high-level languages to machine-readable object code. The document also examines machine architectures like SIC/XE and differences between CISC and RISC designs.
Objectives of budgetingMohd ArifThe document discusses establishing objectives and budgeting for promotional programs. It emphasizes that objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Marketing objectives aim to achieve goals like sales and market share, while communication objectives are more narrow and focus on delivering messages to target audiences. Budgeting can be done through top-down or bottom-up approaches. Top-down uses a percentage of sales or competitive parity to set budgets, while bottom-up budgets activities to achieve predefined objectives. Marginal analysis is used to determine optimal spending by increasing, holding, or decreasing expenditures based on incremental returns.
Network Management FundamentalsSolarWindsFor more information on NPM, visit:
Watch this webcast:
The foundation of things our Head Geek learned back in the US Air Force basic training are a large part of what's made him successful as a professional today. In this webcast, our Head Geek puts on his drill sergeant's hat and discusses the basics that every network engineer, server chick, network manager, or IT dude should know about managing networks. This is a no-frills webcast where we focus on the fundamentals. Some of the things that we'll cover are:
• Assessing your current capabilities
• Prioritizing your needs
• Baselines
• Fundamental technologies No matter where you are in your career, you don't want to miss this session!
Network Managementazura787This chapter discusses network management standards, models, and language. It covers the OSI, SNMP, and TMN standards and their organization, information, functional, and communication models. The chapter also describes management information bases (MIBs) and their structure, objects, and views. Finally, it discusses ASN.1 as the language used to define management information and objects.
Arp and rarpMohd ArifThis document discusses ARP and RARP protocols. ARP associates IP addresses with physical addresses to allow communication on a LAN. RARP performs the inverse, associating physical addresses with IP addresses. The document includes objectives, figures illustrating ARP and RARP operation and positioning in the TCP/IP stack, examples of ARP cache usage, and details on ARP and RARP packet formats and processing. It aims to explain the need, components, and interactions of the ARP and RARP protocols.
LoadersMohd ArifThe document discusses different types of loaders and their functions. It explains that a loader takes object code as input and prepares it for execution by performing allocation of memory, linking of symbolic references, relocation of addresses, and loading the machine code into memory. It describes various types of loaders like compile-and-go, absolute, bootstrap, and relocating loaders. A relocating loader is able to load a program into memory wherever there is space, unlike an absolute loader which loads programs at fixed addresses.
Pointers in cMohd ArifThis document discusses pointers in C++. It begins by defining pointers as variables that hold the memory addresses of other variables and explaining that pointers have types corresponding to the types of variables they point to. It then covers initializing and dereferencing pointers, constant pointers, pointer arithmetic, pointers and arrays, using pointers as function arguments, and memory management using pointers with the new and delete operators.
Bootp and dhcpMohd ArifThis document discusses BOOTP and DHCP protocols. It provides objectives that will be covered, including the types of information required by systems on boot-up and how BOOTP and DHCP operate. BOOTP provides IP addresses and other network configuration details, while DHCP provides static and dynamic address allocation manually or automatically. The document includes figures illustrating operations, packet formats, and state diagrams for both protocols.
Project evalaution techniquesMohd ArifJulie Miller is evaluating an independent project for cash flows of $10,000, $12,000, $15,000, $10,000 and $7,000 over 5 years with an initial cash outlay of $40,000. She will use the payback period, internal rate of return, net present value, and profitability index to evaluate the project. Based on the company's criteria, the project is rejected as it does not meet the payback, IRR, NPV or profitability index requirements.
Network Administratorguest371b1b4A network administrator maintains and secures a business's computer network. They typically work in an office or server room setting. While some may telecommute, most network administrator jobs can be found wherever businesses have networks, especially in major cities. A college degree or relevant certifications are preferred for the role. The job outlook remains positive as open positions are consistently available, even during economic downturns. Network administrators earn a good starting salary, with senior administrators making over $100,000 annually.
