Alternative Certification Researcharl022This document discusses alternative teacher certification programs in Texas. It notes that while these programs have seen rapid growth in the number of teachers produced, there are concerns about their effectiveness. The purpose of the study was to examine how alternatively certified teachers perceive their own effectiveness, particularly regarding classroom management, curriculum knowledge, lesson planning and time management. The results showed areas of difficulty for these teachers in their first year, including lesson planning and understanding students. The conclusions indicate that alternative certification programs should provide more hands-on classroom experience to better prepare teachers.
OSGi in Action Chapter 1 and 2pjhInovexThe document provides an overview of the first two chapters of the book "OSGi in Action".
Chapter 1 introduces OSGi and discusses its benefits for modularity in Java applications. It describes the three layers of OSGi - modules, lifecycle, and services.
Chapter 2 delves deeper into OSGi modularity. It defines modules, bundles, and how bundles are used to achieve logical and physical modularity. The chapter also covers OSGi metadata and how bundles are constructed to export and import code/packages.
OSGi User Forum US DC MetropjhInovexThis document provides an agenda and overview of the inaugural meeting of the OSGi Users' Forum DC Metro. The meeting will introduce attendees to the OSGi Users' Forum, discuss the relationship between the Forum and the OSGi Alliance, and provide an introduction to OSGi technology. Attendees will learn about the charter and leadership of the DC Metro Forum chapter, as well as upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. An introduction to OSGi concepts like bundles, services, and dependencies will also be presented.
OSGi user forum dc metro v1pjhInovexThis document provides an agenda and overview of the inaugural meeting of the OSGi Users' Forum DC Metro. The meeting will introduce attendees to the OSGi Users' Forum, discuss the relationship between the Forum and the OSGi Alliance, and provide an introduction to OSGi technology. Attendees will learn about the charter and leadership of the DC Metro chapter, as well as upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. An introduction to OSGi concepts like bundles, services, and dependencies will also be presented.
Paremus service fabricpjhInovexThe document discusses OSGi technology and the Paremus Service Fabric. It introduces the Paremus Service Fabric as an OSGi-based distributed application server that can run applications across multiple computing resources or a large-scale cloud. The Service Fabric extends OSGi's dynamic module capabilities across networked JVMs to create a robust and efficient distributed platform for enterprise applications.
Asexual reproduction of a flowering plantAvondale Community CollegeVegetative propagation is a form of asexual reproduction used by plants to produce offspring without seeds, pollen, or flowers. The offspring are genetically identical to the parent plant. Vegetative propagation can occur naturally through modified plant structures like stems, roots, leaves, and buds, or can be induced artificially through methods like cuttings, grafting, and tissue culture. Vegetative propagation is advantageous for gardeners because it allows desirable plant traits to be reproduced rapidly and in large quantities.
Sexual reproduction in plantsAvondale Community CollegeThe document outlines the process of sexual reproduction in flowering plants, including the structure and function of floral parts, pollination, fertilization, seed formation, dispersal, dormancy, and germination. Key points include that pollen grains produce male gametes, the embryo sac produces an egg cell and polar nuclei, double fertilization occurs, seeds vary in structure depending on whether they are endospermic or non-endospermic, and seeds require specific conditions like water and oxygen to successfully germinate.
Учим цвета радуги с детьми. Презентация для детей о радугеrechrebenka7 цветов радуги. Презентация для детей, которая поможет выучить цвета радуги. Стихи для запоминания цветов радуги.
OSGi in Action Chapter 1 and 2pjhInovexThe document provides an overview of the first two chapters of the book "OSGi in Action".
Chapter 1 introduces OSGi and discusses its benefits for modularity in Java applications. It describes the three layers of OSGi - modules, lifecycle, and services.
Chapter 2 delves deeper into OSGi modularity. It defines modules, bundles, and how bundles are used to achieve logical and physical modularity. The chapter also covers OSGi metadata and how bundles are constructed to export and import code/packages.
OSGi User Forum US DC MetropjhInovexThis document provides an agenda and overview of the inaugural meeting of the OSGi Users' Forum DC Metro. The meeting will introduce attendees to the OSGi Users' Forum, discuss the relationship between the Forum and the OSGi Alliance, and provide an introduction to OSGi technology. Attendees will learn about the charter and leadership of the DC Metro Forum chapter, as well as upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. An introduction to OSGi concepts like bundles, services, and dependencies will also be presented.
