Поиск информации в Интернете. Рекомендации эффективного поискаОльга БулгаковаМатериал подготовлен в помощь библиотекарям Одесской области, слушателям Модуля 1 программы «Бібліоміст» в РТЦ (рекомендации для поисковых систем Google и Яндекс)
EN29_FoodEntrepreneursTony VengroveBen Paletsky took over his family's 150-acre South Farms in Morris, Connecticut in 2009. He is working to reinvent the farm by embracing agricultural technology and innovation. Some innovations include automated water and fencing systems for his grass-fed beef operation. Paletsky's vision is to create an agricultural technology incubator on the farm to support food and technology startups. He is building a commercial kitchen to help early-stage food businesses produce and market their products. Paletsky aims to redefine what Connecticut agriculture means through collaboration and innovation at South Farms.
Customizing WordPress ThemesDomestic Equity StudioThis document discusses customizing WordPress themes. It begins by introducing the author and his experience with WordPress design. It then outlines a two part process for customizing themes: planning and designing in Photoshop, then implementing changes through CSS, PHP templates, and plugins. Specific examples are provided on customizing navigation, plugins, and page templates through simple CSS and code additions. Responsive design considerations are also addressed. The goal is to demonstrate how beginners can make visual enhancements to themes.
7 myths of entrepreneurshipBryan CassadyThe document summarizes 7 common myths about entrepreneurship. It discusses that successful entrepreneurs often have small, proven ideas rather than only big ideas. Most new businesses fail due to lack of market need rather than the product. Entrepreneurship is more about removing risks than taking risks. Successful entrepreneurs are motivated by their interests rather than only money. With the right approach, many people have the potential for entrepreneurship, not just a select few.
Partner Training R2CFNetworkThe document provides information about Partner Training Round 2 hosted by the Community Forums Network (CFN) focusing on K-12 Education in Washington Part I: Funding. It outlines that Round 2 will take place from September 14 to October 28. It details how partners can generate online survey responses, host in-person forums, and promote their events to earn grants from CFN and have an impact on public education in Washington. Key sections of the CFN website for partners are also highlighted.
Assignment 6 tv channal analysisjodiefoster96Channel 4 and Channel 5 target different audiences. Channel 4 targets adults aged 18-35 and produces a wide range of programming from comedies and dramas to documentaries and news. It commissions content from over 300 independent UK producers. In contrast, Channel 5 targets younger audiences aged 2-30 with many children's programs. It also produces reality shows like Celebrity Big Brother that appeal to younger viewers. Both channels have sister channels but Channel 4 owns more, including E4, Film4, and 4Music.
Assignment 8 : Narrative theoryjodiefoster96The document summarizes Todorov's theory of narrative structure, which identifies 5 stages in typical narratives: equilibrium, disequilibrium, recognition of disequilibrium, attempt to repair disequilibrium, and new equilibrium. It then analyzes the film Armageddon based on these stages, showing how the film establishes an initial normality, introduces a problem in the form of an asteroid threat, has the characters recognize the problem, depict their attempt to repair it by destroying the asteroid, and establishes a new normality at the end. The document also discusses other narrative theories and concepts like binary oppositions and iconography.
54329162 si'Putra Sunan'Sistem informasi mampu mendukung bisnis dengan mengoptimalkan aliran informasi antar perusahaan dan pemasok, meningkatkan efisiensi bisnis, serta memanfaatkan peluang globalisasi seperti perangkat lunak yang mudah digunakan dan penyatuan database perusahaan.
MyselfinsachinsThis document provides an overview of the author's background and experiences. It summarizes that the author is from India and attended IIT Roorkee. They work in building design and specialize in BIM technology, LEED certification, design development, 3D visualization, and MEP coordination. The author's qualities include being adaptable and flexible, as well as a fast learner focused on results. Their accreditations include being a LEED AP with the COA in India. Hobbies include traveling, photography, computer games, internet surfing, singing, and cricket. The document includes two favorite quotes about ideas and organic architecture.
