إلينور أوستروم 1933 2012مالدكتور محمد مدحت مصطفىمنحت جائزة نوبل فى الاقتصاد للأمريكيين الجنسية إلينور أوستورم & أوليفر وليامسون عام 2009م. عن عملهما " تحليل الإدارة الاقتصادية، فيما يُعرَف الآن بالحوكمة" التحليل الاقتصادي للملكية المشاعية وكيفية إدارة المصادر الطبيعية مثل الغابات وحقول البترول والأراضي بدون التدخل الحكومي وحتى بدون الخصخصة.
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Egyptalum integrated diabetes center profile Emad HamedThe document describes the EgyptAlum Integrated Diabetes Center (EIDC), including its vision, mission, services, team members, and quality policies. The EIDC aims to combat diabetes in Upper Egypt through awareness, early detection, standard care, and affordable services. It provides various diabetes clinics and education. The center implements quality assurance and 5S protocols based on International Diabetes Federation guidelines.
تبسيط علم اصول الفقه للشباب . .pdfEmad Hamedمحاولة من مجتهد غير متخصص لتبسيط علم اصول الدين ليناسب الشباب .
وكذلك مناقشة الاحكام الشرعية ومراتبها وكيفية فهمها وأولويات التشريع .
أئمة التنويرEmad HamedThis document contains a series of page breaks without any other text or information. It does not provide any meaningful content that can be summarized.
Hypertension & diabetesEmad HamedThis document discusses the management of hypertension in patients with diabetes. It begins by outlining the magnitude of the problem globally, noting that diabetes currently affects 246 million people worldwide and is expected to affect 380 million by 2025. It then discusses the strong relationship between diabetes and hypertension, and the cardiovascular burden associated with the coexistence of the two conditions. The renin angiotensin system and its role in hypertension is explained. The document recommends the use of ACE inhibitors in the management of diabetic hypertension due to evidence from clinical trials demonstrating their efficacy in reducing cardiovascular events and mortality compared to other agents. It also discusses the benefits of ACE inhibitors versus angiotensin receptor blockers.
Ttt of diabetes (bnf may 2012)Emad HamedThis document provides information on drugs used to treat diabetes mellitus. It discusses different types of insulin, including short-acting, intermediate-acting and long-acting insulins. It describes the roles of insulin in regulating carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. It also discusses the management of diabetes with insulin, including recommended insulin regimens and factors that can affect insulin requirements such as hepatic or renal impairment, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
Iv insulin infusion therapyEmad HamedThis document provides guidelines for intravenous insulin infusion therapy, including thresholds for when to initiate therapy based on glucose levels and target glucose ranges. It recommends starting with an insulin multiplier of 0.02 in a formula that calculates insulin units per hour based on blood glucose levels, and adjusting the multiplier up or down by 0.01 each hour to reach targets. It also provides a formula for correcting hypoglycemia with intravenous dextrose administration based on current blood glucose levels and patient weight.
Standardization in diabetesEmad HamedThis document discusses standardization in diabetes diagnosis and management. It covers standardizing blood glucose level measurements, blood pressure measurements, waist circumference measurements, oral hypoglycemic drugs and their modes of action and dosages, and insulin administration including transporting, cooling, injection sites and techniques. Standardization aims to improve prevention, screening, diagnosis and management of diabetes through consistent protocols.
Copy of diabetes mellitusEmad HamedThis document discusses diabetes mellitus. It begins by stating that the global incidence of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is rising, with an estimated 171 million cases in 2000 projected to double to over 300 million by 2030. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form, influenced by factors like aging, obesity, diet, physical activity, and urbanization. The document then provides details on the classification, causes, pathology, and metabolic disturbances of types 1 and 2 diabetes.
Peter schwarz.prevention of type 2 diabetesEmad HamedThis document summarizes a conference on diabetes prevention held in Aswan, Egypt. It discusses evidence that lifestyle interventions can prevent type 2 diabetes, and challenges in implementing prevention programs. It proposes developing standardized prevention strategies, including an action plan, conceptual framework, and toolkit. The toolkit would provide guidance on identifying at-risk individuals, promoting behavior change through physical activity and nutrition, and evaluating prevention programs.
Khalifa abdallah.glycemic controlEmad Hamed1) Intensive glucose control significantly reduced microvascular disease compared to conventional treatment in the UKPDS trial, with a 25% risk reduction. However, it did not significantly reduce macrovascular events like heart attack and stroke.
