Moodle es un sistema de gestión de cursos basado en los principios de la epistemología construccionista social y el constructivismo. Ofrece múltiples módulos de actividad como foros, chats, cuestionarios y tareas que permiten a los estudiantes construir activamente su conocimiento a través de la investigación, colaboración y compartición. El dise?o modular de Moodle facilita a?adir y organizar las diferentes actividades que componen un curso.
This document contains an agenda and notes from a workshop or conference on May 24, 2008. It includes a schedule with 4 sessions between 10:00-18:30 covering topics like Gainer I/O, LEDs, controlling outputs with buttons and LFOs, and using Processing with Funnel and Minim. Notes describe code examples for controlling LEDs with mouse input, buttons, and LFOs. Other topics mentioned include scopes, 3D rendering, audio, and sketches as quick, inexpensive ways to explore and prototype ideas rather than confirm them. References are made to related books on physical computing, Processing, and Gainer.
Moodle es un sistema de gestión de cursos basado en los principios de la epistemología construccionista social y el constructivismo. Ofrece múltiples módulos de actividad como foros, chats, cuestionarios y tareas que permiten a los estudiantes construir activamente su conocimiento a través de la investigación, colaboración y compartición. El dise?o modular de Moodle facilita a?adir y organizar las diferentes actividades que componen un curso.
This document contains an agenda and notes from a workshop or conference on May 24, 2008. It includes a schedule with 4 sessions between 10:00-18:30 covering topics like Gainer I/O, LEDs, controlling outputs with buttons and LFOs, and using Processing with Funnel and Minim. Notes describe code examples for controlling LEDs with mouse input, buttons, and LFOs. Other topics mentioned include scopes, 3D rendering, audio, and sketches as quick, inexpensive ways to explore and prototype ideas rather than confirm them. References are made to related books on physical computing, Processing, and Gainer.
This document discusses a web development company that has built over 35 websites in the last 24 months ranging from small to large. It provides a link to view case studies of past campaigns and mentions micro-sites as a service offered. Contact information is provided to learn more about their web development services.