Questtionarezoe_turnerThe majority of people who completed the questionnaire were between 14-17 years old. Most respondents reported that they currently buy or have bought NME magazine in the past. When asked what they would like to see in a music magazine, most people selected "Artists or bands you like".
Magazine researchpaigecasterxThe document discusses selecting and constructing photography for a music magazine. It provides examples of photographs that could be used for different sections of the magazine like the front cover, contents page, and double page spreads. The photographs show artists, props, creative makeup and lighting. Sources for finding professional photography, textures, and inspiration for album covers are also listed.
Media study.zoe_turnerThe document provides instructions for editing images and text in Photoshop. It describes how to change an image to black and white while keeping certain colors, how to add text by selecting fonts on dafont.com and pasting into Photoshop, how to transform letters by selecting, skewing, and free transforming them, and how to add brushes downloaded from psbrushes.net by selecting them from the brush panel.
Projct pptVishal SinghThe document discusses the results of a study into the news consumption patterns of young Indian adults aged 18-30. It finds that while traditional media is losing popularity, digital media is bringing young people back to news through different distribution platforms. Traditional notions that young people don't care about news are wrong - the genres of news consumed vary and include entertainment, sports, international and business news. Young adults prefer accessing news online for convenience and on platforms like laptops and smartphones. While new devices are popular for news, television remains the most enjoyable platform. The study provides insights into optimizing news delivery to this demographic across different media.
Sermon thou knowest not the time of the visitationKevin DominiqueThe document discusses the mark of the beast from Revelation and argues that it is Sunday worship, based on the following points:
1) The Bible designates the Sabbath as Saturday and a sign of God's authority, while Sunday worship was established by the Catholic Church and is recognized as the mark of its authority.
2) Roman Catholic sources admit that there is no scriptural authority for Sunday worship but that it was transferred from Saturday by the Catholic Church's tradition and power.
3) By observing Sunday, Protestants are accepting the authority of the Pope and Catholic Church instead of relying solely on scripture as their proclaimed standard, as Rome challenged in the Council of Trent. Sunday observance is therefore
Preliminary postersmarwasaroyaThe document provides an analysis of 4 preliminary horror movie posters. It summarizes the key elements of each poster that are effective or could be improved. Generally, the posters that are most effective incorporate conventions of horror like dark colors, mysterious shadows, and threatening images or symbols. Elements like direct eye contact, blurred images, and warnings are noted as techniques that increase unease or suspense for the audience. Minor issues like image quality or text placement are also pointed out. The analysis considers how each poster conveys the mysterious or frightening atmosphere expected of the horror genre.
201309 독서모임에서Woo Sung Jeong졸저 <세상을>(에이콘출판사2012)를 읽는 경영자독서모임에서 저자 강연을 하는데, 거기서 발표하는 자료입니다. 글은 없고 이미지만 있어서 이 PPT만으로는 메시지가 잘 전달될지는 의문이군요. 하지만 현장에서는 잘 전달됩니다.
Blood test for detecting fetal abnormalities gaining interestBest care Lab A non-invasive maternal blood test that can detect certain fetal chromosomal disorders, including Down syndrome, early in pregnancy is improving some skill of attention as a potential new method of prenatal screening. Currently, several organizations support its use in pregnant women at high risk of having a child with a disorder caused by an abnormal number of chromosomes. However, invasive diagnostic tests, such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis, are needed to confirm the results, still.
미사교 0924 google_plusSeok LeeGoogle Plus is Google's social networking service launched in 2011. It allows users to video chat through Google Hangouts, share updates and photos with circles of contacts, participate in communities on specific topics, and attend virtual events and Hangouts on Air which are livestreamed video conferences. The document provides an overview of the main features and sections of Google Plus including profiles, people, photos, communities, events, pages and settings.
EN29_FoodEntrepreneursTony VengroveBen Paletsky took over his family's 150-acre South Farms in Morris, Connecticut in 2009. He is working to reinvent the farm by embracing agricultural technology and innovation. Some innovations include automated water and fencing systems for his grass-fed beef operation. Paletsky's vision is to create an agricultural technology incubator on the farm to support food and technology startups. He is building a commercial kitchen to help early-stage food businesses produce and market their products. Paletsky aims to redefine what Connecticut agriculture means through collaboration and innovation at South Farms.