2) The DCCT/EDIC trial found that intensive glucose control in type 1 diabetes reduced the risk of non-fatal heart attack, stroke, or death from cardiovascular disease by 57% compared to conventional treatment.
3) Later follow-up of UKPDS patients found that the reductions in risk for microvascular disease and heart attack persisted years after the trial ended, providing evidence of a "legacy effect" of earlier glucose control.
Khalifa abdallah.diabetic neuropathy cymbalta fEmad HamedThis document discusses the management of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. It covers the size and costs of the problem, noting that diabetic neuropathy affects about 30% of diabetes patients. It describes the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy including metabolic factors, ischemia, and impaired nerve repair. Risk factors discussed include glucose control, diabetes duration, age, smoking, and alcohol use. Presentations are classified as diffuse or focal neuropathy. Diagnosis and prevention/treatment strategies are also overviewed.
Nutrition /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental academy Indian dental academy
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Indian dental academy provides dental crown & Bridge,rotary endodontics,fixed orthodontics,
Dental implants courses.for details pls visit www.indiandentalacademy.com ,or call
Egyptalum integrated diabetes center profile Emad HamedThe document describes the EgyptAlum Integrated Diabetes Center (EIDC), including its vision, mission, services, team members, and quality policies. The EIDC aims to combat diabetes in Upper Egypt through awareness, early detection, standard care, and affordable services. It provides various diabetes clinics and education. The center implements quality assurance and 5S protocols based on International Diabetes Federation guidelines.
تبسيط علم اصول الفقه للشباب . .pdfEmad Hamedمحاولة من مجتهد غير متخصص لتبسيط علم اصول الدين ليناسب الشباب .
وكذلك مناقشة الاحكام الشرعية ومراتبها وكيفية فهمها وأولويات التشريع .
أئمة التنويرEmad HamedThis document contains a series of page breaks without any other text or information. It does not provide any meaningful content that can be summarized.
Hypertension & diabetesEmad HamedThis document discusses the management of hypertension in patients with diabetes. It begins by outlining the magnitude of the problem globally, noting that diabetes currently affects 246 million people worldwide and is expected to affect 380 million by 2025. It then discusses the strong relationship between diabetes and hypertension, and the cardiovascular burden associated with the coexistence of the two conditions. The renin angiotensin system and its role in hypertension is explained. The document recommends the use of ACE inhibitors in the management of diabetic hypertension due to evidence from clinical trials demonstrating their efficacy in reducing cardiovascular events and mortality compared to other agents. It also discusses the benefits of ACE inhibitors versus angiotensin receptor blockers.
Ttt of diabetes (bnf may 2012)Emad HamedThis document provides information on drugs used to treat diabetes mellitus. It discusses different types of insulin, including short-acting, intermediate-acting and long-acting insulins. It describes the roles of insulin in regulating carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. It also discusses the management of diabetes with insulin, including recommended insulin regimens and factors that can affect insulin requirements such as hepatic or renal impairment, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
Iv insulin infusion therapyEmad HamedThis document provides guidelines for intravenous insulin infusion therapy, including thresholds for when to initiate therapy based on glucose levels and target glucose ranges. It recommends starting with an insulin multiplier of 0.02 in a formula that calculates insulin units per hour based on blood glucose levels, and adjusting the multiplier up or down by 0.01 each hour to reach targets. It also provides a formula for correcting hypoglycemia with intravenous dextrose administration based on current blood glucose levels and patient weight.
Standardization in diabetesEmad HamedThis document discusses standardization in diabetes diagnosis and management. It covers standardizing blood glucose level measurements, blood pressure measurements, waist circumference measurements, oral hypoglycemic drugs and their modes of action and dosages, and insulin administration including transporting, cooling, injection sites and techniques. Standardization aims to improve prevention, screening, diagnosis and management of diabetes through consistent protocols.
Copy of diabetes mellitusEmad HamedThis document discusses diabetes mellitus. It begins by stating that the global incidence of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is rising, with an estimated 171 million cases in 2000 projected to double to over 300 million by 2030. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form, influenced by factors like aging, obesity, diet, physical activity, and urbanization. The document then provides details on the classification, causes, pathology, and metabolic disturbances of types 1 and 2 diabetes.
