Отдел Кадров - презентация.otdelkadrovИНформация об услугах, деятельности и территории распространения Рекрутингового агентства "Отдел Кадров" по итогам 2013 года.
санкт петербургский государственный университетgigastandПрезентация о СПбГУ
Ranking de operaciones en MAE - Abril 2012Mercado Abierto ElectrónicoEste informe mensual del Mercado Abierto Electrónico presenta datos sobre las posiciones de los principales agentes en diferentes segmentos del mercado financiero argentino durante el mes de abril de 2012, incluyendo renta fija, repos, forex y operaciones con dólares. Proporciona detalles sobre los montos operados por cada agente, así como los rankings y comparaciones con el mismo período del año anterior.
Rual primary school project proposalAmmutha ammuThis proposal requests $43,448 to construct a primary school in Rual Village, South Sudan. The school will be built by Christians United for Evangelism, Education and Development (CUEED) to address the lack of educational infrastructure and opportunities in the region due to decades of civil war. The project will construct 8 classrooms, kitchen, administration building, and latrines to initially serve 360 students. It will be implemented in two phases - with construction in phase one and provision of textbooks and supplies in phase two. The school aims to improve education access and quality for the village's 1,000 school-aged children, enhance women's roles, and support reconciliation following the war.
Rubric task 1Ammutha ammuThis rubric evaluates proposals on several criteria in order to assess their quality. Key areas of evaluation include identifying the need for the proposed research and providing supporting statistics, clearly outlining the purpose, methods, results and conclusions, making a compelling argument for why the research should be conducted, describing the project and providing milestones/timelines, developing a reasonable budget and identifying risks, explaining the organizational structure, and summarizing with a call to action. Proposals are scored on a scale from 1 to 3 in each category, with 3 being excellent/fully addressed and 1 being poor/inadequately addressed.
Cover girlAmmutha ammuThe document summarizes a Covergirl cosmetics advertisement featuring Queen Latifah. The ad uses logos, ethos, and pathos to convince viewers to buy Covergirl products. It employs logos by touting the products as fadeproof, waterproof, and ignore-proof. Ethos is leveraged by featuring the famous and influential Queen Latifah. Pathos shows Queen Latifah looking naturally beautiful and satisfied with the products. The goal is to encourage viewers to believe Covergirl products can make them look as good as Queen Latifah.
Business Taxes | Venable | Doing Business 2.0Washington, DC Economic PartnershipVenable, LLP presented at the Washington, DC Economic Partnership's Doing Business 2.0 seminar on Business Taxes (2/13/13).
Social Media Success #digivol Sep12Communities 2.0Top 10 Tips to Social Media Success delivered at the WCVA & Communities 2.0 Volunteering in a Digital Age Conference in Sep 2012
The Online Office #digivol SEP12Communities 2.0The Online Office presentation delivered at the WCVA & Communities 2.0 Volunteering in a Digital Age Conference in Sep 2012
Business Registration and Licensing | Doing Business in DC | DCRAWashington, DC Economic PartnershipWashington, DC Economic Partnership’s Doing Business in DC program on Business Registration and Licensing featuring officials from the Department of Consumer
and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA)
6428 Georgia Avenue RFOWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThe Department of General Services has issued and RFO for 6428 Georgia Avenue, NW. The building has about 7,000 RSF, which was formerly used as a Blockbuster.
Starting a Nonprofit | DC Office of Partnerships and Grants Services | Doing ...Washington, DC Economic PartnershipLearn more at www.wdcep.com/business-in-dc/starting-a-nonprofit/
June 13th, 2012: WDCEP hosted its monthly DoingBusiness2.0 speaker series. This edition focused on starting a nonprofit in DC. Lafayette Barnes, Director at the DC Office of Partnerships and Grants (OPGS), gave the crowd an overview of the variety of services DC OPGS provides to both new and existing nonprofits. Some of the services include:
• Grant and resource development support, including weekly Funding Alerts of competitive grant opportunities and online Grant Search Site;
• Executive leadership and organizational development training and technical assistance;
• Proposal-writing tips; and
• Assistance in creating collaboration and mutually-beneficial partnerships between various organizations.
Muertes absurdasRobin HoodEste documento presenta una lista de personas históricas y las circunstancias inusuales o poco comunes de sus muertes, como morir de risa, ser golpeado por una tortuga lanzada por un águila, ahogarse en vino, dispararse a sí mismo accidentalmente mientras recreaba un caso, o morir por una infección después de patear una caja fuerte. Cubre muertes desde el siglo XIII a.C. hasta 1951 d.C. y muestra lo impredecible y a veces absurdo que puede ser el destino final de algunas personas.
La terra i el sistema solarepascualsaLa Tierra y el sistema solar se componen de 8 planetas que orbitan alrededor del Sol, incluyendo Mercurio, Venus, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno, además de la Tierra.
