Famous russian artistsNastia MorevaArkhip Kuinji was a famous Russian landscape painter born in 1841. Some of his most famous paintings include "Night on the Dnieper River" and landscapes featuring moonlit scenes. While he was very popular during his lifetime, his contribution to Russian art is still not fully appreciated. The document discusses Kuinji's life and career, highlights some of his most famous works, and analyzes what made his art unique, with an emotional focus on conveying the feelings and ideas behind his paintings.
Religious holidaysNastia MorevaThe document discusses several pagan religious holidays celebrated in Russian culture:
- Kolyada, a winter solstice festival celebrated on December 21 that was later replaced by Christmas. People would sing songs and visit neighbors.
- Maslenitsa, a week-long spring festival before Lent where pancakes were eaten. Each day had a name and specific activities like games or visiting family. It ended with the burning of a jackstraw figure.
- Ivan Kupala Day on June 22 celebrates the summer solstice and pagan god Kupala. Traditions included bathing, jumping over fires, and divinations.
World Wide FundNastia MorevaWWF is one of the world's largest and most effective independent organizations dedicated to conservation, operating in over 100 countries with 5 million supporters. It was founded in 1961 and initially focused on protecting endangered species, but now also tackles pollution and promotes sustainable resource use. WWF-Philippines has worked as part of the WWF network since 1997, implementing conservation projects for biologically significant ecosystems. Its mission is to stop and reverse environmental degradation in the Philippines so people can live in harmony with nature.
J. K. RowlingNastia MorevaJoanna Rowling was born in 1965 in England. She had a loving mother who read to her frequently as a child. After graduating from university, she worked as a secretary and teacher before starting to write her first Harry Potter book in Portugal in 1993. The book became a global sensation after its publication in 1997. She went on to write six more Harry Potter books, which were also hugely popular and adapted into films. Rowling received many literary awards for her work on the Harry Potter series.
Irish dancesNastia MorevaIrish dances can be divided into social dances like ceili and sets, and performance dances like solo step dances. Social dances involve dancing in pairs or groups of 2-8 people, while solo step dances feature quick and precise foot movements. During British colonization of Ireland, laws were introduced banning the teaching of Irish culture including music and dances. Over 150 years, Irish dances were taught secretly. The modern dance school system was established in the early 1700s. Popular Irish dances include jigs, reels, and hornpipes, each with distinct music and footwork. Famous Irish dancers like Michael Flatley have performed internationally and set speed records in step dancing.
Famous russian artistsNastia MorevaArkhip Kuinji was a famous Russian landscape painter born in 1841. Some of his most famous paintings include "Night on the Dnieper River" and landscapes featuring moonlit scenes. While he was very popular during his lifetime, his contribution to Russian art is still not fully appreciated. The document discusses Kuinji's life and career, highlights some of his most famous works, and analyzes what made his art unique, with an emotional focus on conveying the feelings and ideas behind his paintings.
Religious holidaysNastia MorevaThe document discusses several pagan religious holidays celebrated in Russian culture:
- Kolyada, a winter solstice festival celebrated on December 21 that was later replaced by Christmas. People would sing songs and visit neighbors.
- Maslenitsa, a week-long spring festival before Lent where pancakes were eaten. Each day had a name and specific activities like games or visiting family. It ended with the burning of a jackstraw figure.
- Ivan Kupala Day on June 22 celebrates the summer solstice and pagan god Kupala. Traditions included bathing, jumping over fires, and divinations.
World Wide FundNastia MorevaWWF is one of the world's largest and most effective independent organizations dedicated to conservation, operating in over 100 countries with 5 million supporters. It was founded in 1961 and initially focused on protecting endangered species, but now also tackles pollution and promotes sustainable resource use. WWF-Philippines has worked as part of the WWF network since 1997, implementing conservation projects for biologically significant ecosystems. Its mission is to stop and reverse environmental degradation in the Philippines so people can live in harmony with nature.
J. K. RowlingNastia MorevaJoanna Rowling was born in 1965 in England. She had a loving mother who read to her frequently as a child. After graduating from university, she worked as a secretary and teacher before starting to write her first Harry Potter book in Portugal in 1993. The book became a global sensation after its publication in 1997. She went on to write six more Harry Potter books, which were also hugely popular and adapted into films. Rowling received many literary awards for her work on the Harry Potter series.
Irish dancesNastia MorevaIrish dances can be divided into social dances like ceili and sets, and performance dances like solo step dances. Social dances involve dancing in pairs or groups of 2-8 people, while solo step dances feature quick and precise foot movements. During British colonization of Ireland, laws were introduced banning the teaching of Irish culture including music and dances. Over 150 years, Irish dances were taught secretly. The modern dance school system was established in the early 1700s. Popular Irish dances include jigs, reels, and hornpipes, each with distinct music and footwork. Famous Irish dancers like Michael Flatley have performed internationally and set speed records in step dancing.
2. Определение
жидкая (или
газообразная) среда,
в которой
мелкие твердые (или
жидкие) частицы.
суспензии является
пыль в воздухе и
мелкие частицы
песка в воде. Эти
частицы являются
более крупными, чем
в коллоидах, и
оседают, если
суспензия остается в
3. Классификация суспензий
Суспензии классифицируются по
нескольким признакам:
1. По природе дисперсионной
среды: органосуспензии
(дисперсионная среда -
органическая жидкость) и
водные суспензии.
2. По размерам частиц
дисперсной фазы: грубые
суспензии (d > 10-2 см), тонкие
суспензии (-510-5< d < 10-2 см),
мути (110-5< d < 510-5 см).
3. По концентрации частиц
дисперсной фазы: разбавленные
суспензии (взвеси) и
концентрированные суспензии
Дегидратированный образец взвеси, (пасты).
приготовленной на дистиллированной воде
4. Приготовление суспензий
Суспензии готовят двумя
способами: дисперсионным, при
котором производят измельчение
относительно крупных частиц
нерастворимых веществ, и
конденсационным. Это укрупнение
исходных частиц (ионов, молекул)
растворенного вещества до
нерастворимых частиц.
Конденсационный метод нашел широкое
применение в аптечной практике. С его
помощью суспензии получаются в
результате химического взаимодействия
растворенных веществ или замены
растворителя, чаще всего при добавлении к
водным растворам настоек и жидких
5. При дисперсионном
суспензии гидрофильных
ненабухающих веществ
изготавливают методом
суспендирования, или
взмучивания. При
суспендировании в ступку
помещают твердое вещество,
которое предварительно
тщательно растирают в сухом
виде, а затем с небольшим
количеством смачивающей
жидкости. Полученную массу
смывают остальным
количеством жидкости во
флакон для отпуска.
6. Хранение и применение
Хранить суспензии
следует в прохладном и
защищенном от света
Типичные суспензии —
пульпы, буровые
жидкости, цементные ра
эмалевые краски.
используются в