Customizing WordPress ThemesDomestic Equity StudioThis document discusses customizing WordPress themes. It begins by introducing the author and his experience with WordPress design. It then outlines a two part process for customizing themes: planning and designing in Photoshop, then implementing changes through CSS, PHP templates, and plugins. Specific examples are provided on customizing navigation, plugins, and page templates through simple CSS and code additions. Responsive design considerations are also addressed. The goal is to demonstrate how beginners can make visual enhancements to themes.
7 myths of entrepreneurshipBryan CassadyThe document summarizes 7 common myths about entrepreneurship. It discusses that successful entrepreneurs often have small, proven ideas rather than only big ideas. Most new businesses fail due to lack of market need rather than the product. Entrepreneurship is more about removing risks than taking risks. Successful entrepreneurs are motivated by their interests rather than only money. With the right approach, many people have the potential for entrepreneurship, not just a select few.
Partner Training R2CFNetworkThe document provides information about Partner Training Round 2 hosted by the Community Forums Network (CFN) focusing on K-12 Education in Washington Part I: Funding. It outlines that Round 2 will take place from September 14 to October 28. It details how partners can generate online survey responses, host in-person forums, and promote their events to earn grants from CFN and have an impact on public education in Washington. Key sections of the CFN website for partners are also highlighted.
Assignment 6 tv channal analysisjodiefoster96Channel 4 and Channel 5 target different audiences. Channel 4 targets adults aged 18-35 and produces a wide range of programming from comedies and dramas to documentaries and news. It commissions content from over 300 independent UK producers. In contrast, Channel 5 targets younger audiences aged 2-30 with many children's programs. It also produces reality shows like Celebrity Big Brother that appeal to younger viewers. Both channels have sister channels but Channel 4 owns more, including E4, Film4, and 4Music.
Assignment 8 : Narrative theoryjodiefoster96The document summarizes Todorov's theory of narrative structure, which identifies 5 stages in typical narratives: equilibrium, disequilibrium, recognition of disequilibrium, attempt to repair disequilibrium, and new equilibrium. It then analyzes the film Armageddon based on these stages, showing how the film establishes an initial normality, introduces a problem in the form of an asteroid threat, has the characters recognize the problem, depict their attempt to repair it by destroying the asteroid, and establishes a new normality at the end. The document also discusses other narrative theories and concepts like binary oppositions and iconography.
54329162 si'Putra Sunan'Sistem informasi mampu mendukung bisnis dengan mengoptimalkan aliran informasi antar perusahaan dan pemasok, meningkatkan efisiensi bisnis, serta memanfaatkan peluang globalisasi seperti perangkat lunak yang mudah digunakan dan penyatuan database perusahaan.
MyselfinsachinsThis document provides an overview of the author's background and experiences. It summarizes that the author is from India and attended IIT Roorkee. They work in building design and specialize in BIM technology, LEED certification, design development, 3D visualization, and MEP coordination. The author's qualities include being adaptable and flexible, as well as a fast learner focused on results. Their accreditations include being a LEED AP with the COA in India. Hobbies include traveling, photography, computer games, internet surfing, singing, and cricket. The document includes two favorite quotes about ideas and organic architecture.
Questtionarezoe_turnerThe majority of people who completed the questionnaire were between 14-17 years old. Most respondents reported that they currently buy or have bought NME magazine in the past. When asked what they would like to see in a music magazine, most people selected "Artists or bands you like".
Magazine researchpaigecasterxThe document discusses selecting and constructing photography for a music magazine. It provides examples of photographs that could be used for different sections of the magazine like the front cover, contents page, and double page spreads. The photographs show artists, props, creative makeup and lighting. Sources for finding professional photography, textures, and inspiration for album covers are also listed.
