EricaTânia Otoboni BordinO documento apresenta uma proposta de atividades para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura com alunos do 9o ano sobre o texto "Pausa" de Moacyr Scliar. A proposta inclui estratégias como ativação de conhecimento prévio, levantamento de hipóteses, identificação de informações durante a leitura, discussão após a leitura e estabelecimento de relações intertextuais com outros textos sobre o tema da pausa.
PRODUCTOS DE MICROSOFT OFFICESara RiveraMicrosoft Office es un paquete de aplicaciones ofimáticas que incluye programas como Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook y Access. Estos programas permiten automatizar tareas habituales de oficina como la creación de documentos, hojas de cálculo, presentaciones, correo electrónico y bases de datos.
Self DispatchBobby KrentzBobby Krentz completed Dell Online Self-Dispatch Policies and Procedures Certification on October 16, 2010 as shown on the certificate issued by Dell Educational Services and signed by Michael Dell, Chairman of the Board of Dell, Inc., and Les Campbell, Practice Executive of Dell Education Global Infrastructure Consulting Services, with the certification expiring on October 16, 2011.
Cuadrocomparativofabiorodriguezfabiorodriguez123Este documento compara el voleibol y el baloncesto, describiendo las reglas, objetivos, equipos, posiciones y otras características de ambos deportes. El voleibol se juega entre dos equipos divididos por una red, con el objetivo de enviar el balón al campo contrario sin que lo devuelvan, mientras que en el baloncesto los equipos anotan metiendo la pelota en la canasta contraria. Ambos deportes son olímpicos y se originaron a finales del siglo XIX.
Livroderegras 2009 2010[1]Maximiliano GuimaraesEste documento apresenta as regras do futebol para a temporada 2009/2010, incluindo detalhes sobre o campo de jogo, a bola, o número de jogadores, equipamentos, árbitros, duração da partida e outros aspectos do jogo.
HJonswold_Resume Haley JonswoldHaley Jonswold has experience in event planning, marketing, tutoring, and childcare. She has interned at a wedding planning company and Intel, and has worked as a receptionist, bakery employee, tutor, and nanny. Jonswold is currently a student at Point Loma Nazarene University studying Managerial & Organizational Communication. She has received several awards for her work and volunteer activities.
Salz kummergud trophy 2012 extreme km 211,3cscalzo75The document is an email confirmation of registration for the Salzkammergut Trophy 2012 bike race for Carmelo Scalzo. It provides details of his registration such as his participant ID, personal information, selected race and team, insurance purchased, and total amount due. It also includes a liability waiver and conditions of participation that he must agree to.
Medienkompetenz und Wikipedia an Hochschulenredsys
Goal Survey (Pre)k3stoneThis survey asks students about their post-graduation goals and plans. It inquires about their plans to attend graduate school or pursue other degrees, where they may attend graduate school, what specialty or field they wish to study, what type of work they plan to do after school such as practitioner, professor, or researcher, and what populations they are interested in working with such as specific clinical populations or business/industry.
OntorturefirstdraftBriane' KnightThis document discusses David Sussman's argument about the moral significance of torture. Sussman argues that both utilitarian and Kantian approaches are incomplete in accounting for torture, and that torture is morally wrong because it undermines human dignity. The author critiques some of Sussman's claims, such as his argument that torture necessarily turns one's dignity against itself through pain. While agreeing that torture attacks dignity, the author argues Sussman overemphasizes the role of dignity and pain, and downplays other important factors like the power dynamic between torturer and victim.
ข้อสอบ ม ช ชุดที่ 1aatjimaThe document is a multiple choice quiz about alternative medicine and health. It contains 32 questions about topics like diseases, treatments, nutrition, and the human body. The questions are in Thai and have 4 multiple choice answer options listed in English letters.