Health Equity Evaluation Findings 2015Connecticut Health FoundationThis document provides an evaluation of the Connecticut Health Foundation's efforts to expand health equity. It analyzes data from 29 grantees and interviews with stakeholders. Key findings include:
- Grantees made progress coordinating care, holding systems accountable, and building advocacy capacity.
- CT Health influenced policies through participation on governing bodies and convening stakeholders.
- Challenges included a lack of disaggregated data and organizational changes.
The evaluation concludes CT Health has strengthened leadership for health equity and recommends continuing its multi-pronged strategic approach while improving data and communication with grantees.
Evaluation of the Enrollment Experience in Connecticut: Raising up the Voices...Connecticut Health FoundationThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers an unprecedented opportunity for Connecticut to increase the number of people covered by health insurance. An important measure of the ACA’s success in Connecticut is its ability to enroll underserved populations through Access Health CT (AHCT) — the state’s new health insurance marketplace — into private insurance plans or Medicaid. This evaluation focuses on the consumer experience of the AHCT enrollment effort between December 2013 and March 2014, with emphasis on the experiences of underserved urban populations, as well of the navigators and in-person assisters who helped them. The goal was to identify factors that facilitated or impeded enrollment and outreach during the first open enrollment period in order to provide recommendations to enhance future targeted outreach and enrollment efforts.
The evaluation was conducted and designed by CARE: Community Alliance for Research and Engagement at the Yale School of Public Health, using a multi-method approach. Alycia Santilli of CARE gave this presentation on 8/21/14 to a special meeting of the AHCT Board of Directors.
Strengthening Oral Health Advocacy Infrastructure to Sustain Improvements in...Connecticut Health FoundationThe Connecticut Health Foundation (CT Health) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to diversify and strengthen oral health advocacy in CT. CT Health anticipates making two awards of up to $40,000 for a two-year period will be made.
For over ten years, CT Health been committed to improving access and quality of oral health care in the state. There is evidence that these efforts have made a measurable difference in access and utilization of oral health care for low-income Connecticut residents, especially children.
The existing community of oral health advocates have been essential to these efforts. To build greater momentum, however, we must increase the number and type of effective advocates who have credibility and influence.
The second part of our theory is supporting the integration of oral health into overall health must be supported to elevate its status.
Diverse Advocacy RFP Webinar slides 6 23 2016Connecticut Health FoundationCT Health is pleased to announce the availability of a third round of grant funding to increase the diversity of consumers participating in health reform engagement and advocacy.
CT Health Foundation Oral Health Advocacy RFP 2016Connecticut Health FoundationThe document summarizes a webinar about strengthening oral health advocacy to improve access for low-income families. It provides an overview of the Connecticut Health Foundation, their focus on systems change, and a request for proposals for oral health advocacy grants. The grants aim to expand oral health advocacy, create an advocacy agenda, increase collaboration among partners, and respond to opportunities to bring attention to challenges. Eligible applicants must have a capacity for general health advocacy. Successful proposals will receive up to $40,000 over two years to grow advocacy within their organization in a sustainable way without new hires. The deadline for applications is April 4th.
Si pp introduction_2kamrandb2SIPp is a free and open source tool for load and performance testing of SIP-based networks and services. It can generate SIP traffic in various call scenarios defined in XML files and collect statistics on call success rates and response times. The document provides an overview of SIPp's features and capabilities, how to create SIPp scenarios using keywords to inject values, and examples of using SIPp to test registration and call setup.
2. Οι ανανεώσιμες μορφές ενέργειας γενικά
Οι ανανεώςιμεσ μορφϋσ ενϋργειασ ό όπιεσ μορφϋσ ενϋργειασ εύναι
μορφϋσ εκμεταλλεύςιμησ ενϋργειασ που προϋρχονται από διϊφορεσ
διαδικαςύεσ,όπωσ ο ϊνεμοσ,η γεωθερμύα,η κυκλοφορύα του νερού κι
ϊλλεσ. Βαςύζονται κατϊ ουςύα ςτην ηλιακό ακτινοβολύα με εξαύρεςη τη
γεωθερμύα. Χρηςιμοποιούνται εύτε ϊμεςα (κυρύωσ για θϋρμανςη) εύτε
μετατρεπόμενεσ ςε ϊλλεσ μορφϋσ ενϋργειασ.
Εύναι πολύ φιλικϋσ προσ το περιβϊλλον,ϋχοντασ ουςιαςτικϊ μηδενικϊ
κατϊλοιπα και απόβλητα.
Δεν πρόκειται να εξαντληθούν ποτϋ, ςε αντύθεςη με τα ορυκτϊ καύςιμα.
Μπορούν να βοηθόςουν την ενεργειακό αυτϊρκεια μικρών και
αναπτυςςόμενων χωρών, καθώσ και να αποτελϋςουν την εναλλακτικό
πρόταςη ςε ςχϋςη με την οικονομύα του πετρελαύου.
Ο εξοπλιςμόσ εύναι απλόσ ςτην καταςκευό και τη ςυντόρηςη και ϋχει
μεγϊλο χρόνο ζωόσ.
Εύναι ευϋλικτεσ εφαρμογϋσ που μπορούν να παρϊγουν ενϋργεια ανϊλογη
με τισ ανϊγκεσ του επύ τόπου πληθυςμού.
Έχουν αρκετϊ μικρό ςυντελεςτό απόδοςησ,τησ τϊξησ 30% ό και
χαμηλότερο. Συνεπώσ απαιτεύται μεγϊλο αρχικό κόςτοσ εφαρμογόσ ςε
μεγϊλη επιφϊνεια γησ. Για αυτό το λόγο μϋχρο τωρα χρηςιμοποιούνται
ςαν ςυμπληρωματικϋσ πηγϋσ ενϋργειασ.
Η παροχό και απόδοςη τησ αιολικόσ,υδροηλεκτρικόσ και ηλιακόσ
ενϋργειασ εξαρτϊται από την εποχό του ϋτουσ αλλϊ και από το
γεωγραφικό πλϊτοσ και το κλύμα τησ περιοχόσ ςτην οπούα
Για τισ αιολικϋσ μηχανϋσ υπϊρχει η ϊποψη ότι δεν εύναι κομψϋσ από
αιςθητικό ϊποψη και ότι προκαλούν θόρυβο και θανϊτουσ πουλιών.
Βϋβαια με την εξϋλιξη τησ τεχνολογύασ αυτϊ τα προβλόματα ϋχουν
ςχεδόν λυθεύ.
Για τα υδροηλεκτρικϊ ϋργα λϋγεται ότι προκαλούν ϋκλυςη μεθανύου από
την αποςύνθεςη των φυτών που βρύςκονται κϊτω από το νερό
Αιολικό ενϋργεια
Ηλιακό ενϋργεια
Υδραυλικό ενϋργεια
Γεωθερμικό ενϋργεια
Ενϋργεια από τη θϊλαςςα
Ενϋργεια από παλύρροιεσ
Ενϋργεια από κύματα
Ενϋργεια από ωκεανούσ