Media study.zoe_turnerThe document provides instructions for editing images and text in Photoshop. It describes how to change an image to black and white while keeping certain colors, how to add text by selecting fonts on dafont.com and pasting into Photoshop, how to transform letters by selecting, skewing, and free transforming them, and how to add brushes downloaded from psbrushes.net by selecting them from the brush panel.
Projct pptVishal SinghThe document discusses the results of a study into the news consumption patterns of young Indian adults aged 18-30. It finds that while traditional media is losing popularity, digital media is bringing young people back to news through different distribution platforms. Traditional notions that young people don't care about news are wrong - the genres of news consumed vary and include entertainment, sports, international and business news. Young adults prefer accessing news online for convenience and on platforms like laptops and smartphones. While new devices are popular for news, television remains the most enjoyable platform. The study provides insights into optimizing news delivery to this demographic across different media.
Sermon thou knowest not the time of the visitationKevin DominiqueThe document discusses the mark of the beast from Revelation and argues that it is Sunday worship, based on the following points:
1) The Bible designates the Sabbath as Saturday and a sign of God's authority, while Sunday worship was established by the Catholic Church and is recognized as the mark of its authority.
2) Roman Catholic sources admit that there is no scriptural authority for Sunday worship but that it was transferred from Saturday by the Catholic Church's tradition and power.
3) By observing Sunday, Protestants are accepting the authority of the Pope and Catholic Church instead of relying solely on scripture as their proclaimed standard, as Rome challenged in the Council of Trent. Sunday observance is therefore
Preliminary postersmarwasaroyaThe document provides an analysis of 4 preliminary horror movie posters. It summarizes the key elements of each poster that are effective or could be improved. Generally, the posters that are most effective incorporate conventions of horror like dark colors, mysterious shadows, and threatening images or symbols. Elements like direct eye contact, blurred images, and warnings are noted as techniques that increase unease or suspense for the audience. Minor issues like image quality or text placement are also pointed out. The analysis considers how each poster conveys the mysterious or frightening atmosphere expected of the horror genre.
201309 독서모임에서Woo Sung Jeong졸저 <세상을>(에이콘출판사2012)를 읽는 경영자독서모임에서 저자 강연을 하는데, 거기서 발표하는 자료입니다. 글은 없고 이미지만 있어서 이 PPT만으로는 메시지가 잘 전달될지는 의문이군요. 하지만 현장에서는 잘 전달됩니다.
Blood test for detecting fetal abnormalities gaining interestBest care Lab A non-invasive maternal blood test that can detect certain fetal chromosomal disorders, including Down syndrome, early in pregnancy is improving some skill of attention as a potential new method of prenatal screening. Currently, several organizations support its use in pregnant women at high risk of having a child with a disorder caused by an abnormal number of chromosomes. However, invasive diagnostic tests, such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis, are needed to confirm the results, still.
미사교 0924 google_plusSeok LeeGoogle Plus is Google's social networking service launched in 2011. It allows users to video chat through Google Hangouts, share updates and photos with circles of contacts, participate in communities on specific topics, and attend virtual events and Hangouts on Air which are livestreamed video conferences. The document provides an overview of the main features and sections of Google Plus including profiles, people, photos, communities, events, pages and settings.
1. К
Перелинковка портала объявлений
Текстовая составляющая туристического
Бородкина Екатерина
Куратор – Леонид Гроховский, руководитель
учебного центра «ТопЭксперт»
7. Снять на длительный срок
двухкомнатную квартиру
м Серпуховская
Что можем предложить
Какие ссылки могут быть полезны
посетителю и
8. Список ссылок
• Сн на длит срок к кв м Серпуховская
• Сн. на длит. срок 3к.кв., м.Серпуховская
• Сн. на длит. срок 2к.кв., м.Тульская
• Сн. на длит. срок 2к.кв., м.Полянка
• Сн. на длит. срок квартиру
• Сн. двухкомнатную квартиру
• Сн. квартиру
13. О чѐм тексты
• О стране
• Отдельно о курортах страны
• Отдельно о каждом городе
• О достопримечательностях городов
• Отдельно о каждом отеле
• О реках
• О знаменательных событиях
• О знаменитых людях