Формы организации бизнеса в украинеInSalesКакую правовую форму выбрать для интернет-магазина в Украине. Рассказывает Александра Федак на семинаре InSales по созданию интернет магазина: http://www.insales.ru
Cash managment в банках УкраиныProstobank ConsultingАналитическая записка об условиях Cash Management для корпоративных клиентов в банках Украины
Свежие отчеты за 2015 год от компании "Простобанк Консалтинг" можно заказать здесь - http://gaurl.ru/iXnA0T
Tarafder_Kapot_SP15Kapot K TarafderThis thesis examines the optimal design of capillary wicks for high heat flux thermal management systems. The author develops thermal equilibrium and non-equilibrium models to analyze wick geometries. In the thermal equilibrium model, parametric studies are conducted varying particle diameter, distance between particles, and distance between liquid arteries. Particle distances of 1.12 times the diameter are found to achieve heat fluxes of 1 kW/cm2. The non-equilibrium model uses COMSOL to simulate transient heat transfer. Results show how liquid morphologies change near particle necks. Optimizing wick design can reduce thermal resistance while enhancing critical heat flux for applications requiring efficient cooling of small, high-power devices.
Become A Productivity Master {Aka. 10 Ways To Get More Done In Less Time}BlogelinaBlogging can be a bit overwhelming at times - but, I've found that with a little effort and some planning ahead, it really doesn't have to be!
PSE Insights: ManufacturingConfederation of Indian IndustryPublic Sector Enterprises (PSEs) are emerging as lead players in the ‘Make in India’ initiative that is targeted at transforming the manufacturing sector of the country.
This edition of PSE Insights elaborates on the role of PSEs in manufacturing, their potential and the opportunities for partnerships arising under Make in India.
Gym factoryBubbleTeamGym Factory ofrece un servicio de guardería para niños de 0 a 13 años con un programa de actividades educativas y deportivas mientras los padres realizan ejercicio en el gimnasio. También proporciona servicios de belleza como masajes, tratamientos faciales y corporales. El gimnasio busca el bienestar físico y emocional tanto de los clientes como de sus hijos.
Laser capture microdissection technical reportmaria9000This document describes a research study that used laser capture microdissection to isolate distinct cell populations from mouse and human inner ear tissue for gene expression analysis. The researchers were able to extract RNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections, amplify it, and detect cell-type specific gene expression by RT-PCR. This technique allows targeted analysis of gene expression in specific inner ear structures, and could be applied to archived human temporal bone samples preserved in formalin. The researchers validated the method by detecting housekeeping genes and cell markers in laser-captured cells from mouse and human inner ear tissue.
INVESTIGATION OF IN-VITRO ANTHELMINTIC AND CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITIES OF ARTABOTRYS...Syed Masudur Rahman DewanThe methanolic extract of bark of Artabotrys hexapetalus were investigated for in-vitro anthelmintic and cytotoxic activities. Evaluation of cytotoxic activity was done using the brine shrimp lethality bio-assay. The crude methanolic extract showed significant cytotoxic potential (LC50 value of 7.688 μg/ml) comparing with that of standard vincristine (0.839 μg/ml). The other study was undertaken to evaluate anthelmintic activity where albendazole was used as reference standard. Methanolic extract of barks (50 mg/ml) caused paralysis of the worms at 68.33 minutes and death at 84.0 minutes while albendazole (positive control) paralyzed and killed the worms at 17 minutes and 48 minutes respectively at the concentration of 10 mg/ml. The study confirms the significant anthelmintic activities of bark extract of Artabotrys hexapetalus and therefore demands the isolation of active principles through bioassay.
Kurikulum 2013Bambang SoegihartoKurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mencetak generasi yang siap menghadapi masa depan dengan mengembangkan sikap spiritual, sosial, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan peserta didik melalui pendekatan ilmiah dan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dan masalah. Proses pembelajarannya melibatkan mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan informasi, menalar, mengomunikasikan, dan mencipta.