User datagram protocolMohd ArifThis document discusses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) which provides a connectionless mode of communication between applications on hosts in an IP network. It describes the format of UDP packets, how UDP checksums are calculated, and UDP's operation including encapsulation, queuing, and demultiplexing. Examples are provided to illustrate how a UDP control block table and queues are used to handle incoming and outgoing UDP packets. The document also discusses when UDP is an appropriate protocol to use compared to TCP.
Network administration and ManagementBry Cunal"This presentation was created through wide-ranged research and is intended specially for everyone interested in network technology".
IT Instructor.
Network managementMohd ArifNetwork management involves controlling complex data networks to maximize efficiency and ensure data transmission. It aims to help with network complexity and transparency for users. The key aspects of network management include fault, configuration, security, performance, and accounting management. Network management standards and protocols like SNMP and CMIP allow for monitoring and configuration of network devices. Network management platforms provide the software and tools to integrate and manage different network components from a centralized location.
Heap sortMohd ArifThe document discusses heap sort, which is a sorting algorithm that uses a heap data structure. It works in two phases: first, it transforms the input array into a max heap using the insert heap procedure; second, it repeatedly extracts the maximum element from the heap and places it at the end of the sorted array, reheapifying the remaining elements. The key steps are building the heap, processing the heap by removing the root element and allowing the heap to reorder, and doing this repeatedly until the array is fully sorted.
ريادة الاعمال الباب الرابع.أ.د. هاني عاطفHany Atefدراسة الجدوى للمشروعات الصغيرة
دراسة الجدوى هي العملية التي تهدف إلى تقييم ما إذا كان المشروع سيحقق النجاح المالي والتشغيلي المتوقع أم لا. تعتبر دراسة الجدوى خطوة أساسية في عملية تأسيس المشروعات الصغيرة، حيث تساهم في تحديد مدى قابلية المشروع للتنفيذ وتساعد في اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن الاستثمار والموارد.
أهمية دراسة الجدوى للمشروعات الصغيرة
تحديد قابلية الفكرة:تساهم دراسة الجدوى في التأكد من أن فكرة المشروع قابلة للتنفيذ وتلبي حاجة في السوق.
تقييم المخاطر:تساعد في تحديد المخاطر المحتملة التي قد تواجه المشروع، مما يتيح لرائد الأعمال التعامل معها بشكل مسبق.
تحديد الاحتياجات المالية:من خلال دراسة الجدوى يمكن تحديد التمويل اللازم لبدء المشروع وتنفيذه بشكل فعال.
تحديد الجدوى المالية:تساهم الدراسة في تقدير الأرباح والعوائد المحتملة للمشروع، مما يساعد في تحديد إذا ما كان المشروع سيكون مربحًا أم لا.
زيادة فرص النجاح:من خلال التحليل الدقيق للعوامل المختلفة، تساعد دراسة الجدوى في تحسين فرصة نجاح المشروع وزيادة فعاليته.
Ip security in i psecMohd Arif1) IPsec provides data confidentiality, integrity, and authentication for IPv4 and IPv6 networks through protocols like AH and ESP.
2) It uses security associations to define encryption and authentication parameters for secure communication between hosts or subnets.
3) The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol negotiates security associations and authenticates peers to securely establish IPsec tunnels.
Ip sec and sslMohd ArifThis document discusses IPSec and SSL/TLS as approaches to securing network communications at different layers of the protocol stack. It provides an overview of how IPSec operates at the network/IP layer using techniques like AH and ESP to provide authentication and encryption of IP packets. It also summarizes how SSL/TLS works at the transport layer to establish a secure connection and protect communications between applications using ciphersuites, handshaking, and record layer encryption. The document outlines some strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
Overall 23 11_2007_hdpMohd ArifThis document provides an overview of system software topics including operating systems, compilers, assemblers, linkers, loaders, debuggers, editors and more. It discusses the design and implementation of these programs and how they support the operation of a computer. Key points covered include the roles of assemblers in translating assembly code to object code, linkers and loaders in combining object files and libraries and preparing programs for execution, and compilers in translating high-level languages to machine-readable object code. The document also examines machine architectures like SIC/XE and differences between CISC and RISC designs.
