Limetree tutorialPedro VelosoLimetree is a free app that allows users to capture happy moments through photos, videos, and notes; easily upload and share content with family and friends; and export all stored content from the app whenever desired. It provides a way for families to save memories across multiple devices in high resolution and have them automatically organized and safely stored for enjoyment.
KnittingSNHalkettKnitting is a method of using thread or wool to create clothing or crafts. The participant will learn knitting from their mother initially and use YouTube videos, knitting for 30 minutes each day or night at their flat or home for relaxation, to learn a new skill, and due to a family history of knitting for newborns. They will record their participation in knitting through weekly blog updates, photos, and uploading helpful YouTube clips.
Le Opportunità dalle RinnovabiliFelicetto MassaIntervento sulle opportunità di crescita economica, tecnologia e sociale dato dalle Rinnovabili Elettriche e Termiche - Politiche Energetiche Locali ed Attività della Commissione Energia dell'Ordine degli Ingegneri di Frosinone
1515726 634814739201100000vishal2512vBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) is the 4th largest telecommunications company in Asia and 7th largest globally, providing GSM and basic telephony services in India. It has over 3 lakh employees. BSNL offers wireless local loop (WLL) services, including fixed and portable WLL, using radio frequencies to connect to the public switched telephone network. Key features include dynamic locking of STD/ISD calls and call waiting/forwarding. The summary provides an overview of BSNL and its WLL services.
Informazione nelle Scuole - Raccolta Differenziata Porta a Porta Comune di Ce...Felicetto MassaInformazione sulla Raccolta Differenziata Porta a Porta del Comune di Ceccano
Ee372 final examcelmaiwatsonThis document appears to be a practice exam for an instrumentation and process control course. It contains 34 multiple choice or short answer questions covering various process control and instrumentation topics, including control system objectives, process variables, transfer functions, thermocouples, strain gauges, PID control, and programmable logic controllers. The questions require knowledge of concepts like control loops, signal conditioning, analog to digital conversion, and developing equations to interface different input and output signals.
Twitter Presentationabradley76Twitter began as a podcasting company called Odeo in 2006 and was created by Jack Dorsey as a way for users to share short messages or "tweets". It has since grown to over 500 million active users and allows individuals and organizations to connect by sharing information and stories through tweets. While it provides a way to stay updated in real-time, it also presents some risks to user privacy and safety that are important to consider.
TVA-Mod4-StudentGuideDocument Doctors, LLCThis document provides an overview of a training module on motivational foundations of performance. The module objectives are to plan positive motivation strategies for employees with different motivation patterns, behavioral styles, and leadership situations. Topics covered include Maslow's hierarchy of needs, patterns of employee motivation, behavioral styles, situational leadership styles, and providing appreciative feedback. The document discusses three levels of leadership and characteristics of great leadership that enhance motivation. It also addresses human needs, behaviors at work, and strategies for motivating different mindsets.
Travels to cauDevinShackelfordThe document suggests that when one is very attached to their current situation or environment, it may be time for a change. Loving the familiar too much could indicate that making alterations would be beneficial. In 3 sentences or less, the high-level message is that strong affection for the existing state of affairs could signal that transformation is needed.
FREE ME! Project ݺߣshowHasif MustafaCreated By:
Mohd Hasif Mustafa
Media Art Final Year Project 2012
Faculty Of Creative Multimedia
Multimedia University Cyberjaya
Habitat school logo2Hari PrasadThe document presents 4 logo design options for Habitat School. Each option features the name "Habitat School" repeated 3 times in different layouts and formatting. The 4 options vary the placement, size, and spacing of the "Habitat School" text to create different visual designs for the school's logo.
Wintech Group BrochureWintechEngineeringThe Wintech Group of Companies specialise in all aspects of facade engineering. From consultancy and design services, to engineering and testing in one of Europe's most up-to-date facilities for static and dynamic building envelope testing.
ImplementationPlan-TVADocument Doctors, LLCThe document provides an implementation plan for redesigning Module 4 of TVA's Challenges of First-Line Leadership course. It includes summaries of the content treatment and learning objectives for sections on great leadership, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, behavioral styles, situational leadership, and appreciative feedback. It outlines teaching strategies like lectures, group activities, and role plays. Learning will be assessed through discussions, workbooks, and personal action planning. The redesign aims to simplify concepts, incorporate DiSC assessments, provide real-world examples, and strengthen application of feedback skills.
Informe ejecutivo pto 2012Municipio de Yondó AntioquíaEl informe presenta los resultados de la ejecución presupuestal de la municipalidad para el año 2012, indicando que se cumplió con los objetivos planteados y se ejecutó el presupuesto asignado de forma adecuada y eficiente.
