Ata cmma 01 09Marcus DavidA primeira reunião do Conselho Municipal de Meio Ambiente discutiu a importância do regimento interno, a necessidade de cursos de capacitação e formou uma comissão para analisar propostas de regimento a serem votadas na próxima reunião.
St martin's island basic info statementpeterwmaninsSt Martin's Island is a small conservation reserve located in Otago Harbour near Dunedin, New Zealand. The island has been leased by the St Martin's Island Community for over 50 years, who are committed to maintaining the historical, ecological, and human aspects of island life. Facilities on the island are basic, including an old lodge that sleeps 30 people, a kitchen, and outdoor toilets. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the natural environment and simple lifestyle free from distractions. Values of love, respect and care for both people and the environment are central to the community of St Martin's Island.
Ata cmma 01 09Marcus DavidA primeira reunião do Conselho Municipal de Meio Ambiente discutiu a importância do regimento interno, a necessidade de cursos de capacitação e formou uma comissão para analisar propostas de regimento a serem votadas na próxima reunião.
St martin's island basic info statementpeterwmaninsSt Martin's Island is a small conservation reserve located in Otago Harbour near Dunedin, New Zealand. The island has been leased by the St Martin's Island Community for over 50 years, who are committed to maintaining the historical, ecological, and human aspects of island life. Facilities on the island are basic, including an old lodge that sleeps 30 people, a kitchen, and outdoor toilets. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the natural environment and simple lifestyle free from distractions. Values of love, respect and care for both people and the environment are central to the community of St Martin's Island.
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