Objectives of budgetingMohd ArifThe document discusses establishing objectives and budgeting for promotional programs. It emphasizes that objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Marketing objectives aim to achieve goals like sales and market share, while communication objectives are more narrow and focus on delivering messages to target audiences. Budgeting can be done through top-down or bottom-up approaches. Top-down uses a percentage of sales or competitive parity to set budgets, while bottom-up budgets activities to achieve predefined objectives. Marginal analysis is used to determine optimal spending by increasing, holding, or decreasing expenditures based on incremental returns.
Network Management FundamentalsSolarWindsFor more information on NPM, visit:
Watch this webcast:
The foundation of things our Head Geek learned back in the US Air Force basic training are a large part of what's made him successful as a professional today. In this webcast, our Head Geek puts on his drill sergeant's hat and discusses the basics that every network engineer, server chick, network manager, or IT dude should know about managing networks. This is a no-frills webcast where we focus on the fundamentals. Some of the things that we'll cover are:
• Assessing your current capabilities
• Prioritizing your needs
• Baselines
• Fundamental technologies No matter where you are in your career, you don't want to miss this session!
Network Managementazura787This chapter discusses network management standards, models, and language. It covers the OSI, SNMP, and TMN standards and their organization, information, functional, and communication models. The chapter also describes management information bases (MIBs) and their structure, objects, and views. Finally, it discusses ASN.1 as the language used to define management information and objects.
Arp and rarpMohd ArifThis document discusses ARP and RARP protocols. ARP associates IP addresses with physical addresses to allow communication on a LAN. RARP performs the inverse, associating physical addresses with IP addresses. The document includes objectives, figures illustrating ARP and RARP operation and positioning in the TCP/IP stack, examples of ARP cache usage, and details on ARP and RARP packet formats and processing. It aims to explain the need, components, and interactions of the ARP and RARP protocols.
LoadersMohd ArifThe document discusses different types of loaders and their functions. It explains that a loader takes object code as input and prepares it for execution by performing allocation of memory, linking of symbolic references, relocation of addresses, and loading the machine code into memory. It describes various types of loaders like compile-and-go, absolute, bootstrap, and relocating loaders. A relocating loader is able to load a program into memory wherever there is space, unlike an absolute loader which loads programs at fixed addresses.
Pointers in cMohd ArifThis document discusses pointers in C++. It begins by defining pointers as variables that hold the memory addresses of other variables and explaining that pointers have types corresponding to the types of variables they point to. It then covers initializing and dereferencing pointers, constant pointers, pointer arithmetic, pointers and arrays, using pointers as function arguments, and memory management using pointers with the new and delete operators.
Bootp and dhcpMohd ArifThis document discusses BOOTP and DHCP protocols. It provides objectives that will be covered, including the types of information required by systems on boot-up and how BOOTP and DHCP operate. BOOTP provides IP addresses and other network configuration details, while DHCP provides static and dynamic address allocation manually or automatically. The document includes figures illustrating operations, packet formats, and state diagrams for both protocols.
Project evalaution techniquesMohd ArifJulie Miller is evaluating an independent project for cash flows of $10,000, $12,000, $15,000, $10,000 and $7,000 over 5 years with an initial cash outlay of $40,000. She will use the payback period, internal rate of return, net present value, and profitability index to evaluate the project. Based on the company's criteria, the project is rejected as it does not meet the payback, IRR, NPV or profitability index requirements.
Network Administratorguest371b1b4A network administrator maintains and secures a business's computer network. They typically work in an office or server room setting. While some may telecommute, most network administrator jobs can be found wherever businesses have networks, especially in major cities. A college degree or relevant certifications are preferred for the role. The job outlook remains positive as open positions are consistently available, even during economic downturns. Network administrators earn a good starting salary, with senior administrators making over $100,000 annually.
