Press release engUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3The National Stakeholder Workshop aimed to introduce key findings from a capacity assessment and awareness raising project on climate change in Tajikistan. Over 60 participants from the government, academia, international organizations and NGOs attended. The project found that while some policies have been established, implementation and strategy are still lacking. It also found a need to incorporate climate change into education curricula. While awareness of climate change is relatively high, targeted messages and media plans are still needed for different groups. Journalist capacity also needs strengthening to disseminate information. Participants agreed to provide comments on the findings by February 3rd.
Final ppcr psd_tajikistanUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3This document summarizes the outcomes of a program that used participatory scenario development (PSD) workshops to build capacity on climate change issues in Tajikistan. The workshops engaged 124 stakeholders across 5 cities to identify climate impacts, adaptation needs, and priorities. Participants saw communities as having low adaptive capacity due to challenges like limited basic services, agriculture difficulties, and natural hazards exacerbated by climate change. They suggested a range of adaptation actions focused on infrastructure, ecosystems, capacity building, and protecting vulnerable groups. Key recommendations included developing a national climate strategy, coordinating agencies, investing in local governments, and ensuring synergies between climate adaptation and development goals. Infrastructure improvements, ecosystem-based measures, and continued capacity building were seen as important for
Tentiative agenda engUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3This document outlines the agenda for a National Project Workshop on January 25, 2012 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The workshop will focus on sharing progress and findings from Phase I of the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience, which involved assessing institutional capacity and raising awareness on climate change in Tajikistan. There will be presentations on the key findings from components related to institutional capacity assessment, awareness raising trainings, and developing roadmaps and milestones. The workshop will allow for discussion of the findings and a wrap-up before concluding.
Legro presentation 2 final wkshpUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3The document outlines 6 proposed roadmaps for mainstreaming climate change adaptation in Tajikistan. Each roadmap includes a baseline of the current situation, milestones to work towards, and a target outcome. The roadmaps focus on areas like improving data collection and reporting on climate programs, developing a national adaptation plan, integrating adaptation into policies and planning, raising public awareness, strengthening climate education, and building capacity for adaptation work across government agencies and communities.
Legro presentation 1 final wkshpUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3This document summarizes the findings from a capacity assessment of climate change adaptation in Tajikistan. It identifies several key findings: 1) The government is funding climate work but could better prioritize and publicize efforts. 2) Tajikistan would benefit from a National Climate Change Action Plan and updated legislation. 3) Public awareness of climate change is growing but targeted information is still needed. 4) Stakeholders want diverse capacity building opportunities. 5) Climate change education has multiple goals that need addressing. 6) NGOs should be leveraged more in capacity building activities. The document provides recommendations for each finding to strengthen climate adaptation capacity at national and local levels in Tajikistan.
Lb present psdUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3The document summarizes a participatory scenario development workshop held in Tajikistan to build capacity on climate change impacts and identify adaptation needs. The workshop brought together stakeholders from different regions to discuss observed and projected climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and potential adaptation options. Many of the identified local adaptation needs were found to align with priorities in Tajikistan's national climate adaptation plan. However, larger-scale and additional actions are still needed to improve adaptive capacity. The workshop helped strengthen collaboration between local and regional actors and identify next steps to further assess climate risks and integrate adaptation into development planning.
Eng short summary report_trainings in novUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3The document summarizes a series of trainings held in Tajikistan on climate change and related cross-cutting topics. Over a period of one week, 132 participants from governmental agencies and NGOs attended trainings on climate change and media, gender, poverty alleviation, environmental policy, and regional planning. The trainings aimed to build basic awareness and capacity on climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation. Participants identified key climate impacts like floods and droughts and proposed adaptation measures to integrate into policies and development plans. Overall, the trainings were well-received and helped strengthen understanding of climate change issues in Tajikistan.
Legro presentation 2 final wkshpUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3The document outlines 6 proposed roadmaps for mainstreaming climate change adaptation in Tajikistan. Each roadmap includes a baseline of the current situation, milestones to work towards, and a target outcome. The roadmaps focus on areas like improving data collection and reporting on climate programs, developing a national adaptation plan, integrating adaptation into policies and planning, raising public awareness, strengthening climate education, and building capacity for adaptation work across government agencies and communities.
Legro presentation 1 final wkshpUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3This document summarizes the findings from a capacity assessment of climate change adaptation in Tajikistan. It identifies several key findings: 1) The government is funding climate work but could better prioritize and publicize efforts. 2) Tajikistan would benefit from a National Climate Change Action Plan and updated legislation. 3) Public awareness of climate change is growing but targeted information is still needed. 4) Stakeholders want diverse capacity building opportunities. 5) Climate change education has multiple goals that need addressing. 6) NGOs should be leveraged more in capacity building activities. The document provides recommendations for each finding to strengthen climate adaptation capacity at national and local levels in Tajikistan.
Lb present psdUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3The document summarizes a participatory scenario development workshop held in Tajikistan to build capacity on climate change impacts and identify adaptation needs. The workshop brought together stakeholders from different regions to discuss observed and projected climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and potential adaptation options. Many of the identified local adaptation needs were found to align with priorities in Tajikistan's national climate adaptation plan. However, larger-scale and additional actions are still needed to improve adaptive capacity. The workshop helped strengthen collaboration between local and regional actors and identify next steps to further assess climate risks and integrate adaptation into development planning.
Eng short summary report_trainings in novUNDP/PPCR/A1_A3The document summarizes a series of trainings held in Tajikistan on climate change and related cross-cutting topics. Over a period of one week, 132 participants from governmental agencies and NGOs attended trainings on climate change and media, gender, poverty alleviation, environmental policy, and regional planning. The trainings aimed to build basic awareness and capacity on climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation. Participants identified key climate impacts like floods and droughts and proposed adaptation measures to integrate into policies and development plans. Overall, the trainings were well-received and helped strengthen understanding of climate change issues in Tajikistan.