Peter schwarz.prevention of type 2 diabetesEmad HamedThis document summarizes a conference on diabetes prevention held in Aswan, Egypt. It discusses evidence that lifestyle interventions can prevent type 2 diabetes, and challenges in implementing prevention programs. It proposes developing standardized prevention strategies, including an action plan, conceptual framework, and toolkit. The toolkit would provide guidance on identifying at-risk individuals, promoting behavior change through physical activity and nutrition, and evaluating prevention programs.
Khalifa abdallah.glycemic controlEmad Hamed1) Intensive glucose control significantly reduced microvascular disease compared to conventional treatment in the UKPDS trial, with a 25% risk reduction. However, it did not significantly reduce macrovascular events like heart attack and stroke.
2) The DCCT/EDIC trial found that intensive glucose control in type 1 diabetes reduced the risk of non-fatal heart attack, stroke, or death from cardiovascular disease by 57% compared to conventional treatment.
3) Later follow-up of UKPDS patients found that the reductions in risk for microvascular disease and heart attack persisted years after the trial ended, providing evidence of a "legacy effect" of earlier glucose control.
Khalifa abdallah.diabetic neuropathy cymbalta fEmad HamedThis document discusses the management of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. It covers the size and costs of the problem, noting that diabetic neuropathy affects about 30% of diabetes patients. It describes the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy including metabolic factors, ischemia, and impaired nerve repair. Risk factors discussed include glucose control, diabetes duration, age, smoking, and alcohol use. Presentations are classified as diffuse or focal neuropathy. Diagnosis and prevention/treatment strategies are also overviewed.
Abbas orabi.translating evidenceEmad HamedGlimepiride is an oral anti-hyperglycemic medication from the sulfonylurea class. It works by stimulating the pancreas to secrete more insulin and by increasing insulin sensitivity in muscle and fat cells. Glimepiride has been shown to effectively lower blood glucose levels with a lower risk of hypoglycemia compared to other sulfonylureas like glibenclamide. Studies also indicate Glimepiride may provide cardiovascular benefits such as reducing inflammatory markers and not blocking the protective effects of ischemic preconditioning like glibenclamide. When used in combination with metformin, Glimepiride is associated with lower mortality than other sulfonylureas.
Khalifa abdallah.diabetic neuropathy cymbalta fEmad HamedThis document discusses the management of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. It covers the size and costs of the problem, noting that diabetic neuropathy affects about 30% of diabetes patients. It describes the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy including metabolic factors, ischemia, and impaired nerve repair. Risk factors discussed include glucose control, diabetes duration, age, smoking, and alcohol use. Presentations are classified as diffuse or focal neuropathy. Diagnosis and prevention/treatment strategies are also overviewed.
Ivon daskalova.diabetes and cancerEmad HamedThis document discusses the link between diabetes and increased cancer risk. Several factors contribute to this relationship, including aging, obesity, diet, physical activity, and treatments that can increase insulin and insulin-like growth factor levels. The document reviews evidence that diabetes treatments like metformin may be protective against cancer, while insulin and sulfonylureas may promote tumor growth. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using diabetes treatments cautiously can help reduce cancer risk.
Ibrahim elebrashy.insulin therapyEmad HamedThis document discusses challenges with insulin therapy for primary care and provides solutions. It notes that insulin reduces A1C more than oral agents, with insulin reducing A1C by at least 2.5%. The ADA-EASD consensus recommends starting insulin first for patients with an A1C over 10%, fasting blood sugar over 250 mg/dl, or random blood sugars consistently over 300 mg/dl. Treating fasting hyperglycemia with basal insulin can lower overall 24-hour plasma glucose levels. Insulin glargine reduces risks of nocturnal hypoglycemia compared to NPH insulin. Studies also found patients were able to remain on insulin glargine plus oral drugs for an extended period without needing intensified treatment.
Emad hamed.insulin resistance idfEmad HamedThis document discusses insulin resistance (IR) and its relationship to various medical conditions. It begins by defining IR and explaining common methods to assess IR, such as HOMA-IR and QUICKI. It then discusses the epidemiology of IR and its role in conditions like type 1 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity, hypertension, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and others. Management strategies for IR are also reviewed. The document provides an overview of the importance of recognizing and addressing IR in clinical practice.