TeledentistryDr.shifaya nasrinThis document provides an overview of teledentistry, including definitions, benefits, applications, technologies used, and examples of implementation. Teledentistry is defined as the use of telecommunications technology to provide dental care remotely. It can improve access to care, especially in rural areas, and lower costs. Key applications discussed include teleconsultations, remote patient monitoring, education and training. The document reviews technologies like videoconferencing and digital imaging that enable teledentistry. Examples from countries like the US, Australia and India demonstrate how teledentistry has been adopted to expand access to dental services. Challenges and the future potential of teledentistry are also discussed.
Daniel alcides carrioncarlos leonDaniel Alcides Carrión was a Peruvian medical student who died in 1885 at age 26 from a self-experiment to study verruga peruana and Oroya fever, two endemic diseases in Peru. Carrión inoculated himself with blood from a patient with verruga peruana and began experiencing symptoms of the disease three weeks later. As his health declined, he realized he had contracted Oroya fever, demonstrating that the two diseases were etiologically related. Carrión's experiment provided the first evidence of the single bacterial cause of the two syndromes and represented an important contribution to medical science, though it cost him his life. He is honored as a national hero in Peru for
портал энергоэффективных решений.Conf Association of Energy Auditors of Ukraineвідкрите засідання Асоціації енергоаудиторів України на тему: «Нові перспективи ринку енергоефективності» 7.11.14
0601096 resume management in recruitement processSupa BuoyHi Friends
This is supa bouy
I am a mentor, Friend for all Management Aspirants, Any query related to anything in Management, Do write me @ supabuoy@gmail.com.
I will try to assist the best way I can.
Cheers to lyf…!!!
Supa Bouy
Grundrechte in deutschlandtschau2400Grundrechte in Deutschland (oder glaubt noch jemand an eine Liebesgeschichte?)
Turkish business culture guide - Learn about TurkeySalford Business Schoolhttp://businessculture.org - Find out about business culture in Turkey. This guide is part of the Passport to Trade 2.0 project which examined European Business culture in 31 countries looking at business communication, business etiquette, business meeting etiquette, internship and student placements, cost of living, work-life-balance and social media guide.
Tarafder_Kapot_SP15Kapot K TarafderThis thesis examines the optimal design of capillary wicks for high heat flux thermal management systems. The author develops thermal equilibrium and non-equilibrium models to analyze wick geometries. In the thermal equilibrium model, parametric studies are conducted varying particle diameter, distance between particles, and distance between liquid arteries. Particle distances of 1.12 times the diameter are found to achieve heat fluxes of 1 kW/cm2. The non-equilibrium model uses COMSOL to simulate transient heat transfer. Results show how liquid morphologies change near particle necks. Optimizing wick design can reduce thermal resistance while enhancing critical heat flux for applications requiring efficient cooling of small, high-power devices.
Become A Productivity Master {Aka. 10 Ways To Get More Done In Less Time}BlogelinaBlogging can be a bit overwhelming at times - but, I've found that with a little effort and some planning ahead, it really doesn't have to be!
PSE Insights: ManufacturingConfederation of Indian IndustryPublic Sector Enterprises (PSEs) are emerging as lead players in the ‘Make in India’ initiative that is targeted at transforming the manufacturing sector of the country.
This edition of PSE Insights elaborates on the role of PSEs in manufacturing, their potential and the opportunities for partnerships arising under Make in India.
Gym factoryBubbleTeamGym Factory ofrece un servicio de guardería para niños de 0 a 13 años con un programa de actividades educativas y deportivas mientras los padres realizan ejercicio en el gimnasio. También proporciona servicios de belleza como masajes, tratamientos faciales y corporales. El gimnasio busca el bienestar físico y emocional tanto de los clientes como de sus hijos.