User datagram protocolMohd ArifThis document discusses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) which provides a connectionless mode of communication between applications on hosts in an IP network. It describes the format of UDP packets, how UDP checksums are calculated, and UDP's operation including encapsulation, queuing, and demultiplexing. Examples are provided to illustrate how a UDP control block table and queues are used to handle incoming and outgoing UDP packets. The document also discusses when UDP is an appropriate protocol to use compared to TCP.
Network administration and ManagementBry Cunal"This presentation was created through wide-ranged research and is intended specially for everyone interested in network technology".
IT Instructor.
Network managementMohd ArifNetwork management involves controlling complex data networks to maximize efficiency and ensure data transmission. It aims to help with network complexity and transparency for users. The key aspects of network management include fault, configuration, security, performance, and accounting management. Network management standards and protocols like SNMP and CMIP allow for monitoring and configuration of network devices. Network management platforms provide the software and tools to integrate and manage different network components from a centralized location.
Heap sortMohd ArifThe document discusses heap sort, which is a sorting algorithm that uses a heap data structure. It works in two phases: first, it transforms the input array into a max heap using the insert heap procedure; second, it repeatedly extracts the maximum element from the heap and places it at the end of the sorted array, reheapifying the remaining elements. The key steps are building the heap, processing the heap by removing the root element and allowing the heap to reorder, and doing this repeatedly until the array is fully sorted.
ريادة الاعمال الباب الرابع.أ.د. هاني عاطفHany Atefدراسة الجدوى للمشروعات الصغيرة
دراسة الجدوى هي العملية التي تهدف إلى تقييم ما إذا كان المشروع سيحقق النجاح المالي والتشغيلي المتوقع أم لا. تعتبر دراسة الجدوى خطوة أساسية في عملية تأسيس المشروعات الصغيرة، حيث تساهم في تحديد مدى قابلية المشروع للتنفيذ وتساعد في اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن الاستثمار والموارد.
أهمية دراسة الجدوى للمشروعات الصغيرة
تحديد قابلية الفكرة:تساهم دراسة الجدوى في التأكد من أن فكرة المشروع قابلة للتنفيذ وتلبي حاجة في السوق.
تقييم المخاطر:تساعد في تحديد المخاطر المحتملة التي قد تواجه المشروع، مما يتيح لرائد الأعمال التعامل معها بشكل مسبق.
تحديد الاحتياجات المالية:من خلال دراسة الجدوى يمكن تحديد التمويل اللازم لبدء المشروع وتنفيذه بشكل فعال.
تحديد الجدوى المالية:تساهم الدراسة في تقدير الأرباح والعوائد المحتملة للمشروع، مما يساعد في تحديد إذا ما كان المشروع سيكون مربحًا أم لا.
زيادة فرص النجاح:من خلال التحليل الدقيق للعوامل المختلفة، تساعد دراسة الجدوى في تحسين فرصة نجاح المشروع وزيادة فعاليته.
الإبداع والابتكار ريادة الاعمال الباب الثالث الاستاذ الدكتور هاني عاطفHany Atefتعريف الإبداع وأهميته في ريادة الأعمال
تعريف الإبداع
الإبداع هو القدرة على إنتاج أفكار جديدة ومبتكرة، أو إيجاد حلول غير تقليدية لمشاكل قائمة. يتضمن التفكير خارج المألوف والتفكير النقدي لتحويل الأفكار إلى أفعال أو منتجات يمكن أن تضيف قيمة للمجتمع أو السوق. في سياق ريادة الأعمال، الإبداع لا يقتصر فقط على ابتكار منتجات جديدة، بل يشمل أيضًا طرقًا جديدة لإدارة الأعمال، تطوير العمليات، وتحقيق التميز في تقديم الخدمات.
