Наказ "Про зарахування учнів до 1 класу КЗ «НВК «Якимівська гімназія»"NVK Yakym GymnasiaНаказ "Про зарахування учнів до 1 класу
КЗ «НВК «Якимівська гімназія»"
Social media for businesSimon KnightThis document provides tips for using social media effectively for business purposes. It recommends that businesses choose one or two major platforms to focus on, where their target customers spend time. They should create engaging content tailored to each platform and analyze performance over time to refine their strategy. It also stresses the importance of networking with others in their industry and recycling older content to continuously attract new audiences.
Perth codedojo 2-checkoutWill WebsterThe document outlines the format and activities for a coding dojo event. A coding dojo is a coding session focused on a programming challenge where programmers of varying skill levels can learn and share in a low-pressure environment. The event will involve paired programming, test-driven development, and refactoring using the Pomodoro technique of 25 minute coding periods followed by 5 minute breaks. Participants will work through multiple programming scenarios and share solutions before closing with a retrospective and pizza.
Social media for businesSimon KnightThis document provides tips for using social media effectively for business purposes. It recommends that businesses choose one or two major platforms to focus on, where their target customers spend time. They should create engaging content tailored to each platform and analyze performance over time to refine their strategy. It also stresses the importance of networking with others in their industry and recycling older content to continuously attract new audiences.
Perth codedojo 2-checkoutWill WebsterThe document outlines the format and activities for a coding dojo event. A coding dojo is a coding session focused on a programming challenge where programmers of varying skill levels can learn and share in a low-pressure environment. The event will involve paired programming, test-driven development, and refactoring using the Pomodoro technique of 25 minute coding periods followed by 5 minute breaks. Participants will work through multiple programming scenarios and share solutions before closing with a retrospective and pizza.
Perth codedojo 5-anagram-algorithmWill WebsterThe document describes a coding dojo event held in Perth focused on practicing test-driven development and finding anagrams in a word list. Attendees were instructed to work in pairs using techniques like paired programming, simple design, test-driven development, and refactoring. The objective was to find all combinations of words in a wordlist that are anagrams of each other. The dojo followed an agile format with timed iterations and a retrospective at the end.
Advice in buying your first ukuleleHoneyDippedThe document provides tips for buying a first ukulele. It recommends becoming familiar with the different types of ukuleles - soprano, concert, tenor and baritone - and their suitability for beginners of different ages and sizes. It also advises testing the comfort, quality and sound of potential instruments in a reputable store before purchasing. The setup of strings is important for producing the right tones. Following these tips will help the buyer choose a ukulele that is appropriate for them as a beginner.
The WHYs and HOWs of including the users in the processRaya DimitrovaNowadays, UX is a buzzword and user experience is something every IT specialist has, at least, heard about. UX is being increasingly added to job titles and company values with and without reason. But what is user experience without the users? Can you deliver a great solution for someone without ever considering that someone's perspective? Unfortunately, it is more often omitted during project life cycles than not.
This talk was delivered during the XLR8 conference 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria. I discussed WHY including the users in the production process is so important and HOW they can be included even in projects that have limited budgets or short timelines. I combined the abstract glory of user research with practical methods for including actual users in your projects that you can personally apply in order to achieve innovative and successful solutions.
Visio y accessmarulymbEste documento describe una tarea sobre bases de datos en los programas Microsoft Visio y Access. La tarea involucra el diseño de una base de datos en Visio y la creación de una base de datos en Access para una asignatura de la Universidad Austral de Chile sobre administración.
OptiPost paperless future vwbo190913OptiPost NVA short presentation with basic facts and figures on our concept and business model. PPT will be given tonight by myself on the VWBO event @acdhandling Groot-Bijgaarden.
Data teams and cf as (1)cbrichards81The document discusses data teams and common formative assessments (CFAs). It explains that data teams use common standards and CFAs to monitor student performance and drive instruction. Data teams meet regularly to examine student work from CFAs in order to improve teaching and learning. CFAs are formative assessments used to provide feedback and opportunities for students to improve. The document outlines the data team process of collecting and analyzing student data, setting goals, selecting instructional strategies, monitoring results, and continually revising the process based on results.
Jeantte y pedro a la cut 2012trabajadoresdcThe document proposes several programmatic reforms including:
1. A new labor code based on ILO conventions and international labor treaties with automatic unionization.
2. Preventing precarious work and promoting public health and education.
3. Reforming the electoral system to allow workplace voting and increasing citizen participation in decisions like minimum wage.