Como se mi de la vidaRobin HoodEl documento describe cómo se mide realmente la vida de una persona. La vida no se mide por factores externos como la fama, el dinero o la apariencia, sino por cómo una persona ama y daña a los demás, la felicidad o tristeza que les provoca, y los compromisos que cumple. La vida de una persona se define por cómo afecta a los demás a través de sus acciones y palabras.
El funcionament de l’aparell locomotorPaul Brandon
Provaportuguesmatrizreferencia2Atividades Diversas CláudiaEste documento contém 9 questões sobre 5 textos diferentes. As questões avaliam a capacidade de compreensão de aspectos como pontuação, referências, opiniões versus fatos, elementos da narrativa, e efeitos de sentido como ironia.
BARCELONA 69 - DRETA L`EIXAMPLE - 2 DISTRITO MUNICIPALManel CantosEl documento describe la historia y características arquitectónicas del Ensanche de Barcelona. El Ensanche se convirtió en el barrio preferido de la burguesía en el siglo XIX debido al estilo modernista de edificios como La Pedrera y La Casa Batlló. La Plaza de Cataluña se convirtió en el centro neurálgico aunque no estaba planeada originalmente. El Paseo de Gracia contiene numerosos ejemplos del modernismo como La Casa Milà, Casa Amatller y Casa Batlló.
Green MarketjbasualdoEl documento describe el déficit de áreas verdes en la comuna de Ñuñoa debido al aumento de la construcción inmobiliaria. Propone un sistema de hidroponía vertical en contenedores apilados que permitiría cultivar 480 árboles y cubrir el requerimiento de 10.437 nuevas unidades vegetales, mejorando la imagen verde de la comuna y entregando recursos a los vecinos a través de un mercado local sustentable. El sistema funciona bombeando agua de forma circular para riego y cosecha a través de una estructura metá
Rual primary school project proposalAmmutha ammuThis proposal requests $43,448 to construct a primary school in Rual Village, South Sudan. The school will be built by Christians United for Evangelism, Education and Development (CUEED) to address the lack of educational infrastructure and opportunities in the region due to decades of civil war. The project will construct 8 classrooms, kitchen, administration building, and latrines to initially serve 360 students. It will be implemented in two phases - with construction in phase one and provision of textbooks and supplies in phase two. The school aims to improve education access and quality for the village's 1,000 school-aged children, enhance women's roles, and support reconciliation following the war.
Rubric task 1Ammutha ammuThis rubric evaluates proposals on several criteria in order to assess their quality. Key areas of evaluation include identifying the need for the proposed research and providing supporting statistics, clearly outlining the purpose, methods, results and conclusions, making a compelling argument for why the research should be conducted, describing the project and providing milestones/timelines, developing a reasonable budget and identifying risks, explaining the organizational structure, and summarizing with a call to action. Proposals are scored on a scale from 1 to 3 in each category, with 3 being excellent/fully addressed and 1 being poor/inadequately addressed.
Cover girlAmmutha ammuThe document summarizes a Covergirl cosmetics advertisement featuring Queen Latifah. The ad uses logos, ethos, and pathos to convince viewers to buy Covergirl products. It employs logos by touting the products as fadeproof, waterproof, and ignore-proof. Ethos is leveraged by featuring the famous and influential Queen Latifah. Pathos shows Queen Latifah looking naturally beautiful and satisfied with the products. The goal is to encourage viewers to believe Covergirl products can make them look as good as Queen Latifah.
Business Taxes | Venable | Doing Business 2.0Washington, DC Economic PartnershipVenable, LLP presented at the Washington, DC Economic Partnership's Doing Business 2.0 seminar on Business Taxes (2/13/13).
Social Media Success #digivol Sep12Communities 2.0Top 10 Tips to Social Media Success delivered at the WCVA & Communities 2.0 Volunteering in a Digital Age Conference in Sep 2012
The Online Office #digivol SEP12Communities 2.0The Online Office presentation delivered at the WCVA & Communities 2.0 Volunteering in a Digital Age Conference in Sep 2012
Business Registration and Licensing | Doing Business in DC | DCRAWashington, DC Economic PartnershipWashington, DC Economic Partnership’s Doing Business in DC program on Business Registration and Licensing featuring officials from the Department of Consumer
and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA)
6428 Georgia Avenue RFOWashington, DC Economic PartnershipThe Department of General Services has issued and RFO for 6428 Georgia Avenue, NW. The building has about 7,000 RSF, which was formerly used as a Blockbuster.
