EatWellLiveWellCampaign2014Lacey SawyerThe document outlines an 8-week workplace wellness campaign called Eat Well Live Well that includes weekly events like fruit and vegetable distributions, drawings for prizes, and activities to encourage healthy eating and exercise. It provides details on registration for the campaign website, tracking steps and fruit/veggie intake for weekly entries into prize drawings. Upcoming events are announced like a kick-off breakfast, "junk food" day, and a Wii sports tournament with a $25 gift card for the winner. The campaign culminates with a salad bar celebration where participants bring toppings to recognize their healthy efforts over the past 7 weeks.
Squline Mandarin Intermediate 1 Lesson 2squlineThis document contains flashcards for vocabulary words from Chapter 2 of an intermediate Chinese textbook. The flashcards provide the Chinese characters, pinyin romanization, and English translation for 16 vocabulary words, including terms like "elective course", "department", "lecture", and "overweight".
Ragupathi_JayaramanRagupathi JayaramanRagupathi Jayaraman is a Microsoft SharePoint architect and developer with over 10 years of experience in full life cycle software development, requirements analysis, design, testing, and project management. He has extensive experience designing and developing enterprise-scale SharePoint implementations, including migrations from SharePoint 2007 to 2013. He is proficient in technologies like C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, SQL Server, and has led teams on projects for clients in various industries and locations around the world.
EatWellLiveWellCampaign2014Lacey SawyerThe document outlines an 8-week workplace wellness campaign called Eat Well Live Well that includes weekly events like fruit and vegetable distributions, drawings for prizes, and activities to encourage healthy eating and exercise. It provides details on registration for the campaign website, tracking steps and fruit/veggie intake for weekly entries into prize drawings. Upcoming events are announced like a kick-off breakfast, "junk food" day, and a Wii sports tournament with a $25 gift card for the winner. The campaign culminates with a salad bar celebration where participants bring toppings to recognize their healthy efforts over the past 7 weeks.
Squline Mandarin Intermediate 1 Lesson 2squlineThis document contains flashcards for vocabulary words from Chapter 2 of an intermediate Chinese textbook. The flashcards provide the Chinese characters, pinyin romanization, and English translation for 16 vocabulary words, including terms like "elective course", "department", "lecture", and "overweight".
Ragupathi_JayaramanRagupathi JayaramanRagupathi Jayaraman is a Microsoft SharePoint architect and developer with over 10 years of experience in full life cycle software development, requirements analysis, design, testing, and project management. He has extensive experience designing and developing enterprise-scale SharePoint implementations, including migrations from SharePoint 2007 to 2013. He is proficient in technologies like C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, SQL Server, and has led teams on projects for clients in various industries and locations around the world.
Check Point new 09.2015 fullIvailo DachovThe document discusses Check Point, a company that provides telemonitoring platforms and solutions. It offers two main platforms - one involving a partnership with Vital Connect that allows for ECG, temperature, and other vital sign monitoring using wearable devices. The other involves a partnership with Techmedic International and provides more advanced real-time monitoring and analysis of vital signs like ECG, oxygen levels, and heart rate. Check Point also operates a telemedicine center that provides 24/7 monitoring of patient data and emergency response services for up to 15,000 patients simultaneously.
Mathematical formula handbookrajesh tundiyaThe document is a mathematical formula handbook containing formulas and concepts related to series, vector algebra, matrix algebra, vector calculus, complex variables, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions, limits, differentiation, integration, differential equations, calculus of variations, functions of several variables, Fourier series and transforms, Laplace transforms, numerical analysis, treatment of random errors, and statistics. It provides an introduction and bibliography, as well as physical constants. The handbook is intended as a reference for students studying physics.
Move itMhagzandKerbie DomagasThe document is a collection of disjointed phrases and sentences about moving or traveling to new places and making memories. It encourages the recipient to go where their heart leads them and see the world in new ways, and says goodbye and be safe as they embark on their journey.
Countdown: Signs before the EndMiguel Angel Torres GallardoThe main signs before the end are telling us that our meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds in very near.
Atividades de pronomesPaulo Alves de Araujo1) Eles assaltaram o banco ontem pela manhã. Eu esqueci de realizar as atividades do projeto da Sacola Literária. Eu e Ana brincamos muito. Você vem de que lugar? Nós realizamos muitas atividades de matemática ontem na escola.
2) Júlio não quer mais um irmão. Eu e Lúcia temos quatro irmãos. Eles foram ao parque. Elas vieram ver o bebê.
3) O diretor recebeu os alunos. Eu entreguei a programação das solenidades fest
Atividades de matematica para imprimir 3º ano atividade 7Rute SimãoEsta atividade de matemática para 3o ano pede aos alunos para adicionar 8 e depois 98 a uma série de números usando cálculo mental, observando os resultados para resolver problemas matemáticos.
Cartazes aRaquel BeckerO documento discute diferentes aspectos da língua portuguesa como:
1. Dígrafos, encontros consonantais, substantivos próprios e comuns, coletivos, sílabas tônicas e classes de palavras;
2. Pontuação, acentos, cedilha, singular e plural, operações matemáticas;
3. Classes de palavras como pronomes, artigos, verbos e seus tempos.
Returrn of title iv funds (1)Rod GeraldThis document discusses the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) process when a student withdraws from school. It covers:
- R2T4 applies when a Title IV eligible student withdraws or stops attending before completing more than 60% of a payment period.
- The school must determine the student's withdrawal date and perform the R2T4 calculation within 30 days. Any unearned aid must be returned within 45 days.
- The student is considered to have "earned" Title IV funds in proportion to the time enrolled up until withdrawal. If they complete over 60% of the period, they earn all funds.
- The school must notify students of any grant overpayment or post-
2. Реактивное движение происходит за счет
того, что от тела отделяется и движется какая-то
его часть, в результате чего само тело
приобретает противоположно направленный
Движение шарика
является примером
реактивного движения.
3. Сегнерово колесо — двигатель, основанный
нареактивном действии вытекающей воды.
Сегнерово колесо было
изобретено венгерским
учѐным Я. А. Сегнером
в 1750 и явилось
4. Сегнерово колесо состоит из вертикальной
подводящей трубы, на которой укреплена свободно
вращающаяся горизонтальная труба с горизонтальными
же отогнутыми в противоположные стороны открытыми
концами; через них жидкость вытекает, приводя
Сегнерово колесо во вращение. Сегнерово колесо служит
главным образом как демонстрационный прибор;
применяется также для полива растений.
5. В любой ракете всегда имеется
оболочка и топливо с окислителем.
Оболочка ракеты включает в себя
полезный груз, приборный отсек и
Основную массу ракеты
составляют топливо с окислителем.
Топливо и окислитель подаются в
сгорания, топливо, сгорая, превращает
ся в газ высокой температуры и
давления, который мощной струей
устремляется наружу через сопло.
Сопло служит для повышения
скорости струи.