4. Establishing a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution.
Natural ResourcesGabrielleGuytonRenewable resources include wind, solar, water, and plants and animals, which can regenerate. Wind energy comes from wind towers, solar from solar panels that trap the sun's energy, and water from hydropower harnesses the flow of water. In contrast, nonrenewable resources like coal, oil, and natural gas are limited and found underground; coal is mined from deep pits while oil and gas are drilled from land and sea floors.
Nokia- Connecting People Jay BhattNokia was founded in 1865 and became a global leader in mobile phones. It established a reputation for reliable phones but has struggled recently. Nokia partnered with Microsoft to use the Windows Phone OS and launched Lumia phones like the 800. However, Samsung has overtaken Nokia as the top phone brand in India in recent years. Nokia is working to turn things around with new phones and strategies.
Xtint Technologies Private LimitedDhaval PatelXtint Technologies is a private limited company in Ahmadabad, India that provides product engineering and firmware development services. It has expertise in microcontroller programming for platforms like Arduino, PIC, MSP430, Atmel, and ARM architectures. Xtint offers services including product development, embedded software testing, firmware programming, and customization. It has experience with development tools, operating systems, and protocols including Android, Linux, Bluetooth, and TCP/IP.
Powerpoint re rigor relevance and quadrantscbrichards81The Rigor/Relevance framework is a model used by many Iowa schools to improve instruction. It focuses on engaging teachers in school-wide efforts and providing a common vocabulary to discuss teaching and learning. Rigor refers to deep, complex thinking using higher order cognitive processes like analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Relevance refers to knowledge and skills that can be applied beyond the classroom. Tasks are mapped onto a quadrant chart based on their level of rigor and relevance, with the goal of designing lessons that fall in the high rigor/high relevance quadrant D.
Enhancing the recruiter and candidate experience with LinkedIn integrationsMáiréad BehanWays to enhance both the recruiter and candidate experience using LinkedIn integration's such as Plugins and APIs
Preseation of global warming 12344Da KanakoGlobal warming is an increase in the Earth's average atmospheric temperature. It is caused by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This document discusses the impacts of global warming such as rising sea levels, climate change, and mass crop failures. It also discusses solutions like using renewable energy, reducing transportation fuel usage, stopping deforestation, and using biofertilizers instead of chemicals. In conclusion, global warming is a serious issue that countries need to address by reducing emissions to preserve the planet for future generations.
5 copywriting tips every entrepreneur should knowSimon KnightCopywriting is a skill that every business owner and entrepreneur must spend some time on improving. It can take a boring, unprofitable piece of marketing and turn it into something that prospects buy from time and time again. This is a skill that you can learn rather than waiting on a copywriter.
Here are 5 tips to improve your copywriting skill.
Habits of Mindcbrichards81 Here are some positive words that describe being sensitive, considerate and thoughtful:
- Compassionate
- Kind
- Thoughtful
- Empathetic
- Attentive
- Understanding
- Caring
- Respectful
- Supportive
- Patient
- Good listener
What is your life’s blueprintcbrichards81Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. discusses the importance of having a solid blueprint or plan for one's life. He suggests that the most important things to include in a life blueprint are: 1) a deep belief in one's own worth and dignity, 2) a determination to achieve excellence in your chosen field, and 3) setting a goal to do any task or role, no matter how big or small, as well as possible. Dr. King stresses finding purpose and meaning in all work, and urging students to continue their education.
презентація днз №34 державна атестація 2015 рікribkajvДержавна атестація комунального дошкільного навчального закладу (ясел-садка) комбінованого типу №34 "Золота рибка" 2015 рік
2. Проблема, над якою працює
методичне об'єднання:
“ Нові технології виховання-
як основний
чинник стабільного процесу
формування і прийняття
гуманістичних цінностей та
громадянської поведінки .”
3. Г о л о в а МО к л а с н и х к е р і в н и
кі в :
Бельська А.В.
Члени МО класних керівників
5 клас Оченаш В.Г.
6 клас Бельська А.В.
7 клас Рябокоровка З.О.
8 клас Бондар М.М.
9 клас Горячківська Л.О.
10 клас Злагоднюк О.Г.
11 клас Красножон О.В.
4. Відкриті виховні години,позакласні заходи
“ Ми за здоровий
спосіб життя ” “ Конкурс строю і пісні .”
“ В історію свою, візьми нас
Батьківщино ”