Starting a Nonprofit | DC Office of Partnerships and Grants Services | Doing ...Washington, DC Economic PartnershipLearn more at www.wdcep.com/business-in-dc/starting-a-nonprofit/
June 13th, 2012: WDCEP hosted its monthly DoingBusiness2.0 speaker series. This edition focused on starting a nonprofit in DC. Lafayette Barnes, Director at the DC Office of Partnerships and Grants (OPGS), gave the crowd an overview of the variety of services DC OPGS provides to both new and existing nonprofits. Some of the services include:
• Grant and resource development support, including weekly Funding Alerts of competitive grant opportunities and online Grant Search Site;
• Executive leadership and organizational development training and technical assistance;
• Proposal-writing tips; and
• Assistance in creating collaboration and mutually-beneficial partnerships between various organizations.
Muertes absurdasRobin HoodEste documento presenta una lista de personas históricas y las circunstancias inusuales o poco comunes de sus muertes, como morir de risa, ser golpeado por una tortuga lanzada por un águila, ahogarse en vino, dispararse a sí mismo accidentalmente mientras recreaba un caso, o morir por una infección después de patear una caja fuerte. Cubre muertes desde el siglo XIII a.C. hasta 1951 d.C. y muestra lo impredecible y a veces absurdo que puede ser el destino final de algunas personas.
La terra i el sistema solarepascualsaLa Tierra y el sistema solar se componen de 8 planetas que orbitan alrededor del Sol, incluyendo Mercurio, Venus, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno, además de la Tierra.
Como se mi de la vidaRobin HoodEl documento describe cómo se mide realmente la vida de una persona. La vida no se mide por factores externos como la fama, el dinero o la apariencia, sino por cómo una persona ama y daña a los demás, la felicidad o tristeza que les provoca, y los compromisos que cumple. La vida de una persona se define por cómo afecta a los demás a través de sus acciones y palabras.
El funcionament de l’aparell locomotorPaul Brandon
Provaportuguesmatrizreferencia2Atividades Diversas CláudiaEste documento contém 9 questões sobre 5 textos diferentes. As questões avaliam a capacidade de compreensão de aspectos como pontuação, referências, opiniões versus fatos, elementos da narrativa, e efeitos de sentido como ironia.
BARCELONA 69 - DRETA L`EIXAMPLE - 2 DISTRITO MUNICIPALManel CantosEl documento describe la historia y características arquitectónicas del Ensanche de Barcelona. El Ensanche se convirtió en el barrio preferido de la burguesía en el siglo XIX debido al estilo modernista de edificios como La Pedrera y La Casa Batlló. La Plaza de Cataluña se convirtió en el centro neurálgico aunque no estaba planeada originalmente. El Paseo de Gracia contiene numerosos ejemplos del modernismo como La Casa Milà, Casa Amatller y Casa Batlló.
Green MarketjbasualdoEl documento describe el déficit de áreas verdes en la comuna de Ñuñoa debido al aumento de la construcción inmobiliaria. Propone un sistema de hidroponía vertical en contenedores apilados que permitiría cultivar 480 árboles y cubrir el requerimiento de 10.437 nuevas unidades vegetales, mejorando la imagen verde de la comuna y entregando recursos a los vecinos a través de un mercado local sustentable. El sistema funciona bombeando agua de forma circular para riego y cosecha a través de una estructura metá
2. Содержание
1. О фирме «галактика»
2. История компании
3. Наши товары
• Каталог
• Новинки
• Акции
• Лучшие цены
4. Контакты и график работы
5. Как добраться
6. Информация для клиентов
7. Отзывы
3. О фирме «галактика»
Наша фирма специализируется на
производстве и реализации
компьютеров, решении вопросов
сетевой интеграции,
а также на поставках офисной и
техники, комплектующих и
расходных материалов как
организациям так и частным
4. История компании
История фирмы "Галактика" начинается
в сентябре 2011 года, с открытия первого
магазина на Кондратьевском проспекте в
Санкт-Петербурге. Несмотря на
небольшие размеры торгового зала —
всего 100 квадратных метров, магазин
получил симпатии петербуржцев
благодаря современному ассортименту
компьютерной техники, доступности цен
и высокому качеству обслуживания.
5. Наши товары
Вы всегда можете найти
интересующие вас предложения по
привлекательным ценам в каталоге.
7. Акции
Успейте воспользоваться
нашей скидкой 5% на весь
ассортимент до 9 мая!
8. Лучшие цены
Лучшее соотношение цена–качество:
Принтер HPLaserJet1220 всего за 5432
9. Контакты
Наш адрес: 195197, Санкт-Петербург,
Кондратьевский проспект, д. 15
Телефон: (812) 227-37-77
График работы
Пн-пт с 10 до 20, сб,вс - выходной.
10. Как добраться
Ст.м. Площадь Ленина (выход на
Финляндский вокзал).
Маршрутные такси:
№320, 367, 30, 258, 107, 254, 191, 178.
Троллейбусы: №3.
Автобусы: №28, 106, 107, 137.
Трамваи: №23, 30.
11. Информация для клиентов
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12. Отзывы
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