OSGi user forum dc metro v1pjhInovexThis document provides an agenda and overview of the inaugural meeting of the OSGi Users' Forum DC Metro. The meeting will introduce attendees to the OSGi Users' Forum, discuss the relationship between the Forum and the OSGi Alliance, and provide an introduction to OSGi technology. Attendees will learn about the charter and leadership of the DC Metro chapter, as well as upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. An introduction to OSGi concepts like bundles, services, and dependencies will also be presented.
Paremus service fabricpjhInovexThe document discusses OSGi technology and the Paremus Service Fabric. It introduces the Paremus Service Fabric as an OSGi-based distributed application server that can run applications across multiple computing resources or a large-scale cloud. The Service Fabric extends OSGi's dynamic module capabilities across networked JVMs to create a robust and efficient distributed platform for enterprise applications.
Asexual reproduction of a flowering plantAvondale Community CollegeVegetative propagation is a form of asexual reproduction used by plants to produce offspring without seeds, pollen, or flowers. The offspring are genetically identical to the parent plant. Vegetative propagation can occur naturally through modified plant structures like stems, roots, leaves, and buds, or can be induced artificially through methods like cuttings, grafting, and tissue culture. Vegetative propagation is advantageous for gardeners because it allows desirable plant traits to be reproduced rapidly and in large quantities.
Sexual reproduction in plantsAvondale Community CollegeThe document outlines the process of sexual reproduction in flowering plants, including the structure and function of floral parts, pollination, fertilization, seed formation, dispersal, dormancy, and germination. Key points include that pollen grains produce male gametes, the embryo sac produces an egg cell and polar nuclei, double fertilization occurs, seeds vary in structure depending on whether they are endospermic or non-endospermic, and seeds require specific conditions like water and oxygen to successfully germinate.
Учим цвета радуги с детьми. Презентация для детей о радугеrechrebenka7 цветов радуги. Презентация для детей, которая поможет выучить цвета радуги. Стихи для запоминания цветов радуги.
2. Радуга — атмосферное явление.
Отчего бывает радуга?
Радуга появляется только если одновременно
идет дождь, и светит солнце.
Солнце светит сквозь падающий дождь, лучи его
проходят через дождевые капли, и на небе напротив
солнца возникает необычная цветная дуга.
3. Радуга - это красивое явление стали изучать уже в глубокой древности.
Первым понял причину радуги немецкий монах Теодорик, в 1304 г
.воссоздавший ее на сферической колбе с водой. Однако открытие
Теодорика было забыто.
В XVII веке знаменитый французский философ и математик
Р. Декарт объяснил основные закономерности образования радуги.
4. РАДУГА — символ небесного чистого,
дарующего жизнь, таинственного и
Радуга символизирует связь между
небом и землей. Согласно Библии, была
создана Богом после Всемирного потопа,
как знак обещания никогда больше не
насылать на людей потоп.
6. Нередко радуга ассоциируется с райской дугой, по которой
можно пройти в царство праведников.
В талмудической традиции она была создана Богом на
шестой день творения.
9. Издавна, наблюдая интересное красивое природное явление,
народ подметил ряд признаков, относящихся к природе.
Вечерняя радуга предвещает хорошую,
а утренняя - дождливую погоду.
Радуга после дождя, быстро исчезающая, - к хорошей погоде.
Вот такая она радуга - предсказательница.
10. Радуга может быть зимой, но это очень
редкое явление.
Чаще всего радуга бывает летом,
после дождя.
Также бывает лунная радуга.
11. Цвета радуги располагаются в строго определенном порядке: красный, оранжевый,
желтый, зеленый, голубой, синий, фиолетовый.
Чтобы легко запомнить последовательное расположения цветов, выучи такую
словесную приставку: «Каждый Охотник Желает Знать, Где Сидит Фазан»,
где первая буква слова соответствует цвету спектра.
14. Сколько цветов у радуги.
Радуга устроена, как пирог слоенный:
Красный слой, оранжевый.
Желтый и зеленый,
Голубой и синий
Рядом с фиолетовым.
Семь цветов у радуги –
Надо знать про это вам.
А вот мои стихи !!!
16. Картинная галерея
Иван Айвазовский. Радуга. Панов Эдуард. Радуга.
Архип Иванович Куинджи. Радуга. Алексей Саврасов. Радуга.