Studio di Ingegneria Dott. Ing. Felicetto MassaFelicetto MassaBrochure - Studio di Ingegneria Dott. Ing. Felicetto Massa
Attività di Energy Management, Consulenza e Progettazioni per Smart Buildings e Smart Cities
MEFTECSaud GhayasThe document advertises the MEFTEC event which is an 8th annual exhibition and conference focused on connecting financial technology vendors with top buyers from emerging markets like the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. It highlights the exclusive Hosted Delegate Program which vets and invites key decision makers from top institutions to attend. Exhibitors and sponsors are able to meet and do business with over 500 pre-qualified senior executives, with over 90% being C-level, from 27 countries. The event offers sponsorship packages and exhibition space booking opportunities.
Как стать счастливой женщиной в кресле руководителя?admformulasПрезентация к бесплатному вебинару "Как стать счастливой женщиной в кресле руководителя"
Автор Иосиф Миневич
Стратегия самопродвижения: написание текстовАлександра РуденкоПрезентация вебинара от Клуба репетиторов, продолжение темы продвижения репетиторских услуг. Зачем и как писать тексты репетитору. Спикер: Александра Руденко, органиазтор Клуба репетиторов
Ee372 final examcelmaiwatsonThis document appears to be a practice exam for an instrumentation and process control course. It contains 34 multiple choice or short answer questions covering various process control and instrumentation topics, including control system objectives, process variables, transfer functions, thermocouples, strain gauges, PID control, and programmable logic controllers. The questions require knowledge of concepts like control loops, signal conditioning, analog to digital conversion, and developing equations to interface different input and output signals.
Twitter Presentationabradley76Twitter began as a podcasting company called Odeo in 2006 and was created by Jack Dorsey as a way for users to share short messages or "tweets". It has since grown to over 500 million active users and allows individuals and organizations to connect by sharing information and stories through tweets. While it provides a way to stay updated in real-time, it also presents some risks to user privacy and safety that are important to consider.
TVA-Mod4-StudentGuideDocument Doctors, LLCThis document provides an overview of a training module on motivational foundations of performance. The module objectives are to plan positive motivation strategies for employees with different motivation patterns, behavioral styles, and leadership situations. Topics covered include Maslow's hierarchy of needs, patterns of employee motivation, behavioral styles, situational leadership styles, and providing appreciative feedback. The document discusses three levels of leadership and characteristics of great leadership that enhance motivation. It also addresses human needs, behaviors at work, and strategies for motivating different mindsets.
Travels to cauDevinShackelfordThe document suggests that when one is very attached to their current situation or environment, it may be time for a change. Loving the familiar too much could indicate that making alterations would be beneficial. In 3 sentences or less, the high-level message is that strong affection for the existing state of affairs could signal that transformation is needed.
FREE ME! Project ݺߣshowHasif MustafaCreated By:
Mohd Hasif Mustafa
Media Art Final Year Project 2012
Faculty Of Creative Multimedia
Multimedia University Cyberjaya
Habitat school logo2Hari PrasadThe document presents 4 logo design options for Habitat School. Each option features the name "Habitat School" repeated 3 times in different layouts and formatting. The 4 options vary the placement, size, and spacing of the "Habitat School" text to create different visual designs for the school's logo.
Wintech Group BrochureWintechEngineeringThe Wintech Group of Companies specialise in all aspects of facade engineering. From consultancy and design services, to engineering and testing in one of Europe's most up-to-date facilities for static and dynamic building envelope testing.
ImplementationPlan-TVADocument Doctors, LLCThe document provides an implementation plan for redesigning Module 4 of TVA's Challenges of First-Line Leadership course. It includes summaries of the content treatment and learning objectives for sections on great leadership, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, behavioral styles, situational leadership, and appreciative feedback. It outlines teaching strategies like lectures, group activities, and role plays. Learning will be assessed through discussions, workbooks, and personal action planning. The redesign aims to simplify concepts, incorporate DiSC assessments, provide real-world examples, and strengthen application of feedback skills.
Informe ejecutivo pto 2012Municipio de Yondó AntioquíaEl informe presenta los resultados de la ejecución presupuestal de la municipalidad para el año 2012, indicando que se cumplió con los objetivos planteados y se ejecutó el presupuesto asignado de forma adecuada y eficiente.
Studio di Ingegneria Dott. Ing. Felicetto MassaFelicetto MassaBrochure - Studio di Ingegneria Dott. Ing. Felicetto Massa
Attività di Energy Management, Consulenza e Progettazioni per Smart Buildings e Smart Cities
MEFTECSaud GhayasThe document advertises the MEFTEC event which is an 8th annual exhibition and conference focused on connecting financial technology vendors with top buyers from emerging markets like the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. It highlights the exclusive Hosted Delegate Program which vets and invites key decision makers from top institutions to attend. Exhibitors and sponsors are able to meet and do business with over 500 pre-qualified senior executives, with over 90% being C-level, from 27 countries. The event offers sponsorship packages and exhibition space booking opportunities.
