De vorige Vlaamse regering heeft nog net voor de verkiezingen een voorontwerp van besluit voor de invoering van de omgevingsvergunning principieel goedgekeurd. Het voorontwerp wordt nu voorgelegd aan de strategische adviesraden, o.a. de Minaraad en de SERV. De verdere besluitvorming zal een taak zijn voor de volgende regering. Hierbij alvast een samenvatting van het voorontwerp.
WeBuzz is a website that provides 16 ready-to-use social media applications that can be installed on Facebook pages in 5 easy steps for flexible subscription pricing. It offers multi-language support and customer service to help brands and organizations customize applications and manage their Facebook presence.
A Semana da Leitura 2011 promoveu a import?ncia da leitura para o desenvolvimento pessoal e educacional das pessoas. O evento enfatizou como a leitura pode ajudar as pessoas a aprender coisas novas e explorar novos mundos atrav谷s de hist車rias e conhecimento. A Semana da Leitura 2011 incentivou todos a lerem mais.
Sul-Americano de Gin芍stica 2012 - Finais por aparelhos - Feminino - Completogymblogbrazil
1. The document summarizes the results of the finals in individual apparatus at the 11th South American Artistic Gymnastics Championships held in Rosario, Argentina from November 5-11, 2012.
2. It provides the scores and rankings of women gymnasts from several South American countries competing on the vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise.
3. The top performing gymnast was Brazilian gymnast Adrian Gomes, who placed first on the uneven bars and vault, and second on floor exercise.
Este documento de la UNESCO describe las caracter赤sticas fundamentales de las sociedades del conocimiento. Argumenta que una sociedad del conocimiento debe nutrirse de la diversidad de conocimientos existentes, garantizar el acceso igualitario al conocimiento como un bien p迆blico, y promover la participaci車n de todos los grupos incluyendo j車venes y personas mayores. Tambi谷n enfatiza la importancia de proteger la libertad de expresi車n, el derecho a la educaci車n, y el derecho a participar en la cultura y el progreso cient赤fico.
El documento compara las herramientas PowerPoint e Impress, que son programas de presentaciones. PowerPoint permite incluir fotograf赤as, texto, videos, animaciones y sonidos en las presentaciones, as赤 como interactuar con las diapositivas. Impress tambi谷n permite agregar estos elementos multimedia y la interacci車n, pero tiene menos caracter赤sticas que PowerPoint. Ambos programas permiten crear diapositivas y presentaciones para mostrar de forma gr芍fica.
This document repeatedly lists the address and phone number for Jay Ann Intimates, a business located at 2052 County Line Road in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 19006 and whose phone number is (215) 942-0120.
The document discusses various "A" words related to online education: assessment, analytics, applications, academic honesty, accountability, and aftermath. It provides potential meanings and definitions for each word, examples of how they apply to online learning, and considers questions about managing prior knowledge and thinking processes. The overall summary is that the "A" words refer to using assessment strategies with academic honesty to develop analytics to improve online delivery and accountability, with the goal of students learning as intended as the aftermath.
This document provides an overview and summary of Detour Gold Corporation as an intermediate Canadian gold producer at the Goldman Sachs Global Metals & Mining Conference in November 2014. Some key points:
- Detour Gold has a large reserve base of 15.5 million ounces of gold and an estimated 21+ year mine life at its Detour Lake mine in Ontario, Canada.
- The company's focus is on completing the ramp-up of operations at Detour Lake to reach full mill capacity, further increasing mine output, improving its balance sheet by reducing debt and building cash flows.
- After the first 9 months of 2014, gold production was on track to meet guidance of 450,000-480,000
Apresenta??o do Ambiente de Aprendizagem Super LogoVictor Martins
O documento descreve o ambiente de aprendizagem do SuperLogo, incluindo suas duas janelas principais e os menus e comandos dispon赤veis para criar figuras geom谷tricas e programas. Ele fornece detalhes sobre como usar os bot?es e menus para executar, salvar, carregar e editar programas, al谷m de configurar a apar那ncia da janela gr芍fica.
Este documento de la UNESCO describe las caracter赤sticas fundamentales de las sociedades del conocimiento. Argumenta que una sociedad del conocimiento debe nutrirse de la diversidad de conocimientos existentes, garantizar el acceso igualitario al conocimiento como un bien p迆blico, y promover la participaci車n de todos los grupos incluyendo j車venes y personas mayores. Tambi谷n enfatiza la importancia de proteger la libertad de expresi車n, el derecho a la educaci車n, y el derecho a participar en la cultura y el progreso cient赤fico.
El documento compara las herramientas PowerPoint e Impress, que son programas de presentaciones. PowerPoint permite incluir fotograf赤as, texto, videos, animaciones y sonidos en las presentaciones, as赤 como interactuar con las diapositivas. Impress tambi谷n permite agregar estos elementos multimedia y la interacci車n, pero tiene menos caracter赤sticas que PowerPoint. Ambos programas permiten crear diapositivas y presentaciones para mostrar de forma gr芍fica.
This document repeatedly lists the address and phone number for Jay Ann Intimates, a business located at 2052 County Line Road in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 19006 and whose phone number is (215) 942-0120.
The document discusses various "A" words related to online education: assessment, analytics, applications, academic honesty, accountability, and aftermath. It provides potential meanings and definitions for each word, examples of how they apply to online learning, and considers questions about managing prior knowledge and thinking processes. The overall summary is that the "A" words refer to using assessment strategies with academic honesty to develop analytics to improve online delivery and accountability, with the goal of students learning as intended as the aftermath.
This document provides an overview and summary of Detour Gold Corporation as an intermediate Canadian gold producer at the Goldman Sachs Global Metals & Mining Conference in November 2014. Some key points:
- Detour Gold has a large reserve base of 15.5 million ounces of gold and an estimated 21+ year mine life at its Detour Lake mine in Ontario, Canada.
- The company's focus is on completing the ramp-up of operations at Detour Lake to reach full mill capacity, further increasing mine output, improving its balance sheet by reducing debt and building cash flows.
- After the first 9 months of 2014, gold production was on track to meet guidance of 450,000-480,000
Apresenta??o do Ambiente de Aprendizagem Super LogoVictor Martins
O documento descreve o ambiente de aprendizagem do SuperLogo, incluindo suas duas janelas principais e os menus e comandos dispon赤veis para criar figuras geom谷tricas e programas. Ele fornece detalhes sobre como usar os bot?es e menus para executar, salvar, carregar e editar programas, al谷m de configurar a apar那ncia da janela gr芍fica.