Laser capture microdissection technical reportmaria9000This document describes a research study that used laser capture microdissection to isolate distinct cell populations from mouse and human inner ear tissue for gene expression analysis. The researchers were able to extract RNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections, amplify it, and detect cell-type specific gene expression by RT-PCR. This technique allows targeted analysis of gene expression in specific inner ear structures, and could be applied to archived human temporal bone samples preserved in formalin. The researchers validated the method by detecting housekeeping genes and cell markers in laser-captured cells from mouse and human inner ear tissue.
INVESTIGATION OF IN-VITRO ANTHELMINTIC AND CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITIES OF ARTABOTRYS...Syed Masudur Rahman DewanThe methanolic extract of bark of Artabotrys hexapetalus were investigated for in-vitro anthelmintic and cytotoxic activities. Evaluation of cytotoxic activity was done using the brine shrimp lethality bio-assay. The crude methanolic extract showed significant cytotoxic potential (LC50 value of 7.688 μg/ml) comparing with that of standard vincristine (0.839 μg/ml). The other study was undertaken to evaluate anthelmintic activity where albendazole was used as reference standard. Methanolic extract of barks (50 mg/ml) caused paralysis of the worms at 68.33 minutes and death at 84.0 minutes while albendazole (positive control) paralyzed and killed the worms at 17 minutes and 48 minutes respectively at the concentration of 10 mg/ml. The study confirms the significant anthelmintic activities of bark extract of Artabotrys hexapetalus and therefore demands the isolation of active principles through bioassay.
Kurikulum 2013Bambang SoegihartoKurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mencetak generasi yang siap menghadapi masa depan dengan mengembangkan sikap spiritual, sosial, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan peserta didik melalui pendekatan ilmiah dan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dan masalah. Proses pembelajarannya melibatkan mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan informasi, menalar, mengomunikasikan, dan mencipta.
TeledentistryDr.shifaya nasrinThis document provides an overview of teledentistry, including definitions, benefits, applications, technologies used, and examples of implementation. Teledentistry is defined as the use of telecommunications technology to provide dental care remotely. It can improve access to care, especially in rural areas, and lower costs. Key applications discussed include teleconsultations, remote patient monitoring, education and training. The document reviews technologies like videoconferencing and digital imaging that enable teledentistry. Examples from countries like the US, Australia and India demonstrate how teledentistry has been adopted to expand access to dental services. Challenges and the future potential of teledentistry are also discussed.
Daniel alcides carrioncarlos leonDaniel Alcides Carrión was a Peruvian medical student who died in 1885 at age 26 from a self-experiment to study verruga peruana and Oroya fever, two endemic diseases in Peru. Carrión inoculated himself with blood from a patient with verruga peruana and began experiencing symptoms of the disease three weeks later. As his health declined, he realized he had contracted Oroya fever, demonstrating that the two diseases were etiologically related. Carrión's experiment provided the first evidence of the single bacterial cause of the two syndromes and represented an important contribution to medical science, though it cost him his life. He is honored as a national hero in Peru for
портал энергоэффективных решений.Conf Association of Energy Auditors of Ukraineвідкрите засідання Асоціації енергоаудиторів України на тему: «Нові перспективи ринку енергоефективності» 7.11.14
0601096 resume management in recruitement processSupa BuoyHi Friends
This is supa bouy
I am a mentor, Friend for all Management Aspirants, Any query related to anything in Management, Do write me @ supabuoy@gmail.com.
I will try to assist the best way I can.
Cheers to lyf…!!!
Supa Bouy
Grundrechte in deutschlandtschau2400Grundrechte in Deutschland (oder glaubt noch jemand an eine Liebesgeschichte?)
Turkish business culture guide - Learn about TurkeySalford Business Schoolhttp://businessculture.org - Find out about business culture in Turkey. This guide is part of the Passport to Trade 2.0 project which examined European Business culture in 31 countries looking at business communication, business etiquette, business meeting etiquette, internship and student placements, cost of living, work-life-balance and social media guide.