Как стать счастливой женщиной в кресле руководителя?admformulasПрезентация к бесплатному вебинару "Как стать счастливой женщиной в кресле руководителя"
Автор Иосиф Миневич
Стратегия самопродвижения: написание текстовАлександра РуденкоПрезентация вебинара от Клуба репетиторов, продолжение темы продвижения репетиторских услуг. Зачем и как писать тексты репетитору. Спикер: Александра Руденко, органиазтор Клуба репетиторов
Как сделать вебинар нескучным_Юрий Майский 02.02.10Сообщество eLearning PROВебинар – сравнительно новая форма взаимодействия ведущего (тьютора, модератора) с аудиторией (студентами, слушателями, коллегами). Цели, с которыми проводятся нынче вебинары весьма и весьма разнообразны: промоушены, дискуссии, обмен опытом, мозговые штурмы…
Но, безусловно, во всех случаях есть общие закономерности организации и проведения.
Цель вебинара - обсудить, что нужно знать и что учесть при подготовке вебинара.
Целевая группа - все, кто использует, или предполагает использовать в своей практике вебинары.
План вебинара:
- Как следует ставить цели на вебинар,
- Как организуются вебинары,
- Какие материалы стоит готовить,
- Особенности подачи учебного материала для такого способа взаимодействия,
- Какие есть особенности общения ведущего со слушателями и наоборот,
- Технические требования к организации вебинаров.
"Волшебный пендель"или как провести свой первый вебинар"Елена ТимофееваВебинар - практика, как назначить, описать и подготовится к своему первому вебинару
Роман Васильев Тренинги по нетворкингу Roman VasilyevОписание вариантов тренинга по нетворкингу с практическими моментами. Тренер, Роман Васильев, использовал его для рассказа о своих тренинга и погружения в поле нетворкинга.
Что такое нетворкинг? В широком смысле нетворкинг (networking) это выстраивание отношений между людьми. Он предполагает активное знакомство с людьми – создание постоянно увеличивающегося круга связей. Он отличается от общительности своей целенаправленностью.
Тренинг нетворкинг Нетвокинг интересен и полезен для:
+ Бизнесменов; руководителей компаний и ее подразделений;
+ Менеджеров по развитию, работе с клиентами и продажам;
+ Людей, которые хотят быть успешными и развивать свои навыки коммуникации.
Из нюансов нетворкинга в соц. сетях Профиль – это Ваше лицо Ваш профиль – это ваш имидж, ваш статус и помощник в делах. А при неумелом использовании – ваш злейший враг. Максимально наполните его интересной информацией о Вас и фотографиями.
Некоторые нюансы нетворкинга на деловом мероприятии
+ Начните с закрытого вопроса
+ Представляя людей друг другу не ограничивайтесь именем
+ Подытоживайте и перефразируйте
+ Будьте «уместно уязвимы»
+ Попросите хозяина мероприятия представить Вас
Направления деятельности Романа Васильева:
+ Тренинги профессионального и личного роста:
+ Публичные выступления и модерирование
+ Диагностика первых лиц, персонала и личная
+ Бизнес консалтинг (продажи, маркетинг, клиентинг, персонал, стратегия)
+ Коучинг, помощь в карьере
+ Подбор эксклюзивного персонала
+ Организация профессиональных сообществ
+ Решение сложных и актуальных задач
Внедрение вебинаровWebinar.ruРуководитель группы дистанционного обучения компании Mary Kay и преподаватель Вебинар-Академии Владимир Казаков поделится, как обучать сотрудников, используя вебинары. Ознакомьтесь с расписанием Вебинар-Академии -
Самопродвижение при малом бюджете для репетитораАлександра РуденкоКакие шаги нужно обязательно выполнить для того, чтобы стратегия самопродвижения работала на вас и при малом бюджете. Для репетиторов весьма полезная информация
Презентация на тему Инструменты электронного обученияobstinateВ презентации рассмотрены основные инструменты электронного обучения. Даны краткие характеристики инструментов электронного обучения. Презентация основана на материалах электронной книги "Инструменты электронного обучения" (eLearning center,руководитель Елена Тихомирова).
8. Каким должен быть ведущий
индивидуально - неповторимым
1. Хорошо владеть информацией.
2. Обладать навыками проведения
3. Владеть инструментами проведения и
организации вебинара.
9. Спасибо за
С Вами была Лариса Бух
Школа Ведущих Вебинары
Журнал ВебинарингPRO
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