أهمية الإبداع في ريادة الأعمال
التمييز في السوق
في بيئة الأعمال التنافسية، يصبح الإبداع أحد العوامل الرئيسية التي تميز الشركات الناشئة عن منافسيها. ابتكار منتجات جديدة أو تقديم خدمات بطريقة مختلفة يعزز من قدرة المشروع على جذب انتباه العملاء وخلق قيمة مضافة.
حل المشكلات
ريادة الأعمال تتطلب القدرة على حل المشكلات بشكل مبتكر، سواء كانت تتعلق بتلبية احتياجات السوق أو تحسين العمليات الداخلية. الإبداع يساعد رواد الأعمال على إيجاد حلول فعالة للتحديات التي قد تواجههم، مما يعزز استدامة أعمالهم.
تحقيق النمو والابتكار
الأعمال التي تعتمد على الإبداع تكون أكثر قدرة على التكيف مع التغيرات في السوق. الابتكار المستمر لا يؤدي فقط إلى تحسين المنتجات والخدمات، بل يفتح أيضًا آفاقًا جديدة للنمو والتوسع في أسواق جديدة.
جذب المستثمرين
الأفكار الإبداعية تجذب اهتمام المستثمرين، الذين يبحثون عن مشاريع تتمتع بإمكانات نمو عالية وأفكار مبتكرة تميزها عن المنافسين. الاستثمار في الأفكار الجديدة قد يوفر رأس المال اللازم لتطوير الأعمال.
تحقيق التفوق التنافسي
الشركات التي تعتمد على الإبداع تتمكن من تقديم حلول متميزة أو منتجات مبتكرة تمنحها ميزة تنافسية كبيرة. هذا التفوق يساعد في الحفاظ على حصتها السوقية وتوسيع نطاق تأثيرها.
استراتيجيات الابتكار وتطوير الأفكار في ريادة الأعمال
الابتكار هو عنصر أساسي لضمان نجاح المشاريع الريادية والنمو المستدام. يمكن للابتكار أن يكون العامل المميز بين الشركات التي تنجح وتلك التي تفشل. من خلال تبني استراتيجيات مبتكرة لتطوير الأفكار، يمكن لرواد الأعمال التميز في السوق، وحل المشكلات، وتحقيق النمو. فيما يلي استراتيجيات فعالة لتطوير الأفكار والابتكار في ريادة الأعمال:
التفكير التصميمي (Design Thinking)
الشرح:التفكير التصميمي هو منهجية تركز على المستخدم وتساعد على الابتكار عبر خمس مراحل: التعاطف مع المستخدمين، تحديد المشكلة، توليد الأفكار، إنشاء النماذج الأولية، والاختبار.
الفائدة:هذه الاستراتيجية تركز على إيجاد حلول عملية وملموسة للمشاكل من خلال فهم عميق لاحتياجات العملاء، مما يعزز من فعالية الأفكار والمنتجات المطروحة.
كلمات و رسائل المشاركین حول المؤتمر الدولي العاشر حول القضايا الراهنة للغات،...The Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literatureكلمات و رسائل المشاركین
المؤتمر الدولي العاشر حول القضايا الراهنة للغات، علم اللغة، الترجمة و الأدب
2-1 فبرایر 2025 ، الأهواز
تم استلام البحوث من بلدان مختلفة (و ذلک من الجزائر، العراق، سلطنة عمان، تونس، روسيا، كندا، قطر، اليابان، الولايات المتحدة، فرنسا، إسبانيا). و قد تم تحكيم هذه البحوث عبر اللجنة الأخصائية الدولية للمؤتمر و من ثَمّ طبعها و نشرها. كان تقديم البحوث في المؤتمر بإحدی اللغات التالیة: العربیة، الإنجلیزیة و الفارسیة.
لا تتردد فی مراسلتنا للاجابة عن ای استفسارات.
اللجنة المنظمة للمؤتمر،
الأهواز / الصندوق البريدی 61335-4619:
الهاتف :32931199-61 (98+)
النقال و رقم للتواصل علی الواتس اب : 9165088772(98+)
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